Babloo Goes To The Hospital | Islamic Cartoon | Ghulam Rasool Cartoon in English

  • 3 months ago
Babloo Goes To The Hospital | Islamic Cartoon | Ghulam Rasool Cartoon in English
00:00Brother Babloo, listen to me at least.
00:03Why have you asked me for my chocolate?
00:05It's been quite some time when were uncle alive?
00:08Don't worry, he should be here any moment now.
00:13I'm going to go and ask him.
00:16I'm going to go and ask him.
00:18I'm going to go and ask him.
00:20I'm going to ask him.
00:22I'm going to ask him.
00:24I'm going to ask him.
00:26I'm going to ask him.
00:29I'm going to ask him.
00:33Brother Babloo, at least listen to me.
00:36Now tell me what you want to say.
00:39What's wrong with you? Why are you laughing so much?
00:46Brother Babloo, there was a fly on your chocolate.
00:50And you ate that fly with your chocolate.
00:59What's wrong with you, Brother Fizan?
01:01You are laughing aloud with so much noise.
01:03And laughing like this is forbidden.
01:08Actually, Brother Babloo ate the fly with his chocolate.
01:12It's quite surprising for me that you're laughing.
01:15You should have informed him about this.
01:17Brother Ghulam Rasool, I was actually telling him about it.
01:20But you know what?
01:21Brother Babloo thought that maybe I'll ask him for his chocolate.
01:24And he didn't listen to me when I was trying to tell him.
01:27Brother Babloo, you shouldn't be eating so much chocolate.
01:30It's not very good for your health.
01:43I'll sit at the front seat.
01:44No, I'll sit at the front seat.
01:46Move, Brother Fizan.
01:47No, I'll sit at the front.
01:48No, Brother Fizan, move.
01:50No, this can't happen.
01:51You can't sit at the front. I will sit at the front.
01:53No, I will sit at the front.
01:54Brother Babloo, look behind you. There's a dog.
01:58Where is the dog?
02:00Where, where, where is the dog?
02:05Brother Babloo, there's no dog whatsoever. Just calm down.
02:09And Brother Fizan, you shouldn't have lied.
02:12The summary of a hadith is that lying humiliates, meaning disgraces a person.
02:18That was just a joke. I was just kidding with him.
02:21Brother Fizan, lying is still considered as lying, even in a joke.
02:25Okay, Brother Ghulam Rasool, inshallah, I will never lie again.
02:29And also, Brother Fizan, can you both not sacrifice for this for each other?
02:33Sacrifice for this?
02:34Yes, sacrifice, meaning that we should look after our fellow Muslim brother.
02:38This is the glory of a Muslim.
02:40You see, the Qur'an states,
02:48And they preferred those above themselves, even if they themselves are in dire need.
02:53Alright, Brother Fizan, you can take the front seat.
02:55Alright then.
03:00Brother Ghulam Rasool, please, you take the front seat.
03:02You teach us many good things. Only you should be sitting at the front seat.
03:12Can you guys make some room for me please?
03:19Brother Babloo, what are you doing? You're squashing me up.
03:22Ouch! Oh no, guys, I've fallen out of the car.
03:29Oh no, Brother Fizan, are you okay? Did you get hurt?
03:32No, Brother Ghulam Rasool, I'm fine. I didn't get hurt that much.
03:36Brother Babloo?
03:37What could I do, Brother Ghulam Rasool? There was no space for me.
03:40Brother Babloo, this is a seven-seater car. You can all sit at the back as well.
03:45Oh, I didn't even realise that.
03:47Brother Babloo, you can come sit here. Not a problem. I'll go at the back.
03:54Oh yes, could all of you please confirm if you all have taken permission from your parents to come along with me?
04:01Yes, I took permission from my dad.
04:03I also took permission from my dad.
04:05Yes, my dad also gave me the permission to go with you.
04:08Yeah, don't worry. I've spoken to the parents of all of them.
04:11Put your seatbelts on.
04:14Brother Ghulam Rasool, don't worry. I always keep my belt on.
04:18Oh ho, Brother Babloo. Not your trousers belt, seatbelt.
04:24Oh, okay.
04:38Children, look out for Ghulam Rasool.
04:44Brother Ghulam Rasool, I can't get out of the car. Please help me.
04:48Brother Babloo, at least open your seatbelt.
04:56Oh, it was my seatbelt. I just got scared for no reason.
05:01I was just wondering what is going on, what is happening to me.
05:13Ghulam Rasool, Ghulam Rasool, Ghulam Rasool, Ghulam Rasool, Ghulam Rasool, Ghulam Rasool Ghulam Rasool
05:33Brother Babloo, stop doing this.
05:36There are germs as well in the hospital.
05:39We should make sure that we don't touch anything in the hospital.
05:41Then why did we come to the hospital?
05:43To inquire after brother Numan.
05:45What else?
05:46What does inquiring after mean?
05:48To inquire after an ill person how he is,
05:51and ask him about his well-being.
05:53Oh, okay.
05:55Brother Ghulam Rasool,
05:56do we also get a reward to inquire after people?
05:58Yes, certainly, brother Fizan.
06:00The final messenger of Allah,
06:01peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family,
06:03has said,
06:04إِنَّ الْمُسْلِمَ إِذَا عَادَ أَخَاهُ الْمُسْلِمَ
06:08إِذَا عَادَ أَخَاهُ الْمُسْلِمَ
06:11لَمْ يَزَلْ فِي خُلْفَةِ الْجَنَّةِ
06:14When a Muslim inquires after his fellow Muslim brother,
06:17then he continuously keeps eating the fruits of Paradise.
06:21It's stated in another hadith
06:23that when a Muslim inquires after another Muslim in the morning,
06:27then 70,000 angels keep supplicating for his forgiveness until the evening.
06:33And if he does so in the evening,
06:35then until the morning,
06:36there will be a garden for him in Paradise.
06:39Masha Allah, brother Ghulam Rasul,
06:41you have mentioned a beautiful virtue.
06:43It means that in return of inquiring after someone,
06:46Allah will grant us one garden in Paradise.
06:49Yes, brother Fizan, that's right.
06:51As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
06:55Wa alaikumussalam
06:57Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
07:02No need to get up, brother Numan.
07:04Stay lying down.
07:05How are you feeling now?
07:06Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen, ala kulli hal
07:11What happened to you, brother Numan?
07:13So basically, me and Hussain were running away from the dog.
07:17In a hurry, I tried to cross the road
07:20and got hit by a car and fell unconscious.
07:23And the next thing I know is,
07:24when my eyes opened, I was in the hospital.
07:36Wow! Yay!
07:40Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!
07:45Yooo! Hmm!
07:49Laa ba'tsa fahoorun. Insha Allah
07:52Meaning that there is nothing to worry about.
07:54Insha Allah, this illness will purify from sins.
07:58Brother Numan, please make dua for us as well.
08:01We shall be making dua for the patient.
08:03We shall be making dua for the patient,
08:05rather than asking the patient to make dua for us.
08:08No, brother Fizan, this is not the case.
08:10The Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alihi wasallam has said,
08:14Inquire after the ill people, and ask them to make dua for you,
08:19because the dua of an ill person is accepted,
08:22and their sins are forgiven.
08:32Brother Ghulam Rasool!
08:36Brother Bablu, have a look outside.
08:38What's that noise?
08:41Brother Ghulam Rasool,
08:42brother Bablu didn't even come inside the room.
08:44Son, don't do that.
08:45Somebody please stop him.
08:47Son, stop it.
08:51Brother Bablu, stop!
08:53Somebody stop him.
08:54Brother Ghulam Rasool, I can't stop it.
08:57What are you doing?
08:58Just stop.
08:59Somebody help me please.
09:00Help me.
09:01Stop it please.
09:02Someone, someone please stop him.
09:03Brother Bablu, stop it.
09:07Brother Bablu, press the brakes.
09:08Press the brakes.
09:09The brakes are not working.
09:10I can't use the brakes.
09:12Let go of my legs.
09:13At least let go of my legs.
09:15How can I let go of your legs?
09:17If I let go of them, I will fall myself.
09:19Oh no, what should I do now?
09:20What should I do now?
09:31Stop it please.
09:32Stop it.
09:34Brother Ghulam!
09:40Brother Bablu, we came to enquire after Noman.
09:43And you two are hospitalised now.
09:45And because of you,
09:46Brother Fizan and Brother Usaid are also lying on the hospital beds.
09:50The result of being naughty is not good.
09:52If you had not troubled the dog of Uncle Babu,
09:55then neither would the dog come after you,
09:57nor would Brother Noman have had an accident,
09:59nor would you have been naughty in the hospital,
10:02and none of our friends would have been injured either.
10:04Yes, Brother Ghulam Rasool, you're right.
10:06I made a mistake.
10:08I won't be naughty like this again in the future.
10:10You're right.
10:11Brother Bablu will not be naughty like this again.
10:14He will come up with something new to mess around with.
10:19No, I won't do it.
10:21I won't be naughty ever again.
10:23Sorry, sorry, sorry.
10:24Please forgive me.
10:25I didn't see.
10:26I touched your wound by mistake.
10:28Dear children,
10:29when we go to enquire after the ill people,
10:32we should make sure that we know the manners of how to enquire after them.
10:36We should ask about his health for the pleasure of Allah.
10:39We should not stay with the ill person for a very long time.
10:42Do not say any such thing that would worry the patient.
10:45And yes, say good things to the patient.