Analysis of Sonic Battle's Plot Amy Shadow & Emerl's Stories

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Amy's Story
00:02It's surprising that Amy references tarot cards again.
00:06I know it's pronounced tarot cards, but I'm used to saying tarot cards.
00:10Tails lies that Sonic's not here, which is smart.
00:14And Amy's smart enough to figure out immediately that he's lying.
00:19She sees Sonic and Emerl run off to the beach.
00:22And Tails is too intimidated by Amy to tell her everything.
00:25In a deconstruction.
00:27It's sweet to see Emerl call her mom and stuff.
00:31That's not something you say to your mom.
00:34Amy slaps Sonic and scolds him for teaching him to talk like that.
00:39When there's no reason to think it was Sonic's fault.
00:42And he didn't just hear it from some random other person.
00:46Sonic doesn't talk like that at all.
00:48And neither does Knuckles.
00:50So he definitely heard it from some random person in the city.
00:54Sonic runs away.
00:56And Amy gets the idea that he's leaving her alone with Emerl to test what a good mother she'll be.
01:01And it's obviously because he's afraid of her.
01:05Emerl leaves while she's monologuing.
01:07Amy sees a fake Emerl with Emerl.
01:10And after slapping Emerl to scold him for talking like Knuckles to it.
01:14Says a pretty badass line.
01:16Even Amy is shocked at saying that.
01:19Only the final sentence clauses out a character for her.
01:23I wish it was this badass in other games.
01:26And it makes sense that she's shocked.
01:28Because it's pretty early in the franchise for her to be talking like that.
01:32Emerl tells Amy that he consents Emerl to know.
01:35Amy thinks that if she gives Emerl enough Emerlchards.
01:38Sonic will accept her as his wife.
01:41She scolds Emerl and gets him to say please instead.
01:44Considering that Amy herself doesn't speak with manners.
01:47I find her scolding of him to be very hypocritical.
01:51Of course he's a robot. What else would he be?
01:54Cream's not that stupid.
01:56As you can tell because she's smarter than Amy.
02:00But if she was really smart.
02:02She wouldn't have said something to annoy her right in front of her.
02:05Cream changes the subject.
02:07And somehow Amy immediately cheers up afterwards.
02:11It's hard to believe she's really forgiving when at this point in the series.
02:14She runs after her friends with a hammer.
02:17When she learns that Amy and Emerl are going to fight.
02:19She ends up becoming the only sane man in the game by saying she's against fighting.
02:23And doesn't think it's a normal pastime for friends.
02:27Amy says that Emerl is here to work out with her.
02:30And Cream reveals that she was doing it earlier.
02:33And her picture shakes before she makes an excuse to run away.
02:37I hate how their friendship is in this game.
02:40Emerl decides to go play outside while he's waiting for Amy to catch her breath afterwards.
02:45He returns to Amy's house.
02:48And Cream is suddenly back for some reason.
02:51And she explains that she's resting right now.
02:55How did she not always know that boxercising helps you lose weight?
03:00Cream complains that she and Cheese are also tired because Amy's forced them to work out with her.
03:06Amy's such a great friend, isn't she?
03:09And Cream and Cheese could have just took off.
03:12Amy decides to take some things off her arms and legs.
03:15And the next box reads DONG as the screen shakes.
03:19So it turns out she was wearing weights.
03:22If this was taken seriously, she'd be a more sympathetic character.
03:26With her friends showing that they care about her in a heartwarming moment where they all tell her that she looks just fine.
03:33I think she's better off losing the focus of her training.
03:36She doesn't really need to lose weight.
03:38Amy apparently collapses from exhaustion.
03:41And somehow Emerl isn't concerned because there's an Emerald around here.
03:45Amy gets back up and tells Cream to stay at her house and guard the place while she and Emerl go looking for the Emerald.
03:51Cream smiles cutely and says she's the toughest woman she's ever known.
03:55It's weird to see that she actually does respect her.
03:59Amy meets up with a guard robo and happily greets him as Gamma.
04:03I love the references to previous Sonic games.
04:06But it doesn't stop the story as a whole from being bland and repetitive.
04:11Emerl senses an Emerald in Night Babylon and ignores Amy's reservations about taking him to a spooky place.
04:19Why is she scared of anything when she has a hammer?
04:23And why does she say spooky? There aren't any ghosts.
04:27After they fight two fake Emeralds, they get some Emerald shards, of course.
04:32And Emerl senses another Emerald piece at Rouge's place.
04:36So is the house messy?
04:38As the two of them bicker, Emerl tries to be a mediator.
04:42Which has to be from Cream's influence.
04:45Rouge tells Amy that her whole life is a series of mistakes.
04:49It's pretty surprising that Rouge actually calls what she did with Emerl kidnapping.
04:54It's like the Team Rocket guys calling themselves evil. It's unrealistic.
04:58After all, she didn't force Emerl to go with her.
05:01He could've gotten away from her at any time.
05:04Rouge says she'll give him the Emerald shard if he can beat her in a fight.
05:08Why would she even take the risk?
05:11Why wouldn't she just fly up?
05:13Although, all he'd have to do is see her fly, and he'd fly too.
05:17Like, she loves jewels. Why would she ever hold up her end of the bargain?
05:21So Rouge gives up her Emerald shard.
05:24Surprised that Emerl won.
05:26Even though he's as fast as Sonic, so of course he won.
05:30It should've been explained that she knows there's no point in trying to evade him,
05:33because he's fast and would be able to fly after her.
05:36She's smart enough to assume that Eggman's gonna pull a trick on them at the very last minute.
05:41Emerl senses another Emerald.
05:44And Rouge says it must be the one Shadow has.
05:47Why does he call her Mama?
05:49I mean, he did spend more time with her than he did with Amy.
05:53He's implying that he forgave her and has no hard feelings against her anymore.
05:58Emerl and Amy go back to Tails' lab to get him to somehow put the pieces of the Emerald back together into one Emerl.
06:05Sonic tricks Amy into closing her eyes so that he can run away.
06:09Emerl corrects her with no reaction from Amy.
06:12Obviously, she's horribly annoying in this game.
06:16At least she's interesting.
06:18She's not annoying anymore, but they should've made her a deep character.
06:23Cream's Story
06:25Emerl's being used sets a calorie counter.
06:28What makes this even creepier is that Amy's already established that she thinks of Emerl as her kid.
06:33It is smart to take advantage of him.
06:36And as usual, I hate when there's just a black screen behind the characters.
06:41Tails and Sonic comment that Amy's getting stronger.
06:44Sonic mentions that he heard in the news that there is a Chaos Emerald spotted somewhere nearby.
06:49Nearby where?
06:51There's a black screen for background!
06:54Wait a minute.
06:56Why would they ever be allowed to report on that on the news when it's just begging for Eggman to find out about it?
07:02Not to mention every other person who'd want to make money off the thing.
07:06With the background still being black, Eggman shows up and says that Sonic and Tails fell for the fake news story somehow made up.
07:14Now he has the opportunity to kidnap Emerl.
07:17So it being made up doesn't get rid of my complaint because the heroes didn't find it suspicious that they were even allowed to release a news report like that.
07:28Eggman decides at first to send a fake Emerl after him, only to learn his lesson and change his mind.
07:35Instead using a conversion of Hedgehog Be Gone to make Gizoid Be Gone and attacking Emerl with it, paralyzing him.
07:42It sure would be nice if the cutscene presentation allowed us to actually see what Gizoid Be Gone was.
07:49Is it paralyzing powder or something? Why would it work on a robot?
07:54Either way, Emerl gets paralyzed and Cream gets kidnapped along with him so that she won't tell Sonic what happened in time.
08:01Emerl finally has his paralysis wear off, with him and Cream being imprisoned in Gimme Shelter and watched by a grey Gamma robot.
08:09They comment that they can see robots being built from their cell.
08:13Come to think of it, that would be pretty awful looking from a robot's perspective.
08:17Somehow Emerl doesn't care. I guess it's just that tough that he doesn't comment on it.
08:23Emerl gets into a fight with two grey Gamma robots after that, with everyone having five lives.
08:29Cream finally tells him the fighting isn't playing.
08:33She's the only one with common sense.
08:36She tells him she hates when people get hurt.
08:39Why did she take so long to say this?
08:42It's kind of bad timing because all he's faced with are robots.
08:47There's no mention of them being in a cell instead of out in the open.
08:50Eggman should have at least put Emerl in a cell.
08:53What do you think was going to happen after the paralysis wore off?
08:57Emerl shows some common sense by telling Cream that if she doesn't fight, she'll get hurt.
09:02Emerl gets an Emerlchard and then right after that you see him getting two Emerlchards.
09:07And the text box even says that he collected two Emerlchards right afterwards.
09:12So that mistranslation doesn't have an excuse.
09:15Cream at least apologizes for not fighting.
09:18Mainly because Emerl got damaged because of it.
09:21Wait a minute. She was with Amy who was fighting robots in Sonic Heroes.
09:27It has to be that she became opposed to fighting robots after Sonic Heroes.
09:32It just doesn't make any sense for her to be opposed to fighting robots.
09:36I know she's a kid, but Tails isn't like that.
09:40Eggman starts talking to Emerl through an intercom, mistaking him for one of his fake Emerls.
09:46He complains that he might have to strengthen the Emerl Condenser because it took so long for him to respond to his call.
09:53What does an Emerl Condenser have to do with this?
09:55Why would he have it run on Emerl's power when he's lucky when he even has Emerls?
10:02Eggman orders him not to tell Cream and Emerl that they can escape from the air duct.
10:07Why does he even say that?
10:09If he thought that was a possibility, he'd also know they could figure it out on their own.
10:14Eggman mentions that the key to the air duct is in the workshop.
10:18Again, why does he even bother saying that?
10:22With that, he ends the call without even waiting for a response, having given away the information Emerl and Cream need to escape.
10:30Why did he give so much information to a robot that wasn't talking to him?
10:35It's an easy assumption that Emerl escaped.
10:38It seems very contrived.
10:41They go to the workshop and get into a fight with two fake Emerls, and then Emerl tells Cream to hide.
10:47She should have done that on her own a long time ago.
10:50Emerl gets two shards and boasts about winning.
10:53His personality is exaggerated because of how he taunts and laughs at the robots.
10:59I can understand Cream being upset about that, because that's something a villain would say.
11:03So she starts crying, and then she tells him that he hasn't done anything wrong.
11:08So she knows she's being stupid.
11:11Emerl quotes Sonic that there's nothing worse than making a girl cry,
11:15which I guess happened off-screen because Sonic never said that to him in the game.
11:20They get the duct key and go south.
11:23Chaos Gam appears and speaks intelligently out of nowhere.
11:27Now Emerl makes the decision to not fight, which forces Cream to realize she's being an idiot and start fighting.
11:34It makes sense that he really doesn't want her to cry again.
11:37But it's pretty obvious that the reason she cried was because he taunted those robots,
11:42not because he was fighting, because she didn't cry after the first time he fought.
11:47Cream tells Emerl not to take it easy on her, showing character development.
11:53Her pacifism is a flanderization, too.
11:56It's hard to think of a character that's not flanderized in this game.
12:00Sonic was never this mean to Knuckles before.
12:03This is definitely padding.
12:06They should have leapt through the air duct by now.
12:09What reason does Sonic have to doubt what he says right now?
12:13After some more fights, Cream asks Chaos Gam what he's fighting for.
12:18I wonder if that's intentional.
12:20But he told her what he was fighting for.
12:23That's why it seems like a reference.
12:26And Cream makes a preachy speech to him, when it's not really like her to preach to people.
12:32Technically, you can take away someone's power pretty easily, like by hurting them or restraining them.
12:38And you can definitely give someone power by teaching them how to fight better.
12:43Emerl gets another Emerl shard and Chaos Emerl'd.
12:46Then Eggman complains about his robots being useless.
12:50So no wonder he gives up on the Gamma robots.
12:53Cream wonders what that switch is and gets told to press it,
12:57causing Eggman to get hurt by his own trap.
13:00This is a good way of using Cream as a character and letting her be useful.
13:03She doesn't know she's going to hurt Eggman by doing that.
13:06So she's keeping her personality.
13:08And provides a source of comedy from her obliviousness.
13:11Cream doesn't even feel bad about it.
13:14Not that I'm complaining.
13:16But it is inconsistent.
13:18Sonic shows up even though he thought Eggman was lying.
13:21I guess because he wanted to make sure.
13:24And he apparently enters the cutscene.
13:26But the cutscene presentation doesn't show him being there.
13:29Sonic makes fun of Eggman's dance at being electrocuted.
13:33Which is AOSDH levels of sadistic for him.
13:37And we never do find out how Eggman gets out of that trap.
13:40I guess a robot gets him out of there.
13:45And the diary entry explains that Gerald is the reason why Emerl has free will and emotions.
13:51I'm glad they explained why he was acting so differently around Gerald.
13:56Shadow's story starts with some blights and padding.
13:59Eggman recapping to himself.
14:02And Shadow angsting in his head when he already said what the angst was to Sonic.
14:08So apparently the text box is a conversation between two different people.
14:12So it's confusing to not know who he's talking to.
14:15He gets a feeling and uses Chaos Control.
14:18With us never being told where he was before he used it.
14:22This is really convenient.
14:25So this is the point where Shadow and Rouge find out about Emerl.
14:29And it takes place before Eggman found him.
14:32So it's especially boring.
14:35Shadow asks Rouge what she's doing there.
14:38And she says she's got information sources everywhere and can find out anything.
14:42But it feels like a convenient lazy hand wave because she doesn't specify anything.
14:47And the rest of their dialogue is boring because they already know all this about Emerl.
14:52Rouge should've known better than to compare Emerl to Shadow.
14:56Of course he's gonna project his angst onto him.
14:59Then a robot shows up and Shadow says it's a decidedly out of character gang.
15:04While Rouge giggles at the prospect of fighting alongside Shadow again.
15:08Eventually Shadow ends up injured in some unknown way and passes out.
15:13How could he have possibly gotten injured?
15:16He fought through the entirety of Sonic Heroes without getting injured.
15:21He should've been injured because he was surprise attacked from behind.
15:26You'd think it would just start with him talking to Emerl.
15:31Sonic never awakens as a weapon of war.
15:34Shadow finally wakes up and plans on getting to Emerl.
15:38And Rouge yells at him because she's worried about him.
15:41At least he thanks her.
15:43This is one of the most emotionally impactful scenes in the game.
15:47We never get to see her show how much she cares about him in the games.
15:52And he says he doesn't have a problem with her being his ally before leaving, which is heartwarming.
15:57Sonic says Emerl is at Tails' house and asks what he wants with him.
16:02Shadow says that he's there to welcome him as a fellow weapon of war.
16:06Sonic knows Emerl wouldn't destroy the world.
16:09Sonic explains that Shadow and Emerl are more than just weapons because they have hearts.
16:14And Shadow doesn't believe him because they were created as weapons.
16:18And I can't argue with that.
16:20What Sonic should be saying is weapons are inanimate objects.
16:24He should take it off and come back with a dictionary and show him the definition of weapon.
16:29It'd be pointless though because Shadow knows the definition and he's just stretching it.
16:34Sonic explains that Rouge told him that there's a keyword that'll make Emerl just an ordinary robot.
16:40Somehow he doesn't trust the keyword.
16:42He's right that a weapon wouldn't be programmed with a conscience originally.
16:46But it's obvious that he got one from being with Sonic.
16:50Sonic gets fed up with Shadow's whining and tells him to just take Emerl already.
16:55And he trusts him not to kill Emerl because he has a heart.
16:58But he kills robots all the time.
17:01So this is really stupid.
17:03But it had to happen because Sonic has to give Emerl permission to obey him.
17:09Emerl shows up because he sent Shadow's Emerl.
17:13And he talks to him in a scary way with his picture being ominous.
17:17Then he returns to normal and wonders why Sonic's looking at him like that.
17:21Why wouldn't he remember what happened?
17:24And somehow Sonic trusts Eggman to tell him who he is.
17:28You really trust Eggman not to lie about that to manipulate him?
17:32I like that Emerl calls him a chubby old guy.
17:35Why doesn't General talk like this?
17:38Sonic tells Emerl to find out more about the final Egg Blaster that Knuckles told him about.
17:42Shadow talks in an overly angsty way with him.
17:45Yet he's flanderized in two ways at once.
17:48He's needlessly antagonistic, which reminded me of IDW Shadow right away.
17:52And he's angstier than ever before.
17:55Emerl tells Sonic to tell Amy about her diet and exercise plans.
17:59Emerl and Shadow go to Central City and meet up with Chaos Gamma.
18:03Why is he still around?
18:06Eventually, Shadow laments to him that he's an idiot for still wanting to fight after being defeated.
18:11He's not that different from Omega though.
18:13And Emerl feels sorry for him.
18:15Shadow and Emerl go to the computer in Gimmie Shelter.
18:18And eventually Rouge tells Shadow that he's Gerald's ultimate creation.
18:22But he already knows that in this game.
18:24So there's some boring recap.
18:27And Shadow asks why Gerald gave him a soul.
18:30How did he know he gave him a soul?
18:32And Rouge explains that Gerald wasn't interested in researching weapons.
18:36And said he wanted to bring happiness to people.
18:39How would Gerald replicate his soul?
18:42And it's explained that he was hoping the weapons themselves would never fight.
18:47Might became?
18:50Rouge compliments Shadow for never using his power recklessly or selfishly.
18:54He tried to kill Sonic before.
18:57Shadow asks what the keywords are.
18:59And Rouge answers them.
19:01And Shadow says it's touching.
19:03I really like how important Rouge is to this plot.
19:07Shadow gives Emerl the Chaos Emerl because he'll always have Maria in his heart keeping him strong.
19:12Maria won't amplify his power.
19:15How does Emerl represent all things?
19:18Shadow says the keywords.
19:20Calling himself his new master.
19:22Why does he do that?
19:24I doubt Sonic would approve of that.
19:27I guess he did it despite Sonic.
19:30Emerl returns to normal.
19:32And tells Shadow not to get serious.
19:34And Shadow's always serious.
19:36I guess what he really means is don't get all quiet on me.
19:40So he should've just said that.
19:42Shadow says Eggman will no longer have any control over him.
19:46He never had any control in the first place.
19:49Emerl thanks both of them.
19:51With Rouge saying that she'd prefer to get jewelry instead.
19:54Shadow asks Emerl to battle him to pad out the story and test out which one of them is stronger.
19:59Emerl asks Rouge if he can visit her room again sometime.
20:03Well that came out of nowhere.
20:05He called her Mama Rouge before.
20:07Rouge calls him an idiot and leaves, complaining about how men like to fight so much.
20:12And Shadow wants another battle.
20:15Panting in exhaustion, implying that he lost.
20:18He has Chaos Control. How could he possibly lose?
20:22I guess it's because Emerl has Chaos Control too?
20:25It's a good thing it's not established that he has Chaos Control...
20:28As Gemmerl.
20:30Emerl asks if it would be okay for him to see Sonic, Tails, and everyone else again.
20:34Why wouldn't it be okay?
20:36Shadow tells them to tell them he's not a kid anymore.
20:39Why does he expect them to fight all of his friends?
20:42He already knows he can win against them.
20:45I just hate how casual everyone is about fighting their own friends.
20:48Why is that the usual?
20:51It's so obvious that this is just padding.
20:54Is there really any point in showing any of it?
20:56There's really nothing to say about it too.
20:59All there really is to say is...
21:01Sonic calls him smug and says he can't beat him.
21:03Which is both hypocritical and forgets how many times Emerl beat him before.
21:08And after he loses, he insists that he still isn't strong enough...
21:11And tells him to fight him again later.
21:14Sore loser much?
21:16None of this had to happen.
21:18So he finally concedes that he's his equal.
21:21He's more a character for him than saying he's stronger than him.
21:24But it's kinda confusing that he gives up on trying to beat him.
21:28Wouldn't he still have a wounded ego over losing to him?
21:31So after that waste of time, Emerl does a big heartwarming speech about his life.
21:36With Sonic calling his punches lame like a dick because he's a sore loser.
21:40And Sonic tells Shadow to be more honest with himself.
21:43Which is also hypocritical considering that he won't even admit Emerl is stronger than him.
21:49And the diary entry retcons Maria's speech.
21:53Bringing hope to humanity is a hell of a lot better of a way to translate her speech to Shadow.
21:59The last story is mercifully short compared to the other stories.
22:04Eggman tells Sonic and Emerl that he's attached the final Egg Blaster weapon to another Death Egg of his to achieve world domination.
22:11I forgot there was a Death Egg in this game.
22:14Tails explains that a giant battleship has shown up on a holy summit.
22:18And it's fun not to wonder if Eggman's luring everyone into a trap by being so open about what his plans are.
22:23Even though Eggman is always like that.
22:25Was he trying to lure someone into a trap when he had the Death Egg in the other games?
22:31He could've fought Sonic somewhere other than the Death Egg.
22:34And Tails heads off to fetch a warp transporter for them.
22:38Yeah, because Tails just has warp transporters just lying around. No biggie.
22:43It's amazingly impressive of him.
22:46Sure, we've never ever heard about them before, but you know what?
22:49Considering that he made a fake Chaos Emerald and there's magical Emeralds around, I can totally buy that.
22:55But it just makes me wonder why this never comes up again.
22:59Why would they ever use the buy plan again?
23:02I guess because this has a risk of telefragging?
23:05And they only use it when they know they won't telefrag.
23:09This would explain how Knuckles gets back to Angel Island.
23:13Knuckles explains that the estuary froze over and Chaos is guarding the Death Egg.
23:18With the only explanation for his sudden reappearance being that he only appears in times of great crisis.
23:24What about the world being shattered in Advance 3?
23:27Also, I guess the reason he knows what estuary means is that Tails told him that word.
23:33Sonic says that things are getting exciting.
23:35Tails explains unhappily that the warp transporter can only send one person to the battleship.
23:41Sonic, despite having the responsibility and reputation as a hero of the world, gets a bright idea to send Emerald to stop Eggman instead of him.
23:50When has Sonic ever sent someone other than him to stop Eggman in his adventure when he had nothing to do?
23:56This is a huge other character moment for him.
23:59It's not like Emerald's still pathetic, so he doesn't need to test him out anymore.
24:04Not only is he being irresponsible, and you should know that he's completely missing out on the thrills and excitement.
24:11But Emerald being sent to fight the final boss just wreaks a creator's pet.
24:15I know you actually do fight the final boss with Sonic.
24:18But the point is, all the characters in the game are expecting Eggman to be the final boss.
24:23I like Emerald, because I like the fact that he got character development.
24:27The fact is, though, he's still a creator's pet.
24:30They introduced this new character to the cast and spent an entire game having it interact with all the other characters,
24:36having each character have his own story, while emphasizing repeatedly how powerful and badass and awesome he's getting.
24:44Having even the ones who didn't like him at first swarming up to him.
24:48It's nothing more than a slightly well-written original character fanfiction.
24:52And Tails, the brilliant genius, agrees with the sentiment completely.
24:56And on paper, it does make sense that they would send someone who can fly, who's a robot,
25:01at least until you remember that because he can fly, he should be able to just fly into the Death Egg.
25:07Why does he need the warp transporter? Just have Sonic use it.
25:11It should be explained that it's impossible to get into the Death Egg in any other way than this,
25:17because the entire outside of it is completely sealed off.
25:20It's not like the other games.
25:23The heroes are just being wrong genre-savvy.
25:26Emerl is the main character, and every other main character had plot armor.
25:32Emerl goes to the Death Egg to confront Eggman,
25:35and somehow Tails and Sonic can communicate with him and cheer him on,
25:39with no indication that Tails modified him to make that possible,
25:43but at least you can easily assume that because he's a robot.
25:46So Emerl fights Eggman, with Eggman being in a red Eggmobile in the laziest boss design ever.
25:52Should we design a new Eggmobile for Eggman?
25:54Nah, let's just take the Sonic Advance one and paint it red.
25:57You'd think it would be really big, at least.
26:00Eggman uses his final Egg Blaster to destroy some stars to show Emerl true power,
26:06because that's how you form a link with him.
26:08This causes Emerl to go out of control, spouting meaningless binary and try to destroy the world,
26:13despite the fact that Shadow's already said the key words to him and made him a normal robot.
26:19Chaos Control didn't make him go crazy.
26:23Sonic gets the Master Emerl from an inexplicably exhausted Shadow,
26:26which he refers to as a Master Emerl at first,
26:29and uses Tails as a transporter.
26:32I guess Shadow warped with Chaos Control to Angel Island to get the Master Emerl,
26:38and then warped back to Sonic with it.
26:43But the comics later on established that he doesn't have long range without a Chaos Emerl when he's warping.
26:52Not just Archie, IDW as well, which people think is canon.
26:57And he's totally the type who would warp long range despite the fact that it exhausts himself,
27:04so that's not why he doesn't do it.
27:06So how did the Emerl get to Sonic?
27:08And it can't be that Shadow simply ran to Holy Summit to get the Emerl,
27:13because it's not like Shadow to get completely exhausted simply from running,
27:18because he's like Sonic in abilities, and that doesn't happen to Sonic,
27:22and he didn't run that far,
27:24so it's supposed to imply that he's exhausted from over-exertion with Chaos Control.
27:31It has to be that he took off his inhibitor rings, and then he put them back on.
27:37But when Sonic uses the Master Emerl,
27:39which has been stated in SA2 to be able to neutralize the power of all the Chaos Emerls,
27:44Emerl still doesn't have his power neutralized.
27:47In fact, it gets broken into tiny little pieces.
27:51It's too bad it's too easy to forget how ridiculously forced this scene was.
27:56Knuckles laughshades how ridiculous this is.
27:59And Sonic is forced to fight Emerl,
28:02in a fight that I hate the idea of,
28:04not only because he spent the whole game getting Emerl stronger just to have to fight him at the end of the game,
28:09but because at this point in the game, Emerl is a top-tier character.
28:13But somehow, the fight's even easier than Eggman.
28:17So as everyone already knows, the aftermath of the fight is Emerl dying,
28:21with Sonic realistically going into denial and freaking out over it,
28:25and with touching speeches galore.
28:27Emerl mentions that he's in pain, even though he's a robot,
28:31and tells Sonic not to tease Knuckles too much,
28:34advice that he completely ignores.
28:36And Sonic ends up causing him to break apart,
28:39supposedly beyond repair, even though he's a robot,
28:42in a tragic ending that came completely out of nowhere.
28:46This was the biggest Diabolitex Machina in the Sonic franchise.
28:50It makes sense meta-wise that they had Sonic kill him,
28:53because if they didn't,
28:55if Sonic's okay with sending him in his place to fight Eggman,
28:58why doesn't he become the main character of the franchise?
29:01So this happening to him explains why Emerl doesn't replace Sonic,
29:05because he doesn't trust Emerl not to get killed again.
29:08It does make sense to get rid of Emerl,
29:10because he has to have all the Chaos Emeralds in him
29:12to be as intelligent-speaking as he is.
29:15But still, there's no reason Tails couldn't have reprogrammed Emerl
29:19to talk like that,
29:21because Emerl is just Emerl's data in a different body,
29:25so he wouldn't have the same restrictions.
29:27I think the tragedy only happened to make the plot memorable.
29:31The story was already tragic.
29:33It didn't need to have to make Tails stupid
29:37just because he's a kid
29:39to make it even more depressing.
29:42He's not usually this dumb.
29:45And finally, we get one last journal from Gerald.
29:48I never expected someone like Gerald to actually call Shadow a weapon.
29:54What does that line even mean?
29:56So basically, this plot was completely bland, repetitive,
30:00boring, with a completely bullshit ending,
30:03and with all of the main characters being flanderized.
30:07The only reason it's remembered as good
30:09is because usually the tone is good
30:11and there's character development.
30:13And there's a hub world taking place where Sonic lives,
30:16and that's never been done again.
