All empires down-20240718-WA0084

  • 3 months ago
Lessons of all arrogant empires...
00:00This be like us is over. This be like us or become like us is over.
00:07And that's what the Americans cannot understand.
00:09They still believe that they have to lead the world. It must be led by the Americans.
00:14And the reason they can't see it and they are in denial is that it's going down.
00:20Not the U.S. as a state or a society, but as an empire.
00:25And all empires go down. There's no empire that has existed forever.
00:30So you may say the United States today is Titanic.
00:35The West is sitting as restaurants in Titanic.
00:38And the water is coming up around the windows.
00:42Now instead of then reaching out and say, OK, our time is over.
00:46We will be one among many and we will cooperate with you.
00:50What they do is they insist on one thing.
00:53And that is to dominate by means of deception, untruths, narratives and secondly militarism.
01:01I would like to predict at this occasion the United States will go the same way as the Soviet Union
01:08because it is militarizing itself to death.
01:12The Americans don't do diplomacy anymore. They send weapons.
01:17They pour in weapons because that's what they are best at.
01:19But no country can survive with just being strong in one sense.
01:24For instance, militarily.
01:26If you become politically weak, you become economically weak, you become psychologically weak,
01:32you become weak in terms of international law and legitimacy, then you are on your way down.
01:37A strong country is one which has high level on all power indicators
01:43and do not over-militarize and neglect the other power scales.
01:49The United States has, you can say, a MIMAC.
01:52MIMAC, Military Industrial Media Academic Complex.
01:57These are elites who have common interests with each other such as producing weapons,
02:03selling weapons, using weapons, destroying countries, rebuilding countries again.
02:07But they do not have any common interest with the people in their countries.
02:12They are outside democratic control and who said that?
02:16President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961 or 62, whenever he made his farewell speech.
02:24It's a very famous speech by a man who was a general himself.
02:28Who said the United States has developed a military industrial complex?
02:34He didn't call it MIMAC as I do.
02:36And we need to put it under control to remain a democracy.
02:41What is undermined very, very clearly now is pluralist open media and our democracy in the West
02:48because everything is now geared to warfare and militarism.
02:52More, more, more.
02:54There is nobody who stops to think.
02:57There is nobody who stops to think about the long-term consequences of pouring in weapons
03:03and never solving the conflicts.
03:06You just look at what goes on now in Israel.
03:09The country that has so much weaponry already, had nuclear weapons,
03:14have had a special agreement with weapons with the United States.
03:17Five billion dollars a year, I don't know for how many years.
03:20What is the first reaction in Washington?
03:22We must transfer even more weapons to Israel.
03:28This is a sick society.
03:30It's a sick way of thinking.
03:33And of course this whole thing has to do with, as I said before,
03:37the dream, the unrealistic dream or illusion that if we can get rid of Russia as an opponent
03:43and we created that opponent ourselves because they never invaded a NATO country,
03:48they hope that they can concentrate all NATO's resources on a cold war
03:54or, God forbid, a hot war against China.
03:57You just go to NATO's homepage and you look at the threat perception.
04:02NATO is now characterized to be something like a church.
04:05You either believe in this nonsense or you don't.
04:08There's never an argument on NATO's homepage.
04:12The text is, China is a threat or a challenge because China is different from us.
04:19China has different interests from us in the West.
04:22Now if that's how you define a threat, everybody around the world basically is a threat.
04:29So the whole thing is a military-industrial complex lives from finding enemies
04:35because if you don't have enemies or say you have enemies or appoint somebody or make enemies,
04:41you can't legitimate your own arms development
04:45and the military-industrial-media-academic complex will fall apart.
04:50So that's why the moment we get rid of that military-industrial-media-academic complex,
04:55we can begin to talk to each other as human beings.
04:58So the long story short here I think is that I wouldn't trust that the...