How to COPY a Folder Using Terminal Commands On a Mac - Basic Tutorial | New

  • 2 months ago
How to Copy a Folder Using Terminal Commands On a Mac - Basic Tutorial | New #TerminalCommands #Terminal #ComputerScienceVideos

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© Computer Science Videos 2021
00:00Computer Science videos here today to show you guys in this tutorial how to copy a
00:06folder from one directory to another directory on a Mac computer using
00:10terminal commands. Without further ado, let us start the video. So in this
00:15tutorial, you need to have access to a Mac computer to be able to use and
00:18implement the terminal commands within the command prompt on the Mac computer.
00:22So we can now go all the way down to the dock, go to Launchpad, search for the
00:26application terminal, open that up, increase the size of the terminal window.
00:32We can also increase the text size and so we can now go all the way down to the
00:38dock again, open up the Finder window. As we are trying to copy our folder on the
00:46desktop and take that to the documents folder. Let's move up to the side. Let's
00:53now focus back on Terminal, CD, CD Desktop. Let's just list everything on
01:01the desktop and so we are now working with the file folder. So the command to
01:12copy that folder which is on the desktop to the documents folder is CP minus
01:22capital R which I will explain after I have typed out all the commands before I
01:28press enter. Tilde which is option N slash desktop tab and then file. Tilde again
01:43option N slash documents and that will copy the file folder from the desktop to
01:52the documents. And so just to explain CP which means copy files and directories
02:03dash or hyphen R means copy directories recursively. So let's now click on enter
02:15and there we go. The file folder on the desktop has now been copied, duplicated
02:24using Terminal commands and so we can now go to Finder, quit Finder, go back to
02:32Terminal, clear everything on screen. We can now quit Terminal and so that's it
02:39for this video. I'll see you guys in the next tutorial. Thanks for now.
02:44Thank you for making it towards the end of the video. Be sure to subscribe to my
02:49channel Computer Science Videos. Be sure to check out the previous video on
02:53screen now or you can ideally click on the playlist and watch all the journey
02:59for Computer Science Videos from the start until now.
