The stronghold of iniquity - La fortaleza de iniquidad | Pr.Marc Chambers

  • hace 3 meses
Pr. Marc Chambers
The stronghold of iniquity in an evil and adulterous generation
La fortaleza de iniquidad en una generación mala y adúltera

Culto Sábado Especial 20 Julio 2024
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Transmitido por RedADvenir Television Internacional

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00:00:00Thank you so much.
00:00:29I want to give a special welcome to those of you who are joining us.
00:00:59We pray that the Lord will be present to bless and to edify your heart and spirit today.
00:01:22We greet those of you who are joining us via satellite or the internet or television.
00:01:36May the grace of God be with you as well.
00:01:43And may this moment that we will spend in the study of God's word be edifying to your heart.
00:01:57I invite you to turn your Bibles with me to the book of Matthew, chapter 12.
00:02:08And we will read from verses 38 to verse 40.
00:02:20Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying,
00:02:25Master, we would see a sign from thee.
00:02:39But he answered and said unto them,
00:02:42An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given it but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
00:03:07For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
00:03:30Our message today is entitled,
00:03:35The stronghold of iniquity in an evil and adulterous generation.
00:03:52Let's pray.
00:03:54Father in heaven, thank you for bringing us together today.
00:04:07Thank you for the written word that you have preserved for our edification and instruction even today.
00:04:22Instruct us then, we pray.
00:04:27Let your spirit guide our thoughts and our feelings.
00:04:35Let the words that you have chosen to speak to us reach to the very recesses of our hearts.
00:04:50Open our consciousness to our true need.
00:04:58I pray that you would take my mind and fill it with your thoughts.
00:05:07That you would move our hearts.
00:05:11That you would put your words in my mouth, in Kerry's mouth today.
00:05:19So that your kingdom might come closer to us.
00:05:27And that your will would be our choice.
00:05:32We ask this in Jesus' name.
00:05:42The stronghold of iniquity in an evil and adulterous generation.
00:05:54What is it?
00:05:56What is the greatest stronghold of iniquity in the church?
00:06:07What is the greatest stronghold of iniquity in the world?
00:06:13Today, Jesus said something very instructive.
00:06:24When the scribes and the Pharisees asked him for a sign,
00:06:32he said to them,
00:06:34an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.
00:06:49The greatest stronghold of iniquity
00:06:55in an evil and adulterous generation
00:07:00is that we seek
00:07:06what we shouldn't be seeking.
00:07:11It's that we fail to seek
00:07:17that which we need most.
00:07:21And because we fail to seek that,
00:07:26we end up seeking things that we don't really need.
00:07:32These scribes and Pharisees that came to Jesus,
00:07:39they were religious people.
00:07:42Apparently, they meant well.
00:07:49They came to Jesus seeking something.
00:07:54Master, we would see a sign from thee.
00:08:02There is stronghold of wickedness and iniquity
00:08:07even in the religious world.
00:08:13These were religious people
00:08:16and they came seeking Jesus.
00:08:20But what were they seeking from Jesus?
00:08:27Something that was not a priority in the mind of Christ.
00:08:36We can be religious people.
00:08:40We can also seek God.
00:08:43But if when we come to God,
00:08:47we neglect the chief priorities,
00:08:53we can be counted by Him
00:08:58as evil and adulterous.
00:09:02An evil and adulterous generation
00:09:05seeketh for a sign.
00:09:08How different are we today?
00:09:18These scribes and the Pharisees
00:09:21that came to Jesus, were they humble people?
00:09:27Did they feel themselves destitute and far from the kingdom of God?
00:09:35No, they came with all the confidence
00:09:37that they were the favored people of God.
00:09:45But yet Jesus said of them
00:09:51that they were an evil and adulterous generation.
00:09:57And so it is even today
00:10:01that many who pride themselves of being close to God
00:10:04and near to the kingdom, even the people of God,
00:10:15are falling into the same traps, the same deception.
00:10:20The same persons who pride themselves
00:10:28as being the people of God,
00:10:33if the truth be told,
00:10:36Jesus could say the very same thing to them.
00:10:42An evil and adulterous generation
00:10:45seeketh for a sign.
00:10:50Religious men and women,
00:10:53religious generation, what seeketh thou?
00:10:58Why are you here today?
00:11:02Why are you watching today?
00:11:05What are you looking for?
00:11:12The stronghold of evil in this wicked generation
00:11:24is that we find things to seek
00:11:30that are not reflective of our greatest need.
00:11:36Jesus said to them,
00:11:39this evil and adulterous generation is seeking for a sign.
00:11:47There shall no sign be given to it
00:11:49but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
00:11:58Many times we are looking for proof.
00:12:03We are looking for proof to show that we are in the right track.
00:12:11Not necessarily proof to be sure for ourselves
00:12:13that we are in the right track.
00:12:20No, we want proof to show that we are in the right track.
00:12:24Or we want proof to show that somebody else
00:12:32is in the wrong track or on the right track.
00:12:34It would be better for us to seek proof
00:12:42to know whether or not we are on the right track.
00:12:44Then to lay up a thousand proofs
00:12:56to show that we are on the right track
00:12:59or show that somebody else is on the wrong track.
00:13:02Try to accumulate thousands and thousands of proofs
00:13:05to see if we are really on the right track
00:13:08or if somebody else is not.
00:13:15That's the only safe way.
00:13:19And Jesus said,
00:13:21that type of seeking
00:13:26is motivated by evil.
00:13:30The seeking to show that we are on the right track
00:13:39or the seeking to show that another is on the right track
00:13:50is evil at its foundation.
00:13:56So he says, there's just one sign
00:13:58that I will show this evil generation.
00:14:05What is the sign?
00:14:08The sign of Jonas.
00:14:10For as Jonas was three days and three nights
00:14:14in the whale's belly,
00:14:15so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights
00:14:18in the heart of the earth.
00:14:20For as Jonas was three days and three nights
00:14:23in the whale's belly,
00:14:25so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights
00:14:29in the heart of the earth.
00:14:31What is this sign?
00:14:35This is the sign
00:14:38that prophets,
00:14:43that prophets,
00:14:47the other signs,
00:14:54they can deceive.
00:14:58They can deceive us
00:15:00or deceive others about us.
00:15:04But the sign of Jonah the prophet
00:15:09means the difference between life and death.
00:15:15The Son of Man will be three days and three nights
00:15:19in the heart of the earth.
00:15:27Because of what we are.
00:15:32Because that's where we belong.
00:15:36We are in the grip of death,
00:15:40in the grip of darkness
00:15:43and we need somebody
00:15:46to rescue us.
00:15:48This is where we must pay attention to
00:15:53because sometimes we get so caught up
00:15:56looking at all kinds of signs
00:16:06and we miss the big sign.
00:16:10We are lost sinners,
00:16:14left to ourselves.
00:16:15None of us will ever see the face of God in peace.
00:16:23The great sign is that God has made a provision
00:16:29at great cost to himself
00:16:33that we can be saved.
00:16:38So what is the great stronghold of evil?
00:16:48What's the great stronghold of iniquity
00:16:51in an evil and adulterous generation?
00:16:57It's that we don't seek God.
00:17:10Many times we talk about the wickedness
00:17:13that somebody else does
00:17:18and we can see degrees of evil manifesting itself
00:17:25in the world and sometimes in the church.
00:17:30It appears to be more evil than we would be
00:17:34ever consider ourselves to be guilty of.
00:17:46We make much ado about those wicked acts
00:17:55because it's beneath us
00:17:59or we think it's beneath us.
00:18:01I would never stoop to that.
00:18:06I would never get to that level.
00:18:11But the truth is all of this generation,
00:18:19if we are not seeking rightly,
00:18:24we have within us the stronghold
00:18:27of the vilest iniquity.
00:18:38Many times we get caught up with the fruit of iniquity
00:18:47and don't understand the root of it.
00:18:53And we console ourselves
00:19:00that at least I am not doing that
00:19:06when the very root for the makings of such fruits
00:19:14is triumphing in us,
00:19:17is very present in us.
00:19:22And what is that root?
00:19:33That which makes us content with what we are,
00:19:37where we are and who we are
00:19:44so that we are never moved with a genuine earnestness
00:19:48to seek God.
00:19:56Listen to what Jesus said
00:20:00in Matthew chapter 16
00:20:10verse 4
00:20:17He says here, let's read from verse 2.
00:20:25I'll just read the whole from verse 1 to 4.
00:20:28The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came,
00:20:31tempting, desiring him
00:20:33that he would show them a sign from heaven.
00:20:36Verse 1, Matthew 16
00:20:40The Pharisees and the Sadducees came to tempt him
00:20:44and asked him to show them a sign from heaven.
00:20:47He answered and said unto them,
00:20:49When it is evening, you say it will be fair weather,
00:20:52for the sky is red.
00:20:54And in the morning it will be foul weather today,
00:21:03for the sky is red and lowering.
00:21:11O ye hypocrites!
00:21:13Ye can discern the face of the sky,
00:21:15but ye cannot discern the signs of the times.
00:21:24A wicked and adulterous generation
00:21:26seeketh after a sign,
00:21:28and there shall no sign be given unto it,
00:21:31but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
00:21:34The wicked and adulterous generation
00:21:37seeketh after a sign,
00:21:39and there shall no sign be given unto it,
00:21:41but the sign of the prophet Jonas.
00:21:43And he left them and departed.
00:21:47The greatest sign
00:21:51that God has preserved for us
00:21:58is manifested in the allegorical interpretation
00:22:02or is manifested in the experience of Jonah.
00:22:10Three being in the belly of the fish
00:22:12three days and three nights,
00:22:17pointing to the experience of Jesus Christ,
00:22:20the Lamb of God,
00:22:25who would be in the tomb
00:22:29for three days and three nights
00:22:35to rescue lost and condemned sinners.
00:22:42You can't beat that sign.
00:22:48There is power in that sign.
00:22:52It's worthwhile to contemplate that sign.
00:22:59There is power to liberate
00:23:03in the contemplation of that sign.
00:23:08In Luke chapter 18,
00:23:13Jesus spoke a parable.
00:23:18Let's read from verse 1.
00:23:23He says,
00:23:24And he spake a parable unto them to this end,
00:23:28that men ought always to pray and not to faint.
00:23:38This parable comes with an introduction.
00:23:43The introduction clarifies to us the purpose of the parable.
00:23:50Why did Jesus tell this parable?
00:23:55To instruct us
00:23:59in regard to the importance of prayer.
00:24:05What is the objective?
00:24:08To let us know that we should always pray
00:24:15and not to faint.
00:24:21When we have a prayerless church,
00:24:30you have a church that is contributing
00:24:33to the stronghold of iniquity in its generation.
00:24:46When you have prayerless Christians,
00:24:51you have Christians who are contributing
00:24:55to the flow of iniquity in that generation.
00:25:04They might not have to do the same thing
00:25:09that the world is doing in terms of the fruit of iniquity.
00:25:18But the prayerlessness of their experience
00:25:27contributes to the strength of iniquity.
00:25:37is a stronghold of iniquity.
00:25:42Prayerlessness among men
00:25:46is a stronghold of iniquity
00:25:48in an evil and adulterous generation.
00:25:55Don't pat yourself on the back.
00:25:59When you see wicked things happening around you,
00:26:06and you say, well, at least I'm not doing that.
00:26:11Are you seeking God?
00:26:15And if you're seeking God, how are you seeking Him?
00:26:20What are you seeking for?
00:26:25He's saying,
00:26:27there was in a city a judge which feared not God,
00:26:30neither regarded men.
00:26:36And there was a widow in that city,
00:26:38and she came unto him saying,
00:26:39avenge me of mine adversary.
00:26:49And he would not for a while,
00:26:50but afterward he said within himself,
00:26:53though I fear not God, nor regard man,
00:26:55yet because this widow troubleth me,
00:26:57I will avenge her,
00:26:58lest by her continual coming she weary me.
00:27:25And the Lord said,
00:27:26hear what the unjust judge saith.
00:27:34Now remember that Jesus said
00:27:35that this judge feared not men.
00:27:42Neither did he fear God.
00:27:45So what kind of a judge can this be?
00:27:50How would you like to have a judge
00:27:51that doesn't care about people?
00:27:57And a judge that doesn't even fear God?
00:28:02How can you get any justice from him?
00:28:07If he's not interested in God,
00:28:09and he's not interested in people,
00:28:13then maybe you can easily
00:28:16twist his arm
00:28:21to pass judgment in your favor.
00:28:27Because maybe he's interested in money.
00:28:30Maybe he's interested in favors.
00:28:35But this woman didn't come
00:28:37twisting the arm of this judge
00:28:39with bribes.
00:28:44She was just appealing to his humanity.
00:28:47But he didn't have it.
00:28:52He didn't have any humanity
00:28:53outside of himself.
00:29:00His ability to feel was,
00:29:03he was incapable of feeling beyond himself.
00:29:12But as the woman kept coming back
00:29:13and coming back,
00:29:15and coming back,
00:29:19because her son was in prison,
00:29:22unjustly imprisoned,
00:29:26she kept coming and he was
00:29:27just ignoring her.
00:29:32But he,
00:29:34she never gave up.
00:29:37She kept appealing to his humanity.
00:29:45And finally,
00:29:47he saw a woman coming.
00:29:51He said to those around him,
00:29:52listen, you know what?
00:29:53We better,
00:29:55we better help her.
00:30:00Because if we don't help her,
00:30:01she's going to come back.
00:30:02She's going to come back.
00:30:07And I'm going to be tired.
00:30:10I'm going to be stressed out.
00:30:15So he did,
00:30:16he did triumph.
00:30:20Because the little humanity
00:30:21that he had,
00:30:25that didn't go beyond himself,
00:30:29she got there.
00:30:32Because just to avoid
00:30:33being stressed,
00:30:37he decided to give judgment
00:30:38to the woman.
00:30:41So if that's
00:30:44if she could be effective
00:30:49in being persistent
00:30:51in crying out to the judge
00:30:53for justice,
00:30:59if she could triumph
00:31:03with that type of a judge,
00:31:08how is it for those
00:31:09that seek God?
00:31:15Shall not God avenge
00:31:16his own elect
00:31:18which cry day and night
00:31:19unto him
00:31:20though he be along
00:31:21with them?
00:31:30I tell you
00:31:31that he will avenge
00:31:32them speedily.
00:31:35when the Son of Man cometh,
00:31:36shall he find faith
00:31:37on the earth?
00:31:48So the root
00:31:49of iniquity
00:31:53in an evil
00:31:54and adulterous generation
00:31:59according to Jesus
00:32:00is what?
00:32:07Prayerlessness, yes.
00:32:10But what is at the root
00:32:11of the prayerlessness?
00:32:19Lack of faith.
00:32:21When the Son of Man cometh,
00:32:24shall he find faith
00:32:26on earth?
00:32:35So how is our generation
00:32:42Is there manifestation
00:32:43of the power of God?
00:32:48How is the church today?
00:32:51How is it in religious
00:32:52circles today?
00:32:56Is there manifestation
00:32:57of the power of God?
00:33:01Of the fruit of the Spirit?
00:33:04Are these things common
00:33:05among those who profess
00:33:07faith in Jesus Christ?
00:33:14Is the power of God
00:33:15manifest among those
00:33:17who claim to be
00:33:18the remnant people?
00:33:27Is there manifestation
00:33:28of the fruit of the Spirit?
00:33:33Is there love among us
00:33:34clearly seen
00:33:35and displayed?
00:33:38Is there faithfulness
00:33:43loyalty to the King?
00:33:48Or are these things scarce?
00:33:53Are we multiplied
00:33:54knowledge about
00:33:56different things
00:33:57and different signs?
00:34:03And while we are
00:34:04multiplying knowledge
00:34:09and testimony
00:34:10of our knowledge
00:34:11of the signs
00:34:12of the times and prophecy
00:34:21our powerlessness
00:34:25against the evil
00:34:27in society
00:34:31against the coldness
00:34:32and the darkness
00:34:33of this age
00:34:38is clearly obvious.
00:34:43So are we different
00:34:45or are we separated
00:34:46from this generation?
00:34:52The generation that
00:34:53Jesus calls evil
00:34:54and adulterous.
00:34:58Are the signs
00:35:00the seekers of signs
00:35:04distinct from those
00:35:06that care nothing
00:35:07for signs?
00:35:09And why are we
00:35:10looking for the signs?
00:35:14You know because
00:35:15we are Adventists
00:35:17because we believe
00:35:18that the coming
00:35:19of the Lord is near
00:35:22and we want to know
00:35:23when is the coming
00:35:24of the Lord
00:35:27and so we are seeking
00:35:28for signs
00:35:31so we can know
00:35:32the time
00:35:34but when good
00:35:35is the knowledge
00:35:36of the time
00:35:39for an evil
00:35:40and adulterous generation
00:35:45it's no good.
00:35:48It only serves to deceive
00:35:52because if our hearts
00:35:53are not with God
00:35:57what will the knowledge
00:35:58of the time
00:35:59do for us
00:36:03except to deceive us
00:36:04into saying well
00:36:05I don't want to
00:36:06roast in hell
00:36:13so let me try
00:36:14to fix up things
00:36:20Because you love God?
00:36:23No because
00:36:24I don't want to burn
00:36:25in hell
00:36:28So what is the value
00:36:29of this
00:36:31with signs?
00:36:32So what is the value
00:36:33of this
00:36:35with signs?
00:36:38If this
00:36:39does not bring
00:36:40your heart to God
00:36:45it just deceives you
00:36:48into thinking that
00:36:49because you have
00:36:50a knowledge
00:36:51of the time
00:36:55you can manipulate
00:36:58you can fool God
00:37:00you can display
00:37:01a certain type
00:37:02of piety
00:37:03as you get
00:37:04nearer to the time
00:37:11but your heart
00:37:12is far from him
00:37:14Jesus tells us
00:37:15what sign
00:37:16we are to pay attention
00:37:19the sign
00:37:20of the prophet Jonas
00:37:24is the sign
00:37:26He is the one
00:37:27we are to put
00:37:28our attention on
00:37:31because he
00:37:32and him
00:37:33in that vision
00:37:34of Jesus Christ
00:37:35our hearts
00:37:36can be changed
00:37:42from just wanting
00:37:43a religion
00:37:44that can save us
00:37:45from being burnt
00:37:46in fire
00:37:52the sign
00:37:53of the prophet Jonas
00:37:56sets us free
00:37:57from a religion
00:37:58that just wants
00:37:59to be saved
00:38:00from hell
00:38:06and brings us
00:38:07into a relationship
00:38:11of love
00:38:16and joy
00:38:17with the living God
00:38:23but how will
00:38:24we get there?
00:38:27we must pray
00:38:30and not faint
00:38:32we must persevere
00:38:34in prayer
00:38:38in prayer
00:38:41is the greatest
00:38:45to the evil
00:38:51many of us
00:38:52are preoccupied
00:38:53with the evil without
00:38:57and we want to
00:38:58triumph over the evil
00:39:05we want the righteous
00:39:06cause of God
00:39:07to triumph
00:39:08in the earth
00:39:11but how are we
00:39:12going to
00:39:13how is God's cause
00:39:14going to triumph?
00:39:18if those
00:39:19who are
00:39:20striving against
00:39:21the evil outside
00:39:25are overcome
00:39:26by the evil
00:39:35you see why Jesus
00:39:36said an evil
00:39:37and adulterous
00:39:38generation seeks for
00:39:39a sign
00:39:46because we get
00:39:47so preoccupied
00:39:48with the external
00:39:53that we miss
00:39:54the point
00:39:57of our need
00:40:01this is what Jesus
00:40:02says in Matthew
00:40:03chapter 7
00:40:08verse 6 he says
00:40:09give not that
00:40:10which is holy
00:40:11unto the dogs
00:40:14neither cast ye
00:40:15your pearls before
00:40:16swine lest they
00:40:17trample them under
00:40:18their feet
00:40:19and turn again
00:40:20and rend you
00:40:27so what's this
00:40:32Jesus is speaking
00:40:35don't give that
00:40:36which is holy
00:40:37to the dogs
00:40:40who are the dogs?
00:40:45neither cast ye
00:40:46your pearls before
00:40:52neither cast ye
00:40:53your pearls before
00:40:57who are the swine?
00:41:01those who do not
00:41:07the treasure that
00:41:08heaven has to give
00:41:15so Jesus is telling
00:41:16us that we shouldn't
00:41:17give our treasures
00:41:19to dogs and swines
00:41:27so if Jesus tells us
00:41:30we are to value
00:41:31our treasures
00:41:34and not just give
00:41:35them to just anybody
00:41:38do you think
00:41:40he takes that
00:41:41advice himself?
00:41:47do you think that
00:41:48God also operates
00:41:49under this
00:41:57so if the treasure
00:41:58that God has
00:42:02we don't value it
00:42:07you think he wants
00:42:08to just give it like that?
00:42:14what he says
00:42:17those who don't value
00:42:18the treasure
00:42:19what will they do?
00:42:22they are going to
00:42:23act like dogs
00:42:24and they are going
00:42:25to act like pigs
00:42:26in relation to
00:42:27the treasure
00:42:31they are going to
00:42:32trample the treasure
00:42:33on the foot
00:42:35and then they are
00:42:36going to come and
00:42:37bite him
00:42:40bite who?
00:42:45the giver of the
00:42:48so what's God's
00:42:52what's God's
00:42:55the world
00:43:00it's Jesus Christ
00:43:03the only means
00:43:04for reconciliation
00:43:07the righteous
00:43:08offended God
00:43:18deserving of
00:43:22there is no
00:43:23other way
00:43:24than we can
00:43:25make peace
00:43:26with God
00:43:30but through
00:43:31Jesus Christ
00:43:34so the valuable
00:43:36that heaven has
00:43:37is Jesus
00:43:43is the world
00:43:44valuing him?
00:43:53Jesus himself
00:43:54said it
00:43:56if you were
00:43:57of the world
00:43:58then the world
00:44:00not hate you
00:44:05because it
00:44:06hated me
00:44:07before it hated
00:44:12so the world
00:44:13does not prize Jesus
00:44:17but the church
00:44:18prizes Jesus
00:44:21yeah the church
00:44:22says that it prizes
00:44:25but do we really?
00:44:31among a bunch
00:44:32of religious people
00:44:35that would spend
00:44:36all the time
00:44:37looking at everything
00:44:39except Jesus
00:44:45is Jesus
00:44:46prized there?
00:44:51same evil
00:44:52and adulterous
00:44:57so listen now
00:45:04and it shall be
00:45:05given you
00:45:07who is he talking to?
00:45:10because if he says
00:45:12the treasure
00:45:13will not be given to
00:45:14those who don't
00:45:15value it
00:45:20so how is he
00:45:21now telling us
00:45:22to ask?
00:45:27ask he says
00:45:29and it shall be
00:45:30given you
00:45:34and he shall find
00:45:36you know what?
00:45:38if you come
00:45:39to God
00:45:40and you want
00:45:41his treasure
00:45:42and you ask
00:45:43one time
00:45:48don't think
00:45:49you're going to get it
00:45:52don't think you're
00:45:53going to get it
00:45:55you need to seek
00:45:58that means you need
00:45:59to invest
00:46:00prolonged time
00:46:01and energy
00:46:02in acquiring
00:46:03what you are
00:46:04looking for
00:46:11it's not just
00:46:12in a listless thing
00:46:13oh Lord
00:46:15I would like to
00:46:16have this
00:46:20and God says
00:46:21oh yes
00:46:24no no no no
00:46:25he has to test you
00:46:28he has to see
00:46:29who you are
00:46:33are you a swine?
00:46:36are you a dog?
00:46:38or are you a son?
00:46:43you have to
00:46:44distinguish yourself
00:46:48God in his
00:46:50he has
00:46:52for sons
00:46:57his treasures
00:46:58are for his
00:47:00and daughters
00:47:04they're not for
00:47:05dogs and swine
00:47:07so if you are
00:47:08one of the dogs
00:47:09and swines
00:47:11you know what
00:47:12it's going to be?
00:47:14you're going to
00:47:15come and ask
00:47:17and then a little
00:47:18time after that
00:47:20you get tired
00:47:22and you give up
00:47:24and you start
00:47:25speaking bad
00:47:26about him
00:47:29or you leave
00:47:30a bad testimony
00:47:31about him
00:47:33God doesn't hear
00:47:36it's not like
00:47:37in the time
00:47:38Bible times
00:47:39it's not like that
00:47:43you never get
00:47:45with the truth
00:47:46of who God is
00:47:50because you
00:47:51never persevered
00:47:52in prayer
00:47:54and the fact
00:47:55that you do not
00:47:56persevere in prayer
00:47:58you prove
00:47:59that you are not
00:48:00a son
00:48:01or a daughter
00:48:02of his
00:48:05and that's exactly
00:48:06what's happening
00:48:07in the church
00:48:09the church
00:48:10is filled
00:48:11with people
00:48:12who refuse
00:48:13to persevere
00:48:14in prayer
00:48:17and therefore
00:48:20and therefore
00:48:21there is little
00:48:23of the power
00:48:24that he desires
00:48:25to give
00:48:26to his children
00:48:32they are as
00:48:35as enchained
00:48:36by the evil
00:48:37of self-sufficiency
00:48:39and pride
00:48:40as the world
00:48:45they seek
00:48:57there is no
00:48:59in God
00:49:02they are not
00:49:04to be
00:49:05with God
00:49:08no, they go
00:49:09to God
00:49:12so they can
00:49:13get something
00:49:14from God
00:49:15and as soon
00:49:16as God gives them
00:49:19thank you
00:49:20and run away
00:49:21from God
00:49:24they are more
00:49:25happy with the
00:49:26little trinkets
00:49:27that they can get
00:49:28than being happy
00:49:29for the great
00:49:30privilege of
00:49:31being with him
00:49:38this is a
00:49:40of an evil
00:49:41and adulterous
00:49:46a generation
00:49:47that seeketh
00:49:49after God
00:49:53they are
00:49:54happy and
00:49:56with religion
00:49:59happy and
00:50:01with being
00:50:02a part of
00:50:03a certain
00:50:07they pride
00:50:09not with
00:50:10a union
00:50:12with God
00:50:13but they pride
00:50:15in being
00:50:16a part
00:50:17of some
00:50:19of men
00:50:29and they
00:50:30present that
00:50:31as the great
00:50:33that they
00:50:34are the
00:50:35chosen of
00:50:37and guaranteed
00:50:38a place
00:50:39in the
00:50:40kingdom of
00:50:48but deceived
00:50:49they are
00:50:52ask he says
00:50:55it shall be
00:50:56given you
00:51:01when you seek
00:51:03don't just ask
00:51:07and you
00:51:08shall find
00:51:12and it shall be
00:51:13opened unto you
00:51:15for everyone
00:51:16that asketh
00:51:20and he that
00:51:24and to him
00:51:25that knocketh
00:51:26it shall be
00:51:29so when you
00:51:30go to God
00:51:32to ask
00:51:34to seek
00:51:38and to
00:51:41make sure you're
00:51:42going as a son
00:51:45make sure you're
00:51:46going as a daughter
00:51:49don't go there
00:51:51as a swine
00:51:53don't go there
00:51:54as a dog
00:51:56the swine
00:51:57and the dog
00:52:00they don't care
00:52:01about the one
00:52:02that they are
00:52:03getting the pearl
00:52:04or the treasure
00:52:07that's why
00:52:08when they get
00:52:09the treasure
00:52:10they trample it
00:52:11on the foot
00:52:13it doesn't matter
00:52:14to them
00:52:17doesn't matter
00:52:18to them
00:52:19what the treasure
00:52:20means to him
00:52:22who gives it
00:52:30why doesn't it
00:52:31matter to them
00:52:33because the one
00:52:34who gives the treasure
00:52:35is of no value
00:52:36to them
00:52:40so they cannot
00:52:41value his treasure
00:52:44because their heart
00:52:45is not with him
00:52:47so they trample
00:52:48the treasure
00:52:50and after that
00:52:52they go back
00:52:54to attack him
00:52:58just like what
00:52:59happened in the
00:53:00generation of Jesus
00:53:01just like what happened
00:53:02in the generation
00:53:03of Jesus
00:53:05he healed so many
00:53:07he helped so many
00:53:09cast out devils
00:53:10out of many
00:53:13but what happened
00:53:15at the end
00:53:17they cried out
00:53:18crucify him
00:53:21away with this man
00:53:23we will not have him
00:53:24to rule over us
00:53:28they never
00:53:32merged tender ties
00:53:34with his heart
00:53:43they were only
00:53:44seeking him
00:53:47from what they could
00:53:48get from him
00:53:51how different
00:53:52is your experience
00:53:53with God
00:53:57are you seeking him
00:53:59are you seeking
00:54:00his face
00:54:03are you seeking
00:54:04his heart
00:54:06or are you just
00:54:07seeking his hand
00:54:11what he can give you
00:54:18he says here
00:54:22or what man
00:54:23is there of you
00:54:24whom if his son
00:54:26ask bread
00:54:27will he give him
00:54:28a stone
00:54:34now remember
00:54:35what I said
00:54:37if you will have
00:54:38anything from God
00:54:41you must seek him
00:54:42as a child
00:54:45listen what Jesus
00:54:48those who are to
00:54:51are going to receive
00:54:52as sons
00:54:54what man is there
00:54:55of you whom if his
00:54:56son ask bread
00:54:57will he give him
00:54:58a stone
00:55:04or if he ask
00:55:05a fish
00:55:06will he give him
00:55:07a serpent
00:55:09or if then
00:55:10if he then
00:55:11being evil
00:55:12know how to
00:55:13give good gifts
00:55:14unto your children
00:55:15how much more
00:55:16shall your father
00:55:17which is in heaven
00:55:18give good things
00:55:19to them that ask him
00:55:27I'm going to go back
00:55:28to this verse
00:55:29a little bit later
00:55:34turn with me to Isaiah
00:55:36Isaiah chapter 55
00:55:47Isaiah 55 verse 6 says
00:55:53seek ye the Lord
00:55:54while he may be found
00:55:57call ye upon him
00:55:58while he is near
00:56:05this is a word
00:56:06for every one of us
00:56:09there is none of us
00:56:10beyond this word
00:56:16seek the Lord
00:56:18want to bring down
00:56:19the stronghold of evil
00:56:20in this generation
00:56:21you want to bring down
00:56:22the stronghold of evil
00:56:23in this generation
00:56:25bring it down
00:56:26first of all
00:56:27in your own heart
00:56:31how will you do it
00:56:34seek ye the Lord
00:56:37while he may be found
00:56:39call upon him
00:56:40while he is near
00:56:43let the wicked
00:56:44forsake his way
00:56:47and the unrighteous
00:56:48man his thoughts
00:56:52let him return
00:56:53unto the Lord
00:56:54and he will have mercy
00:56:55upon him
00:57:01and to our God
00:57:02for he will abundantly
00:57:09there is a time
00:57:10for seeking God
00:57:12and there is a time
00:57:15that when the seeking time
00:57:17comes to an end
00:57:22turn with me
00:57:23to James chapter 4
00:57:28James chapter 4
00:57:29verse 4
00:57:32he says
00:57:33ye adulterers
00:57:34and adulteresses
00:57:36know ye not
00:57:37that the friendship
00:57:38of the world
00:57:39is enmity with God
00:57:41whosoever therefore
00:57:42will be a friend
00:57:43of the world
00:57:44is an enemy of God
00:57:52whosoever therefore
00:57:53will be a friend
00:57:54of the world
00:57:55is an enemy of God
00:57:58this is a serious word
00:58:01where is our heart
00:58:03is with God
00:58:04or is it with the world
00:58:07he says
00:58:08do you think
00:58:09that the scripture
00:58:10saith in vain
00:58:11the spirit that dwelleth
00:58:12in us lusteth to envy
00:58:21but he giveth more grace
00:58:24wherefore he saith
00:58:25God resisteth the proud
00:58:27but giveth grace
00:58:28to the humble
00:58:35who are the proud
00:58:37those who think
00:58:38they don't need God
00:58:41those who think
00:58:42that they can live
00:58:43without God
00:58:45those who think
00:58:46that if I could only
00:58:47have this
00:58:48everything would be right
00:58:52but the this
00:58:54but the this
00:58:55that they are hoping
00:58:56to make everything right
00:58:57is not God
00:59:02that's a proud attitude
00:59:05you stand in need today
00:59:08what do you need
00:59:11what do you see
00:59:12as your great need
00:59:17is it God
00:59:18is God
00:59:23submit yourselves
00:59:24therefore to God
00:59:29resist the devil
00:59:30and he will flee from you
00:59:34draw an eye to God
00:59:35and he will draw an eye
00:59:36to you
00:59:41cleanse your hands
00:59:42ye sinners
00:59:43and purify your hearts
00:59:44ye double minded
00:59:49purify your hearts
00:59:53be afflicted
00:59:54and mourn and weep
00:59:55let your laughter
00:59:56be turned to mourning
00:59:57and your joy
00:59:58to heaviness
01:00:06humble yourselves
01:00:07in the sight of the Lord
01:00:08and he will lift you up
01:00:13why is this counsel
01:00:15given here
01:00:16for us to afflict
01:00:18and to mourn
01:00:22why we call upon
01:00:23to weep
01:00:29it's the first sign
01:00:32that our hearts
01:00:36are open
01:00:39to the giver of gifts
01:00:43it's the great sign
01:00:44it's the great sign
01:00:46that we have moved
01:00:47from the place of being
01:00:48dogs and swine
01:00:55to becoming children
01:00:58because we can feel
01:01:02for our father
01:01:05his feelings become
01:01:06important for us
01:01:10and the realization
01:01:11of how we have hurt him
01:01:15how we have grieved him
01:01:19how we have wounded him
01:01:22finally comes to our hearts
01:01:26and we weep and we mourn
01:01:30we humble ourselves
01:01:33under the mighty hand of God
01:01:37Jesus said
01:01:38if even being evil
01:01:42know how to give good gifts
01:01:45to your children
01:01:48how much more
01:01:49will your father in heaven
01:01:52give good gifts to them
01:01:55that ask him
01:01:57you know one day
01:02:01I was a new father
01:02:08a little baby
01:02:10was born
01:02:14I was so happy
01:02:16I was so proud
01:02:17of my first child
01:02:21I used to tell my wife
01:02:25during the pregnancy
01:02:29are you ready
01:02:30to change diapers
01:02:35I hope you're ready
01:02:37because I'm not into that
01:02:42and I would tell her
01:02:45but when the baby was born
01:02:49I had a lot of younger brothers
01:02:54so I had a lot of experience
01:02:55about changing diapers
01:02:56and those things
01:02:59so I would watch
01:03:00and see what she was doing
01:03:03she made a mistake
01:03:05I would jump in
01:03:06and take over her
01:03:07that's how it's done
01:03:12one day I was alone
01:03:13with the baby
01:03:17and I was changing
01:03:21ah no
01:03:22yes I was
01:03:23putting on his clothes
01:03:27and then
01:03:29I said to myself
01:03:30wow I love my son so much
01:03:33but I said it in my heart
01:03:35I love my son so much
01:03:38that anything he needs
01:03:40anything he needs
01:03:42as long as it's good
01:03:45I wouldn't withhold it from him
01:03:49the only problem
01:03:51is that my pocket is shallow
01:03:56and as that thought
01:03:57came to my head
01:04:01the spirit of God
01:04:02spoke to me
01:04:04and he said to me
01:04:08so you think
01:04:09you're a better father
01:04:10than I am
01:04:12I said what
01:04:15when did I say that
01:04:18he said yes
01:04:19you do
01:04:21Lord I never said
01:04:22such a thing
01:04:24I never imagined
01:04:25such a thing
01:04:26how could I think
01:04:27that I'm a better father
01:04:28than you
01:04:31oh yes you do
01:04:35Lord I said to myself
01:04:36in my heart
01:04:38I never knew
01:04:39God could lie
01:04:45I never knew
01:04:46God could lie
01:04:47but here is a false
01:04:49from God
01:04:54I was
01:04:55I was troubled
01:04:57because how can
01:04:58God lie
01:05:02so I said
01:05:03Lord I don't know
01:05:04what you're saying
01:05:05I never said
01:05:07anything like that
01:05:09he said to me
01:05:12well you just said
01:05:15that you love your son
01:05:16so much
01:05:18that if he
01:05:19needed anything
01:05:20you wouldn't withhold
01:05:21it from him
01:05:22as long as it was good
01:05:27the only
01:05:28the only problem
01:05:29is your pocket
01:05:30is shallow
01:05:32so I want to ask
01:05:33you a question
01:05:35is my pocket
01:05:40I said Lord
01:05:41no Lord
01:05:43you are rich
01:05:45your word tells me
01:05:46that the cattle
01:05:47and a thousand hills
01:05:48belong to you
01:05:49and if you were hungry
01:05:50you wouldn't tell me
01:05:58so you know
01:05:59that I am rich
01:06:00you know that I am rich
01:06:04you know that I am rich
01:06:08so you believe
01:06:10that I am rich
01:06:12but I am not willing
01:06:15so you think
01:06:16that you have a rich father
01:06:19that's not willing
01:06:20to give you good things
01:06:24that's what I am telling you
01:06:26you think you are
01:06:27a better father than I am
01:06:29why last night
01:06:30why were you crying out
01:06:31like that
01:06:33if you know
01:06:34that I am willing
01:06:35to give you good things
01:06:39I said Lord
01:06:41have mercy on me
01:06:43have mercy on me
01:06:46help me
01:06:48to understand
01:06:49what it means
01:06:50to be a son
01:06:52he said yes
01:06:53look at your son
01:06:54he is there calm
01:06:56he is not worried
01:06:58he has full confidence
01:06:59that his needs will be met
01:07:00you are going to take care of him
01:07:05where is your confidence
01:07:06in me
01:07:09if you then being evil
01:07:11know how to give
01:07:12good gifts unto your children
01:07:18how much more
01:07:19will your heavenly father
01:07:20give you
01:07:22give good things
01:07:23to them
01:07:29that love him
01:07:33how are you viewing God
01:07:42yourself as a son
01:07:45do you understand
01:07:46what it means
01:07:47to be his son
01:07:48or his daughter
01:07:49do you understand
01:07:50what it means
01:07:51to be his son
01:07:52or his daughter
01:08:02and something important
01:08:03to be able to
01:08:04bring down
01:08:05the fortresses
01:08:06of evil
01:08:07in this century
01:08:11is to understand
01:08:12your identity
01:08:13in God
01:08:16you are either
01:08:17a son or a daughter
01:08:19or inside
01:08:20a part of his family
01:08:21a part of the kingdom
01:08:25or you are outside
01:08:27with the dogs and the swine
01:08:30who don't trust him
01:08:32who suspect him
01:08:34and who are looking
01:08:35for any reason
01:08:37to accuse him
01:08:38and curse him
01:08:44God wants to deal
01:08:45with you as a son
01:08:47but you must
01:08:48seek him like a child
01:08:51you must seek him
01:08:55not just for what
01:08:56he can give to you
01:08:58but for the joy
01:09:01of union with your
01:09:02heavenly father
01:09:04apart from that
01:09:06coming to church
01:09:08teaching all kinds
01:09:09of things
01:09:11all our religion
01:09:12is in vain
01:09:14and we will be counted
01:09:15with those
01:09:16whom Jesus said
01:09:18an evil and adulterous
01:09:20seeks for a sign
01:09:29let's seek the Lord
01:09:31and let's seek him
01:09:32through Jesus
01:09:36who is the great sign
01:09:37of the prophet Jonas
01:09:40that gives us assurance
01:09:41that though sinful
01:09:42we are
01:09:46though unworthy we are
01:09:47of any good gift
01:09:48from God
01:09:51mercy can be ours
01:09:55through Jesus Christ
01:09:58if we seek him today
01:10:00may God help us
01:10:04what is your vision
01:10:08is it Jesus Christ?
01:10:13it needs to be Jesus Christ
01:10:16evil will triumph
01:10:20the only adequate
01:10:21answer in the world
01:10:25in your heart
01:10:26in your soul
01:10:28against evil
01:10:31is Jesus Christ
01:10:33let him be your vision
01:10:37he will bring your heart
01:10:40into harmony
01:10:41with his heart
01:10:43do you want him
01:10:44to be your vision today?
01:10:48join me with me
01:10:49as we kneel
01:10:57Father in heaven
01:10:58we thank you
01:10:59for your word today
01:11:03we are not worthy
01:11:06that these words
01:11:07should be spoken to us
01:11:11for we have offended
01:11:12you greatly
01:11:15we are not worthy
01:11:17of any mercies
01:11:18that you could show us
01:11:24but yet in mercy
01:11:25you came
01:11:27in mercy you sent
01:11:28your son
01:11:31you made the provision
01:11:34and in mercy
01:11:35you call us
01:11:36to that provision today
01:11:39Father we take heed
01:11:40to your word
01:11:43and we come to you
01:11:46we seek grace
01:11:48we seek pardon
01:11:50that you would
01:11:51wash us in the blood
01:11:52of your son
01:11:55set us free
01:11:56from every stronghold
01:11:57of iniquity
01:12:02send your love
01:12:03abroad in our hearts
01:12:05make us to love you
01:12:09make us to treasure
01:12:10your treasure
01:12:11Jesus Christ
01:12:15and help us to hate
01:12:16the world
01:12:19and its seductive
01:12:21the seductive
01:12:23that would tear
01:12:24our hearts away
01:12:25from you
01:12:29help us to divorce
01:12:31from you
01:12:33help us to divorce
01:12:34ourselves from them
01:12:37for love to you
01:12:40help us to this end
01:12:41we pray
01:12:43for those who today
01:12:44have heard this word
01:12:48and don't know you
01:12:49but want to know you
01:12:53want to seek you
01:12:56Lord have mercy
01:12:57to every seeking heart
01:13:02help them to persevere
01:13:03in their quest
01:13:04for you and peace
01:13:05for you
01:13:08grant that they
01:13:09will find you
01:13:14grant them new hearts
01:13:17please Lord
01:13:18raise up to yourself
01:13:20new children
01:13:21for the kingdom
01:13:25and renew our love
01:13:26our first love
01:13:27those of us
01:13:28who have gone cold
01:13:33we ask these things
01:13:34in Jesus name
