Dear Husband Delete my Number (Part 2)Last Part

  • 2 months ago
Dear Husband Delete my Number (Part 2)Last Part
00:00It's really too bad I don't get to work with Joseph though. He's really sweet.
00:05Is he hot?
00:07I mean...
00:09I guess he's not bad looking.
00:11Then go get him! You're practically a divorcee anyway!
00:16I like him, but not like that.
00:20I can't imagine that actually.
00:24Maybe because you're still in love with Elijah.
00:28What are you insane?
00:30Then what's going on with that necklace?
00:32Oh, you know. The one that you're wearing but desperately trying to hide.
00:39It was Elijah's wedding gift to me.
00:42You're right.
00:45It's time I get rid of it.
00:50Buddy, listen. We gotta go with Stella.
00:52Elijah requested we put her in the lead role.
00:55You know what happens if we don't.
00:57Yeah, the director's the only one who can't stand her.
00:59Her awful personality is one thing, but she can't act.
01:02She doesn't even compare to Emma.
01:23It's beautiful.
01:25Yeah, my wife deserves the best.
01:29God, I was so naive then.
01:32You were right, Elijah.
01:34Turns out it was nothing but a sham.
01:43That rude Joseph Cooper!
01:45Wait until I tell Elijah!
01:50Sir, the guys have spotted this.
01:52Isn't that the necklace you bought for your wife?
01:55Wait, why would she do that?
01:57She always wears it.
01:59Maybe she really needed the money for something.
02:02Get out, Nate.
02:04My phone, sir.
02:06Nate, out!
02:08Yeah, of course.
02:17She's not even gonna try to haggle me down?
02:20Better go for it before she changes her mind.
02:23When and where do you want to meet?
02:45Do you want to sell it or not?
02:47What is this, some kind of trick?
02:49Look, I just need a necklace.
02:51Look, I just need a necklace that goes with my new bracelet.
02:54Elijah bought it for me.
02:57He knows I've had my eye on that bracelet.
03:00He got it for her?
03:02Look, I don't give a shit what the bastard buys you, okay?
03:05You can have him.
03:07Deal is off.
03:09You can go home empty-handed.
03:11Don't be ridiculous.
03:12We both know you need the money.
03:14The only way you're getting this necklace is if I shove it up your ass.
03:17I'll just have Elijah buy me a new one.
03:19It'll make yours look like a cheap knockoff.
03:22Oh, and one last thing.
03:24We're pregnant, by the way.
03:26We're planning on telling this family soon.
03:28We'll be sure to invite you to the wedding.
03:31I'll be looking forward to it.
03:34Why are men such trash?
03:40Um, excuse me.
03:43Can I get another bottle, please?
03:46Lady, I think you've had too much to drink already.
03:49Let's have free tea.
03:53I'm sorry.
03:54I'm sorry.
03:55I'm sorry.
03:56I'm sorry.
03:57I'm sorry.
03:58I'm sorry.
03:59I'm sorry.
04:00I'm sorry.
04:01Excuse me.
04:03Take my money and get me one more, please.
04:12No, no, no.
04:13That cannot be right.
04:17Is this enough?
04:19Look, do you have somebody you can call?
04:21You're broke and dusty.
04:22That's a bad combo at my bar.
04:29How about this?
04:31This should be enough for four months.
04:36It's not yours to take.
04:40Take it and go.
04:44I love Hanson, where'd you come from?
04:48How much to buy you for a night?
04:50Name your price.
04:52My husband is loaded.
04:54I'm your husband.
04:55I'm certain you had to drink.
04:58Is this enough to buy you for one night?
05:03Okay, we gotta get you out of here.
05:04Come on.
05:07Hey, buddy, put her down before I call the cops on you.
05:10Go ahead.
05:11She's my wife.
05:14Thank you for the drink.
05:16She was not a drink.
05:28You're such a sweetheart.
05:31I'm gonna tip you really well.
05:33Emma, I know you're in the habit of ordering the services of callboys, Mrs. Williams.
05:40If your husband finds out, won't he be upset?
05:43No, he hates me, so it doesn't matter.
05:47Well, then why do you carry your wedding ring?
05:50Helps me remember him.
05:53Like what a fucking asshole he is.
05:57I don't know.
06:00Elijah loves Stella so much.
06:03He can buy her the bracelet and whatever else she wants.
06:08She can't have mine.
06:16Look, I haven't bought Stella anything.
06:19And there's only one woman that I've ever fallen in love with.
06:22And that woman is you.
06:34Not yet.
06:37What did I...
06:40You perv, you changed my clothes.
06:43There's nothing that I haven't seen before.
06:45Besides you.
06:47You're the one who wanted to purchase my sexuality.
06:49You're the one who wanted to purchase my sexual services.
06:56I can explain.
06:58You can give me an explanation after you eat and shower.
07:02Remember you had soup and toast on your occasional late nights out?
07:06I can count the number of days that I was hungover on one hand.
07:13Oh, uh, be sure to tip me well, okay?
07:16Shut up!
07:20I'm sorry.
07:22You kept all my clothes.
07:24You thought I wouldn't?
07:26More like I thought Stella wouldn't.
07:28Okay, why would she do anything with your...
07:30Enough about her, okay? We need to get to the point.
07:33When are you signing the divorce papers?
07:37Is that really all you can think about?
07:40Your mom is already back in New York.
07:42It's divorce time.
07:44I stated an ordeal.
07:49Let's sign them tomorrow.
07:52Emma, if you needed money, you could have just asked me.
07:55I mean, I would give you way more than you'd get from a prenup or alimony for a divorce.
08:02It's always about money.
08:03It's all I've ever wanted from this fucking marriage.
08:07I'm a goddamn gold digger just like you said I am, right?
08:13I'm a goddamn gold digger just like you said I am, right?
08:18I'm a goddamn gold digger just like you said I am, right?
08:20Wait, where did I...
08:31May I?
08:43I don't normally wear...
08:48I don't normally wear...
08:5810 a.m.
09:00Tomorrow in my office.
09:03I'll sign the papers.
09:18Where are you?
09:20You said you would give me a divorce today.
09:23Not anymore.
09:26Mom, what is your bullshit excuse this time?
09:28Look, it's Grandma Doreen.
09:29She had a heart attack.
09:31Grandma Doreen?
09:33She's the only person who treats me like a human being in this entire family.
09:38Tell me she's okay.
09:40She's recovering.
09:42But the doctors say that she can't handle it anymore.
09:45The doctors say that she can't handle any other stress for some time.
09:49Which includes news about our divorce.
09:54So, what now?
09:57I plan to move her in with us.
10:01I plan to move her in with us.
10:03What do you mean move her in with us?
10:05She needs people who care and love her around her right now.
10:09Well, no one else in my family is stepping up.
10:11And she can't know about our plans, so we're going to have to continue the act in the same house.
10:17I moved out to escape you.
10:19I am not moving back in.
10:20You think that I'm happy about this situation?
10:24All of this, all of it, is for Grandma Doreen.
10:29I really missed your calling as a talent agent.
10:32My schedule is completely booked because of you.
10:35Alright, what do I get in return?
10:38Name a price.
10:39So, it's about the money after all.
10:42Shit, that came out wrong, but...
10:49Fifty thousand.
10:52Yeah, that's it.
10:59I'm doing this for my mom's medical bills.
11:04Nothing else.
11:09Coffee smells good.
11:13Would you mind pouring me a cup?
11:18Why should I?
11:19Well, the coffee you make is my favorite.
11:22Sweeten the deal.
11:23I'll make you a sandwich as a trade.
11:40I've never seen you cook before.
11:43Well, we have a personal chef.
11:46And I've never had a reason to before.
11:49And what about now?
12:03That's really good.
12:06You're right.
12:08You're not going to make one for yourself?
12:10No, no, I'm not hungry.
12:12Go ahead.
12:15Hang on.
12:16Hang on.
12:35Can't wait to show up to the gala tonight on your arm.
12:43There's a gala tonight.
12:45And I'd like for you to come with me.
12:51Yeah, I wasn't planning on going,
12:53but certain individuals connected to my family will be there.
12:57I mean, there will be talk if I show up without my wife.
13:02I'll go.
13:04I don't have anything to wear, though.
13:07Yeah, let me take care of that.
13:23It suits you perfectly.
13:25They said it's the only one like it in stock.
13:28It's meant for you.
13:34I gotta take this.
13:44You again?
13:45Take off the dress, bitch.
13:47It's mine.
13:49Excuse me?
13:50Your dress?
13:52I reserved it weeks ago for tonight's gala.
13:54You're going to the party tonight?
13:57Good, with who?
13:58Who do you think?
13:59Elijah, obviously.
14:02Why would he bring me here to buy this dress?
14:04Because he's lying to you, honey.
14:06Now take the dress off,
14:07because I have to get it steam-cleaned after you soiled it.
14:10Consider it yours.
14:19Hi, kitty.
14:23What, did you think this was funny?
14:25Go to hell.
14:30Give me this.
14:31Emma, wait.
14:32What is going on?
14:33I'm not going to that goddamn gala with you.
14:35Okay, there has to be some kind of misunderstanding.
14:39Let go.
14:40Your girlfriend's in there,
14:41so you better go help her try on that fucking dress.
14:43What did Stella say to you?
14:45Does it actually matter?
14:47You always take her side anyways.
14:49What do you want?
14:51Where are you?
14:53I'm busy, what do you want?
14:57Did she tell you that I'm going to the gala with her?
15:00I'm not, she's lying to you.
15:02Right, just like she was lying all those other times?
15:04All the times that she humiliated me.
15:06So many times where you chose her over me.
15:11Promise me.
15:13Okay, I have my reasons.
15:18Look, I've never told you this before,
15:20but Stella's brother, Stella's brother...
15:21They're not reasons, they're excuses,
15:23and I don't want to hear them.
15:26We're planning on telling his family soon.
15:28We'll be sure to invite you to the wedding.
15:33If you don't want to go to the gala,
15:34I'm not going to force you to.
15:37Give me back the dress!
15:39Ma'am, I already told you, this isn't your dress.
15:41The dress you ordered is over there.
15:42Well, I've seen all of your options
15:44and I've changed my mind.
15:45Give me this dress!
15:47Ma'am, the owner will be right back for it.
15:49They already bought it.
15:51Do you know who I am?
15:52Apparently some overrated actress with a diva complex.
16:00Thank goodness you came back.
16:01This wench won't sell me the dress I want.
16:03Clearly she's lying and saying someone else bought it.
16:06She's not.
16:07I bought it.
16:08Oh, baby.
16:09You know my tastes so well.
16:11I didn't buy it for you.
16:13Can you bag it, please?
16:14Me and my wife have places to be.
16:16Of course, Mr. Williams.
16:19Come on.
16:34What a gorgeous beauty.
16:35Everybody loves me.
16:37She's radiant.
16:38No, they're not talking about me.
16:42Mr. Williams.
16:44A pleasure.
16:47Who is this delightful beauty?
16:49This is my wife.
16:51You sly dog.
16:52You've been holding out on us.
16:54Can you blame me?
16:56You got a good husband there, Mrs. Williams.
16:58Just let me know if anything changes.
17:00I'm afraid that we're in it for the long haul.
17:06I'm sorry.
17:07I'm sorry.
17:08I'm sorry.
17:09I'm sorry.
17:10I'm sorry.
17:44Is anyone out there?
17:51Is anyone out there?
18:20Come on, Emma.
18:21Where are you?
18:22Come on.
18:39Yummy, yummy.
18:41Have you seen Emma?
18:44I'm so sorry.
18:45I just saw her with some guy
18:47and I'm pretty sure she just left with him.
18:53What the fuck was that?
18:55So sorry, Elijah.
19:25You good?
19:26Are you okay?
19:29Are you hurt?
19:30No, no.
19:31I'm fine.
19:34I'm sure you're probably wondering
19:36what I was doing
19:37crawling out of the bathroom window.
19:39You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to.
19:44Oh, oh no.
19:47Let me help.
19:53Thank you.
19:54Yeah, of course.
19:56After you.
20:00I'm sorry, ma'am.
20:01Do you have an invitation?
20:02I'm here with my husband.
20:04I'm going to have to see an invitation for you to get in.
20:08I will try calling him.
20:17Come on, Elijah.
20:18Pick up.
20:19Come on, Elijah.
20:20Pick up.
20:24Something wrong?
20:25Yeah, I can't get back inside without the invitation.
20:28You can come in with me.
20:30Invitation is for you and a close one.
20:33Thank you.
20:45Oh, look.
20:48It's Joseph, our producer.
20:50Why don't we go say hello?
20:58So that's why you didn't answer my call?
21:00And I see why you didn't answer any of mine.
21:05Elijah, look how cute they are.
21:07She's even wearing his jacket.
21:09It's not even that cold in here.
21:11Do you even hear yourself right now?
21:13Elijah, Emma and I ran into each other outside.
21:15Her dress was...
21:16Don't even bother.
21:18He won't take my side.
21:24It's what you thought.
21:25I was outside with Joseph.
21:27You know, it was actually really nice of him to keep me company
21:30while you were in here with the homewrecker.
21:32Why don't you shut your rat face?
21:35It's not a lie, though, is it?
21:37Is there a single person here who doesn't know
21:39you're trying to steal my husband?
21:43Let's go, Mrs. Williams.
21:48We haven't finished making our rounds together yet.
21:53What an ass.
22:13Why are you laughing?
22:14I thought you'd be angry.
22:16About what?
22:18The thing I said about Joseph.
22:20Oh, yeah, I know.
22:21You were just trying to make me jealous.
22:23I wasn't.
22:24Well, your irritation with Stella
22:25and the My Husband digs were also a dead giveaway.
22:28So what?
22:29Are you going to be pissed that I was rude to your girlfriend?
22:34I am.
22:39Dress delivery.
22:43All right, let's get you changed.
22:45How did you...
22:47You didn't think I'd know about your torn dress?
22:52Come on, I notice everything about you, Emma.
23:12For what it's worth.
23:15Thank you.
23:18Thank you.
23:31Um, would you mind giving me a hand?
23:38Yeah, of course.
23:47Thank you.
24:03You said you called me earlier.
24:06What for?
24:08I wanted you to save me.
24:12Nothing important.
24:15Why'd you call me?
24:19I was worried about you.
24:22Nothing important.
24:37Come on, no wonder where we are.
24:41Let's go.
24:43We've got a deal to uphold.
24:57Elijah, I've been hearing you've been butting heads with your brother
25:02for the control of the company.
25:04I'm not concerned.
25:05If my family wants to succeed, they'll choose me.
25:08Your mother added an interesting condition, hasn't she?
25:12Something to do with future heirs?
25:15You've been married for what, three years now?
25:20Time to get to it.
25:26Oh, Emma.
25:28It's been three years and you're still not able to get pregnant.
25:32You know, if you have a bad doctor, I can refer you to mine.
25:35Nothing is wrong with me. Stay in your lane.
25:38Don't be so prickly.
25:40It's your fault that Elijah doesn't want to fuck you.
25:47Apologize to Stella. Now.
25:50You're kidding me.
25:53You call yourself her husband?
25:57Back off.
25:59Joseph actually has a point.
26:01You need to get your head on straight, Elijah.
26:04Ask yourself, who is your wife?
26:07Whose side should you be taking?
26:08It's not about choosing sides, Emma.
26:10I don't want this to spiral more than it already has.
26:12You should have shut this woman up forever ago.
26:15Maybe if you didn't have such thin skin.
26:20Look, if you feel uncomfortable here, I can drive you home.
26:22Okay, you're crossing the line.
26:26I deserve to be put first.
26:28For once.
26:31I'm exhausted. Let's go.
26:38Let's go.
26:54You are first.
26:56So don't go.
27:09I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this.
27:14I think this is the first time we've ever danced together.
27:17Yeah, well, I knew that you weren't a fan.
27:19No, I just...
27:21I wanted you to teach me.
27:23Well, then, tonight's the night.
27:29I'm sorry.
27:31I'm sorry.
27:33I'm sorry.
27:35I'm sorry.
27:38I'm sorry.
27:41I mean, this reminds me of prom.
27:44Except everybody was way richer and more pretentious.
27:49Well, then, I guess that makes us the king and the queen of the prom.
28:00We're just a divorcing couple.
28:04Putting on a show.
28:08Oh, no.
28:12Well, then, at least we can be the perfect couple before this song ends.
28:22Revenge dance?
28:24Yeah, no.
28:27Oh, um, Nate?
28:29This isn't the way to my apartment.
28:31We're going home.
28:33You mean your home?
28:35It's our home.
28:37Come on, you know what I mean.
28:39Look, there's no reason for me to come and stay the night tonight.
28:42Your grandma's not even gonna be here till tomorrow.
28:44I'll come back in the morning.
28:46She could show up at any moment.
28:48You really wanna risk it?
28:54Wait, we're sleeping in separate bedrooms, right?
29:01You really gotta ask?
29:03I refuse.
29:07I'll just leave my door unlocked in case you change your mind.
29:10Well, I'll keep my door locked in case you get urges.
29:24Good night.
29:33Good night.
29:48I know you probably don't want to be cast with Stella,
29:51but something tells me you'll change your mind once you see the part.
29:54Let me know if I should expect you.
30:04What the hell? Get out!
30:06It's not like I haven't seen your body before.
30:08We're married.
30:10It's different now.
30:18Wanna make you feel better if I got naked?
30:24Wanna make you feel better if I got naked?
30:34You're up early.
30:36You going somewhere?
30:38I got called in for a role.
30:40I'm going in right after this.
30:42Man, I haven't seen your cheeks this rosy since our wedding.
30:45You sure you're not going on a date?
31:06Find out where Emma's going and who she's meeting.
31:13So, you gonna tell me about this mystery role?
31:16Read it.
31:18Your role is Yvonne.
31:20In the story, Sophie, the female lead, steals your fiancé.
31:24You're gonna slap her several times.
31:28And, uh, the female lead is...
31:34You sure this is a real part?
31:36Yep. It's part of the plot.
31:39And if you're worried about Stella, don't be.
31:42She's a professional. Remember?
31:48Middle name.
31:50Yes, she really does.
31:52Sorry, I gotta take this. Hello.
31:55What? How are you here?
31:57Because I got called in.
31:59Fiancé of James Knight?
32:01No. That role belongs to another actress.
32:04I don't know the details. I just know I have a job to do.
32:06Like hell you are. There's no way in hell I'll let you do this.
32:09Is there a problem here, Ms. Hill?
32:12Oh, shit. I'm already on thin ice with this asshole.
32:15He'll jump at any chance to drop me.
32:17No. Not at all, Director Sal.
32:20Great. I'm so glad to hear it.
32:26Can we start this rehearsal, please?
32:35Um, I'm sorry, Yvonne, for everything that happened.
32:40Shut up, Sophie.
32:42You had every chance to stop it, and you didn't.
32:46Please. I just fell in love with him.
32:49Is falling in love with a guy illegal now?
32:53That was supposed to be a fake slap.
32:57I didn't yell cut. I didn't yell cut. I swear to God, I didn't yell cut.
33:01Shut up. Keep going. Hit her again.
33:07If it's a girl, maybe we'll name her after you.
33:11You should have known better than to steal my husband, bitch.
33:14God! I love it! You're fantastic! Yes!
33:19Oh, no. Don't help. Don't help. Get off!
33:25Oh, God. God, I can't even watch. It's just so horrible.
33:30God, that felt good.
33:32I figured he'd be down.
33:34I've never fought back before.
33:37I've just let her walk all over me this entire time.
33:40Have you told your husband about any of this?
33:44He won't listen.
33:47He'll take her side. Always.
33:52I think you should do yourself a favor of just talking it out.
33:57It's not the way he would do you.
34:01It's you he wants, not her.
34:07It's you he wants, not her.
34:10I don't know what to believe.
34:13I don't know. My head just gets so mixed up when it comes to him.
34:19Apologize to Stella. Now.
34:22You're kidding me.
34:27Love can be crazy like that.
34:33Oh, my God. I knew you're a whore.
34:36Wait until Elijah sees it. You're a dead bitch.
34:44I must have left my phone on silent.
34:50Hey, Mr. Williams. What's up?
34:52I'm pulling all funding from your production immediately.
34:55I'm pulling all funding from your production immediately.
34:58Whoa, buddy. Back it up. What's going on?
35:01I've received reports of unprofessional behavior on set.
35:04That's news to me. You want to send them my way?
35:07Elijah, I'm saying this as a friend to your wife.
35:10Just talk to her.
35:12Besides, if you pull funding and production dies,
35:15it's not just Stella you'll be letting down.
35:23Why didn't you answer any of my calls?
35:25I was working.
35:27With Joseph?
35:29What, are you stalking me?
35:31Is he the reason that you want to divorce me?
35:33Are you kidding me? I just met him a couple of days ago.
35:36He got me a job, which I need to pay my bills and take care of myself.
35:40Come on, Emma. You know that I'll always take care of you.
35:43Yeah, except I'm not going to play this stupid husband and wife game with you forever.