Crime Patrol - Naraz- Episode 687 - 23rd July, 2016 (क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क)

  • 2 months ago
Crime Patrol - Naraz- Episode 687 - 23rd July, 2016 (क्राइम पेट्रोल सतर्क)
00:31Yes, Wasim.
00:32Did you call me?
00:39Tell me.
00:42I had a job for you.
00:43What job?
00:46I have to kill a woman.
00:53What do you mean by kill?
00:56Who is that woman?
00:58She is our Cholki.
01:05We will meet.
01:07No, Imran.
01:09Not 20-11-2011.
01:12Every time you make the same mistake.
01:14Enough, enough.
01:15I don't get stuck between 10 and 11 every time.
01:18You write 10 on my birthday every time, dad.
01:20Rehan, you are so sweet.
01:22I think it's your happy birthday every day.
01:24Take this.
01:25I have filled your bag.
01:27Hey, Nilofar.
01:29He hasn't even gone in the riddle yet.
01:31And so many studies.
01:32That's good.
01:33You and I couldn't study much.
01:35He will study for our share too.
01:38Why do you want to kill the woman?
01:39Tell me her name.
01:41Don't ask too many questions.
01:42Come to my house tomorrow.
01:43Your house?
01:46Yes, sir.
01:47How much is it?
01:53I am killing the woman in your house?
01:56But sister-in-law Shazia and Fahim?
01:57Won't they stay at home?
01:58It's Sunday tomorrow.
01:59Hassan is also with us.
02:02He will arrange for Shazia and Fahim.
02:07Finish the food.
02:10Don't leave anything.
02:14Sameer and Fahim get along very well.
02:16They do get along.
02:17But they can't get together.
02:19Everyone is so busy.
02:21It's Sunday tomorrow.
02:22Invite them for dinner.
02:23That will be good.
02:25I will call them after dinner.
02:28Yes, I will definitely come.
02:30It will be fun.
02:32And we will watch a good movie on TV after dinner.
02:35Then do one thing.
02:36Don't come for dinner tomorrow.
02:37Come for breakfast.
02:39I will make Nihari.
02:40That's even better.
02:42Fahim loves Nihari.
02:44Are you free tomorrow morning at 9?
02:45Okay, sure.
02:48But who are we doing this for?
02:50How much will we get?
02:51Don't ask so many questions.
02:52Make one.
02:53Yes, sir.
02:55We just have to kill the woman.
02:57And fix the corpse.
03:00Tomorrow morning at 10.
03:02Yes, sir.
03:03What should I make?
03:17There is only one Sunday in a week.
03:19Come by 8 or 4 o'clock.
03:21What do you want?
03:22If someone doesn't take a day off,
03:23I will definitely come.
03:24Or double shift.
03:26I can't refuse sir, right?
03:28No problem.
03:29I will pray that no one takes a day off today.
03:31And if they take a double shift,
03:32so be it.
03:33Whatever you are doing,
03:34you are doing it for us.
03:38Don't you have to go to work now?
03:40Let's go.
03:44Okay, bye.
03:51Let's go.
04:03Shall I go and play?
04:04I will let you go only if you come back before dinner.
04:07You mean 12 o'clock?
04:08Yes, I mean 12 o'clock.
04:10I will come.
04:11I promise.
04:35Greetings, brother Haseeb.
04:38Shazia has called you home.
04:39I have kept the salad on the stove.
04:41I will go and make it.
04:42No, but it's urgent.
04:43I have to go to work.
04:44I have to go to work.
04:45I have to go to work.
04:46I have to go to work.
04:47I have to go to work.
04:48I have to go to work.
04:49I have to go to work.
04:50I have to go to work.
04:51I have to go to work.
04:52I am going to have my meal.
04:53No, but it's urgent.
04:54I am going to have my meal.
04:55It will be better if you come back now.
04:56Is it?
04:57Okay, I will shut the gas and come.
05:50Help! Help!
06:20Hey, Wasim.
06:22Wasim, she's Nilofar.
06:24Your younger brother Imran's wife.
06:27Yes, that's her.
06:29So, who's going to pay for killing her?
06:32You or your younger brother Imran?
06:34Leave it, Nadeem.
06:36Take off all his clothes.
06:40Don't leave a single mark.
06:51Wasim, let's hurry up.
06:57We don't have much time.
07:01Let's get rid of all the anger first.
08:11Did you see Ammi?
08:12Isn't she at Holi?
08:14Look, she must have gone somewhere to buy vegetables.
08:29Tie her legs tightly with her hands.
08:31So that it's easier to put her in the sack.
08:34You two take her.
08:35I'll go home.
08:36Shariya Meena is at home.
08:37Don't cause any trouble.
09:03Parukh Bhai.
09:04Did you see Neelofar's mother?
09:06She came to buy vegetables in the morning.
09:08I just saw her.
09:09Did she pass by?
09:11Is everything alright?
09:16Did your mother tell you about going to your uncle's house?
09:52Where did they go?
09:55Where is my mother, Aunty Fatima?
09:58They are looking for your mother.
10:12I'm so sorry.
10:17Your phone is ringing.
10:28Yes, Fatima.
10:29Meenaz, did Neelofar come to your house?
10:32What happened?
10:33He is not at home and his phone is lying here.
10:36Poor Rehan is getting worried.
10:38I didn't talk to Neelofar.
10:40You keep the child with you.
10:42He is very scared.
10:44But where did sister-in-law Neelofar go leaving the child alone?
10:47I don't know, Meenaz.
10:48Rehan came asking for her.
10:50That's why I searched the entire locality.
10:52Neelofar is nowhere to be found.
10:53And her brother-in-law, brother Wasim,
10:55his house is also locked.
10:57Because sister-in-law Shazia and Fahim are at our house.
11:01Do one thing.
11:03Call your brother Imran.
11:05And take the child with you.
11:06Okay, I'll be right there.
11:08What happened?
11:10Sister-in-law Neelofar left Rehan alone at home and I don't know where she went.
11:14I don't know either.
11:47Yes, Meenaz. How are you?
11:48Brother Imran, where is sister-in-law Neelofar?
11:50Why? She must be at home.
11:52Isn't her phone ringing?
11:53What phone will ring, brother Imran?
11:54I am at your house with Rehan.
11:56Sister-in-law is not here.
11:57And her phone is lying here.
12:00Then where did she go?
12:01I don't know, brother Imran.
12:03I am taking Rehan with me.
12:04I'll feed him something.
12:06You call sister-in-law Neelofar.
12:09I'll call her.
12:11I am taking Rehan with me.
12:12I'll feed him something.
12:13You find out about sister-in-law Neelofar.
12:15I don't feel good.
12:16She has left half cooked food on the stove.
12:20Okay, I'll reach home.
12:23Now Imran was going to look for his wife Neelofar all day.
12:26And Imran's elder brother Wasim was going to play his second trick.
12:42Did you find her?
12:43No, brother Wasim.
12:44Who will look for her?
12:46Every street, every house.
12:47She is not to be found.
12:48Did you call her village?
12:50She ran away with her Neelofar.
12:53Ran away?
12:56Neelofar, why did she run away?
12:58She left Rehan alone and didn't inform me.
13:00And also she...
13:01What happened?
13:02She ran away with her Neelofar.
13:03With her Neelofar.
13:04Neelofar, why did she run away?
13:05And also she...
13:06What happened?
13:07She ran away with her Neelofar.
13:08With her Neelofar.
13:09How will she go to Meerut on her own without informing us?
13:13Why don't you understand, Imran?
13:17She left her mobile behind.
13:19She left Rehan behind.
13:21She didn't lock the house.
13:23She left half of the food behind.
13:25What does this mean?
13:27What do you mean?
13:29Call up the village and talk to her parents.
13:37Do you need anything?
13:38Yes, your phone is ringing.
13:40Who is calling at this hour?
13:47Where is Imran?
13:49Yes, Imran.
13:50Mom, did Nilofar have any plan to come to the village?
13:55If there was any such thing, she would have told you first.
13:58Is everything okay?
14:00There is some problem, mom.
14:02Nilofar is missing since morning.
14:04What do you mean?
14:07Rehan went out to play in the afternoon.
14:10She was cooking food.
14:12She left half of the food behind.
14:14She didn't lock the house.
14:15She left her mobile behind.
14:17What are you saying, Imran?
14:18We searched the entire locality, mom.
14:20But we couldn't find her.
14:22How can she go somewhere without informing us?
14:24Did you guys have a fight?
14:26No, mom.
14:27We didn't have a fight.
14:29Then why...
14:36What happened?
14:37Imran was saying...
14:39...there was no fight with Nilofar.
14:41Still, Nilofar left the house.
14:45You go home.
14:47And take care of Rehan.
14:49Your Nilofar will come if she has to.
14:51How can you say that, Haseeb?
14:53I don't think Nilofar has left me and gone somewhere.
14:56What difference does it make if you are hurt or not?
15:00The truth is in front of you.
15:02But you are not ready to believe it.
15:06You go home.
15:07And take care of Rehan.
15:09And if Nilofar doesn't come by tonight...
15:11...we'll look for her again in the morning.
15:21Did you convince him today?
15:23Will he come tomorrow?
15:25We'll see about that tomorrow.
15:28Did you get any news about Nilofar?
15:34And she'll never come.
15:36I told you...
15:37...this girl is not right for Imran.
15:41She had to run away one day.
15:43And she did.
15:52Come, Rehan.
15:53I'll take you to the hospital.
15:56Eat your food, Rehan.
16:05Open your mouth.
16:06Where did mummy go?
16:11I don't know.
16:13But she'll come.
16:15Say yes.
16:16Why did mummy leave?
16:18I don't know.
16:19Eat your food. Say yes.
16:22Say yes, Rehan.
16:26Say yes.
16:37Say yes.
16:39Say yes.
16:55Say yes.
17:25She's still lying there.
17:26She'll stay there for another day.
17:28Every other day a garbage truck comes.
17:32You can leave now.
17:41Say whatever you want.
17:43Nilofar didn't leave me.
17:45She had her own house and village.
17:47Just to live with me.
17:48So she left you to live with someone else.
17:51She's used to it.
17:52She was happy with me.
17:54When we spoke on the phone yesterday...
17:55...she told me to come home early.
17:57I told her I'd come if I didn't get a double shift.
17:59If this was true...
18:00...I would've been suspicious.
18:02Imran, your wife planned everything.
18:05That's why she ran away.
18:06She didn't run away.
18:08She's in trouble.
18:09Something bad happened to her.
18:11What trouble?
18:12Tell me.
18:13She must've gone out to get something.
18:14She must've lost her way on her way back.
18:16Her phone was at home.
18:18It's been a year and a half since we came to Mumbai.
18:21She doesn't know anything about the roads here.
18:24We'll find her wherever you tell us.
18:28Do you have her photo?
18:30Yes, I have it on my phone.
18:50What happened?
18:56Wasim pretended to be a worried and responsible elder brother.
19:00On the other hand...
19:01...his younger brother Imran was worried about his wife.
19:05He had no idea...
19:07...that his wife had been brutally murdered.
19:21In this accident...
19:22...fate played its cruel role.
19:25It was going to take a few more days...
19:27...for Neelofar's body to be found.
19:30Now Imran was completely broken.
19:33Wasim was trying to convince him...
19:35...that Neelofar had left him.
19:38But Imran couldn't accept this thought.
19:42Imran had decided...
19:43...that he wouldn't leave his wife...
19:45...and four-year-old son alone.
19:47He had decided...
19:48...that he would find his wife...
19:50...and four-year-old son's mother Neelofar... any cost.
19:54And that's why...
19:55...Wasim played his second trick.
19:57You could have come back a long time ago, Imran.
20:01Use your brain.
20:03It's been four days since you left Neelofar.
20:05But Wasim...'s possible that...
20:09...Neelofar is in pain.
20:11And she can't reach us.
20:13I think only the police can find Neelofar.
20:17How will the police find him?
20:20Find the one who is lost.
20:22How will the police find the one who is hiding?
20:26...don't misunderstand Neelofar.
20:29She can't do this.
20:32Let's go to the police.
20:34You'll come with me, right?
20:36Imran, you know...
20:37...the police are crazy.
20:38They kill people.
20:41...we have no other option.
20:43For God's sake, come with me.
20:46Come with me. I can't do this alone.
20:48Okay, okay.
20:49I'll come with you.
20:54Let my husband go, sir.
20:56He won't do this again.
20:57He won't come here and pretend.
20:58No, sir.
20:59Your husband is a drunkard.
21:00No, sir. He's a kid.
21:02Your wife has been missing for four days.
21:04And after four days, you think...
21:05...she might be in pain.
21:07We've been looking for her for the past four days.
21:09Sir, I think...
21:11...her wife ran away from home.
21:14...she doesn't think her wife can do this.
21:17She thinks something must have happened to her.
21:20That's why we came to you, sir.
21:21What's your wife's name?
21:23This is her photo, sir.
21:30Sign on this number.
21:35I've sent it, sir.
21:38Did Nilofar run away from home like this before?
21:40No, sir.
21:41She can't do this.
21:43She loves me and her child Rehan a lot.
21:45She can't do this.
21:47In the village...
21:48...she ran away from her parents' house with him.
21:51Five years ago.
21:57...if you talk straight, everyone's job will be easier.
22:00Did Nilofar have an affair with anyone?
22:01No, sir.
22:03There was nothing like that.
22:05Sir, she was cooking food on the fifth day.
22:08Leaving the food incomplete...
22:10...she left the house without locking the door.
22:11And the child?
22:13The child was playing outside, sir.
22:16You guys write the missing company outside.
22:17We'll start our work.
22:18Okay, sir.
22:23My life is in danger, sir.
22:25I'm getting calls again and again.
22:26Tell sir.
22:2925, sir.
22:325 feet.
22:333-4 inches, sir.
22:34Any marks on the body?
22:35No, sir.
22:36Any beating?
22:37Any cut or burn?
22:38Any nail or something?
22:43What was she wearing?
22:45When I was on duty...
22:47...she was wearing household clothes.
22:50I don't know what happened after that, sir.
22:52She wears a salwar kurti and a dupatta, sir.
22:56Did she wear any jewellery?
22:58The same jewellery she wore every day.
23:00Earrings in her ears and hands...
23:03...and a talisman in her neck.
23:06The one in the photo, sir.
23:07We'll start looking for her.
23:09We'll call you if we find out anything about her.
23:12Your number is here.
23:14Yes, sir.
23:20And listen...
23:22...if she has come back on her own, inform us.
23:25We have to keep a record.
23:26Understood, sir.
23:33She left us.
23:35Why did you go?
23:37I don't know, brother.
23:39You have to know that.
23:41Ask her when she comes back.
23:44What's going on in her mind?
23:46You don't know everything, do you?
23:51Her parents...
23:53...her brother Abdul...
23:54...they're all worried.
23:57This is the first time for you.
23:58Not for them.
24:01How can someone be so selfish?
24:04She doesn't think about her family.
24:06She only thinks about herself.
24:09What can anyone do?
24:14Yes, Imran.
24:17What did he say?
24:19He said that there's been a police complaint.
24:22Look, Abdul.
24:23Your sister won't run away from her husband and kids.
24:26No. I don't believe this.
24:28Even if she went, where did she go?
24:30In such a big city...
24:31Why did she go, father?
24:33I don't know.
25:27Hey, Wasim.
25:29They found the sack.
25:31Was it the police?
25:34But the dumpers called the police in front of me.
25:37When I came here, the police were on their way.
25:40Don't worry.
25:42It's been five days since the body was found.
25:44It must have swollen completely.
25:47Did you burn the clothes and shoes?
25:50One thing was left.
25:52There was a crack in her toes.
25:54One came out and the other couldn't come out.
26:05What could you have done?
26:06She wasn't coming out.
26:08You could have cut her finger.
26:10She was already dead.
26:12Why didn't you tell me?
26:14I was completely shaken.
26:16First, you killed Nilofer.
26:18Imran's wife.
26:20And on top of that,
26:22what you did with the body...
26:26Now tell me.
26:27Tell me.
26:28Why did you kill your younger brother's wife?
26:31And why didn't you tell me?
26:32That you wanted to kill her.
26:35Why were you so angry with her?
26:39I'll tell you when I have time.
26:42Listen, we don't have much time.
26:44The body shouldn't be in anyone's sight.
26:48You take care of my sack.
26:49I'll be back.
27:05It's a woman, sir.
27:06There's not a single cloth on her body.
27:07And the body has rotted a lot.
27:09Take the body home for post-mortem.
27:11And find out what other details we can find.
27:12Yes, sir.
27:15What do we have to do?
27:18Don't worry.
27:20I'll tell you.
27:22Goodbye, son.
27:23Goodbye, sir.
27:27Did the police say anything yet?
27:46Hello, Imran.
27:47Yes, Vasanth.
27:48Is Imran here?
27:49Yes, Vasanth.
27:50Listen, Imran.
27:52You won't believe me.
27:54Did you see Nilofar?
27:56Forget that woman.
27:58Vasanth, did you see Nilofar?
28:00I came here for some work in Chargob.
28:02I saw Nilofar five minutes ago.
28:04Where is she?
28:05Is she with you?
28:06She's not with me, Imran.
28:08But she doesn't want to be with you.
28:10Vasanth, don't say that.
28:11She wants to be with me.
28:13How did she reach Chargob?
28:14I don't know all that.
28:16But as soon as I saw Nilofar,
28:17I was heartbroken.
28:19I swear.
28:20Then why didn't you call her?
28:21Why didn't you stop her?
28:22I called her.
28:24I was on this side of the road
28:26and in front of me was Nilofar.
28:27As soon as I saw Nilofar,
28:28I shouted,
28:29Nilofar! Nilofar!
28:31And she heard my voice.
28:33And as soon as she saw me,
28:35her face turned red.
28:38Then she took a rickshaw
28:39and I ran after her like crazy.
28:42And I shouted,
28:43Nilofar, stop!
28:44Nilofar, stop!
28:45For God's sake, stop!
28:46For God's sake, stop!
28:48For God's sake, stop!
28:50But she didn't listen to me.
28:52And she left.
28:58I can't do this.
29:01My Nilofar can't do this.
29:03Look, Imran.
29:04You're my younger brother
29:05and I can understand your pain.
29:07But your wife, Nilofar,
29:08she can't understand your pain.
29:10I can't do this.
29:11You wait, I'll be back.
29:16I'll be back.
29:47The body was so rotten
29:48that it's impossible to identify it.
29:49Cause of death, doctor?
29:51He was strangulated and killed.
29:55There were no clothes on the body.
29:58was it a sexual assault?
29:59It was very strange.
30:01Sexual assault, rape,
30:03happened on the body after death.
30:08The scorpion was on the other finger
30:09of the right foot.
30:10For identification,
30:11this was the only thing on the body
30:12that could be used
30:13to identify you.
30:14What was the victim's age, doctor?
30:16Around 40 to 45.
30:20A woman in her mid-40s.
30:22Doctor, I can understand
30:23that the body is rotten.
30:24Can you tell me the time of death?
30:26At least three days
30:27or a maximum of a week ago.
30:29There was an important mistake
30:30in the post-mortem report
30:32regarding Nilofar's age.
30:34This mistake
30:35changed the entire direction
30:36of this case.
30:39The age of the victim
30:40was 25 years.
30:42The age of the victim
30:43who was 25 years old
30:44was around 40 to 45 years old.
30:46Once again,
30:47the decision of fate came to light.
30:49Because of which,
30:50the truth of the Nilofar missing case
30:51could not be revealed.
30:53Arvind. Yes.
30:54Get the case files
30:55of all the missing women
30:56aged 40 to 45.
30:58Send the news of the body
30:59to all the police stations in the zone.
31:01The condition of the body is very bad.
31:03We don't have much time.
31:05We will have to get the body
31:06operated on as soon as possible.
31:07Yes, sir.
31:22Imran went to Charkup
31:24and started looking for his wife
31:25like a mad man.
31:27Day and night,
31:28he kept trying.
31:30He searched every street
31:31and every road
31:32to find his wife
31:35First call mother.
31:36Then only I will sleep.
31:37Why are you being stubborn, son?
31:39I will wake you up
31:40when you wake up.
31:42For Imran,
31:43it was not easy to control Rehan.
31:45Rehan kept asking
31:47why did mother
31:48leave me and go?
31:54lived his daily life.
31:57He lived a lie
31:59by hiding a heinous crime.
32:01Did you find anything
32:02about Nilofar?
32:03No, not yet.
32:05In this heinous crime,
32:06her partner Hassan,
32:08Basim's younger sister,
32:09Meenash's husband
32:10had locked his mouth.
32:12But sister Meenash
32:13was also very worried
32:14about Imran.
32:15Did you get any news
32:16about Nilofar?
32:19the murderer,
32:20Basim's wife, Shazia
32:21was also very sad
32:22that her sister-in-law,
32:24went missing.
32:25Basim told Imran
32:26that place
32:27where he lied
32:28about seeing Nilofar
32:29because of Imran.
32:34And then,
32:35Imran started looking
32:36for Nilofar
32:37like a mad man.
32:41in the last 15 days,
32:42there are 4 missing cases
32:43of women
32:44aged between
32:4540 to 45.
32:47Three of them
32:48have been tracked down
32:49and have reached their homes.
32:50And the fourth one?
32:51Sir, the investigation
32:52of that case is going on.
32:53Her body was found
32:54and she was identified.
32:56the body of a woman
32:57aged between 40 to 45
32:58in our custody,
32:59whose is it?
33:00Sir, I have again
33:01issued a lookout.
33:02It is possible
33:03that the woman is missing
33:04and no one has complained
33:05about her.
33:06It has been a long time
33:07since this murder took place.
33:08We have to increase the speed, Arvind.
33:09You had said
33:10that you will release her
33:11after a week.
33:12So, why are you not releasing her?
33:13Tell me,
33:14what crime has she committed?
33:15I would have told you
33:16that my child is not like this.
33:17Yes, tell me.
33:18I don't want to do this.
33:20Sir, my wife Nilofar
33:22is in Charkop.
33:25I think you didn't recognize us, sir.
33:27We came here
33:28to file a missing complaint.
33:30he is my younger brother, Imran.
33:31His wife is missing.
33:32When did you file the complaint?
33:33Tell me the date.
33:34On 8th July, sir.
33:368th July.
33:4225 years old.
33:44Rahimpura Kurla.
33:45We have sent his photo
33:46to all the police stations.
33:48We are looking for him.
33:49Sir, my brother, Wasim
33:50had seen him
33:51somewhere in Charkop.
33:54Yes, sir.
33:58Then why didn't you stop him?
33:59What do you mean?
34:00I shouted so much, sir.
34:01I shouted like a mad person, sir.
34:02I even followed his rickshaw.
34:04But he saw me
34:06and turned his face away.
34:09Then the rickshaw left.
34:11something is wrong.
34:12What do you mean?
34:13I mean,
34:14my wife can't do this.
34:16Someone must have threatened her.
34:18That's why she is doing this.
34:19He is my brother
34:20but she is not ready to listen to me.
34:22What is there to not listen to?
34:23Why would she do this, sir?
34:25We never had a fight
34:26that she would leave the house.
34:28Neither recently nor before.
34:30We only had love, sir.
34:31A lot of love.
34:32A lot of love.
34:33She loves our child
34:34more than her life.
34:36Now you think
34:37why would she leave her child
34:38and go away?
34:39Look, Imran.
34:40We get a lot of cases every day
34:42that shake us to our core
34:44about what a person can do.
34:45I will give you a reason, sir.
34:47Find her somewhere in Charkop.
34:49Once you find her
34:50she will tell you
34:51what the matter was.
34:53And if she tells you
34:54that she doesn't want to live with me
34:56then I swear on my child
34:57that I
34:58will never look at her again.
34:59I will never look at her again.
35:01Look, Imran.
35:02The details of the first case
35:03in Charkop police station
35:04and the photographs have been sent.
35:06I will inform them
35:07about your photograph
35:09that it was seen in Charkop.
35:15Look, Imran.
35:17Keep a stone on your heart
35:20and forget that woman.
35:24She is not going to return.
35:30I spoke to Imran.
35:33He was saying that
35:34his elder brother, Wasim
35:36saw our Nilofer
35:37in some other part of Mumbai.
35:40He called out to her
35:42but she didn't even recognize him.
35:44I don't know
35:45where she ran off to.
35:47No, no.
35:48I don't believe this.
35:50Our Nilofer
35:51will never do such crazy things.
35:53Why can't she?
35:55Didn't we see her madness
35:57when she left this house
35:58and ran away with Imran?
36:02Did Imran
36:04do something to our daughter?
36:07The police and the family
36:08were making all kinds of assumptions
36:10as to what could have happened
36:11to Nilofer.
36:13On the other hand,
36:14Nilofer's murderer, Wasim
36:16was playing a very bad joke
36:18with his brother's feelings.
36:29Where is Wasim?
36:30No matter what happened today,
36:32if you still wait for Nilofer,
36:35you will be called not only a fool
36:36but also a mad man.
36:37What happened today?
36:38I saw your Nilofer today as well.
36:39I saw her here today
36:41at the Andheri station.
36:43Did you talk to her?
36:44We talk only when
36:45your Nilofer stops.
36:47The same thing happened
36:48that happened last time.
36:49As soon as I saw Nilofer,
36:50I shouted,
36:51Nilofer, Nilofer.
36:53She heard my voice.
36:55She turned around and saw
36:56and started running like a thief.
36:58She climbed on the bridge.
36:59Still, I shouted from below,
37:00Nilofer, stop.
37:01Talk to her once.
37:03I shouted like a mad man
37:05and the entire public was looking at me.
37:08Then what?
37:09When I saw her,
37:10she was standing in front of me
37:11on the platform.
37:12I was going to cross the railway track
37:13and bring her to you.
37:15But the train came from the railway track
37:16in front of me
37:18and your Nilofer was sitting
37:19in that train.
37:20She was walking towards Khandi Valley.
37:24why is she doing this to me?
37:27Because she doesn't want
37:28to stay with you, Imran.
37:30And the biggest proof of this is
37:32that she has left Rehan behind.
37:34What does this mean?
37:36She is not going to come back
37:37to you for the rest of her life.
37:39And she has not only left you,
37:41she has also left your blood,
37:44And don't ever forget this.
37:53Don't ever forget this.
38:04Rehan, this is your chance.
38:15I think what Wasim is saying
38:16is right.
38:18If Nilofer doesn't want to come back,
38:20we can't force her to come back.
38:23But how can we force her
38:24in a relationship of love?
38:25I am telling you this
38:26because I am older than you.
38:27Ever since this incident happened,
38:28you haven't focused on your work
38:30and you don't take good care of Rehan.
38:33Don't feel bad.
38:34Let's all go to the village.
38:37Me, Shazia, Fahim
38:39and you too.
38:40We'll find a way.
38:43We'll all stay with our parents.
38:45We'll do farming
38:46and we'll also find
38:47a good girl for you.
38:48We'll also find a girl
38:51who is not so bad
38:52and who will make your life better.
39:01Don't you want to go to work?
39:02Let's go.
39:03Let's go.
39:10I know you all
39:12want what's best for me.
39:16But till the time
39:17Nilofer doesn't come in front of me
39:18and tell me the reason for her anger,
39:22I will keep suffering like this.
39:25Nilofer bhabhi
39:26will never do anything like this
39:27in front of you.
39:29You are my brother,
39:30that's why I am not telling you all this.
39:31A woman,
39:32even if it's a man,
39:33shouldn't ruin her life
39:34for others.
39:38And Nilofer bhabhi,
39:39wherever you are,
39:40whoever you are with,
39:41be happy.
39:42But you have to make
39:43your life better.
39:46had time to think.
39:47You don't have much time, Imran.
39:51Understand one thing.
39:53Whatever decision you take,
39:55you will have to give
39:56the greatest importance
39:57to Rehan's life.
40:06What's the matter, Mr. Nadeem?
40:08Can't you see these days?
40:10You have become the moon of Eid.
40:13I am leaving the city, Wasim.
40:15Yes, by the way,
40:16there is nothing left in Mumbai.
40:18Even Imran and I were thinking,
40:20let's leave Mumbai and go to the village.
40:22That's right.
40:25First get rid of your anger,
40:27and now you are becoming
40:28a messiah in your younger brother's life.
40:29He is my friend,
40:30that's why I am listening to him.
40:32If you have anything else to say,
40:34it's time for business.
40:35Then do business,
40:36don't do it.
40:38Change your name,
40:39change your city,
40:40change anything.
40:41I will find you.
40:43I need answers to some questions.
40:46First, why did you kill
40:47your own brother's wife?
40:48And second,
40:49why did he trap me
40:50with the greed for money?
40:51Don't try to be too innocent.
40:53You also came with your intentions.
40:55Yes, I came with my intentions,
40:57but the intentions were not fulfilled.
40:59Sometimes I feel like
41:00going to the police
41:01and telling the truth.
41:02Don't forget that
41:04you are equally responsible
41:05for this murder.
41:07If you dare to touch me,
41:09then remember one thing,
41:11the more years I go to jail,
41:13the more years you will go.
41:15That's why I am quiet.
41:18But you can't stay quiet.
41:20Wasim, I have to tell you today.
41:22Why did you kill
41:23your own younger brother's wife
41:24in such a horrible way?
41:26And now you are
41:27giving him pain after pain.
41:30Everything gets buried.
41:31The whole truth.
41:38Why did a married man
41:39kill his younger brother's wife?
41:42And now why was he
41:43torturing his brother so much?
41:45And after the murder,
41:46why did that man
41:47behave so badly
41:48with that woman's body?
41:51It was obvious that
41:52the root of this anger
41:53was in the past.
41:55But what was this root?
41:57And apart from the summary
41:58of this past,
41:59one question is also that
42:00will Imran ever
42:01find out the truth
42:02about Nilofer?
42:04Will the police be able
42:05to solve this case?
42:06Where there was a serious mistake
42:07in the post-mortem report,
42:09in which a 25-year-old
42:10young woman, Nilofer,
42:12was sentenced to
42:1340 to 45 years
42:16Tomorrow night,
42:17after the CID episode,
42:18we will see
42:19what Basim had to say
42:20about the past.
42:21And finally,
42:22what was the future
42:23of this case.
42:25Now I, Anoop Soni,
42:26bid you farewell.
42:27We will meet again.
42:28Till then, stay safe
42:29and stay alert
42:30and do the duty
42:31of a good citizen.
42:32And keep watching
42:33Crime Patrol Satark.
42:35Learn from
42:36one lesson.
42:37All of us.
42:39Jai Hind.
42:44Subscribe to our channel.
42:46Click the show links
42:47and enjoy watching the videos.
