Coronation Street 25nd July 2024

  • 2 months ago


00:30Great, just what I need.
00:32A text reminder about my hospital appointment.
00:34It's not like I haven't been awake all night thinking about it.
00:37Oh, don't read too much into it.
00:38It would just be one of them automated messages.
00:40Yeah, but they want to see me in person.
00:42That can't be good.
00:43Well, it could be a whole number of things.
00:47I mean, it's probably just like they've found a sister or something.
00:51Anyway, today I have been reality coding that it's going to be a positive day.
00:55Have you been coding for a way to speak to Rowan about his time in prison?
00:59Toya, I've said I'll speak to him and I will.
01:01Oh, but don't worry, I'll be back in time to come with you.
01:03Surely that depends on what he says.
01:05What do you mean?
01:06If it is true, when he was charged with assault and burglary,
01:09I don't think it's going to be a quick meeting.
01:11Toya, I know you're nervous, but please stop focusing all this negativity on Rowan.
01:15And rightly, I know I am.
01:17Yeah, and I am too.
01:18That today is going to be a positive day.
01:20So you just forget about Rowan, leave him to me,
01:23and just concentrate on staying calm, OK?
01:27Right, I'll see you later.
01:28See you.
01:34Why is it when it's your work day you could sleep in for hours,
01:37but then when it's your day off you're wide awake?
01:41Wait till your clock passes 50.
01:43Your bladder dictates your sleep patterns.
01:46Haven't you got Glory waking you up anyway?
01:48Yeah, but I took her to nursery.
01:50I was going to go back home to sleep again,
01:52but now I'm wide awake, though.
01:54Yeah, I'm not sure this is going to help, though.
01:58Oh, sister?
02:00No, no, no, no, it's my day off.
02:03Yes, I have plans, actually.
02:07Yes, it's stuff, important stuff.
02:10OK, OK, OK, what is it?
02:14I mean, you wolfing that down?
02:16Oh, yeah, I'm hungry.
02:18Well, I don't know why.
02:20It's not like you've worked up an appetite yesterday
02:22not turning up to your trial shift.
02:24And yes, don't think I'm not going to find out
02:26just because you don't tell me.
02:27Look, Summer came up and I forgot.
02:30And was that Summer, I don't know, Mason getting out?
02:35Look, I get it.
02:36You're worried that he's going to come round and hurt you,
02:38but you can't let him ruin your life any more.
02:40I'm sorry.
02:41Well, it's not me you should be apologising to.
02:43It's Stu and Yasmin that you let down, left them in the lurch.
02:46And I'll say sorry to them.
02:47Well, look, you don't have to, because I've already spoken to them.
02:50And Stuart was very understanding.
02:51In fact, your trial shift is now, today.
02:54Thanks, Dad.
02:55If he so much as looks at anybody the wrong way,
02:57they're going to haul him back in.
02:59I guess.
03:01So eat up, put a good shift in and think to the future.
03:06Yes, Kev?
03:08Hey, cloth-eaters!
03:10Did you not hear me shouting?
03:12Er, the rest of the street did.
03:13I'm sorry, I'm half asleep.
03:15Well, come and stay and have breakfast, eh?
03:17My treat!
03:18Er, no, I can't.
03:20I've got a crack on.
03:21Don't miss out on the one time your sister opens up her purse.
03:24Don't you want to see the moss fly out?
03:26Don't make me pull the face, Ronald.
03:28No, Abi and Alfie's coming home today,
03:30so I'll be in and out the garage.
03:32Oh, the wanderer returns.
03:35I was beginning to think she was never coming back.
03:37That something was up.
03:38Well, something is up.
03:40Her kids live on the other side of the world.
03:42She's got to take it when she can.
03:44It's lovely, this.
03:45Watching two siblings have a chat.
03:47It's like a bad reality TV show, but in person.
03:50Just one small point of order.
03:51Is anybody going to order anything?
03:53Erm, I'll have a coffee to go, please.
03:56Impeccable customer service as ever, Bernie.
04:00Less of the lip, you.
04:02It's not overly difficult.
04:03You say what you want, I deliver it, you pay.
04:06You'll get the hang of it.
04:07Hey, Kev, I'm sure you'll cheer her up when she's home.
04:10Well, we'll find out later.
04:16I am totally in love with this cream.
04:20Here, have a sniff.
04:25You know, people always go off on one about feet being massaged,
04:29but a good hand massage is so lovely.
04:33Especially for you, Mr Dry Hands.
04:35You look drier than the Sahara.
04:38Hmm? Can I join the queue?
04:40No, you can massage your own hands.
04:44This is a special treat for Paul,
04:46and he deserves it after preparing his speech for the family.
04:49Yeah, one he shouldn't have to make.
04:51Do you know what? I'm so annoyed.
04:54Gemma and Bernie have agreed to be there as his kit,
04:57after I've pestered him.
04:59Ooh, that smells amazing.
05:01Yeah, it should do for the price.
05:03Bernie did say she could get me the same one for cheaper,
05:06but I'm worried about its origins.
05:09No offence. Yeah.
05:12He'd have probably fallen off the back of a L'Oreal.
05:20Anyway, that was the OT on the phone,
05:23just confirming the appointment for tomorrow.
05:25Do you think it'll be about the stairlift?
05:28No, it'll just be a review, like normal.
05:32We should focus on Gemma and Man today.
05:37Yeah, no, today should be totally about Bernie, Gemma and Kit.
05:41Yeah, and if anyone can bang their heads together, it's you.
05:48Oh, hiya. Hello.
05:52I thought you'd be at work.
05:54Well, I just wanted to read through this in peace for a meeting.
05:59You know what Adam's like, he'd either be moaning at me
06:01or mansplaining something to me, so...
06:04Well, you know,
06:06mansplaining is when a man explains something in a condescending way.
06:10Mm, very funny, that.
06:12What do we call this, then? Mansplaining squared?
06:15No, I've just been waiting ages to use that joke!
06:18You've got to wait a bit longer.
06:20So, good news, most of my stuff is here now, so...
06:24that's it. I'm officially moved in.
06:27Oh, no, you don't.
06:30You promised me a chest of drawers, Joel.
06:33I've no problem with you being here,
06:35but I'm not losing precious drawer space to you.
06:37And you've got that old one. Yeah, but it's grotty.
06:39It is not grotty, it's mid-century.
06:42Come on, they don't make them like that any more.
06:44You are throwing it out.
06:46I'm not sure I can shift it on my own. Can we just leave it?
06:49Aw, I thought you might say that.
06:51So I've enlisted Aunt Michael to help you, and he said he's happy to.
06:54He's free any time, so just let him know when.
06:57Come on, happy's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
06:59He said happy.
07:01Dunno, maybe he wants to get to know you better.
07:04And don't let his salesman physique fool you.
07:06He's actually very strong.
07:09Right, I'd better head back, then.
07:13Don't come home without it.
07:24What is it, Leanne? You seem nervous.
07:27Do we need to schedule a coding?
07:29No, no, I'm fine.
07:34I am a bit nervous.
07:37I got something in my head, and I need to ask you...
07:44I've read something.
07:46And I know I shouldn't have done, but I did.
07:48And it's made me a bit angry.
07:50Because if it's true, then you've lied to me, and I don't understand why.
07:55It's completely true.
07:59Every word. I won't deny it.
08:02I'm really glad you found that.
08:05I'm surprised it took you this long, actually.
08:09Well, sweet, it's all a lie. The Institute...
08:12This is the Institute.
08:14Don't you get it?
08:17That was me.
08:20But this isn't who I am now.
08:22The name change. You wait. Once you get to my level, you'll understand.
08:26That name, I can't even say it anymore,
08:29because it is so far from who I am today.
08:32Your name, Leanne, the name you carry so much trauma with,
08:36are you telling me you want that title forever,
08:38now that you are so much more,
08:40now that you are so far from that version of you?
08:44But it is me.
08:46It's who I am.
08:48It will be all right.
08:50It's who I am.
08:52It would be odd to be anything else.
08:54So, do the Institute know about your past?
08:56Of course.
08:58A bit more focused on who I am now, as I am with you.
09:02Thank you for talking to me about this.
09:04I'm happy.
09:06You can see how far I've come,
09:08and how far you can go.
09:11It's exciting.
09:14The possibility of renewal.
09:18It's so exciting.
09:23Can we get that chop before Christmas, please?
09:26Thank you.
09:29Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello.
09:31Look, I'm sorry for not showing up yesterday.
09:33Don't mention it. Your dad told us why.
09:36Clean slate today, and we've put you on a split shift, if that's OK.
09:40Yes, fine with me.
09:41So, are you ready to achieve gastronomical excellence?
09:45Stuart set the bar impressively low.
09:48Hiya. Hiya. Hiya.
09:50I just thought I'd pop in and see how Dylan's getting on.
09:52You all right?
09:53Oh, don't worry. We don't let bullies in here.
09:55No, Yasmin fills that role without the need of outside help.
09:59I mean, she's a very tough boss, this one, Dylan.
10:01Will you behave yourself?
10:03As long as you're all right.
10:05I'll see you later. See you.
10:06See you later.
10:07Right, well, I guess you're on carrot duty.
10:10Now, there is an odd to this, and that is
10:13to finish it without chopping your fingers off.
10:16Come on.
10:17So, are you going to fill us in, then, or what?
10:19Oh, right, it's a housewife and a G&T for the bloke over there
10:22who just called me darling.
10:23Oh, come on. That's not what she meant.
10:25What happened?
10:26Oh, yeah, it's fine. Yeah, it's all true.
10:28He confessed, then?
10:30Do you have to say he confessed?
10:32Well, I thought he'd at least try and deny it.
10:34Well, why?
10:35It's what drove him to the Institute, to be a better man.
10:37Oh, come on, you don't buy that.
10:39I tell you, we've all got a past. Imagine yours being held against you.
10:42Right, so that means he can't be trusted.
10:44What, the man who's just owned up to everything?
10:47Who didn't hide, who celebrated what he's become?
10:49Well, he only owned up when he got found out.
10:51Oh, can we not talk about this anymore?
10:53Let's just concentrate on your appointment.
10:55What time do we need to leave?
10:56Oh, actually, do you know what? They called to reschedule.
10:59Yeah, they're going to get back to me with the date.
11:01Oh, see, I told you, it's going to be something, nothing.
11:03It won't be urgent.
11:04Yeah, totally.
11:06What time are you heading off?
11:08It's not being cancelled, is it?
11:10Look, the last thing I need right now is her going off on one about coding
11:13or, you know, some reason that I've brought this on myself with negativity.
11:17Yeah, I know. I know.
11:21I'm sorry.
11:22Why are you apologising?
11:23Er, because you need her.
11:25Yeah, well...
11:27You need someone with you.
11:29Do you know, if I hear that man's name one more time today,
11:32Do you know, if I hear that man's name one more time today...
11:35Look, do you want me to just say you've gone to the cash and carry or something like that?
11:39Yeah, is that OK?
11:40Yeah, of course. You know...
11:44Good luck.
12:01Out like a light.
12:03If only you could have done that on the train.
12:05Was it busy?
12:06Oh, it was evening.
12:08I spent the whole way getting smacked by some family suitcase where the buggies go.
12:12Oh, nightmare.
12:14It's by the sounds of it, the family had an amazing time in Florida.
12:19Could you cut the cheese any thicker?
12:21And have you heard of lettuce?
12:23I could make another.
12:24No, you're all right.
12:25But maybe next time, try some spreadable cheese.
12:27Or maybe get a pre-made one from Dev's.
12:31I want it easy.
12:32Thanks for the thought, though.
12:34I was thinking we could go out later. Sally said she'd babysit.
12:38I'm a bit knackered.
12:39Oh, all right. Whatever.
12:42Is this about Stefan? Is that why you're all on edge?
12:45I'm not on edge.
12:47Well, I don't want to talk or think about him,
12:49so, yeah, let's go for a drink and relax.
12:52But not food.
12:53Once I've tackled this doorstop, I won't want to eat for a week.
13:12You don't need to keep checking in on me, you know.
13:14I was in the area.
13:17Everything all right?
13:19Yeah. I, um...
13:22I saw a sale on that maternity place in town.
13:25It's 20% off.
13:26I thought maybe we could check it out, get you some bits.
13:31Do you want to go shopping with me?
13:33I've got a good eye for style.
13:35Anyway, I thought maybe we could get the baby some stuff.
13:38There's bound to be some bargains.
13:41No, I'm all right, thanks.
13:44Or I could just give you some cash.
13:48Let you have a look without me tagging along.
13:53Go on. Take it. Spend as much as you like.
14:00100 quid.
14:02So does that mean you've got the money for Ireland?
14:05Not yet, but do you think that's enough for today?
14:08Yeah, more than why?
14:10I'm just trying to be nice. If you don't want it, I'll take it back.
14:13Er, no.
14:16Saw a cool baby grow in the window the other day.
14:20Oh, and, um...
14:22The landlord's sending a man with a van later
14:24for that naff old chest of drawers.
14:26I said I'd give him a lift with it,
14:28just in case you notice it's gone later.
14:34It's minging anyway, and I keep banging my legs on it.
14:38I don't see the need for all this.
14:41Just, really, in a minute, talk amongst yourselves.
14:48Look, you have no idea how long it's taken Paul
14:51to programme in what he wants to say to you all.
14:54Let alone the amount of time it's taken me to text you all to get you here.
14:58You should be ashamed of yourselves.
15:00I hope you're not including me in this.
15:02I'm not.
15:04You should be ashamed of yourselves.
15:06I hope you're not including me in that.
15:08Yes, I am, actually.
15:10Because all of this silly nonsense, Paul could do without it.
15:18Sorry. Round over.
15:23I think we're nearly ready.
15:27I'm dying. Soon I will be gone.
15:30I want to know that you are all talking.
15:33I need you to be together.
15:35Please, I'm playing the terminal card.
15:39But stop this.
15:41We are family.
15:47It takes so much more energy to hate than it does to love.
15:52I need all the energy I can right now
15:55just to eat, to breathe, to open my eyes each day.
16:00Don't waste your energy on fighting each other.
16:04Don't make this a waste of my energy to get you all together.
16:09I need you all.
16:13I need my mum.
16:30I need my dad.
17:23What are you doing here?
17:25Er, well...
17:28I told Leanne we'd go into the cash and carry.
17:31Did she buy that?
17:33Well, after her chat with he who shouldn't be mentioned,
17:36she seemed fine.
17:38Not a care in the world.
17:41It's probably best you didn't bring her.
17:44Thank you for coming.
17:46It's OK.
17:48She will sort of it soon enough.
17:50You don't want to be in here on your own, do you?
17:53Yeah, well, I'm not on my own now, am I?
17:57No, you're not.
18:06You know, we're just, er...
18:08Just got to think of a reason why
18:10we didn't buy anything at the cash and carry.
18:13We could take a trip there afterwards.
18:15I could...
18:17I don't know, bulk-buy you some ice cream to say thank you.
18:22You all right, son?
18:28What, did you fall over?
18:30Yeah, so what?
18:33Looks like you caught a fist on the way down.
18:37Wasn't you I spotted sleeping rough the other day, was it?
18:40Don't really look that bad.
18:42You know, I caught a fair few fists in me time.
18:44Some deserved, others not so much.
18:47Right, well, just hit myself in the head.
18:49Right, well, just hit myself on the table,
18:51so just leave it, all right?
18:53How big was the table? Did it have any friends?
18:55No, we don't need a gang.
18:58Look, why don't you come back with me to where I work
19:01and I'll get you cleaned up and get some hot food in you.
19:05Right, do you make a habit of this?
19:07Picking up young boys on the street, do you?
19:10That mouth doing you well at the moment, is it?
19:13Or was it comments like that that got you into trouble?
19:15Dead like and a smart nose are fine, all right?
19:17Look, if you let them get away with it,
19:20they'll pick on other people.
19:22It takes someone brave to stop them, someone to speak out.
19:25Yeah, but me being all right won't help, though.
19:27That's the thing with bullies, though, isn't it?
19:29You're all, like, dead hard until they beat the long arm of the law.
19:33I've seen many a bully crack in front of the police.
19:35Is that right?
19:36Yeah, that's right.
19:38You've got enough evidence in your face to get the police involved.
19:41No, no, just leave it, please, man.
19:43You don't have to take it, son.
19:46You don't understand.
19:48I do.
19:49I do have to take it.
19:51Cos it was my brother.
19:59Shall we read a magazine?
20:01Yeah, if you want to catch up on what happened a decade ago.
20:04That's a bit right.
20:07The Gratifying Gardner, 2018.
20:11Bit redundant, considering we live in the flat, isn't it?
20:16Sorry, Habib.
20:17Oh, um, yeah.
20:20Can my, um...
20:21Of course, you can have someone with you.
20:23Great, thank you.
20:32I say slide it through. Let the floor take the weight.
20:35You could help.
20:37I am. You see, Joel, Michael here wants to get to know you more,
20:41as he doesn't trust you.
20:43No, it's not that I don't trust you.
20:45It's like bonding.
20:46So I thought, you know, a pack of beers and some lad time might help.
20:50Yeah, well, how's the beers going to help when I'm driving like I have them?
20:54So let the bonding commence.
20:56So, what else do you want to know, Michael?
20:59Can we just get this through the door, please?
21:02Ronnie's idea should work.
21:04Yeah, if he joins in.
21:05I'm the brains, and my only responsibility is to keep these cold.
21:11Oh, you're not into this yet?
21:13You've got a stash of ready meals here.
21:16What? I thought you said you moved everything out.
21:22Thank you for coming in.
21:24Especially at short notice.
21:27We were able to get a good enough sample from the biopsy.
21:31It's bad news, isn't it?
21:33She's a cancer nurse, isn't she?
21:35Right, right. Doctors always have people assisting them.
21:38The biopsy has shown something worrying.
21:42And I'm afraid it was malignant.
21:44I'm sorry to have to tell you that you have germ cell ovarian cancer.
21:54It's fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
22:17How bad is it?
22:19It looks like the tumour is confined to one ovary,
22:23but we can't be sure until we operate.
22:26So I'll need surgery, then?
22:28Yes, we'll want to remove it in the next two weeks.
22:32And then what? Is that it?
22:35If it's possible, you'll need a course of chemotherapy.
22:40I understand this is tough news,
22:42but most patients with germ cell cancer respond very well to treatment
22:46and make a full recovery.
22:52I mean, that's good to know, isn't it?
22:55This is Brenda, who's a specialist nurse,
22:58who'll support you all the way through.
23:01She'll be on hand to answer any questions.
23:09Damn, I must have forgot to empty my fridge when I moved out.
23:12God, this is fresh. It's all these ready-built.
23:15Someone's using the old fridge, mate.
23:17I must have a ghost. A right greedy one.
23:21Yeah, but seriously, who is it?
23:25It must be the decorators.
23:26The letting agent said they were sending someone round
23:29and he was doing some touching up. It must be his.
23:32He's made himself cosy, isn't he?
23:34Yeah. I'll have a word with the agent.
23:38Right, shall we get these drawers sorted?
23:40I told your sister I'd have them round by four.
23:42You know what she's like if you let her down.
23:44Yeah, I do. Come on, then.
23:46Yeah, well, I'll continue to simplify this, all right?
23:50You do that, mate.
23:58You ought to get her A&E, son. That nose might be broken.
24:02I'm fine.
24:03You're not fine, you're a mess.
24:05I'm not going to hospital.
24:06All right.
24:10Will you take this?
24:15So, does your brother do this to you often?
24:19I'm already over. I've got two.
24:22What do your parents say?
24:24They're not at home.
24:25So, who do you live with?
24:27Only brothers.
24:29Well, I'm looking for my own place, like, but...
24:33How old are you?
24:34Why do you care?
24:35I'm just asking.
24:37Right, well, I'm old enough to look after myself.
24:40Thanks for the tissue.
24:43Hey, look, come on. Hey, whoa.
24:45Come on, you're not in any state to look after yourself, all right?
24:48So, if you won't go to hospital, at least come back with me.
24:51What are you, some pig?
24:52Oh, give me strength. Look, I'm an ex-Navy man
24:54and I've had my fair share of troubles.
24:56Now I recognise pointless bravado when I see it.
25:00All right, well, yeah, I guess I'll put you in washing-off as well.
25:04All right, Will.
25:05All right, then, bye now. No funny business.
25:13The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you, Apollo.
25:18I thought that you finding out that you had a brother
25:21would be a good thing. I didn't know it was going to go belly up.
25:25And I'm sorry if I've caused you more pain.
25:29Don't say sorry to me.
25:33To him.
25:35He doesn't want you to say sorry to him.
25:37Say sorry to Kit.
25:39But I've apologised to him already and he won't listen. He just...
25:46You know how sorry I am?
25:49For everything.
25:50I don't know how many more times you want me to say it.
26:01It's true, you know, I've said you're sorry, but...
26:05I've not been ready to hear it.
26:08And I admit, my behaviour's not been acceptable for two years, too, so...
26:13I shouldn't have tried to turn you against your mum.
26:16Perhaps it's time to forgive you.
26:18Yeah, that's all I want, and a chance to make it up to you.
26:26Maybe we'll get there, eh?
26:28Yeah, Mam, I'm really sorry and all. I shouldn't have pushed you away.
26:32It's all right, Gems, I get it. You were angry.
26:36I just hope we can put all this behind us.
26:39Yeah, of course we can.
26:42Yeah, of course we can.
26:45Do I have to die before you stubborn idiots get a grip?
26:49Sorry, that was the wrong speech. You programmed two different outcomes.
26:55Thank God for that. Now can we all go to the pub like a normal family?
27:05I'm so sorry.
27:08You know, I'll be with you every step of the way.
27:12Roberta, Leanne included. She's going to be devastated.
27:16I almost don't want to tell her.
27:18Yeah, I understand.
27:20I just can't cope with all the Institute stuff she's going to throw at me.
27:24I mean, I can just hear her now, saying how she'll code reality to fix it, or...
27:28I don't know, get that slimeball Rowan to do some weird purging on me.
27:33All of a sudden, she might surprise you.
27:36Do you think?
27:41Oh, right, erm...
27:46So what do you want to do now?
27:48Right now? I just want to eat a massive cream cake.
27:53That's it.
27:54Well, er, yeah, that can be arranged.
27:59Could have had Michael to help as well.
28:01Yeah, it was. Your Uncle Ronnie came too.
28:04Oh, really?
28:05Yeah, not quite sure why. He didn't exactly do much.
28:08Yeah, he was probably just being nosy.
28:10Yeah, he was. But he brought beers, so...
28:13Mm, course he did.
28:15I'm glad you got to spend some time with the family.
28:18Yeah, me too. They're good blokes.
28:21Right, fiancé, surely it's time to relax.
28:24Ah, hold your horses. I've got to get the keys back to the letting agent.
28:28Can't you do it tomorrow?
28:29They've asked for them today.
28:31Well, that's a shame.
28:32I was really looking forward to a glass of wine, a little cuddle, the first proper night.
28:36There is nothing I want more.
28:39As soon as I get back, that's the plan.
28:41OK. Well, how long are you going to be?
28:43Shouldn't be more than an hour.
28:44I might run myself a bath, then.
29:01There we are, about to go on the London Eye.
29:03Charlie loved it, but Lexi got really scared at the top
29:06and cried all the way back down, which was nice.
29:09I don't blame her. I've always hated big wheels.
29:11I feel like you're going to fall off at the top.
29:13This is, like, the slowest, safest wheel ever.
29:17I take it you're not a fan of roller coasters, either?
29:20Oh, no way.
29:21Oh, we were a right chicken when we were kids.
29:23Don't surprise me.
29:25Oh, it must have been lovely spending all that time with them.
29:28Yeah, it was. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I miss Jack like crazy.
29:32Just Jack?
29:33Well, he's definitely number one these days.
29:36Right, I'll get another hand in, shall I?
29:39Do you know, actually, I'm knackered. It's been a long day.
29:41I might just go and watch telly on the sofa.
29:43I'll come with you. Make some tea.
29:45You're all right. I'm still full of cheese.
29:47Stay with these two reprobates. You deserve a night out.
29:50It's good to see you.
29:56Minds a pint?
29:58Right, you are.
29:59Sure thing.
30:03This was the right decision.
30:05Mm. Ah, I can't remember the last time I had a cream cake.
30:09Yeah, but you hardly have any sugar, do you?
30:11Me, on the other hand, secret sugar addict.
30:14Have you not seen the stash in the kitchen cupboard?
30:16Uh, yeah, but I thought that was Sam's.
30:24We don't have to tell her straight away.
30:29Yeah, but then it's just more lies, isn't it?
30:31There's been enough of those.
30:33Right, come on.
30:34I'd rather tell her face to face with you, though.
30:40I hope he likes aubergine, darling.
30:42I'm sure he'll be grateful for any free grub.
30:46Is this really all you've got?
30:48Hey, I told you it wouldn't be cool.
30:50Yeah, it was a bit grand, that, isn't it?
30:52Yeah, yeah, watch yourself, clever clogs.
30:54He picked it up from home just for you.
30:57Am I supposed to be grateful for that, or...?
31:00You could try.
31:01Thank you.
31:03I've made you a plate of dal.
31:05What's in it?
31:06Aubergine, spices, onions.
31:08All right, OK, sounds a bit healthy.
31:11No, sorry, no, sorry, thank you for doing this.
31:13Thank you.
31:14No, cheers.
31:15So, tell me about yourself.
31:19Not much to tell you.
31:20What's he doing here?
31:22Why, do you know him?
31:24Dylan, what's going on?
31:26He's the bully.
31:27He's the one that pulled a knife on Liam.
31:29He's the one that tried to frame my son.
31:44How dare you show your face round here?
31:46What are you trying to do, terrorise all our kids again?
31:48No, I swear...
31:49Look, look, I brought him here.
31:51I saw that he'd been beaten up.
31:53I had no idea who he was.
31:54Well, now you do.
31:55All right?
31:56So get rid of him.
31:59I'm going to go and try and calm my son down.
32:01And in the meantime, if I see your face again,
32:04I'll be calling the police.
32:10Now, look, I've done some bad stuff,
32:12but I'm not like that any more.
32:15Oh, do you know what? Forget it.
32:17Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on.
32:19Sit down and finish your food.
32:22It's only going to go to waste.
32:25Oh, where have you been? I've been calling you.
32:28I was at the hospital.
32:30Oh, well, I thought you...
32:31No, my appointment wasn't cancelled.
32:33I just didn't want to worry anyone.
32:35Oh, right. Did you go with her?
32:37Er, I...
32:38Yeah, he guessed and insisted on coming.
32:41He did want to tell you, but I said no.
32:46Honestly, because we've been arguing so much lately
32:49and I didn't want you there.
32:51Blimey, I didn't know we were.
32:53Blimey, I didn't know we were getting on over Rowan, but...
32:55It's fine. It actually doesn't matter.
32:58Right, so what did they say, then?
33:02That I've got a type of ovarian cancer.
33:07Germ cell cancer, it's called.
33:10Yeah, they hope it's just, er, one ovary.
33:13But they're not sure, so, erm...
33:15Either way, it'll be surgery and possibly chemo, so...
33:19Oh, darling.
33:21Oh, I'm so sorry.
33:23I'm so sorry.
34:05You looking for Max? I saw him go out earlier.
34:10Oh, right.
34:12When are you due?
34:14Just under four months.
34:16I hope that you've got someone looking after you.
34:23Don't have to.
34:24Are you kidding me?
34:26From now on, you are my number one priority.
34:28Thanks, Lee.
34:29Right, well, I'll phone Rowan tomorrow
34:31and I'll see how the Institute can help.
34:33They're not going to help her.
34:35Are you kidding me?
34:36She needs all the positivity and good energy she can get.
34:39Oh, please.
34:40Well, bad energy and bad feelings are partly to blame for a lot of things.
34:43Well, aren't you saying she got cancer from bad feelings?
34:48Well, it sounds like you are.
34:49Are you?
34:50Oh, I don't believe this.
34:51No, no, no, don't do that.
34:53Don't mince my words.
34:55Don't twist what I'm saying.
34:57Why? So more rubbish can come out your mouth.
34:59I'm not saying that she's got cancer because of bad feelings and bad energy.
35:03I'm saying that negativity and bad feelings can contribute to physical and mental health.
35:08OK, so you're saying she's brought it on herself?
35:11No, but...
35:13Well, have you not heard of the gut-brain axis?
35:15Our minds and body are connected and our thoughts and our feelings for our body...
35:19Yeah, but that's real.
35:21What's not real is you saying she's got cancer from some of her bad feelings, bad behaviour.
35:26Please just stop.
35:27Right, what I'm saying is, past trauma, if you haven't dealt with it,
35:31and bad behaviour, can...
35:33Well, you've got to purge it, otherwise it can manifest as illness.
35:36OK, so you're saying she should trawl over all her past mistakes and that's going to help?
35:40I'm saying you've got to release the bad and invite the good in.
35:43But good vibes and positivity aren't going to cure her.
35:46Well, you say that, but actually studies have shown...
35:48The only one bringing negativity is you, you and that flaming institute.
35:53Oh, right, so I'm the one to blame?
35:55Yeah, well, look at the circumstances. I mean, this is stressful, isn't it?
35:58You know what? If you just don't see them, it'll cause them some cause for fear.
36:01No, I don't...
36:02You know what? Will you both just shut up? Will you shut up?!
36:05Cos I just can't deal with this right now.
36:14That was actually all right.
36:16For vegetables.
36:21Look, I'm not totally evil, you know.
36:24It all got way out of hand with Liam.
36:26I didn't want it to go so far, but...
36:29But these other boys were pushing me.
36:32It seems to me that you were the ringleader.
36:35And you were the one with the knife.
36:37I carried a knife for my own...
36:39I carried a knife for my own protection.
36:41Cos the other boys had them. What was I supposed to do?
36:43You pulled a knife on Liam, who didn't have one, and he was defenceless.
36:46I was never going to use it.
36:48I was just trying to act hard.
36:50Then you bullied him.
36:52You tormented him.
36:53You put him in a really dark place.
36:55I know, and I feel bad about that, I do.
36:58But whatever I did, I...
37:01I paid the price.
37:03Two months in young offenders, man.
37:06It was rough, you know.
37:09Me and my brothers were flipping lightweight.
37:11I was getting beaten up every other day.
37:13Saw a lot worse.
37:16So whatever I'd done, I learnt my lesson.
37:18And these boys, Liam and Dylan,
37:21they have to live with the trauma you caused them.
37:25You don't think I don't know that?
37:27If I could go back and change it all, I would.
37:30But I can't, so I've got to live with it too, with what I did.
37:35You're going to have to leave.
37:37I know.
37:40What about this T-shirt?
37:42I'll just... Just keep it.
37:45Tom, I'm done here.
37:48Sorry if I've caused you any aggro.
37:56Right, my turn.
37:58You're thirsty tonight.
38:00Well, why not? You heard Abi, I've got the night off.
38:03My round. You get it.
38:05Or you could go.
38:09Maybe I'll go.
38:15What's going on with you and Abi?
38:17How do you mean?
38:19It felt like she had the knives out.
38:21I don't know what you're talking about.
38:23Look, she's still upset about the deep fakes.
38:26I was hoping they'd flip away, might help, but I think...
38:29..coming home's just brought it back.
38:31That's understandable, but why's she taking it out on you?
38:34You take it out on the ones you're closest to.
38:36Yeah, but it's not your fault.
38:38No, I know, but I just didn't handle it very well.
38:40In what way? I don't know.
38:42Look, can we just not talk about this?
38:44All right, fair enough.
38:48Am I still a black?
38:53Right, your turn, Paulette.
38:55Am I Wonder Woman?
38:57Am I Wonder Woman?
38:59Yes! How did you get that?
39:01Cos he saw me flaming, right?
39:03I bet you. No!
39:05You always use a cheat!
39:07Yeah, Kate, you have a go.
39:09Am I a real person?
39:13Am I a man? Yeah.
39:15Am I good or bad?
39:19Not to some people.
39:21Am I a politician?
39:23Am I a politician? Yeah.
39:25Am I Donald Trump? Yeah!
39:27This is too easy.
39:29Right, my go. Am I...
39:31Hang on. Could be the letting agency.
39:37Sorry, we've got no properties in your price range.
39:39It's the third one we've tried.
39:41You'll find some, my love.
39:43I hope you're having better luck.
39:45I've actually got somewhere in mind.
39:47Oh, yeah? Is it local?
39:49Yeah. Pretty close.
39:51Ah, that's great news, our kid.
39:55Can I call you our kid?
39:57Too soon?
39:59What about our kit?
40:03Yes, too soon.
40:05Right, am I an animal?
40:07Because I know you wrote it, Billy,
40:09but Paul told you what to put, and he always makes me an animal
40:11because he's...
40:21All right?
40:23Where the hell have you been?
40:27I'm sorry, I just...
40:29I was worried.
40:33I spent the chips off the shopping.
40:35It's not a crime and I'm not a prisoner.
40:41Of course you're not.
40:45You didn't reply to my text.
40:47I just...
40:49You didn't reply to my text.
40:51And then your phone was off, and...
40:55I just worry about you.
40:59And our baby.
41:03We're both fine.
41:07Though I have been feeling a bit fat today.
41:11I don't think I want these.
41:13How about I make you some tea, something with vegetables in it?
41:17You can't keep eating chips and ready meals, Lauren.
41:19I'm thinking of your health. Pregnant women need lots of folic acid.
41:21Well, if you give us some cash, I'll go to the shop and get some...
41:23vegetable soup.
41:25Have you not got any cash left?
41:31Maternity clothes aren't cheap, you know.
41:33I'm not made of money.
41:35If I'm going to get you to Ireland, I need to start watching what I'm spending.
41:45I've got to go.
41:47I'll check in with you tomorrow.
41:53Have a nice evening.
42:01We can't carry on at each other's throats.
42:05Yeah, I know.
42:07For Toyah's sake.
42:09And for ours.
42:15Look, I...
42:17I don't want the Institute to come between us.
42:19Yeah, well, me neither.
42:23But I know that it has caused problems.
42:25I mean,
42:27we argue more than we ever did.
42:29And we're not as kind to each other.
42:35well, we haven't had sex in a while,
42:37and I really miss being close to you.
42:39Yeah, but you won't give the Institute up.
42:45what I'm doing with them is really helping me.
42:47I feel
42:49stronger and more happy in my life,
42:51and I genuinely think that
42:53Toyah would get that from it too.
42:55And I know you don't believe that, and neither does she,
42:59well, can you please just
43:01stop trashing all my beliefs and just
43:03respect them?
43:05Yeah, I'll try.
43:09And, well, I'll try and tone it down a bit.
43:11I know I get a bit carried away.
43:13Well, that'd be helpful.
43:17I really do love you, you know.
43:19Yeah. Very much.
43:21Yeah, I love you too.
43:29I'm really sorry for upsetting you.
43:31Yeah, me too.
43:33Yeah, I know.
43:35But I've made a decision.
43:37I don't want
43:39either of you involved in my treatment.
43:41What? You can't. It's what I want.
43:43You can't do this alone.
43:45I can, and I will.
43:47So I don't want either of you coming to my appointment.
43:49I don't want to talk to you about
43:51how I'm feeling. I don't want you fussing over me.
43:53I want you to
43:55concentrate on each other
43:57and sorting your stuff out.
43:59I'll concentrate on me.
44:03I'll concentrate on me.
44:33I'll concentrate on me.