00:00Now, this is quite a discovery. Fragments of a biblical scroll.
00:05Turkish authorities have confirmed that an ancient Bible thought to be 1,500 years old.
00:10The discovery of Bible written 1,500 years ago has revealed many secrets to the public.
00:16The Gospel of Barnabas found in Turkey during the anti-smuggling operation.
00:21Many of its teachings are matches with those in the Koran
00:24and oppose the Bible, especially the New Testament.
00:27This Bible recognized Jesus not as God or Son of God
00:31but merely as a prophet who delivered God words.
00:34The Gospel of Barnabas claims that instead of Jesus, Judas was crucified
00:39and Jesus was ascended to heaven while he was still alive.
00:43Chapter 39 of this Bible predicts the upcoming prophet
00:47and mentions his name as Muhammad, who will come after him with new teachings.
00:51The Catholic Church has tried to hide this Bible from the public.
00:54Now, this is quite a discovery.