00:00hi kids today we will learn about one more renewable source of energy and it
00:08is solar energy so let's start
00:14energy of the heat and light of the Sun is known as solar energy this energy can
00:23be trapped using various technology solar power plants they convert the
00:31sunlight into electricity our plants are of many types one of the types uses
00:42photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight directly into electricity these cells
00:51are arranged on big rectangular panels most photovoltaic cells are made
01:00primarily of silicone when the sunlight falls on these cells these cells produce
01:09direct current which is known as DC and it is then sent to the power inverter
01:17which converts this direct current to alternating current AC or the
01:26alternating current it is in this form that energy is supplied to homes offices
01:35and other buildings which we also call as electricity
01:43the world's largest photovoltaic power plant is in Arizona it is 250 megawatt
01:54power plant and its name is a la caliente solar project there is one
02:04more type of solar power plant and they are known as solar concentration systems
02:11these systems use mirrors or lenses that concentrate the large amount of light
02:19falling on a large area onto a small area and this concentrated light on the
02:27small area produces a lot of heat that is sufficient to run a steam turbine
02:34that eventually runs a generator and produces electricity the largest solar
02:43power plant in the world is located in the Mojave Desert California it is a
02:52354 megawatt solar power plant there is one more way of using the solar energy
03:04solar thermal collectors use the heat absorbing panels and a series of attached
03:12circulation tubes that carry water and this water is heated and then supplied
03:20to the buildings for domestic use or a lot of many advantages of using solar
03:28energy it is readily and abundantly available very affordable a very clean
03:37source of energy renewable every country can produce its own electricity reduces
03:48pollution helps to keep the fossil fuel prices lower it is commonly being used
03:57to generate electricity it is very convenient to use it in our homes for
04:06heating water using the solar water heater solar panels require much less
04:13maintenance they do not have any mechanical parts that can fail solar
04:20energy is a resource that is not only sustainable for energy consumption it is
04:27indefinitely renewable solar panels do not create noise every good thing has
04:37some disadvantages too now let's learn the disadvantages of solar energy first
04:47and foremost disadvantage is that solar energy cannot be created during the
04:54nighttime power generation is reduced when it's cloudy solar panel must be
05:02installed in such a way that it faces the Sun directly even most efficient
05:09solar cells only convert 20% of the sunlight into electricity now you may go
05:19ahead and take a quiz to learn more bye-bye