• last year
1. Install Compiler
00:00let us see how to install compiler and IDE for development of C++ programs or
00:07applications. As C++ is a very commonly used language most of you may be
00:12knowing how to install a compiler and how to use IDE and how to start a new
00:17project. So you can use the IDE of your own choice or which is already there on
00:24your PC you can use that one. I will be using Xcode but I will show you how to
00:29install IDEs like Dev C++ and code blocks and also how to install Xcode
00:38and use Xcode. So let us start. First we look at how to download the compiler and
00:44install it. Let us see how to install compiler that is MinGW. Open any browser
00:53and URL for compiler is MinGW.org. So this is the minimalist GNU compiler
01:05for Windows and here is a download link available. You can just click on
01:10downloads it will take you to a page from where you can download compiler. So
01:16this is sourceforge.net from here you can download latest version of MinGW
01:23setup exe. So click on this it will download the setup then using the setup
01:29you can install MinGW on your machine. After installation you have to set the
01:34path of this compiler so that any IDE can directly use the compiler. If you
01:40download any IDE along with MinGW then directly you can start using it so you
01:45don't have to worry about setting the path.
