• last year
Oh poor human
You must be starving
It is alarming
I’ve never seen you eat raw
Then again it shouldn’t surprise me
Your claws are tiny
I’ve never seen you use your feet
To catch a bird
Or the weakest in a herd
But don’t you worry
Ill get you a treat

Yum yum
It’s a bird
It’s a yummy yummy bird
It’s a yummy dead bird
And I caught it for you
You you
Whatcha gonna do
Please don’t offend me
This bird is my gift to you

Oh poor human
You must be starving
It is alarming
I’ve never seen you eat raw
Then again - I should have known
Cause Your teeth are dull
I’ve never seen you use your mouth
To catch a snake
Or a fish in the lake
But don’t worry
Ill fix your mistake

Yum yum
It’s a snake
It’s a yummy dead snake
It’s a yummy dead snake
And I caught it for you
You you
Whatcha gonna do
Please don’t offend me
This snake is my gift to you

This squirrel’s my gift to you
This possum’s my gift to you…