• last year


00:00If you're in trouble and you need someone to help you out There's no need to whistle, and there's no need to shout
00:15Hey, hey, hey, hey, help is on its way!
00:19Call the Gowada Brothers!
00:27Help is on its way!
00:31Mitzi the Possum loved to have fun with her friends in the outback
00:40Hooray! Over here!
00:43Got you!
00:46No I haven't!
00:48Hurry up Buster, we'll be late!
00:53Coming Frank!
00:54Where are you going?
00:56We said we'd help Sammy collect honey from his bees
00:58Can I come?
01:00Of course Mitzi! See you at the beehives!
01:05Stand by!
01:06Standing by!
01:10Shocks away Buster!
01:14Shocks away Frank! Get the gate then!
01:17I'm getting the gate Frank!
01:22Buckle up Buster!
01:23Buckled up!
01:47And so the wasp takes off and flies away
01:50And then the bee says, buzz buzz, buzz buzz!
01:59That was a good one Buster, I love your bee jokes!
02:07There's another one Buster!
02:10Let's see now, have you heard the one about the bee who goes into a honey shop?
02:16Well is this bee right?
02:18Everyone found Buster's jokes funny except Mitzi
02:22And that made her feel left out
02:24Thanks for your help everyone
02:26You two want a lift to the store?
02:28Yes please!
02:31Righty ho, I'm done here for the day
02:33I still don't get it
02:36Mitzi wished that she could tell jokes and make everyone laugh like Buster
02:44Good morning George!
02:59What are we laughing at Frank?
03:03Buster's been telling his bee jokes again
03:09Oh has he? They're great!
03:18Hi everyone!
03:22What's so funny?
03:24Buster's been telling us his bee jokes
03:28Oh those, they are funny
03:33How did they go again?
03:36What's so great about Buster's bee jokes?
03:39They're funny Mitzi
03:41They make us laugh
03:48I must go, I was, oh yes, I'm baking bread for when Sammy's honey's ready
03:55I have to go too, got my rounds to do, see you later
04:10Mitzi thought that she'd found a way of making people laugh
04:14Isn't only Buster that can make people laugh, I want to make people laugh too
04:23I need one more jar
04:25Great, that's enough honey for everyone
04:33Mitzi, what are you doing?
04:37It'll be funny
04:54Hello Mitzi
04:55Hi Alice, I came to help with your baking
05:01You were baking bread?
05:03Oh, oh yes, so I was
05:07Hi Alice, here's your honey
05:09Thank you
05:17What can I do?
05:19You can hand me that spoon
05:22Mitzi saw another chance to play a joke on somebody
05:27Here you go Alice
05:49Hello Mitzi
05:51Hi Archie, did you hear?
05:53Sammy's giving away honey to anyone who goes up and down the street buzzing like a bee
05:59Is he?
06:00A bee you say, ha, I can do that
06:14Well why never, what's going on with Archie?
06:18Zzzz, zzzz, zzzz, zzzz
06:23Hello Sammy, ha ha ha, I'd like my free honey now please
06:28Zzzz, zzzz, zzzz
06:32I'm sorry Archie, I don't know what you mean
06:35Zzzz, zzzz, zzzz
06:39Oh, so you're not giving away honey to people who buzz like bees?
06:43Erm, no
06:45Oh, sorry, but Mitzi said, never mind, what a shame
06:51Oh well, I'd better buzz off
06:53Zzzz, zzzz, zzzz
06:56Hey Josie, that was so funny
07:02Poor Archie
07:04Oh, but Sammy thought it was funny, didn't he?
07:12You thought it was funny, didn't you Alice?
07:14Oh, it's sticking to me, oh
07:19Gosh Alice, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone
07:25Sammy, Sammy, I'm sorry
07:33Josie, what have I done?
07:36Mitzi realised that she'd upset everybody
07:39Zzzz, nothing like a cool drink on a hot day
07:43You can say that again Buster
07:45Hey, there's Mitzi, she looks sad
07:51Hey Mitzi, whatever's the matter?
07:54I've upset everyone
07:56Oh no, what happened?
07:58I wanted to make people laugh like you do, but I'm no good at jokes, so I played tricks instead
08:05I moved Sammy's honey jars so they fell down, I made Alice all sticky, then I got Archie to buzz like a bee
08:13But the honey jars got broken and Alice didn't like getting sticky and Archie got disappointed
08:21All I wanted was to make people laugh, I'm really sorry
08:26Oh Mitzi, maybe you just went about it the wrong way
08:30Yeah, there's a difference between making people laugh by telling jokes to them and playing jokes on them
08:36I wonder how I can make them feel better
08:39I wonder
08:41I know, what if I dress up and do something funny for them?
08:46Hey, that's a great idea, but what are you going to dress up as?
08:50I know just the thing
08:55Roll up, roll up, get your honey here
09:00That's a very good costume, Mitzi
09:03That's a very funny costume
09:08To hear it
09:09That's the best bee joke I've heard all day, Mitzi
09:17Thanks Buster
09:19So Mitzi did make everyone laugh after all
09:24So Mitzi did make everyone laugh after all
09:28And she realised that it's always better to laugh with people than laugh at them
