Trinity vs the Godhead / Trinidad vs la Divinidad | Brandtley Greenlaw

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Brandtley Greenlaw:
Trinity vs the Godhead
Trinidad vs la Divinidad

Culto Sábado Especial 20 Julio 2024
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Transmitido por RedADvenir Television Internacional

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00:00:00Good morning, everyone, and a happy restful Sabbath to you.
00:00:28Greetings from everyone here in McDonnell, Tennessee, United States.
00:00:37It's been a while since my wife and I have been down there in Santa Cruz.
00:00:47We used to be down there, and we were with you guys.
00:00:50We were playing in the music and flying the mission planes.
00:01:03But since that time, we have been up here in the United States, and we have started
00:01:07a new channel on YouTube called GMI TV.
00:01:19And just recently, last weekend, Uncle David asked us to start a new channel called Frontlines
00:01:32On Frontlines TV, you will see what is happening in the mission field.
00:01:37We will see videos presented or taken by the missionaries that are actually on the frontlines
00:01:42in the mission field.
00:01:55So please be sure and tune in to Frontlines TV and subscribe to that channel so you can
00:02:00see what's happening on the frontlines.
00:02:11Some of the other things that are happening up here is we are looking for property where
00:02:15we can move headquarters to a more secluded location, and we have started that process.
00:02:36So please join us in prayer as we look for property.
00:02:40Please pray for us that God will show us the right property that is good for Gospel
00:02:55So before we begin today, let us ask the Lord to be with us in prayer.
00:03:09Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come before you this morning.
00:03:14Nuestro padre amante, amado, estamos viniendo y presentándonos hacia ti esta mañana.
00:03:23Dear Father, I pray that you will be with us in this message that you have for us.
00:03:28Padre nuestro, pido que estés con nosotros y con este mensaje que tenemos esta mañana.
00:03:34There are so many things happening in the world that are causing deception.
00:03:45We ask that you'll apply the eye salve to our eyes.
00:03:54That we may see through the deceptions that the devil has.
00:04:02May you speak the words that you would have me to speak today.
00:04:12That the truth may come forth and be to your honor and your glory.
00:04:21We ask these things in the blessed name of Jesus.
00:04:33The message that is before us this morning is called the Trinity or the Godhead.
00:04:46I'm going to take us back in time about 4,200 years.
00:04:55Just a little bit after the flood.
00:05:00And we're going to start in Genesis chapter 9.
00:05:07Where God is talking to Noah.
00:05:14So turn with me to Genesis chapter 9 verses 1.
00:05:23This is where God is talking to Noah.
00:05:28And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish
00:05:36the earth.
00:05:37And then skip to verse 7, Genesis 9 verse 7, where it says, and you be fruitful and
00:05:59multiply, bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein.
00:06:15And then we go to Genesis 9 verse 11, where God says and I will establish my covenant
00:06:26with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood, neither
00:06:32shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth.
00:06:46And we turn now to Genesis 11 verse 2, where it says that it came to pass as they journeyed
00:06:57from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there.
00:07:12So remember the previous two verses, God said to expand and replenish the earth.
00:07:28And he also said that I will never destroy the earth again with a flood.
00:07:39But in Genesis 11 verse 3, it says, and they said one to another, go to, let us make brick
00:07:46and burn them thoroughly.
00:07:47And they had brick for stone and slime they had for mortar.
00:08:05And they said, go to, let us build us a city and a tower whose name, whose top may reach
00:08:11into heaven.
00:08:12And let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
00:08:19So again, God said to replenish the earth, go abroad and do that.
00:08:43But these people said, let's build us a city, a tower whose top may reach into heaven.
00:08:56And because we want to make ourselves a name, unless we be scattered abroad, the whole face
00:09:01of the earth.
00:09:16So Cush was the son of Ham and the grandson of Noah in Genesis 10 verses 1 and 6.
00:09:22And with his son Nimrod, Cush started building that tower that would reach unto heaven.
00:09:29And this empire would be their way to rule the world.
00:09:55So the tower became known as Nimrod's Tower and was built at Babel in the plain of Shinar,
00:10:01which was later known as Babylon.
00:10:15So they called the tower Babel, the gate to heaven, but God called it confusion because
00:10:22there God confused the language of the people, which forced them to scatter.
00:10:41So by confusing their language, God caused them to stop building the tower and they were
00:10:47scattered to different parts of the world.
00:11:00Now Nimrod was the originator of sun worship in Babylon.
00:11:11Nimrod also married his own mother Semiramis and she was the first deified queen of Babylon
00:11:18and Nimrod was the first deified king.
00:11:36Nimrod and Semiramis' followers plunged so deeply into the occult that they even sacrificed
00:11:43babies to Satan in their worship of him.
00:12:01So quoting from the Neptune or the book called Leo's Next Brothers in 1959, it says that
00:12:10the tower of Babel was actually the worship of Satan in the form of fire, the sun and
00:12:16the serpent.
00:12:17However, Satan worship could not be done openly because of the many who still believed in
00:12:23the true God of Noah.
00:12:24So a mystery religion began at Babel where Satan could be worshipped in secret.
00:12:39So after Nimrod's death, his followers and Semiramis were afraid to continue in their
00:13:09worship of Satan for fear of death.
00:13:10So a mystery religion developed at Babel where Satan could be worshipped in secret.
00:13:35So it was not long after the death of Nimrod that Semiramis became pregnant.
00:13:49She claimed that when Nimrod died, he went up to the sun and so the sun then became a
00:13:55symbol of Nimrod.
00:13:57She told the people that a ray of the sun had come to her and impregnated her with a
00:14:02child and that it was actually Nimrod coming back in a reincarnation of the sun god.
00:14:31So the child was called Tammuz and these three were worshipped as the personification
00:14:37of the sun god and this is where we find the first three came into existence.
00:14:59Semiramis declared that Nimrod was a god and she was a wife as wife was a goddess and
00:15:06she called herself the queen of heaven and that she was to be worshipped.
00:15:24She claimed her spirit was the moon and when she died she would dwell in the moon even
00:15:29as Nimrod was already in the sun.
00:15:43This was the start of pagan worship or the system of paganism.
00:15:55Semiramis and her priests of Satan were deep into the occult and they set up statues or
00:16:00idols of this mother child.
00:16:16The queen of heaven symbol became the moon and Nimrod was called Baal or the sun god.
00:16:31This worship of three was carried to all the different cultures today but took on different
00:16:37names after God confused the languages.
00:16:52So if we look in Egypt the three became Osiris, Horus and Isis.
00:17:06And in Greece the three became Zeus, Apollo and Athena.
00:17:17And in India the three became Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
00:17:28And in Rome the three became Jupiter, Mars and Venus.
00:17:38Have you seen any of these statues and gods before?
00:17:47So these few are by no means a comprehensive list but in all the many cultures and pagan
00:17:52systems of worship we find the ultimate worship of their gods always ends up in three.
00:18:17The common denominator is that they all started at the very same place but with different
00:18:23languages and so they all have different names.
00:18:38As far back into the ancient world as we can go we find that all known cultures had a three
00:18:44in one triune god.
00:19:02So let's look at some of the characteristics of this heathen trinity.
00:19:13There are always three beings in this triune god.
00:19:21One is the father, one is the mother and one is the son.
00:19:30The son is also the husband of the mother.
00:19:38The son is also the father incarnate.
00:19:45All three have been deified as gods and often these three are said to be one god, that is
00:19:55one in three forms or three in one.
00:20:03It sounds very confusing to you, it certainly is very confusing.
00:20:16At times the heathen trinity is seen as one god playing three roles and is pictured with
00:20:22three heads.
00:20:25One god is seen with three faces on one head or it could be three heads.
00:20:49In several branches of heathenism the third person of this trinity is regarded as evil
00:20:54and a destroyer.
00:21:06And in another version the first person is the creator, the second person is the maintainer
00:21:12and the third person is the destroyer.
00:21:22And all these have existed from ancient times, while overlaid with idolatry, the recognition
00:21:38of a trinity was universal in all the ancient nations of the world.
00:21:44So how did this all begin?
00:22:08So if you look on the screen you'll see that the very first three in one trinity was actually
00:22:12the worship of the three stages of the sun.
00:22:28So you see on the left side the first phase was sunrise, the second phase was high noon
00:22:34or the zenith, and the third phase is sunset.
00:22:47So if we look at the Egyptian deities New International Encyclopedia, Volume 7, they
00:22:54say that the three became the most universal number of deity.
00:22:59Sun worship is one of the most primitive forms of religion and early man sometimes
00:23:04distinguished between rising, midday, and setting sun.
00:23:09The Egyptians, for example, divided the sun god into three deities, Horus, the rising
00:23:14sun, Ra or Re, midday sun, and Osiris, old setting sun.
00:23:22So if you look on the screen you'll see that the very first three in one trinity was actually
00:23:29the worship of the three stages of the sun.
00:23:35So if you look on the screen you'll see that the very first three in one trinity was actually
00:23:42the worship of the three stages of the sun.
00:23:47So the pagans also believed that the three phases of the sun were the three manifestations
00:24:06of the supreme deity in the Egyptian sun gods and this became known as the three in one
00:24:14So you can see what they did is they saw the three phases of the sun and they pushed
00:24:29them together and they saw that it formed a triangle.
00:24:36Como podemos ver, tomaron las tres posiciones del sol, las unieron en el centro, y hicieron
00:24:44que haga este triángulo.
00:24:48And once you look at that triangle, these three interlocking triangles are circles formed
00:24:52in what's called an equilateral triangle, which is a triangle with three equal sides.
00:24:58And with this equilateral triangle, all sides are equal and must add up to 180 degrees.
00:25:04So each side was representing a phase of the sun, and each angle of the triangle was
00:25:1060 degrees.
00:25:11So it doesn't take a genius to see that the next step was taking 60 and 60 and 60 to represent
00:25:18Estos tres círculos entrelazados formaron un triángulo equilatero, que es un triángulo
00:25:27con tres lados iguales.
00:25:29Con un triángulo equilatero, todos los lados son iguales y deben sumar 180 grados.
00:25:37Cada lado representaba una fase del sol, y cada ángulo del triángulo era de 60 grados.
00:25:45No hace falta ser un genio para darse cuenta que el siguiente paso de 60, 60 y 60 representaba
00:25:53el 666.
00:25:55So if you look at this symbol, you can see, and they called it, sorry, they called it
00:26:02a triquetra symbol.
00:26:05Si podemos ver estos símbolos, el nombre que ellos le llamaron es el triquetra.
00:26:12So these are three interlocking circles or sections, as you can see, and these three
00:26:17interlocking sectors can be substituted for the whole so that the part of each circle
00:26:21can also be used rather than the whole.
00:26:42So this symbol represents the three-in-one sun god, the triquetra, and is found throughout
00:26:48different cultures and different pagan institutes of belief.
00:27:03You'll often see the triquetra drawn in many different ways, and you will find them in
00:27:08different temples, different shrines, paintings, etches, and carvings.
00:27:19And quoting from the New King James Omission's A.V. Publications, they say that the triquetra
00:27:25is a satanic symbol that has its origins in the occult, and it has always been associated
00:27:32with pagan beliefs, satanic practices, and witchcraft.
00:27:37The triquetra is a symbol of the occult.
00:27:41It has always been associated with pagan beliefs, satanic practices, and witchcraft.
00:27:47The triquetra is composed of three sixes overlaid, and this logo is the ancient symbol for the
00:27:54pagan trinity.
00:27:56The symbol was popularized, again, by Satanist Aleister Crowley for the royal arc, or lucifer,
00:28:04or the third degree of the year order of masonry.
00:28:11And quoting from the New King James Omission's A.V. Publications, they say that the triquetra
00:28:18is a satanic symbol that has its origins in the occult.
00:28:24It has always been associated with pagan beliefs, satanic practices, and witchcraft.
00:28:31The triquetra is composed of three sixes overlaid, and this logo is the ancient symbol for the
00:28:40pagan trinity.
00:28:43The symbol was popularized, again, by Satanist Aleister Crowley for the royal arc, or lucifer,
00:28:53or the third degree of the year order of masonry.
00:29:00This triquetra symbol is used today by various secret societies, and these chalices here,
00:29:08or goblets, they are used by witches in their practices.
00:29:13And what is the symbol on it?
00:29:15It is 666, or Satan the triquetra.
00:29:19And why would that be?
00:29:20It's because witches communicate with Satan.
00:29:39So do you think we might see some of this on the television?
00:29:48There was a TV series about three witches, not four witches, but three, interestingly enough.
00:29:53And likewise, the symbol that they use is a symbol of the sun god, or the sun god of the sun.
00:30:02And likewise, the symbol that they use is a symbol of the sun god, or the three-in-one god.
00:30:10There was a TV series called Charmed.
00:30:14This series is about three witches, not four witches, but three, interestingly enough.
00:30:22And likewise, the symbol that they use is a symbol of the sun god, or the three-in-one god.
00:30:30So that's television. How about books?
00:30:33And that's on television. Now let's look at books.
00:30:36So the triquetra symbol is also used in witchcraft books.
00:30:40And the Aquarian Conspiracy, you see on the left-hand side, has three interlocking sixes as their symbol.
00:30:47The Craft, the middle book, has a small triquetra in the middle of the cover.
00:30:51And the last is called the Witch's Book of Shadows, and you can see the triquetra symbol right there.
00:31:07So we've seen the satanic symbol on the witch's chalices, or goblets.
00:31:17We've seen this on the TV series Charmed.
00:31:26And we've also seen this symbol on the TV series The Wizard of Oz.
00:31:37And we see it here on books, witchcraft books.
00:31:45Where else might we see the triquetra symbol?
00:31:51Could it also be on the Holy Bible?
00:31:54¿Será que este símbolo se está mostrando también en la Biblia?
00:32:07Este símbolo no es un símbolo del Dios de la Biblia, sino del Dios Sol, infiltrados por engaño.
00:32:16So they have been deceiving the world with this symbol.
00:32:25So craftily and so cleverly that it has now crept in on the front cover of the Holy Bible.
00:32:32Tan inteligentemente y tan astutamente ha sido esto, que ha llegado este símbolo a estar impreso en la parte delante de nuestras Biblias.
00:32:45Esto es absolutamente asombroso, pero negativamente.
00:32:55Ahora vamos a entrar un poco más. ¿Cuál es el origen del número 666?
00:33:02The number 666 started with the Babylonians, and they had 36 supreme gods, which included the sun god, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods, and so it was supreme over all of them.
00:33:16Los babilonios tenían 36 dioses supremos, que incluían al dios sol, que creían que era el padre de todos los demás dioses, y por lo tanto era supremo sobre todos ellos.
00:33:34Y ahora ellos también pensaban que los números tenían poderes sobre sus dioses.
00:33:40They assigned numbers to their gods in order to have power over them.
00:33:51And they counted their gods and assigned consecutive numbers to each of the 36 lesser supreme gods.
00:33:59Y asignaron un número consecutivo a cada uno de ellos, de los 36 dioses supremos menores.
00:34:07And they added up these numbers from 1 to 36 and assigned the sum to the sun god. So the total number was to the sun god.
00:34:22So let's look at this for a second.
00:34:24The sun god had the number 1.
00:34:30The moon god was number 2, or female.
00:34:36And child or children gods were the numbers 3 and on because they were various stars and constellations.
00:34:55The sum of the numbers from 1 to 36 totals 666.
00:35:06So in my skepticism I actually took my calculator out and I did that.
00:35:10Él no lo creía, así que sacó su calculadora y revisó los números.
00:35:29Él agarró su celular, abrió la calculadora y sumó 1 más 2 más 3 más 4 más 5.
00:35:36Y cuando llegó al número 36, la suma de todo eso fue 666.
00:35:50Los invito a que, si no me creen, que lo traten. Sacen su calculadora y agreguen todos estos números.
00:36:00Aquí es de donde viene el número 666.
00:36:05The suns then divided each of the 12 houses in the zodiac into 3 rooms, making 36 of all.
00:36:13So 12, 12, and 12 equals 36.
00:36:16They then divided the entire remainder of the sky into 36 constellations
00:36:22and appointed the ruling god of each constellation to rule over one of the 36 rooms of the zodiac.
00:36:29And the 36 gods were called deacons because each one ruled over 10 degrees of the zodiac circle
00:36:38and over 10 days of the 360-day year.
00:36:58To quote a writer named Vance Murall, he said that as to why Antioch was called the zodiac,
00:37:05it was because Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:09Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:12Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:15Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:18Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:21Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:24Antioch was the city of the sun.
00:37:28The reason why anyone should use the number 666 lies in the very nature of pagan idolatry,
00:37:35which is nothing but disguised demon worship.
00:37:39The principle behind all demon worship is fear,
00:37:43and the worship is nothing more than an effort to placate the evil one.
00:37:47The reason why anyone should use the number 666 lies in the very nature of pagan idolatry,
00:37:57which is nothing more than disguised demon worship.
00:38:01The principle behind all demon worship is fear,
00:38:05and the worship is nothing more than an effort to placate the evil one.
00:38:17Fear and death are the result of the operation of evil spirits.
00:38:21The worshiper, knowing by his conduct that he is not on God's side,
00:38:26and therefore cannot expect, as long as he continues in open rebellion,
00:38:30to have his prayers for help addressed to God,
00:38:33he turns to the only other supernatural power available to him, which is Lucifer himself.
00:38:39The one who said this was Merle Vance,
00:38:41and he also said that,
00:38:44since in the religions of fear, all misfortune, disease, and death
00:38:49are the result of the operation of evil spirits,
00:38:54the worshiper, knowing by his conduct that he is not on God's side,
00:39:00and therefore cannot expect, as long as he continues in open rebellion,
00:39:05to have his prayers for help addressed to God,
00:39:08he turns to the only other supernatural power available to him, which is Lucifer himself.
00:39:20So, I want to share with you what's called an amulet.
00:39:25I don't know how they could have designed this amulet,
00:39:30but maybe it was Lucifer himself who shared it with them.
00:39:35But this amulet is comprised of all those numbers which I shared with you earlier,
00:39:47and all those numbers from 1 to 36 are arranged on this tablet.
00:39:57Now, you can see they don't look like numbers,
00:40:00but here's the clever trick that they came up with.
00:40:07If you add each one of those numbers, let's say in the top row,
00:40:1128, 4, 3, 31, 35, and 10,
00:40:14that adds up to 111.
00:40:18Now, if you look at this amulet,
00:40:21you can see that it has a number on it,
00:40:2428, 4, 3, 31, 35, and 10,
00:40:27that adds up to 111.
00:40:41If you go the second line down,
00:40:4436, 18, 21, 24, 11, and 1,
00:40:47that also adds up to 111.
00:40:55And the third line, the fourth, fifth, and sixth,
00:40:59all six lines add up to 111.
00:41:09So you add all six of those lines of 111,
00:41:13and you get 666.
00:41:14Now, I'm leaving it on the screen long enough
00:41:17so you can do a little bit of that yourself.
00:41:24Now, here's the other surprising thing.
00:41:30Add the numbers up in a vertical fashion.
00:41:45So on the left side, go 28, 36, 7, 8, 5, and 27.
00:42:01And that row adds up to 111.
00:42:09And then take the next one to the right
00:42:12that starts with 4 and add those up,
00:42:15the three row and add those up, 31, 35, and 10,
00:42:18add all those rows up together,
00:42:20and each one of them adds up to 111.
00:42:23And then if you total all the vertical rows,
00:42:26they come up to 666.
00:42:28So if we add each one of these lines,
00:42:31all of them from side to side, from top to bottom,
00:42:34and we add all of this,
00:42:36the number that we get is going to be 666.
00:42:45The amulets with this numerical arrangement
00:42:48come from astrology.
00:42:58Now, for the adorer of the Babylonian gods,
00:43:01anyone who had this amulet,
00:43:04this type that the sum reached 666,
00:43:08was seen as possessor of a power over all the gods,
00:43:12and they would have been considered
00:43:15to be the most powerful gods in the world.
00:43:18Now, for the adorer of the Babylonian gods,
00:43:21anyone who had this amulet,
00:43:24this type that the sum reached 666,
00:43:27was seen as possessor of a power over all the gods,
00:43:31and they would have been considered
00:43:34to be the most powerful gods in the world.
00:43:38Now, for the adorer of the Babylonian gods,
00:43:42anyone who had this amulet,
00:43:45this type that the sum reached 666,
00:43:48was seen as possessor of a power over all the gods,
00:43:52and they would have been considered
00:43:57So, the Romans often adopted religious practices from the other cultures, which also helped
00:44:07the empire survive as long as it did.
00:44:12So, the Babylonian priests, they discovered that the Romans would be very willing to learn
00:44:29and follow their teachings, and soon all of Rome was filled with their religious teachings
00:44:34and practices, and it eventually became so pervasive that people called Rome the new
00:44:41So, early Christians also used the term Babylon as a reference to the Babylonian priests,
00:44:47and it was a very common practice.
00:44:50So, the Babylonian priests, they discovered that the Romans would be very willing to learn
00:44:58and follow their teachings, and soon all of Rome was filled with their religious teachings
00:45:04and practices, and it eventually became so pervasive that people called Rome the new
00:45:09Babylon as a veiled code word for a particular city to avoid persecution from that pagan
00:45:17So, we can find one of this example in our Bibles.
00:45:39And the verse that you can find it in is 1 Peter 5, verse 13.
00:45:51But before you turn to that scripture, turn to 1 Peter 1, 1 Peter 1, verse 1.
00:46:00Because there, Peter gives his salutation, or his greeting, and his greeting says this,
00:46:09Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, to
00:46:21Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.
00:46:30So, he's saluting the strangers in those different countries.
00:46:36So, but at the end of his message, of his letter, in 1 Peter 5, verse 13, he says,
00:46:47the church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you, and so doth Marcus,
00:46:54my son.
00:46:55So, he says, the church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you, and
00:47:02so doth Marcus, my son.
00:47:05So, he says, the church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you, and
00:47:12so doth Marcus, my son.
00:47:15So, he's giving greetings from the church that was actually in Rome at that time.
00:47:22So, he's giving greetings from the church that was actually in Rome at that time.
00:47:29But he used the word Babylon as a code word to avoid persecution.
00:47:35That's how pervasive the Babylonian religion had become in Rome.
00:47:47So, I want to share with you another picture of the great Babylonian high priest of today.
00:47:54So, I want to share with you another picture of the great Babylonian high priest of today.
00:47:59So, I want to share with you another picture of the great Babylonian high priest of today.
00:48:16So, this is the pagan Babylonian priest who holds the title Pontifex Maximus.
00:48:24Translated in Latin means he is the head priest or literally the greatest pontiff.
00:48:30And if you look at the hat that he's wearing,
00:48:33And if you look at the hat that he's wearing,
00:48:50Right there you see the three faces of Pontifex.
00:48:52And if you look at the hat that he's wearing,
00:48:54wearing. Right there you see the three phases of the sun. And around that you see the equilateral
00:49:07triangle. And behind that you see the sun. He is very bold in proclaiming to the world
00:49:20that he is the Pontifus Maximus, or the High Priest of Babylon. After I saw this I was
00:49:37thinking of Revelation 13.4. Now it makes a lot of sense to me why Revelation 13.4 says
00:49:48and they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast. Because they are literally
00:50:03worshipping Satan and they have for 4,200 years. This is the primary occult group that
00:50:16worshipped Satan. So Rome worshipped the dragon via the Trinity and the Pope is the
00:50:29head Babylonian priest with the number 666. You say impossible.
00:50:46Show me some proof. Alright, let's turn to their writings. Let's see what they have to say about
00:50:56this. I'm going to share with you about three quotes directly from Rome themselves. So quoting
00:51:12Cardinal Newman, he says the use of temples and these dedicated to particular saints and ornamented
00:51:21on occasions with branches of trees, incense, lamps and candles, votive offerings on recovery
00:51:28from illness, holy water, asylums, holy days and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings
00:51:37on the fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in the marriage, turning to the east,
00:51:48whichever way is east, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant and the kaira
00:51:55are all of pagan origin and sanctified by their adoption into the church.
00:52:25I'm going to share with you a quote from Cardinal Newman, he says the use of temples and these dedicated to
00:52:34particular saints and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees, incense, lamps and candles,
00:52:44holy water, asylums, holy water, asylums, holy days and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings
00:52:54on the field, selections and the churches on a certain date.
00:52:59You say no way.
00:53:01Ok let's read the book The Story of Catholicism page 37.
00:53:08it says it is often been charged that Catholicism is overlaid with many
00:53:16crustaceans. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation and even to make it her boast.
00:53:23The great God Pan is not really dead. He is baptized.
00:53:28And you say, it can't be true.
00:53:54Well, let's read another writing, the externals of the Catholic Church,
00:53:57Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals, and Devotions by John F. Sullivan.
00:54:02He says,
00:54:23So let's see what the Catholic Church has to say about Protestants who believe in the Trinity.
00:54:49So let's see what the Catholic Church has to say about Protestants who believe in the Trinity.
00:55:19So let's see what the Catholic Church has to say about Protestants who believe in the Trinity.
00:55:26So let's see what the Catholic Church has to say about Protestants who believe in the Trinity.
00:55:50So let's see what the Catholic Church has to say about Protestants who believe in the Trinity.
00:56:02And also, quoting from the Douay Catechism of 1649, page 143,
00:56:07there is a question that is asked in the Catholic Catechism.
00:56:10And that question is, what is Sunday, or the Lord's Day in general?
00:56:15And the answer is, it is a day dedicated by the Apostles to the honor of the Most Holy Trinity.
00:56:22And in memory that Christ our Lord arose from the dead upon Sunday,
00:56:27sent down the Holy Ghost on a Sunday, and therefore is called the Lord's Day.
00:56:32It is also called Sunday from the old Roman denunciation of Dies Solis,
00:56:38or the day of the sun to which it was sacred.
00:56:43Now, we are reading from the Douay Catechism of 1649.
00:56:50And the question was asked in the Catholic Catechism.
00:56:54What is Sunday, or the Lord's Day in general?
00:56:58And the answer is, it is a day dedicated by the Apostles to the honor of the Most Holy Trinity.
00:57:05And in memory that Christ our Lord arose from the dead upon Sunday,
00:57:11sent down the Holy Ghost on a Sunday, and therefore is called the Lord's Day.
00:57:18It is also called Sunday from the old Roman denomination of Dies Solis,
00:57:24or the day of the sun to which it was sacred.
00:57:29So let's just recap what we just learned.
00:57:32So let's just recap what we just learned.
00:57:36So the Trinity logo is the symbol of the Dragon's God that is set up as a counterfeit to the true God.
00:57:53So Sunday worship and the Trinity Doctrine both came from sun and Satan worship in Babylon.
00:58:00And they were both brought into Christendom by the Catholic Church.
00:58:06So Sunday worship and the Trinity Doctrine both came from sun and Satan worship in Babylon.
00:58:13And they were both brought into Christendom by the Catholic Church.
00:58:20The mystery of the Trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic faith.
00:58:25I'm quoting the handbook for today's Catholic, page 16.
00:58:28Upon it are based all the other teachings of the Church.
00:58:33I'm quoting the handbook for today's Catholic, page 16.
00:58:38The mystery of the Trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic faith.
00:58:43Upon it are based all the other teachings of the Church.
00:58:47So this is a book that each Catholic person is invited to buy and hold for themselves
00:58:53so they can understand what they are supposed to do in the Catholic faith.
00:59:10So where else might we find the triquetra symbol?
00:59:18Right here I'm showing you a picture of the Seventh-day Adventist website on their topic of the Trinity.
00:59:37So this is the same triquetra logo of the Trinity.
00:59:48Alright, so you've seen the origin of the Trinity doctrine and the Trinity logo.
01:00:00But let's see what the Bible says about who God is.
01:00:10We're going to turn to Colossians. The first verse we're going to turn to is Colossians 2, verses 8 and 9.
01:00:17And there it says,
01:00:48So it's saying that in Christ dwells the fullness of the Godhead.
01:00:54So Romans 1.20 also says,
01:00:57For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly visible to the naked eye.
01:01:03And the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him.
01:01:08So it's saying that in Christ dwells the fullness of the Godhead.
01:01:15And the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him.
01:01:20And then it says,
01:01:21For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
01:01:25being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead.
01:01:44So nowhere in the Bible is the word Trinity ever mentioned.
01:01:51Satan has created this deception or this counterfeit of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
01:02:07But in the Bible, in the Word of God, the word Godhead is used to describe the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
01:02:21So if we use the word Trinity, we're talking about Satan's Godhead,
01:02:26or we're talking about Satan's trio of gods.
01:02:42So if we use the word Trinity,
01:02:45we're talking and referring to the Trinity,
01:02:50to this group of three that was created to deceive, that was Satan's.
01:03:01When we see the word deity and use the word deity,
01:03:05we can see that this is the word that the Bible uses to describe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
01:03:16And we have the proof for this, and it's found in 1 John 5, verse 7.
01:03:31Because three are the ones that give testimony in heaven,
01:03:35the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.
01:03:46You know that it says in Matthew 28, 19,
01:03:57And if you have ever been baptized,
01:04:00you can see that, and remember that the verse of Matthew 28, 19 is used,
01:04:06which says,
01:04:15Okay, and last but not least, let's go to the Spirit of Prophecy.
01:04:22And she says,
01:04:45Alright, so let's recap what we just saw.
01:04:58The Trinity is a three-person counterfeit deception.
01:05:02It's Satan worship disguised as the Godhead.
01:05:06Witchcraft uses this Trinity logo, and the Trinity logo is a symbol for 666.
01:05:12The High Priest of Babylon holds the amulet for 666,
01:05:17and the Pope is that High Priest of Babylon.
01:05:43So, there's a text in the Bible that tells us about this number,
01:05:48and it's found in Revelation 13, verses 16 to 18.
01:06:00It says, receive a mark in their right hand, or their foreheads,
01:06:17and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
01:06:23or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
01:06:27Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast,
01:06:32for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, three score, and six.
01:06:38In Revelation 13, verses 16, it says,
01:07:09So, God warned us about this man of sin in the Bible.
01:07:22This man of sin is exposed in 2 Thessalonians 2, verses 3 and 4.
01:07:28And it says,
01:07:58...sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
01:08:29So, the man of sin is being revealed to you today.
01:08:37This is the head pagan Babylonian priest wearing the symbol 666,
01:08:42right before your eyes, Pontifex Maximus.
01:08:59So, now we know without a shadow of a doubt who the man of sin is.
01:09:03We know he holds the number 666, and we know he worships Satan,
01:09:07who gives him his power, his seat, and his great authority.
01:09:29So, are you sighing and crying for all the abominations in our church?
01:09:34Why is our church embracing the Trinity logo?
01:09:37Why are they displaying it on the SDA website?
01:09:59Could it be that they have been deceived?
01:10:02We must pray for them, for this is the logo of Satan and the number 666.
01:10:20So, now we know that we must worship the God,
01:10:23God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
01:10:28Ahora sabemos que debemos adorar a Dios el Padre, el Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo.
01:10:36Nosotros no adoramos la Trinidad Pagana.
01:10:43Nosotros adoramos a la Deidad del Padre, del Dios, y del Espíritu Santo,
01:10:48Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo.
01:10:50Let us not be deceived into worshiping the heathen trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz.
01:11:03May God give us the strength to stand firm in our worship of our true Creator, Jesus Christ.
01:11:16Let us pray and ask God for strength.
01:11:21Our dear Heavenly Father,
01:11:26You have revealed things today that many may not have ever seen.
01:11:37But You have said in Your Word that all things will be revealed.
01:11:44And that the end will not come until the man of sin has been saved.
01:11:51And that the end will not come until the man of sin has been revealed.
01:12:02I acknowledge that this is only the beginning of such things.
01:12:06But, dear Lord, help us to see more and more the deceptions that the devil has placed upon this world.
01:12:23This is only one deception of thousands that the devil has created.
01:12:26This is only one of many traps and lies that the enemy has created.
