Liesl and the Terrible Krampus Christmas: Part 2

  • 2 months ago


00:00Liesel And The Terrible Krampus Christmas, Part 2.
00:03By You May.
00:05Content Warning, Depicts Corporal Punishment.
00:08As Krampus delivered her deeper into the woods, and the cheerful Christmas lights of her hometown
00:13faded out of sight, Liesel thought about all the naughty things she had done for the past
00:18I'm sure you know that Liesel should have said her prayers, and asked God to forgive
00:22her, but Liesel forgot to do that.
00:24She was only a little bit sorry for being naughty because now she knew that Krampus
00:28was real, which meant his bundles of birch switches were probably real too.
00:32But bouncing around in a barrel on her way to Krampus' house, where she might be trapped
00:36for an entire year getting spanked day and night, was making it difficult for Liesel
00:40to concentrate on moral questions.
00:43When the lid of the barrel finally opened, Liesel found herself in a dusty but well-ordered
00:47little room.
00:49It had a small bed and furniture, like a shack, but a workbench and tools, like her Vader's
00:53woodshed back home.
00:55Everything a professional carpenter and child-spanking-goat-demon might need.
01:00As she saw Krampus light a fire to warm and illuminate the room, Liesel started to sob
01:06Still tightly wound in a blanket, she managed to clasp her hands together and beg.
01:10Please, Mr. Krampus, I don't care if my parents spank me.
01:15Just let me go home, I beg you.
01:18Krampus chuckled as he removed her from the barrel.
01:21Don't worry, Gretchen.
01:23You're not the first naughty child I've taken to my shack, and you won't be the last.
01:27How I love my job.
01:29Now, first thing is first.
01:32Help me trim and soak a few of these switches.
01:35I have to keep a steady supply ready with so many naughty children around the world.
01:40Still bumbled in her blanket, Liesel's crocodile tears evaporated in a hot fury.
01:45You expect me to help you, you old goat?
01:48I don't have to do anything you tell me to do.
01:52You're not my father.
01:54Krampus' lips curled into a smile that replaced Liesel's boiling rage with a frozen chill.
02:00Well, then I suppose we can skip the preparations and get right to my favorite part.
02:05With that, Krampus snatched up Liesel and bent her across his hairy knee as he rested
02:09on the little cot, snatched up one of the famous birch bundles, tied tightly together
02:14with pretty red ribbon, and began to deliver her first spanking of the night.
02:18Liesel was terrified, and bit, kicked, and squirmed like she always did when it was time
02:23for a spanking, but Krampus was just as strong as her Vader and the blanket helped hold her
02:28firmly in place.
02:29I love it when children disobey, chuckled Krampus.
02:33Breathing hard and feeling a slight sting under her nightdress, Liesel turned to look
02:37at Krampus quizzically.
02:39What do you mean?
02:40Because my magic lets me spank disobedient children.
02:44Why, sometimes when I catch a disobedient child, they go on being disobedient all year,
02:49and I get to carry on spanking them from Christmas to next Christmas Eve.
02:53With that, he pulled aside the blanket and continued the birching over her nightdress.
02:57Fortunately, Krampus didn't spank with all his might right away.
03:02Liesel had time to think and form a plan as she felt the birches peppering her.
03:06If his magic only lets him spank disobedient children, maybe I can break his magic if I'm
03:14Resolve was tested when Krampus flipped up her nightgown to reveal her knickerbockers
03:17and carried on with the birching.
03:20Liesel tried very hard to lay still, and as the birches bounced off her knickers one final
03:24time, she cried out.
03:26I'm ready to obey.
03:28I'll help you prepare the switches.
03:31Krampus spoke with pretend disappointment.
03:34You think it is that easy?
03:36Being obedient means you have to accept the spanking that's coming to you.
03:41If I decide to spank you, you have to obey.
03:44You missed your chance to help me prepare the switches.
03:47I don't owe you another such opportunity.
03:50Liesel swallowed, but kept talking.
03:52If you decide to keep spanking me, then I will obey.
03:56But don't you have lots of children to spank on Christmas Eve?
04:01Surely you need all the help you can get.
04:03Krampus laughed and delivered ten more strokes with the birches.
04:07Clever girl.
04:08But there aren't many children who are as naughty as you.
04:12Sometimes, there are whole villages with only good little children.
04:15Plus, I have all year to spank them before Christmas Eve comes again.
04:20However, I suppose I could use some help preparing the next batch of birches.
04:26Krampus paused after delivering the tenth spank.
04:29Liesel felt a warm tingling underneath her knickers that contrasted with the cool air
04:32of the shack, but the birches didn't hurt as much as a hand spanking from Mutter or
04:38Krampus gave Liesel a knife and showed her how to whittle twigs off the branches.
04:42Then they soaked them in salty brine water.
04:45Krampus pulled the first one that Liesel had finished earlier out of its jug as she worked
04:48on a new batch.
04:50This makes the wood hard and sturdy, so that they won't break across naughty bottoms
04:54so easily.
04:55Here, I'll show you.
04:57Turn around and assume the position.
05:00Liesel pouted, and thought of running away, but knowing she had to obey to have any hope
05:04of breaking free of Krampus' magic, she irately spun around and put her hands on her
05:09The singular switch whipped across her, causing her to kick up one foot and rub it against
05:14the back of her other leg reflexively, but she maintained balance.
05:18The second flick of the switch sank into Liesel's knickerbockers, catching the fabric and leaving
05:23a hole the size of a pinprick.
05:25Liesel wondered if she had missed a splinter during the whittling.
05:29Noticing how it caught, Krampus tugged Liesel's knickerbockers down just below her cheeks
05:33using a single claw and tucked them tightly between her legs so they were held in place.
05:38You might think that thirty switches are thirty times worse than one switch.
05:43But one switch whips more easily.
05:45There are so many ways to punish the naughty children of the world, I'll never run out,
05:50even if I spank you all year.
05:52The third stroke of the switch traced a long, red line straight across Liesel's bottom,
05:57raising a welt.
05:58Liesel rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, clenching her teeth to bite back
06:02a scream, then straightened her legs to resume the position.
06:07You're being too obedient.
06:08Ah well, I suppose I can show you how to tie a bundle together properly.
06:13You may pull your knickers back up.
06:16Whistling in relief, Liesel spun around and felt the warmth of the fire against her backside
06:20before she slid her knickers back into place and let her nightgown fall back down.
06:25Tying the bundle of switches together took a few tries, and nimble fingers.
06:30After Liesel got the first one, it occurred to her that she could delay another spanking
06:34by struggling to tie another bundle.
06:36After fumbling with the second bundle a few times, Krampus chuckled.
06:40Odd, you had little trouble with the first one.
06:43Why should the second one be any harder?
06:46I think I'll have to teach you a few tricks I've learned.
06:49Watch closely.
06:51With that, he snatched away the bundle, and pressing it tightly with one hand, wound the
06:55red ribbon around it and tied it off.
06:58Then he snatched up Liesel and put her across his lap again so that her face was lit by
07:02the fire.
07:03This time, he bared Liesel's bottom right away, and as she bucked, she felt the frozen
07:08air of the cabin chilling her bottom before a spanking from the bundle started to heat
07:11it up.
07:13After ten strokes, Krampus set a pile of switches in front of Liesel's face, and placed a loose
07:18ribbon on top.
07:19Now, tie it just like I showed you.
07:22As Liesel reached for the switches, she felt another flurry of spanks from the bundle Krampus
07:27had tied just for her.
07:29I can tie it, gasped Liesel.
07:31Yes, you can, Fraulein Liesel.
07:34You did it once, you can do it again.
07:39Stop spanking me and I'll tie it.
07:42Krampus slowed the pace of the spanks, but increased the force.
07:46Unlike the single birch switch, they didn't sink deep in Ray's welds, but their rough,
07:51scratchy bark covered so much more of her bottom.
07:54It's my job to spank you.
07:55I don't have to stop, and I don't want to stop.
07:59Slow obedience is disobedience, Fraulein Liesel.
08:02You thought you were so clever, dawdling like that.
08:05You think I haven't seen a hundred little children pull that summer trick?
08:09Frantically, Liesel reached down and picked up the switches, trying to remember how she
08:13did this when she was right side up so she could do it again while upside down.
08:18She almost had the ribbon tied taut when a hard spank made her yelp and drop the bundle.
08:23Biting back tears, she scrambled to pick up the sticks.
08:26This time, she held the bundle tight and waited until she felt the hard blow, then finished
08:31wrapping the bundle in a rush.
08:34I got it, Herr Krampus.
08:37Krampus snatched the bundle and inspected it, landing another spank for good measure.
08:42Shorty work.
08:43The ribbon must be tight enough to hold them together for long, hot use.
08:47Do it again, Fraulein.
08:49With that, he undid the loose ribbon and laid the pile in front of a defeated-looking Liesel,
08:54before a spanking encouraged her to not give up.
08:57Liesel blocked out the spanking as best she could for her second attempt.
09:00She felt about 15 blows before losing count, and concentrated on tying a perfect bundle.
09:06The spanks still hurt, but concentrating on her task helped her fight back tears and whininess.
09:11Triumphantly, she held up the bundle for inspection, and awaited judgment.
09:16Krampus set down his own bundle to inspect Liesel's.
09:19This looks suitable, but there's only one way to be sure.
09:23He landed five of his hardest spanks in quick succession with Liesel's bundle.
09:27It held firm.
09:29Very good.
09:30I can use this all year round.
09:32Well, now that you're doing such a good job paying attention and being good during a spanking,
09:37I'll have to try something else.
09:39Oh, how I hope you disobey again.
09:42It's almost Christmas, you know.
09:44If you can be disobedient just a little longer, I'll get to spank you all Christmas Day long.
09:50What a fine present that would be for me.
09:52Don't bother pulling up your knickers this time.
09:55Fetch me three clothespins from that clothesline.
09:58Liesel paused as she was in the act of pulling up her knickerbockers.
10:02Spotting the clothespins, she reached up on her tiptoes and pinched the first to pull
10:06it down.
10:07As she approached Krampus, she felt her knickers slide down, first catching around her knees,
10:12and finally plopping down around her ankles as she stood before him.
10:16A little confused, she offered the three clothespins to Krampus, cradling them in two trembling
10:22Krampus took the three clothespins.
10:25With the first, he pinned the back of Liesel's nightgown up, attaching it to the nape of
10:29the dress neck, revealing Liesel's bare bottom, covered with soft red lines that resembled
10:34the fire in the hearth.
10:36Liesel covered her front instinctively, and was relieved to discover her nightgown still
10:40preserved some of her modesty.
10:42Stand straight, and hold very still, Fraulein.
10:45I'm going to give you two painful reminders why you're here.
10:49If you bend over or squirm, it will be much worse for you.
10:54How I hope you struggle!
10:56Liesel stood at attention, like a soldier in one of her storybooks.
11:00Krampus reached behind her, holding a clothespin in each hand.
11:04This is for dishonoring your mother.
11:06Like that, he pinched the clothespin onto her left cheek.
11:10She hopped a bit in surprise as it pinched into place.
11:13And this is for dishonoring your father.
11:16The second clothespin bit into her right cheek.
11:19Liesel wailed and threw her hands behind her back to brush off the pins.
11:23One popped off on its own as she bent over, the second fell neatly into her hand.
11:28You're just as disobedient as I had hoped.
11:31Krampus scooped her up and put her over his shoulder, delivering sturdy slaps across her
11:35bottom as he approached the clothesline.
11:38He paused to collect a few more clothespins, before reaching behind his back to show them
11:42to Liesel.
11:43Hold on to these for me.
11:45Grip them tightly.
11:47He paused only long enough for Liesel to grasp them before continuing to spank her over his
11:52When she dropped a couple, he spanked her again before picking them up and repeating
11:56his instructions.
11:58This time, Liesel held them for dear life.
12:01After a few rounds of spanking and collecting pins, Liesel had about thirty clothespins
12:05gripped in her hands.
12:07Krampus growled grumpily as he set her down and resumed his earlier lecture.
12:11Now you're trying to be a good girl.
12:14That's good for you, but bad for me.
12:16Now, what I want you to do is hold just these two clothespins.
12:20But what I really, really want is for you to disobey and squirm again so I can spank
12:25you till midnight and till morning.
12:28Handing Krampus the rest of the pins, Liesel clutched two, one in each hand.
12:32Krampus scowled.
12:34And if you want to be unobedient, good girl, repeat after me.
12:38I am here because I dishonored my mother.
12:41When Liesel repeated the words, Krampus sneered.
12:44Now, pinch the first clothespin to your bottom by your own hand.
12:48If you stand up straight and still, it will stay in place.
12:51If you squirm, it will pop off again.
12:54Liesel pressed her lips together, hiding a moan.
12:57She used her right hand to pinch the clothespin to her own bottom.
13:01She felt her plump bottom cheek slip out of the grip, like it was aware of what was
13:05about to happen and was trying to escape.
13:07Finally, the clothespin pinched firmly in place and held.
13:11Liesel rocked back and forth, feeling her bottom trying to pull free from the pin, and
13:15held as still as possible, realizing her predicament.
13:19After Krampus pronounced her next set of instructions, she repeated, I am here because I dishonored
13:25my father, and pinched the second clothespin to her left cheek.
13:29With every small twist of her legs, and clench of her bottom, she felt the pins strain dangerously.
13:35Krampus inspected her work.
13:37Now, I will continue where I left off.
13:40Those are the two main reasons you're spending Christmas Eve in my home.
13:44If you were a good girl who honored her mother and father, my magic could have no power over
13:50But now that you are in my power, I have so many other little things to punish you for.
13:54With that, he quickly began placing the rest of the clothespins across Liesel's bottom
13:58and thighs.
14:00She wanted to bend over, but she prayed for strength and stood at attention.
14:04This is for throwing snowballs at Pastor Luthor's poor cat.
14:08This is for vandalizing your cousin's snowman.
14:11This is for stealing sweets from Frau Hilde at school.
14:14This is for being rude to your elders.
14:17This is for not doing your chorus.
14:20This is for rolling your eyes and using a tone when you talk to your family.
14:24This is for not listening in church.
14:27This is for pulling pranks on your Aunt Gertrude.
14:30To Liesel's discomfort, Krampus quickly listed off over thirty of her recent sins, and by
14:35the end, her entire bottom and thighs were covered in pins.
14:39Now march over to the corner, and stand there while I put away my wonderful Christmas presents.
14:45Liesel found it hard to obey.
14:47With her knickers around her feet, she had to waddle forward stiffly like a penguin.
14:51However, with the clothespins at risk of breaking free at any moment, she had to move slowly
14:56and carefully anyway.
14:59Liesel felt her heart skip a beat when a couple clothespins broke free and tinkled to the
15:02wood floor.
15:04She caught Krampus' eye as he spotted them, but Krampus returned his attention to hanging
15:08the collection of spanking implements the village parents had gifted him.
15:12Liesel wasn't sure if he was just too interested in what he was doing, or if the clothespins
15:16falling off didn't count as her being disobedient enough to require another spanking under the
15:21laws of his magic.
15:23Finally, she shuffled into the corner, and reflected on the memories Krampus had brought
15:27to mind as he counted out each clothespin for her many sins.
15:31Before, she had been too scared by her present situation to think deeply about her past.
15:36Now that she had a moment to breathe, she realized she had never prayed and asked God
15:40to forgive her, even after she had been spanked by her parents.
15:45Many children got spanked, but Liesel was the only girl in the whole village who was
15:48naughty enough to fall into the power of Krampus, and she hadn't learned a thing from
15:52any of her past spankings from Mutter and Bader.
15:55She wished she could go back home, and ask her parents to spank her all over again, if
16:00only to be safe and ask for their forgiveness this time.
16:03Bowing her head in the corner, she prayed.
16:06God, please help me escape from Krampus.
16:10And if I ever get home, please help Mutter and Vater spank me until I learn to never
16:15do anything bad ever again.
16:18Forgive me for how I have sinned.
16:21Krampus hissed as he hung the last of his presents.
16:25Saying your prayers like a good little Christian?
16:29At this rate, I won't be able to spank you all Christmas Day.
16:33But you still have to face your real spanking for the night.
16:36So many wonderful choices, but I think your Aunt Gertrude's deerskin flapper would make
16:41a perfect Christmas Eve present for you.
16:43Krampus pulled a sturdy wooden bench from underneath the table and set it a few feet
16:47from Lisa, so that the short end was facing her.
16:50See this workbench?
16:52Much taughts it.
16:55Now, bent over it.
16:57Confused, Lisa lay across the bench, and... pop!
17:01Half of the clothespins flew right off her bottom with a final goodbye pinch.
17:05Laughing, Krampus plucked off the remaining pins, and gathered them all into a neat pile.
17:11Then he pulled Lisa's nightgown up over her head, and helped her step out of her knickerbockers,
17:16leaving her naked as the day she was born.
17:18She shivered from the cold, but the little fire had made the shack quite toasty by this
17:23Liesel took an opportunity when his back was turned to feel her bottom.
17:27A few thick welts from the switching, a fiery rash from the bundles, dozens of little dents
17:32in her skin from the clothespins.
17:34And on top of it all, she was about to experience the flapper for the first time, which had
17:39left large welts that sent Cousin Gretchen straight to tears.
17:43Liesel was back to feeling too sorry for her bottom to spare any thoughts on sin and repentance.
17:48Just as she noticed looped leather straps attached to the bench on her left and right,
17:52Krampus appeared and guided her into position.
17:55Liesel dully realized it had been carved by hand to serve two functions, a workbench for
18:00a professional carpenter, and a spanking bench for a professional brat.
18:05Liesel lay face down, supporting her head on her hands and elbows, while her entire
18:09lower body's weight was supported by the long bench.
18:12After fitting Liesel's wrists and ankles into the tight straps, Krampus secured her
18:17legs in place with an additional long, single band across the back of her legs.
18:22Liesel could bend her legs at the knees slightly, and her bottom felt strangely... relaxed.
18:27Liesel had a bad feeling about that little detail.
18:30It couldn't be an accident.
18:32Now, Liesel, midnight is fast approaching.
18:35If you're a good girl, my magic loses its power, and you go back to your parents.
18:40If you're a bad girl, you'll spend all of Christmas Day being spanked by me, hopefully
18:45much longer.
18:46But in either case, for the entire year, if you continue to be a disobedient girl, my
18:51magic will let me snatch you away again.
18:53Now, what will you do if you manage to escape and go home?
18:57I'll obey my parents, and learn to be a good girl, answered Liesel.
19:02Even if they spank you?
19:04You know, even if you manage to get home, you might spend all Christmas getting spanked
19:09anyway, by your mother and father.
19:11I overheard them discussing just that when I came to kidnap you you thought you got away
19:16with pulling your pranks yesterday, but your sins have found you out.
19:20Plus, it's just the tradition for any child who's been visited by Krampus to get a spanking
19:25as their only Christmas present.
19:27If you like being a disobedient girl, maybe you'd rather stay with me.
19:31I'll spank you too, but you can be as disobedient as you like as long as you're in my shack.
19:37I'd rather go home to Mutter and Vater.
19:40They spank me because they love me and want me to grow up to be a good Christian.
19:46When I get home, I don't care if they spank me all Christmas.
19:50I'll obey, and accept it gladly.
19:53I've decided to be a good girl from now on.
19:56It's easy to say you want to be good now, when you're lying on my spanking bench.
20:01What happens when you see a cat you want to tease, or a snowman you want to knock down,
20:05or a sweet you want to steal?
20:07I think you won't find it so easy to be good then.
20:10Well, if I sometimes forget to be good, I hope I get caught and spanked for my naughtiness.
20:17Whether you spank me, teacher spanks me, or Mutter and Vater spank me, I'll deserve it.
20:23But they'll teach me to pray and be good, so I'll be safe from you one day.
20:29You're no fun.
20:31Very well, you're being much too obedient, so we'll have to get this over with.
20:36Here, bite down on this stick so you don't bite your tongue by mistake.
20:40Liesel felt the stick tickle the bottom of her nose and bit down on it, fiercely.
20:44You may be the naughtiest little girl I have ever spanked, but you are also the bravest.
20:49It's too bad I won't get to celebrate Christmas by spanking you, but at least I can enjoy
20:54my Christmas Eve.
20:55With that Krampus swung the flapper across Liesel's right cheek.
20:59Liesel clenched her teeth, fresh tears instantly welling up in her eyes.
21:03A realization struck her at the precise same moment the flapper made impact.
21:08By not bending her over, Krampus had ensured he had a nice, plump target.
21:13Liesel couldn't just feel the leather sinking into the soft doughy mound that was her bottom,
21:17she could actually sense the empty hole in the flapper as it impressed a circular imprint
21:21smack on the center of her quivering butt cheek.
21:24She was grateful to be strapped down, or she wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation
21:28to disobey and clutch her bottom.
21:31Just as she felt the large round welt rising on her right cheek, the flapper clapped against
21:35her left cheek to produce a matching welt.
21:38Liesel seethed, droplets of spit and tears flying.
21:41She could feel one of the long, thin welts from the earlier switching intersecting with
21:45the large round welts, and the sting seemed to dance across both.
21:49I will be a good girl, thought Liesel, her lips mumbling the words against the stick.
21:55The flapper landed across her upper left thigh, raising a welt that was interrupted only by
21:59the little fold at the bottom of her bottom.
22:02The heavy workbench scooched back and forth as Liesel strained, but held firmly in place.
22:07When Krampus landed a matching blow under her right cheek, Liesel braids came undone
22:11and her hair flew wildly as she shook her head.
22:15Snot poured out her nose, mixing with the spit and the tears that speckled her hair.
22:19Liesel blinked and stared into the fire through her watery eyes.
22:22I will be a good girl.
22:24I will honor my mother.
22:26The fifth spank from the flapper landed on the left side of her cheek, overlapping with
22:30the other two circular welts slightly.
22:33The result was a giant welt the shape of a three-leaf clover that covered most of her
22:37left cheek.
22:38Liesel's hands and feet trembled in their restraints.
22:41I will be a good girl.
22:43I will honor my father.
22:45The sixth spank landed on the center of her right cheek, connecting three welts in a shape
22:49more like a lumpy sea.
22:51Liesel dug her fingers into the wood of the bench looking for a latch to undo, patting
22:55it lightly as though trying to signal a timeout in a wrestling match.
22:59I will be a good girl.
23:01I will honor my word.
23:03The seventh spank landed smack dab on the center of her lower butt crack, raising a
23:07massive, watery welt on both her sit spots.
23:11Liesel arched her back, hovering her trembling bottom in the air.
23:15Her teeth sank into the soft wood of the stick and she flexed her hands into fists until
23:19her knuckles turned white, again and again.
23:22Then she relaxed her hands.
23:24She settled her weight back down onto the bench.
23:27She lay obediently, waiting for another spank.
23:30She found herself wanting it.
23:32Not for the pain, but for the justice of it.
23:35This is my justice, yes, she thought, almost sleepily.
23:39But after a long moment, Krampus grumbled and hung the flapper on a hook next to the
23:43other implements.
23:45It's midnight.
23:46Christmas Eve has passed.
23:47Well, too bad.
23:49You were so obedient and repentant, you broke my black magic spell.
23:54Liesel felt the stick drop out of her mouth and realized she had bitten it in two.
23:58She felt Krampus undo the straps on her wrists and ankles each in turn.
24:02So, that means if I get home, I have to obey my Mutter and Vater, but now I'm free of
24:08your magic, right?
24:11You get to spend Christmas with your family, but remember, they're going to spank you
24:15all Christmas Day, so.
24:17Before Krampus could finish her lecture, Liesel sprang up from the workbench and rushed to
24:22the door.
24:23Pulling it open, she ran naked out into the snow, ignoring a furious Krampus.
24:28Spotting the Christmas lights from the homes in Weiberg, she leapt through the blanket
24:32of snow in the right direction, calling for her Mutter and Vater.
24:35She didn't know how far she managed to run, but within seconds the cold bit into her,
24:40numbing her flesh and chilling even her fiery backside.
24:43Exhausted from her long ordeal, she felt the sleepy blackness envelop her and collapse
24:48forward into the snow.
24:50Left behind her, she knew Krampus was in hot pursuit, but dimly, she could hear the
24:54voice of Mutter and Vater calling for her.
24:57Then she slipped into a cold sleep.
25:00Liesel awoke, toasty and warm by the fire, dressed in woolen pajamas, bundled in blankets,
25:06and under the nearby Christmas tree.
25:09She looked up and found her head nestled in her Vater's chest.
25:13You're awake.
25:14Merry Christmas, Liesel.
25:17Krampus got me.
25:19Yes, real.
25:20He took me to see all the parents in the village, and all of them said I needed a good spanking.
25:27Then he carried me to his evil shack in the woods and spanked me all night until Christmas
25:31Eve ended.
25:33But his magic spell broke and I was free, so I made a dash for it.
25:38Mutter appeared at their side, bearing steaming hot cocoa and Christmas cookies.
25:43We know, Liesel.
25:45We found you in the woods before Krampus did and brought you home safe.
25:49He can't hurt you anymore now that it's Christmas?
25:52Liesel hungrily accepted the warm drink and dunked a cookie into it before devouring it.
25:57A few crumbs flew out of her mouth.
25:59But Krampus said that if I'm a bad girl, his magic will let him come and claim me again.
26:05Mutter offered Vater a drink and a cookie before setting the tray down by the fire,
26:10enjoying some of her own.
26:11Well, that's true, but we'll help you remember to be a good girl.
26:16If you've learned your lesson and say your prayers every night, you'll be safe from Krampus?
26:21Liesel breathed a sigh of relief before a twinge from her bottom caused her to stand
26:25up with a start.
26:28Vater caught her before she could spill her drinks and helped her stand up.
26:32Don't knock over the tray!
26:34Mutter shielded the tray, then laughed in relief.
26:38Ho, ho, ho!
26:39Oh, my silly little Liesel!
26:42Liesel undid the buttons on her woolen pajamas and examined her bottom.
26:46Sure enough, the spanking from Krampus had been all too real.
26:50Liesel frowned.
26:51Too bad.
26:52I was hoping it might all have been just a dream.
26:56Liesel stiffened when she remembered something important.
26:58Did... did Krampus take all my Christmas presents, too?
27:04Mutter and Vater exchanged a look and nodded.
27:06Then Vater stood up and put a comforting hand on Liesel.
27:09Yes, Liesel.
27:11I'm afraid you have no Christmas presents.
27:14Krampus takes them as payment for his services.
27:17And when Santa Claus came last night, he only brought you coal and left you a letter to
27:21encourage you to be a good girl this year so he can put you on the nice list again.
27:27Liesel's lip trembled.
27:28She'd been so preoccupied by the spanking, the other consequences of a visit from Krampus
27:33had slipped her mind.
27:34So, there's nothing under the Christmas tree for me?
27:38Papa gestured to the tree.
27:40I didn't say that, Liesel.
27:42Have a look for yourself.
27:44Liesel saw a small stack of wonderful presents for her brothers and sisters, two small gifts
27:49each for Mutter and Vater, and leaning against the wall was a bundle of switches wrapped
27:54in a neat red ribbon.
27:56On it was a note saying,
27:57For the parents of the northeast girl in Weiburg.
28:02I have kept the many wonderful gifts from the villagers in my shed for future use.
28:08Please inform our parents that they have my permission to make use of them throughout
28:12the year, and to write me a letter addressed to the South Pole should my services be required
28:17prior to my Christmas Eve hunt.
28:19Schedule permitting.
28:21Liesel trembled as she held the note, and a tear dropped down onto it, smudging the
28:26Would she ever be free of Krampus again?
28:29Sniffing and holding back tears, Liesel turned back to Mutter and Vater.
28:33Krampus said you were going to spank me on Christmas Day for being a bad girl all year.
28:38I promised I would obey even if you did.
28:42Are you going to spank me today?
28:44Mutter and Vater looked down on her stonily.
28:47But Vater placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.
28:50Well, we were planning to spank you today, Liesel, but I think Krampus has spanked you
28:55plenty for your bad behavior this year.
28:57You are forgiven.
28:59But I will not hesitate to take you to Krampus' shed myself if your behavior does not improve
29:04this year.
29:05Liesel nodded.
29:07Please, help me be a good girl, Vater.
29:11I never want to see Krampus again.
29:13The first light of dawn poured through the window, and the rooster crowed.
29:17Liesel's little brother and sister enthusiastically ran downstairs, eager for Christmas presents,
29:23followed by her older brother and sister, who were pretending to not be every bit as
29:28Heard all about your visit from Krampus last night, joked her older brother Hans as he
29:33slapped her back encouragingly.
29:35Sorry to hear.
29:36He visited me when I was almost your age.
29:40Never seen him since, though, her older sister Joanna gave Liesel a kiss on the forehead.
29:46I had a visit from Krampus just two years ago.
29:50I was eighteen, so I thought I was much too old for a visit from Krampus.
29:55Mutter's voice chimed in from the kitchen.
29:57You're never too old for a visit from Krampus?
30:00Why, he got a hold of me shortly after I married your father.
30:05I thought I'd never be spanked again after I left my father, but it served me right.
30:10What are you talking about?
30:11chirped Liesel's younger siblings, the twins Frieda and Frankfurt.
30:16Vater put an arm around Liesel's shoulder.
30:19I think Liesel had better tell you the story herself from the beginning.
30:23Liesel, since you've promised to be an obedient girl this year, the first thing I want you
30:27to do is explain everything you learned from your visit from Krampus to the twins.
30:32Liesel heard Hans and Joanna snicker from behind her as they sat down beside the Christmas
30:38She wondered what their private joke could be.
30:40Then Vater clapped Liesel lightly on the behind to get her attention.
30:44Suddenly, she realized she forgot to re-button her pajamas and blushed madly as she fixed
30:50But not before the twins got an eyeful of what a visit from Krampus did for a naughty
30:54girl's bottom.
30:56After Liesel narrated the entire story, adding thrilling sound effects and giving a theatrical
31:00performance worthy of Shakespeare, everyone applauded her tale, and it was time for Christmas
31:06As she watched everyone but her open their Christmas presents, Liesel felt sadness about
31:11her fate, mixed with relief of her rescue, and guilt for her past deeds.
31:16After they sat down for a big German breakfast, Liesel felt like she had a rock sitting in
31:20her stomach.
31:21Mutter, Vater, are you sure you don't need to spank me all Christmas day?
31:26Krampus, they eat, it's the tradition.
31:29And weren't you planning to anyway?
31:32Vater looked at her sadly.
31:34We don't want to spank you, Liesel.
31:36We only want you to learn to be good.
31:39Liesel felt her tongue move on its own accord in a furious rush of words.
31:43But didn't Hans and Johanna once get spanked on Christmas day?
31:47I didn't believe in Krampus then, but now that I know Hesreal, that's why, isn't it?
31:54Isn't it only fair that I should get spanked?
31:57Hans and Johanna both nodded in agreement and held their bottoms at the memory.
32:01Hans straightened up and swelled his chest manfully.
32:04Well, I was still being stubborn and disobedient on Christmas day, Liesel.
32:10I needed it.
32:11I don't think you have to get spanked the same way I did.
32:15Johanna bowed her head at the memory of her own Christmas day spanking.
32:19Johanna bowed her head at the memory of her own Christmas day spanking.
32:22And when I was spanked on Christmas day, it was for stealing.
32:26I was much naughtier than you back then, Liesel.
32:29And I disobeyed my husband and took the Lord's name in vain.
32:33I broke one of the Ten Commandments, explained Mutter, looking at Vater apologetically.
32:39But I broke one of the Ten Commandments, too.
32:43I dishonored my mother and father.
32:45If you all got the Christmas day spanking, it's only fair that I get one.
32:51Didn't you promise to help me learn to be a good girl?
32:54Please, Papa, I think I need the Christmas spanking, argued Liesel.
33:00The room went quiet.
33:02Vater stood up and hugged Liesel.
33:04You are right, Liesel, and you are a very brave young lady.
33:08Very well, you will get the Christmas day spanking, just like Hans and Johanna and your
33:12Mutter before you.
33:14Drop your pajama bottoms and come with me to the woodshed for your first spanking of
33:18the day.
33:19We will use Krampus present.
33:22Liesel nodded and bit her lip.
33:24The argument made sense in her head while she was saying it out loud, but now that her
33:27Vader had agreed to it, she felt like kicking herself for using logic.
33:32But she felt the love in his embrace and decided to be brave.
33:36Yes, Vater.
33:38Following her instructions obediently, Liesel dropped the seat of her pajamas and marched
33:42out to the woodshed.
33:44Several neighbor kids who were playing outside noticed as she was led on this death march
33:48and their parents waved approvingly.
33:50Liesel offered an embarrassed smile in return.
33:53In the woodshed, she bent over a wooden stool.
33:56Vater explained that during the first spanking, she should think about what she had done wrong
34:00for the previous year.
34:02He didn't spank overly hard, but the birching went on and on for what seemed like hours.
34:07This gave Liesel plenty of time to reflect on her long list of misdeeds.
34:11They discussed each of them in turn, with Liesel asking her Vater for advice on how
34:15to do better and listening to him intently.
34:18Liesel, you understand that this was only the first of many spankings you will receive
34:24Now that you've had the first, are you sure you need the full Christmas Day spanking?
34:28With a freshly birched bottom, Liesel's resolve was starting to waver, but she remembered
34:33the terror of Krampus and her promise to herself.
34:36I'm afraid of the spanking, Vater, but I think I need it.
34:41It is only just.
34:42I'm so sorry, Vater.
34:45That is very brave, Liesel.
34:47But it is I who must apologize to you.
34:50Liesel turned a look at her Papa quizzically.
34:52What do you mean?
34:54I was the one who was naughty.
34:56Yes, but I have failed to give you the discipline you needed this year.
35:00Your Aunt Gertrude warned me that I had been spoiling you, and I now see that she was right.
35:06But all change is starting today.
35:08This Christmas Day spanking is the start of a new chapter in your life, Liesel.
35:13From now on, I will not hesitate to spank you every day if I must to protect you from
35:17going down the wrong path.
35:19It breaks my heart, but I will do it because I love you.
35:24Liesel nodded.
35:25A tear dropped down her cheek, not from the pain of the birching, but from the love she
35:29felt for her father.
35:31She was more afraid of letting him down than she could ever be of a spanking.
35:36Yes, Father.
35:37I love you.
35:39I promise to obey and accept my spankings like a good girl from now on.
35:44When Mutter called them in for lunch, Vader instructed Liesel to keep her bare bottom
35:48on display since her punishment was not over.
35:51Then, he collected another stool from the woodshed Liesel had never seen before.
35:56It was covered with small wooden spikes, spaced in rows across the top of the stool.
36:01Liesel's eyes widened, and though she guessed what it was for, she didn't dare ask out
36:06Inside, the stool replaced her usual seat at the dinner table.
36:10Without her parents even having to ask, Liesel obediently sat on the spiked stool.
36:15She gasped and lifted up her bottom, hovering it just above the piercing pyramids.
36:20But as she looked into Mutter and Vader's eyes, Liesel knew this was part of the Christmas
36:23Day spanking tradition.
36:25Squinting her eyes, she rested her weight entirely on the spiked stool.
36:30The spikes were not sharp, but they pressed into the welts in her tender flesh, no matter
36:34how she shifted her position.
36:36Mutter served a delicious Christmas lunch including her favorite dessert of mint pudding,
36:40but Liesel ate sparingly.
36:42Copper reed from the Gospel of Lucas was the family tradition, and she found sitting on
36:47the spikes actually helped her focus on the words.
36:50Now that our Christmas morning is over, you children may all play with your toys.
36:55Mutter, it's your turn to handle Liesel's Christmas Day spanking.
37:00Mutter guided Liesel up, and placed the spiked stool in the corner.
37:04She brought Liesel up to her room, and instructed her to change into her best Christmas dress.
37:09Liesel gasped when her clothes brushed against her bottom, but when she looked at herself
37:13in the mirror, Mutter told her she looked beautiful and Liesel's heart warmed.
37:18Then, Mutter collected a pair of leather slippers from Liesel's closet and guided her back downstairs.
37:23Liesel had a chance to see her older siblings playing a new puzzle game, while the twins
37:28occupied themselves with their toys.
37:31Mutter settled herself on the sofa and announced that Liesel's second spanking would be carried
37:35out in the living room, and the children were welcome to leave and play elsewhere, or to
37:39stay in the living room and watch, but only if they paid attention to Liesel's spanking
37:43and listened to their Papa read to them from the Bible.
37:46At Han's suggestion, all four agreed to stay and support Liesel.
37:50Liesel, Papa says you have already talked about your mistakes this year.
37:55While I give you your second spanking of the day, I want you to think about the present.
38:01I want you to think about all our neighbors and how they agreed that you needed a trip
38:06from campus.
38:07I want you to think about how your bottom feels right now.
38:11And I want you to think about your brothers and sisters, the example they've set for you,
38:16and the example you're setting for them.
38:19If you do that, there will be no need for further lecturing.
38:22Will you do that?
38:25Liesel looked at everyone in the room, thinking about how they were all about to watch and
38:29decided that this time, it would be easy to obey.
38:32Yes, Mutter.
38:35Mutter beckoned Liesel with a wave of her finger, and Liesel settled across Mutter's
38:39knee, her legs dangling on each side, and her head resting on the sofa.
38:44Liesel sucked in a sharp breath as the welt on the center of her sit-spot pressed against
38:47Mutter's knee, but she fought through it stoically.
38:50After about 10 minutes of letting her siblings watch the spanking in silence, Vader decided
38:55it was time to read the Bible to pass the time.
38:58Mutter continued spanking her with the slipper over her dress for an hour as Papa continued
39:02to read through the Gospel of Luke.
39:04Just as Liesel's arms were getting stiff, Mutter stood Liesel up and instructed her
39:08to lift the skirt of her dress.
39:11Then she guided Liesel over her other knee and switched hands, her right arm having grown
39:17After another hour of slow, steady spanks, a fresh burning sensation covered Liesel's
39:21entire bottom.
39:23Papa announced that they had read enough for the day, and that he needed to make preparations
39:27for the evening.
39:28He instructed her siblings to watch Liesel's punishment and think carefully about their
39:32own behavior.
39:33The welt screamed at the slightest touch, but she knew the point of this spanking wasn't
39:37to bruise or cause fresh pain, but to remind her of what she had already suffered.
39:42Looking back at her siblings, Liesel cried fresh tears, thinking of how she had let them
39:47down too.
39:48She vowed to take her punishment as obediently as possible to at least begin to restore her
39:52dignity, but it would be a long process to make amends for her shameful behavior.
39:57"'Excuse me, Mutter, it's one o'clock," pointed out Hans.
40:02Mutter nodded and stood Liesel up again.
40:05Liesel had to put her hands behind her head as Mutter undid the buttons on her underdress
40:09and relieved her of her underclothes.
40:11Then Mutter sat back on the sofa and instructed Liesel to lay on her lap, with her hands and
40:16face on the floor and her legs on the sofa, like when she played wheelbarrow.
40:21Liesel understood and complied.
40:23As her head rested near the floor, she blushed freshly as her legs dangled in the air.
40:28Mutter produced both of the leather slippers, and with both hands free, peppered both of
40:32Liesel's cheeks with quick spanks for another hour, a little harder than before.
40:37By the end, Liesel's elbows and shoulders were stiff and trembling, and she actually
40:41thought of them more than her bottom.
40:43"'Two o'clock.
40:45It's time for church, children," announced Mutter.
40:49Later returned home from preparations.
40:51Blessedly, Liesel was spared any more spanking or the embarrassment of a bare bottom during
40:57However, Pastor Luther did make a point of announcing that Liesel and her father would
41:01be visiting each of the families in Weiberg that afternoon, which was as good as announcing
41:05that Liesel was getting a Christmas Day spanking this year.
41:08"'Remember, no matter what old grudges or grievances you may have, our Lord taught us
41:12to forgive someone not just once, not just seven times, but as many as seventy times
41:17seven times for the same offence.
41:19Liesel, have you anything to say?'
41:21Blushing, Liesel stood and curtsied awkwardly.
41:24"'I've sinned against many of you this year.
41:27I can't remember them all, but I hope you will forgive me.
41:32Tonight, I will have an opportunity to apologize to each of you more properly.'"
41:37She caught a glimpse of Aunt Gertrude nodding at her approvingly, and to her surprise her
41:41clumsy apology was met with good-natured cheers and clapping.
41:46Pastor Luther's sermon was on the genealogy of Christ in the Gospels, and for the first
41:50time in her life Liesel was able to comprehend it and found it interesting.
41:54The furious combination of stinging and soreness crisscrossing across her behind like a fireworks
41:59display kept her wide awake, but the relief of a rest let her think about things other
42:03than her own pain.
42:05She knew that whatever pain she must bear, she must bear.
42:08A few children and teenagers snickered at her as rumors of the visit from Krampus circulated,
42:13but Liesel ignored the cruel comments and jabs, and welcomed the supportive encouragement
42:17and polite teasing with laughter.
42:20She made sure to personally apologize to Pastor Luther and some of the children and parents
42:24she remembered wronging that year, and her apologies were graciously accepted.
42:29Aunt Gertrude pinched her cheek affectionately.
42:31"'Don't worry, I'll be seeing you later tonight.
42:35You can apologize to me properly then?"
42:38Gertrude gave Liesel a second pinch on the other cheek, not one of the ones on her face.
42:43Liesel had a sneaking suspicion what her aunt's words implied.
42:46At home, her bottom was bared again before she was seated on the spiked stool in the
42:51The family shared Christmas dinner without her, since being sent to bed without supper
42:55was a part of the tradition.
42:58Her stomach growled once, but Liesel knew that her parents would never let her starve.
43:02She thought of the big breakfast she would eat the next morning, and licked her lips,
43:06thanking God for providing her with her daily bread.
43:10After dinner, Mutter gave the three younger children a bath, scrubbing the twins.
43:14At one point, they misbehaved enough that Mutter was forced to pull them both out in
43:18turn and spank them with the bath brush.
43:21Liesel knew from personal experience that a spanking over a wet, soaked bottom stung
43:25more furiously.
43:26I can't believe you two would misbehave like this on Christmas Day, after watching
43:31your big sister suffer the consequences of disobedience.
43:35Open your mouths, both of you!
43:37Mutter placed a white bar of soap into Frida and Frankfurt's mouths.
43:41They sputtered and cried, but when Frida spat hers out, a second round with the bath brush
43:46convinced them both to bite down into the soap to keep it firmly in place.
43:50I'll have to ask your father to escort both of you to witness the rest of Liesel's Christmas
43:55Day spanking tonight.
43:57Do you want a visit from Krampus?
44:00Hopefully your father will give you both a dose of the same medicine.
44:04That will be his decision, but I'd start behaving now if you don't want to make it worse for
44:10The twins nodded and shook their heads in turn to answer yes and no to the flurry of
44:15As expected, Liesel was instructed to finish washing and bend over the tub.
44:20She helped clean up the water splashed by the twins before bending over the edge of
44:23the tub, resting her arms on the cool tile floor, and her legs and bottom still submerged
44:28in the warm water, which drained slowly.
44:31The bath brush struck against her with full force, and the sting was indeed magnified.
44:36All the welts and red marks felt fresh and warm from the contact with the hot water,
44:40and Liesel cried fresh tears.
44:42She looked into her little siblings' eyes and saw their fear, and hoped her punishment
44:47would teach them to be good before they suffer the same fate.
44:50As the last of the water finally drained, Mutter handed Liesel the brush and helped
44:54her out of the tub.
44:55I'm done spanking you for the day, Liesel.
44:59Well, except for your bedtime spanking.
45:02You've been very brave and obedient so far.
45:05Go get dressed in your winter clothes and wait for your father.
45:09I'm going to deal with the twins.
45:11Stumbling, hungry, and exhausted, Liesel made her way to her bedroom.
45:16Through the thin walls, she could hear the twins each getting a taste of the slipper
45:20as she dressed herself in cozy, fur-lined winter clothes.
45:23When she emerged from her room, she was greeted by Vader.
45:27Your Mutter has asked me to bring the twins along and I think that's a good idea.
45:31We're going to visit Kampuschett in the woods.
45:34But first, we're going to deliver his message to all the other families in town.
45:39You're dressed extra warm, ja?
45:42Yes, sir.
45:43Liesel spun around in a pirouette to show off her outfit, but a twinge from her bottom
45:47caused her to stumble a bit as she curtsied.
45:51But, this is also part of your punishment.
45:54We spared you this for church since it would be indecent, but you've wronged many people
45:58in town, and you must serve as a warning to all the other children.
46:04Vader spun Liesel around and tucked her thick, woolen pants directly below her bottom.
46:09Then he flipped up the tail of her coat and skirt and buttoned them neatly in the back.
46:14Her modesty was preserved in the front, and she was entirely warm, but Liesel's bare,
46:18thoroughly spanked bottom was on full display.
46:21Sniffling and wiping away tears, the twins were released from their room, also dressed
46:26warmly with only their bottoms bared.
46:29Joanna and Hans were excused from having to witness any more of Liesel's ordeal, and kissed
46:34her warmly before wishing her good luck and a Merry Christmas.
46:37Vader guided his three youngest children from door to door, bringing Krampus' message to
46:42all the parents.
46:43Many simply gave Liesel a knowing look, while others were curious and pestered her with
46:49As was tradition, every single person in the village took the opportunity to give her one
46:54good slap on the behind to congratulate her for being rescued from Krampus.
46:58Liesel took every opportunity to apologize to those she had wronged, and warn any children
47:03who asked of her fate, first at the hands of Krampus, and now at the hands of her own
47:08Those who held a grudge were given the opportunity to spank her a bit longer, before quickly
47:13forgiving her.
47:14I deserve this.
47:16Naughty girls like me get spanked.
47:18I will get spanked again tonight, and I hope my father does a good job.
47:23Obey your parents if you don't want to end up like me, Liesel explained to her cousins,
47:29including Gretchen, who was still nursing her own bare bottom, still sore from last
47:33night's brief introduction to the flapper and her bedtime spanking.
47:37Also, I'm sorry for destroying your snowman.
47:41I promise never to do it again, and I hope you can forgive me.
47:45All her cousins danced in a circle around her, cheering and promising to forgive her.
47:50She even let them touch her bottom gingerly to feel just how hot it was and press the
47:55Last of all, Gretchen came and gave Liesel a hug, her arms brushing against Liesel's
48:00throbbing, smarting buttocks.
48:02I'm sorry I didn't want to forgive you before, sobbed Gretchen.
48:07Liesel returned the hug and gently massaged Gretchen's own war injuries.
48:10We'll get through this.
48:12Into each life, a little rain must fall.
48:15She gave cousin Gretchen a playful pat on her rump.
48:19Liesel accepted a brief spanking from Aunt Gertrude to apologize for all the trouble
48:24she had caused, while Vader discussed politics with Uncle Yosef, each spanking one of the
48:29twins to make sure they remembered they were in trouble too.
48:32Finally, it was nine o'clock, and Vader announced they had to be moving along.
48:37Aunt Gertrude let Liesel up from the hand spanking, and shook the sting out of her sturdy
48:41hand that was as strong as any hairbrush.
48:44I can't take up any more of your Christmas Day.
48:47Thank you for the beautiful apology, Liesel.
48:51I gladly accept it.
48:53Planting one final playful smack on Liesel's behind, they kissed and embraced.
48:58Everyone wished each other a Merry Christmas.
49:01Vader, Liesel, Frieda, and Frankfurt marched into the woods.
49:05Strangely, the trip seemed much shorter now, and the woods no longer held the terror they
49:10had the previous night.
49:11In the shed, they found all of Krampus' tools of the trade precisely where he left them.
49:16Vader lit the fire and explained the last part of the Christmas Day spanking tradition
49:20to his children.
49:22Liese, I have asked you to think about your actions in the past.
49:27Your mother has asked you to think about the consequences of your actions in the present.
49:31Now, I want you to think about the future.
49:34I want you to imagine what it would be like for you to be a good girl for all of next
49:40Right now, the spanking has already helped you much improve your behavior.
49:44But when the pain of your spanking has faded, it will be harder to resist the temptation
49:48to sin.
49:50But the more you concentrate on becoming a good girl, the easier it becomes to behave
49:54like a good Christian girl, without needing to be spanked.
49:57Frieda, Frankfurt, you are here because you disobeyed your mother on Christmas Day, so
50:02you will get a small taste of what a Christmas Day spanking is like, right along with Liese.
50:07Vader pushed the sturdy woodworking table into the center of the room against the door
50:11leaving plenty of room between the table and the fireplace.
50:14All three of you strip from the waste below.
50:18Then bend over the table with your bottoms facing the fire.
50:22Place your knees on the bench and your elbows on the table.
50:26Liesel obeyed first, then her siblings followed her example.
50:30Liesel saw Frankfurt and Frieda's eyes widen in horror as they looked over their shoulders.
50:35Liesel kept her eyes forward, ready to accept her punishment stoically, knowing every single
50:39stroke was necessary.
50:42We don't have time to use all of these properly, but I think I will take this opportunity to
50:46introduce all of you to the various tools that Krampus has available to him.
50:51Hopefully, none of you will ever have to encounter him again.
50:54If I have to spank you myself to save you from that demon, I will do so joyfully.
51:00Starting with the willow cane, he planted six strokes with each implement across each
51:04bare bottom presented to him.
51:07For Liesel, the pain had started to run together into a dull ache.
51:11The cool air had numbed her cheeks slightly, with the warm fire gradually restoring feeling.
51:16She thought carefully about the sensation of each implement, and how they differed,
51:20making mental notes on how to avoid them in the future.
51:24For Liesel, it was almost scientific.
51:26No longer afraid, she accepted the strokes of the cane with a sort of fresh interest.
51:31But Frieda and Frankfurt's relatively tame spankings had been just enough to warm them
51:35up for the grand finale.
51:37The cane left six angry lines, adding fresh welts on top of Liesel's already extensive
51:43Vader was careful to control his strength.
51:46When he was a boy, a caning would easily draw blood, but he knew that Liesel needed
51:50to be shown some mercy despite the need to carry out her sentence in full.
51:55Without taking it too easy on her, he ensured that her bottom would at least be able to
51:59recover in a few days rather than a few weeks.
52:02The taz, belt, and razor strap all produced a similar sensation, leaving swollen red marks
52:07on top of their welts.
52:09Running out of space to spank on their bottoms, he concentrated more attention on their lower
52:14and inner thighs, starting with the riding crop, the carpet beater, and then the tightly
52:19woven cord to land fresh welts that wrapped all the way around on their legs and bottoms.
52:24As he retrieved the wooden paddle, he ordered them to change position and put their feet
52:28on the ground in a wide stance with their hands on the table.
52:31Sure enough, the paddle rocked them forward, almost sending them over the table, so the
52:36strong stances were necessary.
52:38Liesel thought about how it could easily have left bruises if her father were not so kind,
52:42loving, and merciful.
52:44Vader hung the paddle in place.
52:46We have used every implement, except for Krampus' own famous bundle.
52:51Liesel, did you make this one?
52:53I did, father.
52:55You did excellent work.
52:56Frankfurt, Frieda, I will spare you Krampus' birches.
53:00I think I'd prefer to introduce you to them personally, if you don't improve your behavior.
53:05Liesel, I will finish your spanking with this today.
53:09Come away from the table, stand up straight, then bend forward slowly and grab your ankles.
53:14As she complied, Liesel felt the hot fire prickling against her legs and buttocks.
53:19The birches landed on her lower cheeks, then moved downward, until the angry flame pattern
53:24left by the birch stretched across her thighs and calves.
53:28Vader hung the birch bundle.
53:30It is eleven o'clock.
53:32Time to take Liesel home for her bedtime spanking.
53:35Christmas isn't over, but the worst is behind you now.
53:39Liesel had finally joined her brother and sister in shedding tears, and everyone shared
53:42a kiss and a group hug.
53:45Finally they were allowed to cover their behinds, but after all the punishment they had experienced,
53:50even the touch of their clothing felt like a fresh spanking all by itself.
53:54Vator leaned close to his repentant, formerly wicked daughter and whispered in her ear.
53:59Can you walk, Liesel?
54:01Liesel giggled.
54:02Yes, father.
54:04You didn't take it easy on me, did you?
54:07No, Liesel.
54:08I tried to be thorough, but the point is to teach you.
54:12Gentle discipline is still good discipline.
54:15Even so, I was afraid after all this spanking, you would be in no condition to move.
54:20As she stepped forward, Liesel's resolve started to waver.
54:24It hurts every step I take, but I don't think there are any bruises or cuts.
54:29Thank you, papa.
54:31I know it must be hard to control your strength like that.
54:35Well, I'm more than strong enough to spank you when you're naughty, and to help you
54:38when you're on the road to repentance.
54:41With that, Vator scooped Liesel up and carried her home.
54:44Frida and Frankfurt whined about wanting to be carried too, but Vator warned them that
54:48he'd carry them after they had endured a Christmas Day spanking just like Liesel.
54:53He congratulated her on the courage and determination she had shown throughout the day.
54:58At home, Liesel changed into fresh pajamas, a green and white nightgown decorated with
55:02candy canes with matching bloomers, thinking about how this Christmas Day had been the
55:06longest and most memorable in her life, and how if she had the chance to do it all over
55:11again, she still would have asked for her Christmas Day spanking all over again.
55:16At a knock on her door, welcomed her entire family into her room.
55:20She sat on a pillow on her bed, which did almost nothing to relieve the omnipresent,
55:25continual ache.
55:26Starting with the twins, she apologized to them for her behavior, and after they had
55:30accepted her apology, Liesel turned and rested her stomach on the pillow.
55:35Following Mudder and Vator's guidance, the twins lightly pulled down Liesel's bloomers,
55:40which revealed a red bottom sparkling like a Christmas tree against the green trimming.
55:44Christmas stars seemed to radiate from it.
55:47Then, the twins each delivered twenty hand spanks to each of Liesel's cheeks.
55:52Not bothering to pull up her pants, Liesel sat up, and repeated the entire process with
55:57Joanna, Hans, Mudder, and Vator.
56:00When Vator landed the last spank of the long, hard Christmas Day, Liesel was so exhausted,
56:05she couldn't move to pull up her pants or lift herself from the bed.
56:09Gently, her parents guided her back onto her bed, and laid her down on her stomach.
56:14She flinched when she felt the blanket touch her bottom, so Mudder arranged it neatly,
56:18so that she was tucked in with two blankets, one covering her upper torso, one covering
56:23her legs, but her bottom uncovered it and undisturbed.
56:27Thank you, Mudder," muttered Liesel, half asleep.
56:31Everyone planted a goodnight kiss on Liesel's forehead, nose, or cheek, promising to pray
56:36for her.
56:37As the door closed, Liesel prayed to God to thank Him for saving her from Krampus and
56:41returning her safely home to her family.
56:44She thought of the true meaning of Christmas, and thanked God for forgiving her sins, before
56:48drifting off to a deep, peaceful sleep undisturbed by dreams.
56:53The Christmas Day spanking was the most memorable, and beautiful Christmas present Liesel could
56:57have ever received.
56:59From that day forward, Liesel was a changed person.
57:02No longer a naughty girl, she began to grow into a good woman.
57:06She started listening to her parents, showing respect, and being kind to others.
57:11She helped with household chores and did not repeat her grievous mistakes.
57:15Of course, there were still times she forgot to behave and needed to be spanked, but her
57:19parents noticed the change in her attitude and encouraged her efforts.
57:24The village, too, observed her transformation and embraced her as a polite and caring young
57:30Krampus found no excuse to visit Liesel for the entire year or ever again for that matter.
57:35As the years passed, Liesel grew into a kind-hearted and considerate woman.
57:40She carried the lessons she had learned from Krampus and her parents throughout her life,
57:44always remembering that the consequences of her actions could bring both joy and pain.
57:49And so, the tale of Liesel, the once disobedient girl who encountered Krampus, serves as a
57:54reminder to us all that a sore bottom can lead to a repentant heart, and a repentant
57:59heart leads to a changed life.
58:01The End.
58:02Thank you for listening.
58:04If you enjoy my spanking stories, you can read more for free on Patreon at IndeviantArt.
58:10You may spank it.
