¡Top 10 Series de SUSPENSO en Español!

  • hace 3 meses
En esta lista estaremos viendo las mejores series de suspenso de habla hispana con tramas llenas de giros inesperados, alta tensión emocional y misterios que resolver o descubrir.


00:02Hello dad, are you with mom?
00:04It looks like someone entered the house
00:06because all her things are thrown away
00:08Hello and welcome to WatchMojo Spanish
00:10I am Fernando
00:12and in this list we will be watching
00:14the best Spanish-speaking suspense series
00:16with plots full of unexpected twists
00:18high emotional tension
00:20and mysteries to solve or discover
00:22As we will talk about key points
00:24in the plot, we activate
00:26the already known spoiler alert
00:30Number 10
00:32Story of a crime, Colmenares
00:34What happened to Luis Andres?
00:36We don't know
00:38On October 31, 2010
00:40Luis Andres Colmenares, a 20-year-old
00:42was found dead in Bogotá
00:44in mysterious circumstances
00:46The authorities
00:48initially concluded that he had
00:50accidentally fallen into a pipe
00:52backed up by the testimonies
00:54of his university classmates
00:56especially Laura Moreno's
00:58father, with whom he started
01:00a sentimental relationship
01:02However, new evidence
01:04about his body raised suspicions
01:06that it could have been a murder
01:08The important thing here
01:10is that everything fits in the same version
01:12You got your hands dirty, how did they kill Colmenares?
01:14A story based on real events
01:16shocking and chilling
01:18in which you will feel
01:20the desperation to discover
01:22the truth during its eight episodes
01:24I have a message
01:26From whom?
01:28From my dead son, he tells you
01:30that the answer is in his body
01:32Number 9
01:36Focusing on the first three seasons
01:38of this series, we see a thriller
01:40that keeps you intrigued
01:42during all its chapters
01:44The Spanish series tells the life
01:46of a group of students
01:48of the exclusive private school
01:50Las Encinas, to which three new
01:52working-class students arrive
01:54You are going to need it
01:56Hi, my name is Samuel
01:58What did the waiter say?
02:00There, the differences between rich and humble
02:02will lead to a murder
02:04The second season is about
02:06the disappearance of a school student
02:08and the third focuses on
02:10a new murder among the students
02:12We are kids
02:16and we don't even know what we do
02:18half the time
02:20The mix of drama, suspense and mystery
02:22of this series will make you keep
02:24aware of each of its turns
02:26Do you have any more questions?
02:30Number 8
02:32The mess you leave
02:34The truth is that you are giving it a lot of value
02:38Imagine starting a new job
02:40just to find out that your predecessor
02:42died in suspicious circumstances
02:44This is the plot of the Spanish series
02:46The mess you leave
02:48where a teacher begins to work
02:50in the city of Galicia
02:52and soon realizes that the vacancy
02:54opened due to a mysterious death
02:56The more she knows the students
02:58the more convinced she is
03:00that the death was not an accident
03:02and that they have something to do
03:04with what happened
03:06The teacher is tormented by this situation
03:08receives similar threats
03:10to those suffered by her former
03:12deceased partner and begins to fear
03:14for her own life
03:16A death threat? Do you think it's bullshit?
03:18The series maintains a plot
03:20with constant intrigue
03:22and a mystery that deepens
03:24in each episode
03:26I need to know who is behind all this
03:28Number 7
03:30The Kingdom
03:32The story of this Argentine series
03:34focuses on the life of the pastor Emilio Vázquez Pena
03:36who runs for vice president
03:38in the next elections of the country
03:40after the fall of Peronism and Radicalism
03:42But during the closing
03:44of the campaign
03:46an unexpected event happens
03:48They killed my formula partner
03:50The natural successor by law
03:52is him, the pastor
03:54The religious leader
03:56is now forced to
03:58assume the candidacy of the president
04:00of the nation
04:02Meanwhile, the justice tries to decipher the crime
04:04unravel the truth
04:06and discover what were the causes
04:08The series will catch you
04:10with its mix of politics, mystery
04:12and drama
04:14It's a satanic message
04:16The message is Christ, doctor
04:18Now money saved
04:22Number 6
04:24Flight 601 kidnapping
04:26Between 1968 and 1973
04:28the golden age of
04:30air piracy
04:32348 planes were kidnapped
04:34all over the world
04:36More than half of these incidents
04:38occurred in Latin America
04:40where the aircrafts were taken to Cuba
04:42Communist fortress
04:44In Colombia
04:4617 kidnappings were recorded
04:48including the longest one
04:50in the continent
04:52This series tells its story
04:54We are a family
04:56The girl hasn't eaten anything
04:58You can tell my mom in Cali
05:00Two armed criminals
05:02originating from Paraguay
05:04kidnap a commercial flight
05:06from the airline Aero Bolívar
05:08and threaten to kill one by one
05:10The criminal doesn't pay a lot of money
05:24In just 6 episodes
05:26the tense narrative
05:28full of suspense
05:30will catch you
05:32by the fascinating look
05:34to one of the most dramatic events
05:36in the history of aviation
05:40Number 5
05:42Dark Desire
05:44The series tells the story of Alma
05:46a lawyer and university professor
05:48married to Judge Leonardo Solares
05:50Alma goes to a weekend
05:52to a party
05:54and meets a young man named Darío
05:56with whom she starts a passionate adventure
05:58However, that weekend
06:00ends in tragedy
06:02We found her dead this morning
06:04Any traces?
06:06At least 4 different people, sir
06:08When Alma tries to go back to her normal life
06:10she discovers that Darío
06:12is now her student
06:14and she is involved in the investigation
06:16of a murder that happened
06:18in the house where she was
06:20Alma starts to realize
06:22that she can't trust the people
06:24of her closest circle
06:26including her own husband
06:28The series has a great combination
06:30of passion, intrigue and mysteries
06:32that are revealed chapter by chapter
06:34Nobody has clean hands here, Leonardo
06:36Number 4
06:3842 Days in the Dark
06:40This Chilean series
06:42tells the story of a mysterious disappearance
06:44The morning of June 29, 2010
06:46Verónica Montes
06:48disappears from her house
06:50in the condominium
06:52Altos del Lago, an exclusive sector
06:54of Puerto Varas, south of Chile
06:56where she lived with her husband
06:58and her two daughters
07:00The first clues are confusing
07:04Hello dad, are you with mom?
07:06It seems that someone entered the house
07:08because all her things are thrown
07:10Mario Medina, her husband
07:12claims to have been
07:14doing a procedure that day
07:16when he received a call
07:18asking for money for the rescue of his wife
07:20Cecilia Montes,
07:22Verónica's sister, leads the search
07:24accompanied by her lawyer
07:26Víctor Pizarro
07:28Together they must face
07:30the indolence of the institutions
07:32the multiple prejudices of society
07:34and the harassment of the press
07:36You have taken the honor of our sister
07:38with lies and speculations
07:40and as a family we want to demand
07:42we want to ask
07:44respect and consideration
07:46at this painful moment
07:48The series, based on real events
07:50will wrap you in drama
07:52anguish and suspense
07:54throughout its six episodes
07:56with a powerful narrative
07:58and very well done
08:00Do you know how many times
08:02he called her that same day?
08:06The Innocent
08:08Your name is Mateo Vidal
08:12You never thought
08:14that a man could be born twice
08:16but you did it
08:18Nine years ago
08:20Mateo interceded innocently
08:22in a fight that ended
08:24in a negligent homicide
08:26Now as a former convict
08:28he is about to find stability
08:30with his partner Olivia
08:32who is pregnant and they are about
08:34to get the house of their dreams
08:36Everything changes
08:38when an inexplicable call
08:40from Olivia's cell phone
08:42disconcerts Mateo
08:44taking him to a frenetic race
08:46to discover the truth
08:48Meanwhile, the police inspector
08:50Lorena investigates the suicide
08:52of a nun and begins to notice
08:54strange coincidences with the case of Mateo
08:56Teo Aguilar
08:58from the Special Crimes Unit
09:00also gets involved
09:02guiding the viewer from an apparent
09:04stability based on lies
09:06to the raw reality that emerges
09:08when everyone thought
09:10that the past was buried
09:12Olivia doesn't know who you are 100%
09:14Why do you think you know her so well?
09:16Are you going to help me or not?
09:18Let's look at it from another perspective
09:20What if all this has nothing to do with her
09:22but with you?
09:24There are 8 chapters that maintain
09:26a tension and a thread of intrigue
09:28until the last moment
09:30How many accidents of fate do you think
09:32touch you for life?
09:36This Colombian series follows
09:38the intense story of Camila
09:40a woman who suffers a heart attack
09:42the day of her wedding
09:44seeing how her dreams collapse
09:46when she needs a heart transplant
09:48to continue living
09:50Her fiancé, a man with a lot of money
09:52decides to do anything to save her
09:54and hires the services
09:56of an organ trafficking gang
10:12Here comes Valeria
10:14the murdered woman to take her heart
10:16Her husband, Simon
10:18when he finds out about this atrocious act
10:20does everything he can to end
10:22the organ trafficking gang
10:24that killed his wife
10:28In a twist of fate
10:30Simon meets and falls in love with Camila
10:32the woman who has survived
10:34thanks to the heart of her late wife
10:36Palpito will catch you
10:38with his combination of drama, love
10:40and the great interpretation
10:42of his actors that make you feel
10:44every chapter
10:50We have not reached the end yet
10:52but almost
10:54Just make sure
10:56not to leave us in suspense
10:58like these series
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11:06Very well, let's go to the end
11:08Number 1
11:10Who killed Sara?
11:16This electrifying Mexican series
11:18begins with the story
11:20of Alex Guzman
11:22who is released after spending
11:2418 years in prison for a crime
11:26he did not commit
11:28the murder of his sister Sara
11:30Alex is determined to discover the truth
11:32and take revenge on the powerful
11:34Alaskan family
11:36who incriminated him to protect
11:38his own dark secrets
11:48Today I have more power than 18 years ago
11:50As Alex enters
11:52his investigation
11:54he realizes that the search for evidence
11:56will lead him down a much more dangerous path
11:58than he imagined
12:00When he finally faces
12:02the real culprit
12:04Alex will wish not to have sought his revenge
12:06Each episode
12:08reveals new twists and surprises
12:10questioning the true identity
12:12of the murderer
12:14and the reasons behind the crime
12:16that will not let you take off the screen
12:24And you?
12:26Do you agree with our choices?
12:28What will be your next Thriller series to see?
12:30Tell us in the comments
12:32and don't forget to watch these other
12:34original videos of Watch Mojo Español
