Chidiya Wala Cartoon part 1 #kids fun # Chichu TV

  • 2 months ago
Chidiya Wala Cartoon part 1 #kids fun # Chichu TV
@kid fun
#kids fun
#funny cartoon
#trending cartoon videos

00:00Like every day, Kali Dilli goes into the kitchen of the farmer's wife
00:05and quietly drinks all the milk kept in the kitchen.
00:10What do you have to say?
00:12Farmer ji, my son will have to stay hungry today.
00:16That Kali Dilli has drunk milk again today.
00:19That Kali Dilli will not come back like this.
00:22I have to do something about her.
00:24The next day, the farmer hides behind the tree with a stick.
00:29Kali Dilli comes walking.
00:32She goes near the wall and quietly enters the kitchen.
00:40But today the farmer had been keeping an eye on her since morning.
00:45Today I will give you fresh buffalo milk.
00:49The farmer slowly moves ahead.
00:53Kali Dilli was drinking milk in her mind
00:58that the farmer goes from behind and hits a stick on Kali Dilli's back.
01:04Meow! Meow!
01:06Kali Dilli runs away and the farmer is also behind the cat.
01:11Today I will leave you in the jungle and come back.
01:15I will not leave you.
01:17Kali Dilli turns back and sees and runs away again.
01:22While running away, Kali Dilli goes into the dense forest.
01:27Ran away! Ran away!
01:29Now this Kali Dilli will not come to drink milk from our kitchen again.
01:33The farmer goes back.
01:36Kali Dilli goes into the dense forest and hides behind the bushes.
01:42Meow! Meow!
01:44It is hurting a lot.
01:46It is hurting a lot in the tail.
01:48Kali hit a stick on my tail.
01:52Now I will have to stay in this jungle.
01:55But what will I eat here?
01:58Meow! Meow!
02:00Kali Dilli hides in the bushes.
02:04And then looking here and there, slowly comes out of the bushes.
02:10And moves ahead.
02:12She sees a hole in the tree a little far.
02:16Meow! This tree is fine.
02:18I will stay in the hole of this tree.
02:21Today I drank milk.
02:23Tomorrow I will see what I have to eat.
02:27Kali Dilli goes and sits in the hole of the tree.
02:31There was a house of black crows on that tree.
02:35The crow and the crow were talking to each other at night.
02:39Uncle, the baby birds have hatched from the eggs.
02:42The bird has also collected the grains.
02:44We are one and there is not a single grain to eat in our house.
02:49Bori doesn't even make friends with us now.
02:53Everyone knows that we are very lazy.
02:57And always eat free grains.
03:00Kali Dilli was listening to the talk of the crow and the crow.
03:06Baby birds!
03:08I will eat baby birds.
03:11But for that, I will have to make friends with these black crows.
03:16And it is very easy to make friends with these black and other crows.
03:24Dear friends!
03:25To listen to such stories of baby birds,
03:28write the story of baby birds in the YouTube search bar.
03:31Or press this button and say the story of baby birds.
03:35It is morning.
03:37Kali Dilli goes to the house of crows looking for some grains of rice.
03:42And knocks on the door.
03:45Ghorika also opens the door.
03:48Oh no!
03:52The cat has come.
03:53No! No!
03:54Don't be afraid.
03:55Kali Kali!
03:56Just like you are Kali, I am also Kali.
03:59I am your new neighbor.
04:01I live in this tree's hollow.
04:04I have just come yesterday.
04:08Kali Dilli!
04:09I have heard that you eat birds.
04:12Not everyone.
04:14Only the weak and injured birds.
04:17And you are a crow.
04:19You are a very powerful bird.
04:22I have to break my bones by touching you.
04:26I have brought grains of rice for you.
04:31Seeing the grains of rice, Ghorika also becomes happy.
04:37Take it.
04:38Eat it.
04:39I know you are hungry.
04:42Kali Dilli eats the grains of rice.
04:46I have come to make friends with you.
04:49I have no one here.
04:51I am alone.
04:53Kali Dilli!
04:54If you give me rice to eat like this,
04:57then our friendship is confirmed.
05:01Like this, Kali Dilli and Ghorika become friends.
05:06Let's go, crow.
05:07Let's go to the jungle.
05:11Then Kali Dilli goes to the jungle with Ghorika.
05:18There is a black cat in the jungle.
05:20There is a black cat with the crow.
05:22Hearing this, the bird and the pigeon also come there.
05:26Run away!
05:27You run away from here.
05:31Fat parrot!
05:32This Kali Dilli has become my friend.
05:35She lives in my tree.
05:37And she will live with me.
05:40This is the first time I have heard about our friendship.
05:47You know that Ghori always does something different.
05:51Let's go, Kali Dilli.
05:53These birds don't have the courage to touch you.
05:58This is what I wanted.
06:03Then Kali Dilli and Ghorika leave from there.
06:07This shameless crow has put everyone in danger.
06:11I also have small children.
06:14I have to go home soon.
06:17Mama bird goes home.
06:19And starts nailing her window with a stick.
06:25What happened?
06:26You have closed the window completely.
06:30Ghorika has brought a black cat from somewhere.
06:34I am very scared of that cat.
06:36She eats easy prey first.
06:39Like small children.
06:42You don't worry.
06:43We will not go out of the house.
06:45Till we can't fly well.
06:48We two brothers and sisters will stay in our house.
06:54I am feeling shy while talking.
06:57But I have to fill my stomach too.
07:00Dear crow!
07:01I have heard that there are children of that bird too.
07:06What do they want to eat?
07:09If I could get some meat.
07:11Then I would get strength in my body.
07:16You don't worry.
07:18Go and bring rice grains for me like yesterday.
07:22And I will go and see the bird.
07:26Then Ghorika goes and sits in her window.
07:30And keeps an eye on the bird.
07:33After evening.
07:34The bird goes to drink water on the river.
07:37And the black cat also brings rice for her friend Ghorika.
07:44Here is your rice.
07:47What will happen to my hunger now?
07:50I am sitting here to give you this good news.
07:54The bird has gone to drink water from the river.
07:56You come with me.
07:58And go and eat both the children of the bird.
08:02The black cat becomes happy.
08:05And goes with Ghorika.
08:08But the bird had closed the window with a stick.
08:12The window was a little open.
08:14So much that only air could pass through.
08:18Dear crow!
08:19The window is closed.
08:21Until yesterday there was such a big window here.
08:24That clever bird must have seen you today and closed the window.
08:29It's okay.
08:30Tomorrow I will think of some other solution.
08:33Tonight again the black cat has to sleep hungry.
08:39The clever bird locks the door from inside.
08:44Ghorika was full of rice.
08:48She was eating.
08:51But the black cat was not sleepy because of hunger.
08:58If I don't get anything to eat today, I will die by tomorrow.
09:02Mother used to say that when a daughter is hungry,
09:06she should eat her friend too.
09:09Then why not her friend too?
09:11Ha ha ha!
09:14The laughing black cat comes out of the hole in the wall.
09:19And goes to the door of Ghorika.
09:23The black cat slowly knocks on the door of Ghorika.
09:28Who has come at this time?
09:31Who is it?
09:32Cough! Cough! Cough!
09:36Cough! Cough!
09:38My throat is very dry.
09:41Friend, it's me, the black cat.
