Emmerdale 22 July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 22 July 2024


00:00Hi. Oh, full face of make-up to look after all the animals. Loving your style, babes.
00:17Can't tell I've spent the last hour throwing up, then.
00:19Oh, the paper.
00:20I looked it up online. It's normal to feel a bit off in the first few weeks.
00:25It's only been a couple of days since your accident.
00:27Why don't I call Manpreet? I can pop you over to the surgery.
00:30And say what? I'm pregnant with Liam's baby.
00:33Hey! He's a doctor. You're gonna be bumping into him all the time.
00:37Once you start showing, he's gonna work it home.
00:40I can't tell him. It's too soon. I haven't even got my head around it yet.
00:45And I've got enough to worry about right now.
00:47Hit bombs from Tracy and getting through my first day at the vets.
00:51Yeah, well, you're up to it.
00:54I have to be. I need this job.
00:58And whatever I decide to do about the baby, I'm gonna need to find a place of my own.
01:02I can't camp out in your treatment room forever.
01:04You can stay up there as long as you like.
01:07Whatever happens now is right. We'll work it out.
01:20How's he doing?
01:22Yeah. Really good, actually.
01:24He's got a little smile from him.
01:27What, a little fire, eh?
01:32No thanks to Kim bringing an infection.
01:36Yeah, well, what if she didn't do it?
01:38She'd miss it, eh? You heard her. You were there.
01:42Yeah, well, maybe there's more to it than you think.
01:44Why are you making excuses for her?
01:46She infected Evan. She almost killed me.
01:50Well, the infection, Dawn, I...
01:52I know that Evan got it from me.
01:54What? No, you've not been anywhere. You've hardly seen anyone.
01:58Yeah, well, the other day, when I went out for a run,
02:01I bumped into Nate.
02:03Ended up having a few cans and a ketchup, but we were careful.
02:07Kept our distance, but...
02:09And you never said anything.
02:11I ended up getting bladdered.
02:15Nate pretty much carried me home.
02:18And I saw Kim when I got back.
02:20She saw the state I was in, sent me to one of the guest rooms.
02:25And she told you that I was on some job.
02:29So when Evan got sick, I just...
02:31I knew it was my fault.
02:35You put him at risk.
02:38After everything the doctors told us.
02:41When you know how vulnerable he is.
02:43Yeah, and I couldn't hate myself any more.
02:48Dawn, I wanted to tell you, I really did.
02:51But you were out of your mind with worry,
02:53and Kim thought that if you were to find out,
02:55we'd just end up arguing again.
02:59She was trying to protect us.
03:01So you let her lie to me? To all of us?
03:04Look, she wanted us to focus on Evan, his recovery.
03:07She was trying to help us.
03:09She's not this monster that you make her out to be.
03:11She actually cares.
03:12Oh, yeah, she cares so much that she spiked me.
03:15That wasn't her. She didn't do it.
03:17She's a liar, Billy.
03:19She always has been, and if you're thick enough
03:21to believe what she says, then you're worse than she is.
03:28Oh, I made him grovel.
03:30And Eric admits it was a mistake to cut down my shifts.
03:33He wants me back.
03:34And thanks to you lot, I'm available.
03:37Look, I know you really wanted to be our receptionist,
03:40but Paddy and Rhona were right.
03:42Ella's the one with the experience.
03:44But I couldn't pick up in, like, ten minutes.
03:47She's the one who's been in prison half...
03:51She's the one who's been in prison half her life.
03:54Are you telling me you trust her over me?
03:56Ignore her. Sit down. I'll bring you some water.
04:04Hey. Good to see you.
04:06You doing all right?
04:10Is he serious?
04:11Trace, you've got to let this go.
04:13I'm only saying what no-one else will.
04:15As long as she's about, no kid is safe.
04:18Just like no-one's husband's safe with you about.
04:20I'll catch you later, Mandy, OK?
04:27Your pillows.
04:29And some of the other stuff you asked for.
04:32I'll be up to do the horses every morning.
04:35But don't worry, I'll stay out of your way.
04:38I didn't want any of this.
04:40I only moved out to keep Evan safe.
04:43He's our absolute priority.
04:45Not because you almost got Dawn killed, then?
04:48That's what Rose has told you, so it has to be true.
04:52That's what Rose has told you, so it has to be true.
04:55Because you couldn't bring yourself to believe
04:58that she'd stooped to spiking Dawn's drink
05:00in some cack-handed attempt to set me up.
05:03Give over.
05:05Your drug dealer turned up at our front door.
05:07I've never seen him before in my life.
05:11If you believe I'd do anything to put Dawn at risk,
05:14then you're not the man I thought I married.
05:17And if you could spike her, let her get in a car and drive off,
05:20you're not the woman I thought I loved.
05:22I'll see myself out.
05:29I told Dawn that you covered for me, but she wouldn't listen.
05:32Why would she?
05:34Will, on the other hand, should know better.
05:36You shouldn't have to leave.
05:38It's wrong, and I'm so sorry.
05:41Don't be.
05:43It's nothing I can't handle.
05:58Yeah, of course, Ella.
06:00I've been on pins on mine, so how's she doing?
06:02Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's great, she's great.
06:04She's organised, she's professional,
06:06and she's absolutely mortified.
06:09She ended up forwarding an email that was meant just for Tom
06:12to all of us, by mistake.
06:14Oh, that'd be nerves, plus Tracy having a go at her first thing.
06:17Ended up giving us a bit of a favour, actually.
06:19It was from surgery in Wales,
06:21and apparently they want to see him for a second interview.
06:23Oh, what, Tom's going for a new job?
06:25All we've been told is he's on this little break with Belle, aren't you?
06:29And Vanessa saw him taking off yesterday.
06:31Hang on, they've gone away, together?
06:33Yeah, did you not know?
06:35What's that with you and Alan?
06:37Thought he was happy here, we all did.
06:39Thought he fitted in quite well, didn't really want to lose him.
06:41Yeah, nor Belle.
06:43Cos, you know, if he does go, she's going too.
06:46Can't even talk to him, he's got his phone switched off.
06:48If you hear from either of them, just get them to give us a ring.
06:52Right, that's going to happen.
06:54Belle's not even speaking to us since we staged that intervention.
06:56Charity! You staged it!
06:58A marriage, a business.
07:00Look, if we had made it our business,
07:02she wouldn't be thinking about having a new life in Wales, would she?
07:07Hi. Have you got a minute?
07:09Yeah, I'm just on my break. Fancy a brew?
07:11Oh, no.
07:15Yeah, I just wanted to apologise again
07:17for not being able to finish that drink the other day.
07:20Even you can't blame yourself for an accident.
07:23Anyway, I heard Dawn's doing OK, and, well,
07:27I'm sure she'll be fine.
07:29I'm sure she will.
07:31Anyway, I heard Dawn's doing OK,
07:34and, well, Mandy's taken Ella in at the salon.
07:37And she's also got a job at the vets,
07:40so it looks like she's here to stay.
07:43Awkward, right?
07:47You know, when everything came out, I made it clear to Ella
07:50that we were over,
07:52and all I felt was just a sense of relief
07:54that I would never have to see her again.
07:56And then Mandy scooped her up and brought her back here.
07:59I mean, Ella has no-one.
08:02She's got nowhere else to go.
08:04How could I possibly object?
08:06But you do.
08:08Well, the feelings that I thought I had for her
08:12were really just a projection of the feelings
08:15that I actually had for somebody else.
08:18Somebody who, at the time,
08:20wasn't really in a position to reciprocate.
08:24That drink, we never finished.
08:28Yeah, I...
08:30I'd just really like to pick up where we left off.
08:38I'd like that, too.
08:43Right, well, I'll, er...
08:46I'll call you.
08:48I'll call you.
09:04Hey, that's morning surgery done.
09:07Sorry I messed up.
09:09That email, the one that was meant for Tom.
09:11Oh, don't stress about it. A few things happen.
09:14Thanks. I know you didn't want me here.
09:20Look, I might be Tracy's sister,
09:23it doesn't mean I think she's best for the job.
09:26I can't see her lasting five minutes here.
09:28The smells, the pee, the poo.
09:31And that's just the owners.
09:34Welcome to the team, Ella.
09:36Oh, and don't tell Tracy I told you this, but...
09:40you're doing great.
09:53Urinal blocks.
09:55The blue ones were out.
09:57OK, I'll shove some more into the cash and carry order.
10:00Living the dream, eh? I'll see you tomorrow.
10:04Belle haven't mentioned anything about holiday to you, has she?
10:07No, why?
10:09Well, Ness said she saw them both driving off yesterday, her and Tom.
10:12Reckons he's applied for some new job in Wales.
10:15Well, I'm sure they'll tell us about it in their own good time.
10:18Don't you think the old Belle might have mentioned it the minute it crossed her mind?
10:22Well, since we're watching the pair of them like a flock of hawks.
10:26I think it's a cast of hawks.
10:28Is it any wonder they're avoiding us?
10:31You know, after our pile on the other week.
10:34The poor lass has just lost a baby.
10:36And Tom's had an accident. Is it any wonder they want to get away?
10:39They've got all the support they need right here, though, haven't they?
10:42Friends, family, mental health team for Belle.
10:45And they've got the right to privacy.
10:48Whether we like it or not.
10:50You know, we need to respect that.
10:53Otherwise there's a chance we might lose her, for good.
11:03Hi, through to Cain. Leave a message.
11:05Cain, it's me. Will you do me a favour? Will you ring me when you get this?
11:08We need to talk about Belle.
11:28Evan's asleep, so no hoovering, all right.
11:31How is he today?
11:33A lot better.
11:35We all are, since that toxic atmosphere's lifted.
11:38If you're referring to Kim, she's my friend.
11:41And this is still her house, and Will is still her husband.
11:45I'm sorry, love, but those ships have sailed.
11:48And if you want to keep your job, I keep it zipped.
11:57Hey, give me a sec. I'm with the cleaner.
12:03My bedroom's a bomb site,
12:05so if you want to crack on, and the bathroom's need doing, too,
12:08shut the door behind you when you leave.
12:19Sorry about that.
12:21I've got some news.
12:23Kim's left the building and she won't be coming back.
12:26Will's devastated, but once the trust is gone, it's gone.
12:30That marriage is over. Job done.
12:33Reckon I deserve a bonus, don't you?
12:37They've gone away.
12:39Not a word to any of us.
12:41Not a squeak about this new job of his.
12:44I mean, weren't they meant to be some family dinner with you tonight?
12:48Maybe she knew you'd turn up and have another go.
12:51Cain, I'm being serious here.
12:53OK, fine, you tell me, hand on heart, that you think him and Bella sound.
12:57If they weren't, we'd know.
13:00It's Tom!
13:03If they weren't, we'd know.
13:05It's Tom! I can smell it a mile off.
13:07It don't matter what aftershave he splashes on,
13:10there is some evil festering underneath.
13:13I mean, when they're together, no matter what happens,
13:16he never loses his cool, does he? Never shows an ounce of emotion.
13:19He's always really rational and reasonable and caring.
13:23It's just posh.
13:25Well, it's the control that gets me.
13:27And Tom's got too much of it.
13:29She's just a shadow of herself whenever they're together,
13:32which is all the flipping time.
13:34I don't know, he just makes my hackles rise.
13:37And when he smiles at me,
13:39all I'm seeing are these bared teeth underneath.
13:43There's only one other man who made me feel like that.
13:49Yeah, everyone loved him, didn't they?
13:51Life and soul, Mr Congeniality,
13:53and it was only ever when he got me on his own that the mask slipped.
14:00I know, Belle, if someone so much as raised a finger in her direction...
14:05That's not how it works, though.
14:07Cos if he has, the minute she speaks out,
14:09she knows there'll be no going back.
14:11Cos you'd batter him, wouldn't you?
14:13And he'd have to leave, the marriage would be history.
14:16She loves him way too much for that.
14:18So, what, we wait until she doesn't?
14:21I don't know.
14:23But if he's as dangerous as I think he is, we don't have long.
14:30If Kim's going to keep barging in whenever it suits her,
14:33you're going to have to get the locks changed.
14:35No need. She just came to pick some stuff up, and this is still her home.
14:39Not any more.
14:41She could have killed our daughter.
14:43There's no coming back from that.
14:45Do you know, before all of this, I'd have...
14:48I'd have trusted her with me life.
14:50She's always been there for me, well, for all of us.
14:54None of this was your fault.
14:56None of this was your fault.
14:58If I'd have known for just one second what she was up to...
15:01I mean, we share a home, we share a bed.
15:04And I still didn't have a clue.
15:07She wanted me out.
15:10But you stood up to her.
15:12You did the right thing for your family.
15:15I'm so proud of you.
15:17Yeah, and look what it cost me.
15:19Well, lucky it didn't cost Dawn her life.
15:22Even though it was me she was aiming for.
15:25Jealousy's a terrible thing.
15:27But we've got shared history, family, grandkids.
15:31Yeah, and with her gone, it means you two can pick up where you left off. Handy.
15:35Don't be daft.
15:37It's a good job I am here.
15:39Come off it.
15:40You're better off without that snake in your lives.
15:44Our future as a family, it starts here.
15:55Come on.
16:21Hello, Ella.
16:24Are you feeling unwell?
16:26I'll be fine.
16:31You know, Benpreet's doing afternoon surgeries, so if you need, I'm sure she can fit you in.
16:37I don't, but thanks for asking.
16:39If you'll excuse me, I...
16:43I know you don't want me here.
16:46I know you hate me.
16:49I mean, hate is a very strong word.
16:54I'm the last person you wanted to see again.
16:57Now we'll be bumping into each other every day.
17:01Well, we're both adults. I'm sure we can find a way through.
17:06Of course we will.
17:14You really don't seem well.
17:17So soon after your accident. I do have a duty of care, you know.
17:22I'm going to have to insist that you come to see Manpreet. Now.
17:26I can't do that.
17:28Because if I do, then it...
17:31It's all going to come out.
17:33Whether I like it or not.
17:36That wouldn't be fair on you.
17:39What wouldn't?
17:41Ella, look...
17:43What on earth are you talking about?
17:46I'm sorry.
17:49I'm pregnant.
18:00You what?
18:02I'm pregnant.
18:04With your baby.
18:25You get my message?
18:27Yeah. Three emojis.
18:29A flower, a skull and the exploding head.
18:32Not altogether sure what you're getting at.
18:34Rose. She's the spiker.
18:37Yeah, I've already worked that one out.
18:39But I've got proof.
18:41I went up at yours today and she took this call.
18:43She ordered me out the living room.
18:45But as soon as the back were turned before I left,
18:47I switched on the baby monitor.
18:49Good work.
18:50I heard everything.
18:51I heard her telling somebody that the job was done, that you'd left.
18:54She even asked for a bonus.
18:56Well, whoever she's working for must be desperate.
18:59Rose is the best thing to do.
19:01Right, so you and me will go straight back up to Home Farm,
19:03tell Will and Dawn exactly what's happened
19:05and you'll be back in your own bed by tonight.
19:07Or we could just sit tight
19:10and wait for the world's least competent plotter
19:12to trip herself up.
19:14Somehow I don't think it's going to take too long.
19:16Yeah, but if she's there and you're here...
19:21Look, I don't want to worry you
19:23and Will has done nothing to encourage her.
19:27But the way she looks at him,
19:29it's like she's a hungry cat and he's a tin of sardines.
19:33Trust me, Rose is the least of my problems.
19:37I need to find out what's going on.
19:41I need to find out who's put her up to this.
19:44And when I do, they're going to regret it.
19:47But for now, we keep our friends close and our enemies closer.
20:06Er, whiskey, please. Make it a double.
20:08Sure. Are you all right?
20:10Er, no. No, I don't think I am.
20:14Liam, there's things we need to discuss.
20:16Make that two doubles.
20:17You've done it. You've actually told him.
20:19Told him what?
20:21Please, can we go somewhere else?
20:23Oh, what, you don't want to tell everyone?
20:25Oh, no, she's pregnant.
20:28Oh, that's great.
20:30See? I told you he's better out than in.
20:32Don't fall for it, Liam. I don't want proof if I were you.
20:35Well, shut it, you.
20:37I see you've taken a test.
20:39I only found out at the hospital after the crash.
20:41That was the last thing she was expecting to hear.
20:43They reckon I'm a couple of months gone.
20:45That was not on my bingo card today.
20:48Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.
20:51Chas, no.
20:52We'll be back in a minute.
20:55Right, so you say that you're pregnant.
20:57I assume you have some idea of a due date or a first scan?
21:00You haven't thought about any of that? It's way too soon.
21:02Of course it is.
21:03I am pregnant, Liam. I'm not lying to you.
21:05Lucas, it's not as if you've lied to me about anything before, is it?
21:08Liam, she's not lying. And you need to get your head round this.
21:11This does not change a thing.
21:14We are done.