"Lag Ja Gale" is a classic Hindi song from the 1964 Bollywood film "Woh Kaun Thi?". Sung by the legendary Lata Mangeshkar, the song is composed by Madan Mohan with lyrics by Raja Mehdi Ali Khan. It is a hauntingly beautiful melody that speaks of love, longing, and the ephemeral nature of life, capturing the essence of a fleeting yet profound moment of connection.
00:00At these times only on Zee TV
01:00We have got today, the watch of destiny
01:17We have got today, the watch of destiny
01:27Please look at us closely
01:38Then it will be your destiny
01:44Whether this happens or not
01:49Maybe in this lifetime
01:54Whether we meet or not
02:00Embrace me
02:12Embrace me with your smile
02:19Embrace me with your smile