FFG Politics Steven Crowder vs Daily Wire

  • 3 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for FFG Politics Steven Crowder vs Daily Wire. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00Paul Burry, Family From The Gaming, The Judge, Courts in Session, This is NFG Politics on
00:21Steven Crowder vs. The Daily Wire.
00:23Did you hear?
00:24Did you hear?
00:25Did you hear?
00:26You may have heard.
00:27There was a lot of snafu, kerfunkle, unhappy feelings between some people.
00:38They were doing negotiations.
00:39So if you haven't seen, I have watched some of the Daily Wire videos on YouTube and I
00:45have watched some of the Steven Crowder live streams on Rumble, also on YouTube.
00:52He has the Louder With Crowder.
00:54He also did the Change My Mind segment where he goes to a college campus, comes up with
00:59a hot button topic and has people come and try to change his mind.
01:04For example, he did one about there are only two genders and then he had people try to
01:13change his mind on that.
01:15He also, people are like, he never changes his mind.
01:18Well, actually, he did.
01:22He changed his mind and he had a video about it on the Tesla.
01:26He didn't think that electric vehicles could get up and go and move and then he got a Tesla
01:33and he drove it and he was like, wow, this thing is awesome.
01:37He didn't actually use that, but that's mine.
01:42So he had been signed with the Blaze, Blaze TV, if you're not familiar with that.
01:51He is a conservative, let's say, comedian, talk show host, and the Blaze was ending his
02:03contract or his contract was ending and they were not going to renew him type of deal.
02:06So he obviously had money coming in from the Blaze and had Blaze stuff going on.
02:10However, he's also got Mug Club and he has plenty of people paying him money.
02:16From what I've been told, he's making millions of dollars every year.
02:21Daily Wire offered him a contract, did not put an NDA on there.
02:27NDA is a non-disclose, so you can't disclose it publicly.
02:32They didn't do that.
02:33In fact, he also released some audio of a conversation he had with them in negotiations.
02:41So they offered him $50 million over four years and I think they could renew two years
02:53after that for, I think it was like, was it $25 million a year or something like that?
02:59Not sure of that exact stat, but there was a two-year option to renew.
03:04Now, here's where things get kind of interesting.
03:09The contracts had stuff in there where there was decentives.
03:18You're probably familiar with incentives.
03:20So an incentive would be like, say with a football player, if they're a quarterback
03:25and they throw, I don't know, 25 touchdown passes in a season, they'll get like an extra
03:30million dollars.
03:31Like you get an incentive in your contract.
03:33What the Daily Wire did with their contract with Steven Crowder is they gave him decentives.
03:39So if he got demonetized, if he got, was it copyright strikes or different strikes
03:49with like, say like YouTube, it was like Instagram and someone else.
03:56If he got these, they were going to take so much money from him.
04:01So all these people are like, he turned down $50 million.
04:06Well, he wasn't ever going to get $50 million because if you know his history, he has gotten
04:10himself in trouble with YouTube.
04:11In fact, he's not even monetized on YouTube, okay?
04:16I assume he's monetized on Rumble, but I don't know.
04:19In fact, from what I heard, he also has over a million subscribers on Rumble.
04:25And they make money on their mug club.
04:30They have a website where people buy coffee cups and shirts and different stuff from him.
04:37And he's also got a paid subscription service through Mug Club.
04:40So they'll do so much free on like YouTube and or Rumble.
04:47And then they'll do so much more behind the pay gate on the Mug Club website.
04:54So that's what he's currently doing.
05:00They were going to take money away.
05:01And so knowing his history, he would probably get copyright strikes.
05:06He would probably get suspended.
05:09He's been suspended from YouTube before and done lawsuits against them.
05:15He's said jokes that the woke supremacist have been offended by and attacked him for it and tried to destroy him.
05:26Also, if he was boycotted.
05:28Now, that to me is really messed up
05:31because people on the political left who don't like people on political right boycott them as often as possible.
05:37And so it's like, well, these things are going to happen to him.
05:42So he's going to lose this money, this 50 million over four years.
05:45And who knows how much he would wind up earning over that time.
05:52Now, he wanted a report I read was that he wanted 30 million dollars a year.
05:59And he didn't want any of the dissenters.
06:03And he referenced, well.
06:09The guy from Daily Wire referenced that people when they start out there have to be wage slaves.
06:14And so when he when he when Stephen Carter went out there and said something about being a wage slave,
06:20this like just offended so many people like, oh, 50 million dollars is a wage slave.
06:24Oh, you know, it's kind of like when Mike Tyson,
06:29I think he got 30 million dollars for a fight and and people said something about it.
06:34It's like, well, I got children feed 30 million dollars.
06:38Really? What do you what do you feed them? Rare whale that someone goes out and swims in the ocean and catches.
06:44I mean, how much money do you need there?
06:49So so I get the people kind of going off on that,
06:53but I think they're missing the point about the dissenters.
06:57And it's more about the contract structure. Now, Daily Wire was not happy.
07:03They were they were really unhappy about him releasing information.
07:08Like I said, they didn't do an NDA. So, you know, it's kind of on them.
07:13They should have done that. But they said, well, this is our standard contract.
07:17If you're a standard contract, why are you mad that people are releasing it?
07:20Like shouldn't you be like, well? Okay, you are, you know, release that.
07:29It does bring up a lot of different points and different different concepts to discuss.
07:35And first and foremost is. Why are they so offended that their contracts out there?
07:44One, two, why are they treating people this way?
07:46You know, why not do incentives in the contract?
07:49So so pay less money, but the stuff like I don't know if you.
07:55If you go. Six months and increase viewership by a certain percentage will give you an extra on money.
08:04You know, why not? Why not do things like that?
08:07I mean, I don't understand why there's this this connection between what happens on the big tech websites with them.
08:16Now, now, Stephen Carlos called them like the big con.
08:21And I understand corporations do this. I've I've had to sign NDAs with different companies for stuff.
08:26And a lot of times at this point, I'm just like, I don't want to deal with you.
08:29You know, just just forget it. I'm not I'm not messing with you.
08:33You know, you want to sit there and sign this to go see your game for,
08:37you know, a month early or a week early or one of them was like here sign this NDA.
08:42And once you see this a day early, you know, I can wait a day.
08:45I got plenty of things to do. I don't need to to see your your stuff.
08:49I can wait till I can get a copy of it.
08:52I don't have to sit there and jump through your hoops and play your games.
08:55And I think I think it's Stephen Carter's kind of that way as well.
08:58It's like, I don't have to play your games. I can do what I want. I have lots of money coming in.
09:01I don't need to need your money and then be constrained by your rules.
09:11The I can I can see why you can have people who are just looking at the surface
09:17and not actually digging into this issue, you know,
09:20like the drive-by media freaking out and being like he said $50 million was a wage slave.
09:26Well, he was also talking about other people now,
09:28supposedly Stephen Crowder is going to be doing something to help out smaller conservatives
09:34and give them a better deal a better shake than what he was being offered.
09:38We'll see what happens with that.
09:39The other thing was he was got to bring all of his members on the mug club over to Daily Wire
09:46and give them all of his people.
09:48And that to me is like, whoa, wait a minute.
09:52You want all of his people and you want them to be, you know, now pay you instead.
09:59I'm not sure the money they're offering is worth that.
10:01I mean, I don't like so I don't know the exact numbers what he's receiving,
10:04but I do know that seems a little suspicious.
10:10I wouldn't want to do that. You know, he has he has built that himself,
10:14you know, and then just to give it away to someone.
10:18I said that doesn't seem kosher to me at all.
10:22Does the other concept in here is in order to avoid getting strikes
10:28and suspensions from Big Tech,
10:32then you have to only say what they will let you say.
10:36And you know, there's kind of some of these unwritten rules like certain things can't be said.
10:40You can't talk about certain topics.
10:44You can't say certain jokes. So then you're really having to censor yourself.
10:49And I think that probably bothered Steven Crowder more than anything else is
10:54that they wanted him to censor himself.
10:57And if he didn't they were just going to take a bunch of money from, you know,
11:01and that's what they're going to do. They were going to take the money from,
11:03you know, money they had promised. They're like,
11:05oh, we're going to start taking it and then claim that well,
11:08it's because we can't make money off of you.
11:11Although I don't understand why they can't still make money off of him
11:14because they can make money off of him on Rumble and Odyssey and bit shoot.
11:18You know, you could make money other places still on their on their daily wire website.
11:25So it's kind of confusing. It's like, well, we can't get the YouTube revenue from you.
11:31Well, okay. Was that really going to amount to it?
11:37You know, is that going to amount to the amount you're paying him?
11:42And if it's like, well, we're going to pay you less because YouTube's paying us less.
11:49Then, you know, why does he need you? You see my point?
11:54Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I look at any kind of partnership.
11:58Both sides got to get something out of it.
12:00You know, what was Steven Crowder going to get out of it?
12:04He gives them all of his people. So now he loses all of his subscribers, right?
12:08All of his subscribers go to them.
12:11What are they giving him besides some money, you know?
12:15And then every little way they can find to take from him,
12:20they're like, well, we'll take some money here. We'll take some money here.
12:2320% here, 25% there, 30% here.
12:26Like, how does that, you know what I'm saying?
12:31Like, at the end of the day, I think he made a good call because he'll probably be better without them.
12:37Plus, he's got all this publicity, right?
12:41So there's all these people talking about what's going on.
12:44There's people taking sides and people discussing it.
12:49I personally have watched him. I haven't watched him in a while recently.
12:55I have watched Ben Shapiro, but I kind of got tired of Ben Shapiro.
12:59Ben Shapiro's like the big one behind Daily Wire.
13:01And I've never really watched the Daily Wire.
13:06I've done a little analysis and research and found that there are some complaints against Daily Wire that—
13:11I found this interesting that Steven Crowder would say something and get his video blocked on YouTube,
13:17and Ben Shapiro would say something very similar or even the same thing, and his stayed.
13:22And I remember going, how is this possible?
13:26Is there some kind of behind-the-scenes thing?
13:29You know, there's been complaints about favoritism on YouTube for a while.
13:33And so I'm like, is that what's going on?
13:35I don't know. I'm not making the accusation.
13:38I'm just throwing out a possibility based on some facts I've seen.
13:46That's what I'm saying there.
13:49But I do know I kind of got tired of the Daily Wire stuff.
13:54And I noticed that the Daily Wire was being promoted a whole lot more than others.
13:59And I wound up just turning off my recommendations and tracking on YouTube.
14:04So I just see random stuff, you know, in my recommend feed now.
14:10And a lot of times I don't look at any of it because I don't really care.
14:13But, you know, there's that.
14:15So I know Steven Crowder has accused Daily Wire of, you know,
14:19part of the big con is that they have this big tech connection.
14:23And they're kind of alternative, what is it?
14:30Alternative thought, alternative, kind of the opposite.
14:37But not, they don't let them go too far.
14:40It's like you can sit there and criticize this to this point and that's where you're going to stop.
14:47So then they don't really, they're not really as creative in my opinion, you know.
14:54I said Steven Crowder is very creative.
14:56I'll give him that. I do wish he wouldn't swear so much.
15:02I don't think I've heard a lot of swearing from Daily Wire people.
15:06I know they have like Jordan Peterson on there.
15:09I wonder how his contract is going since he's had different boycotts and people coming after him.
15:14So I'm curious. I'm curious where that goes.
15:18Of course, I probably will never find out.
15:19But it would be interesting if we ever, if that ever gets released publicly
15:23or if Jordan Peterson at some point leaves the Daily Wire and talks about stuff afterwards and gives some insight.
15:33That would be very, very fascinating.
15:35So that's my thoughts on the Steven Crowder versus Daily Wire.
15:46Court adjourned.