• 2 months ago
Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep71 - When Halagu Khan's Tent was Suddenly Set On Fire How Did Halagu Die.


00:00When a weak man from the delegation uttered a few words,
00:03Umar's face spread with amazement.
00:06His feet moved backwards on their own.
00:09He recognized that voice very well because it was the voice of Baibars.
00:14He was there with a long white beard on his face.
00:18When he heard the voice of Baibars, the face of Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar turned black.
00:22The one whom he had celebrated the death of, was alive in front of him.
00:28You have understood what we have to do, haven't you?
00:30He nodded.
00:32Yes, yes, you don't worry.
00:33The second man said in a low voice.
00:36Think again that the tent belongs to him, doesn't it?
00:39His third companion said.
00:41I have made sure that it is his tent.
00:44Just don't waste time now. Focus on completing the work quickly.
00:48A while ago, the gathering of youths had ended.
00:50All those people must have been intoxicated.
00:53The first man spoke in a sharp tone.
00:55Don't wander around the dirty tent in such a way that there is no way to get out alive.
01:00You don't worry.
01:01One of them said.
01:02Then they quickly moved to one side in the darkness of the night.
01:05It was the whole city of tents.
01:07In this, they were walking cautiously.
01:10Some guards were present at some distance, but they were sleeping.
01:15They kept walking cautiously.
01:17After a while, they stopped.
01:19The order of the tents here was somewhat different from the previous tents.
01:23In these, not only was the distance kept more, but the number of guards was also seen more here.
01:29They turned around, then they quickly scattered in different areas and started moving forward.
01:34They kept walking very fast.
01:36Then after a while, they managed to reach a special tent.
01:40All three of them were present around the same tent.
01:43That tent was much bigger than the usual tents.
01:46Here, a while ago, the gathering of youths had ended.
01:51They quickly removed the bags hanging on their shoulders
01:54and started spreading the dirt lying on the ground.
01:57They were walking skillfully.
01:59In a short while, they completed their work.
02:02They started moving back and forth and also made a fine drain of dirt.
02:07After reaching quite a distance, they made a special sound of the geyser.
02:11From time to time, the sounds of the geyser were heard from three different directions.
02:15The guards in the tents were stunned by these sounds.
02:19They quickly started looking for those geysers that had entered their tents.
02:22They hid in their own places and sat on the guards' movement.
02:26The search continued for a while.
02:28The guards returned to their places without getting anything.
02:31The movement stopped.
02:33A few more moments passed.
02:35The three of them were hiding in a safe place.
02:38Then they put the fire of the torch in the drain of the dirt.
02:41As soon as they saw the fire, they got angry and started moving forward quickly.
02:47As soon as they put the fire, they started running towards their tents.
02:53In a short while, the fire reached the tent where they had spread the dirt.
02:58Then, as soon as they saw it, the tent was engulfed in fire.
03:02As soon as the big tents were set on fire, the guards started trembling.
03:06They quickly ran towards the fire.
03:08In a short while, the city of tents woke up.
03:11There was noise everywhere.
03:14The guards started pouring water on the fire with the help of firecrackers.
03:19But the fire was so intense that it did not go out.
03:23In a short while, the tent was engulfed in flames.
03:27That tent was not of an ordinary person.
03:29In fact, it was of the ruler of the El Khanate, Halaqu Khan,
03:32who had set up a gathering with his Umara there a while ago.
03:36After releasing Umara, he had gone to bed to rest.
03:41The city of tents was his great army,
03:44which was 20 miles away from Kauf due to the bloodshed at night.
03:49On the other side, Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar said,
03:53Are you still alive?
03:56His face had turned yellow with fear.
03:58On one side, Qasid was alive,
04:00and on the other side, Baibars was also present in front of him.
04:04He was badly trapped in his own trap.
04:08The fear of Baibars became so intense
04:10that his ability to think and understand was also lost.
04:14Sultan al-Muzaffar was also worried about his Sultan's condition.
04:18He gradually began to understand the situation.
04:21He realized that Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar
04:24was secretly removing Umara from his path,
04:28one of which is the murder of Ghayasuddin Qarta'i,
04:31so a wave of grief and anger ran through him.
04:35He was standing like a wall in front of his Sultan a few moments ago.
04:39Now he was getting closer to him.
04:41Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar began to see his face in a state of helplessness.
04:45Baibars went ahead and put a beard on his face,
04:48threw it aside and took a naked sword to the Sultan's side.
04:52Looking at Baibars, Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar
04:55changed his side on the royal throne.
04:58He was completely in Baibars' hell.
05:01The corpses of his guards were lying in front of him.
05:04Even Mamluk Umara was not ready to help him.
05:09Baibars stood up against Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar and replied,
05:13All your efforts have been in vain.
05:15I no longer need to reassure my companions
05:19because the Sultan himself has admitted his crime in a state of helplessness.
05:23This is a reward from my Allah.
05:26Baibars said,
05:27Listening to this, Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar's face turned pale.
05:31The crime he had denied,
05:33fate brought it to his lips.
05:36Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar tried to clarify,
05:39but Baibars refused him and said,
05:42It would be better if he presented his evidence of innocence
05:45in front of the judge in the court of Cairo.
05:48He will accept any decision of the judge,
05:50no matter why it is wrong.
05:52Baibars, you are making a mistake.
05:55Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar spoke quickly.
05:57Everyone paid attention to him.
05:59Baibars looked at him in a contemplative manner and said,
06:02You know very well that he is the Sultan of the land of Egypt
06:05and is currently suffering from the fear of death.
06:08If he is allowed to live any longer,
06:10it is not unlikely that he will put us at the brink of death
06:13under the accusation of rebellion.
06:15Do not worry.
06:16I will not allow him to issue any such order.
06:19I have never taken the path of evil.
06:22Therefore, I have full hope that my Allah will not do anything bad to me.
06:26Baibars said to Sultan al-Amir,
06:29By Allah, the news of your death had shaken me.
06:32Thank Allah that you are alive.
06:35When Qasid attacked you, was his attack wrong?
06:38Baibars laughed at what he said.
06:41The next moment, he opened the head of his robe
06:44and stripped the right part of his headscarf.
06:47All of them saw a deep scratch on the side of their necks.
06:51Sultani Umara went ahead and looked at him.
06:54Actually, as soon as Sultani Qasid pulled out the dagger,
06:57my gaze fell on him.
06:59He was so close to me that it was not possible to stop his attack immediately.
07:03When he turned the dagger around and stretched my body,
07:06I bent down and fell to my side.
07:08I tried very hard not to get his dagger,
07:11but the edge of the dagger still touched my body.
07:14Later, when the dagger was examined,
07:16it was found that its tip was poisonous.
07:19If the tip of the dagger had even touched my body,
07:22that poisonous poison would have entered my body.
07:25Then it was possible that Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar would have been successful.
07:29Anyway, Allah creates a hundred excuses for whoever He wants to save.
07:33Baibars told Sultani Umara in detail
07:36and put on his robe again.
07:39Look, Baibars, Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar said again,
07:42I admit my mistake that I did not hesitate to come
07:46to you and doubt your sincerity and considered you my enemy.
07:51I am very sorry for my behavior.
07:54You end this matter here.
07:56I am ready to reconcile you in every way.
07:59You also take the land of Syria and the Middle East with Aleppo.
08:02Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar's face was sweating.
08:06Saifuddin Qutuzi said in a sarcastic tone in Sultani Umara,
08:11Do you think we are fools that despite the death of one of our companions,
08:15we will accept you as our Sultan?
08:18Your greed has become a curse on us today.
08:21We used to think that Nuruddin is being deposed from the throne
08:25because he is a minor child.
08:27But now we know that you did not just want to be his subordinate,
08:30but your greed has been in power since the first day.
08:34In Cairo, you removed many Mamluk chiefs from your way,
08:37but we considered them mere incidents.
08:40Now that the veil of your sins has been exposed,
08:43are you trying to deceive us?
08:45Baibars, do not listen to these people.
08:48Rather, you help me. You are a good man.
08:51Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar got up from the royal chair and stood in front of Baibars.
08:55His body was aching with fear of death.
08:58Baibars bowed his head and started thinking.
09:01He had not attacked a murderous and helpless man all his life,
09:05but he used to get mental peace by helping helpless people.
09:09Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar was also in front of him
09:12with a picture of helplessness and poverty.
09:14If he had forgiven the Sultan,
09:16it was not far off that he would have acted against Baibars first.
09:21Baibars answered after thinking for a while.
09:24I have always bowed my head in front of the rule of the state.
09:28I have never violated the law or rebelled.
09:31When Tatars were coming down on the Islamic world,
09:34I always tried to stop them.
09:37I pleaded in the courts of the sultans of the Middle East and Syria
09:40to unite and stop the Tatar flood.
09:44I used an insolent tone in front of you in Cairo,
09:47so it was of no use to me.
09:49I did not have any personal desire.
09:51I just wanted to get the Tatars out of the Islamic states
09:54and give the Muslims the right to live in peace.
09:57I wanted to save people from the disastrous scenes
10:01that I am seeing today.
10:04I did not have any desire for sultanate and power.
10:07I fulfilled my duty with full honesty and sincerity
10:10and made the glory of the Tatars clear.
10:13But what did I get in return?
10:15My loved ones saw my success with jealous eyes
10:18and tried to kill me
10:20just because my heart beats for the well-being of the Muslims.
10:24Saifuddin, at least I did not expect this from you.
10:27After hearing Baibars, Umar's eyes drooped.
10:30Baibars, I regret what I did.
10:33I am a sinner.
10:34Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar said with embarrassment,
10:37Stop this act of insolence.
10:40One of Baibars' companions shouted,
10:42Do not waste time, Baibars.
10:44Kill him immediately.
10:46No, he will not be killed.
10:49If we do what he did,
10:51what difference will there be between us and him?
10:53He will be presented before the judge and punished.
10:56Baibars spoke in a decisive tone,
10:58on which everyone present there changed their perspective.
11:01Baibars, do not be a fool.
11:03He is the sultan in Cairo and the judge is under him.
11:06He will give the judge a purpose and make a decision in his favor,
11:09and then you will not be able to do anything.
11:11You all remain silent.
11:12The judge will make the final decision about the sultan.
11:15Baibars answered him in a stern tone.
11:17His hand froze on the sword.
11:20He had already suffered a terrible punishment on the faces of his companions.
11:24If you do not have the courage, then you move away from the middle.
11:27We will decide it ourselves.
11:29Mamluk Ameer moved forward waving his sword.
11:31Seeing him, the other Mamluk Umara also drew his swords.
11:35Baibars wanted to stop him,
11:37but a Mamluk Ameer standing near him pointed to another companion.
11:41As soon as Baibars moved forward to push him back,
11:44he extended his leg and strangled Baibars.
11:47Baibars could not handle it immediately and kept falling on the ground.
11:51The sword in his hand also kept spinning in the air with him.
11:55Suddenly, a loud scream was heard.
11:58Baibars quickly turned around and looked.
12:01Baibars' sword was flying in the air,
12:03tearing the right side of Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar and fell down.
12:07Whatever Baibars did not want to happen,
12:10nature had made him do it.
12:12Seeing this, Baibars became worried,
12:15while a wave of joy ran on the faces of Mamluk Umara.
12:18The hand of the sword was still in his hand.
12:21Baibars quickly got up and turned towards Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar.
12:26He was taking his last breaths.
12:28He wanted to say something to Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar,
12:32but Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar refused him with his trembling hands.
12:37Regret was shining on his face.
12:39His eyes were saying,
12:41Baibars, forgive me.
12:43I was late in understanding you.
12:45I was about to kill you,
12:47but you tried your best to save my life.
12:50This was a predetermined punishment by nature.
12:54Baibars pulled back his scattered hair on his forehead.
12:57Sultan al-Mulk al-Muzaffar smiled slightly.
13:01He began to see sympathy hidden in Baibars' eyes.
13:04Then whatever he saw, he broke the thread of his breath forever.
13:08The gleam of light in Baibars' right eye
13:11was the same white bird in front of his eyes
13:15that he had seen in a dream.
13:17The angel of death with blue eyes.
13:21On the other hand, Mutiuddin got up in a hurry.
13:24He was sleeping deeply that someone had disturbed him badly.
13:28Sleep was so intense that he was having difficulty in opening his eyes.
13:32He hardly separated his eyes from each other
13:35and looked around with confused eyes.
13:38There were three of them in number,
13:40wearing black clothes.
13:42Their faces were covered behind their beards.
13:45Mutiuddin could not understand for a few moments.
13:48His mind immediately went towards the dagger on his forehead.
13:51Since the day he was attacked by the incident of Surakhgarh Pahadi,
13:55he had started tying a hidden dagger on his forehead.
13:59His hand began to move towards his forehead in an unnoticed way.
14:03He was mentally fully prepared to deal with this unforeseen situation.
14:08Mutiuddin, you are caught in the clutches of a masked man.
14:12Don't try to act smart.
14:14Your hidden friend is now in our custody.
14:17Mutiuddin turned his hand on the empty spot of the dagger
14:20and he was overwhelmed with excitement.
14:23He changed his direction while taking a deep breath.
14:26He had to accept the absence of the dagger
14:29that there were really cunning and cautious people against him
14:33and to deal with them, the ability of the mind
14:36would prove to be a miracle instead of physical strength.
14:39He carefully sat on the bed.
14:41Haris spoke in a sharp, dark tone.
14:44Tie his hands tightly in the back of his head
14:47and put a cloth in his mouth so that he does not face any difficulty later.
14:50Now it is necessary to take him along.
14:52Something may go wrong here.
14:54Okay, Sheikh.
14:55The masked man named Haris turned towards Mutiuddin
14:58and Mutiuddin stopped him with the gesture of his hand.
15:01The masked man was shocked at the unexpected action.
15:04Wait, I am awake and I know that you are among the faithful.
15:08You do not need to tie my hands.
15:11I am happy to go with you.
15:14Mutiuddin said.
15:15Hearing this, Haris turned and looked at the Sheikh.
15:18Hearing what Mutiuddin said, the Sheikh's eyes were also bright.
15:24Another masked man spoke quickly.
15:26This man seems dangerous to me.
15:28My advice is that instead of trying to find out his reality,
15:32we should kill him immediately.
15:34Mutiuddin smiled at him.
15:37With his divine ability, he was completely satisfied in just a few hours.
15:42There was no sign of fear or worry on his face.
15:45The Sheikh stood silent for a while.
15:47Then he said.
15:48A while ago, I was afraid that you would definitely try to do something
15:52against your will to save yourself.
15:55That is why it was our obligation to take you to a safe place.
15:58Now that you are ready to cooperate, my intention has changed.
16:02We will talk here now.
16:04I have no objection.
16:06But I will not answer any of your questions for so long
16:09until you adopt a polite attitude.
16:12Mutiuddin said in a funny way.
16:15If you want, you can light up the room.
16:17The Sheikh briefly said.
16:19I do not like to talk to people in the dark, let alone in the light.
16:24Talk in your mind.
16:26You may not know who you are talking to.
16:29A masked man stood up and said.
16:31Don't talk nonsense.
16:33I know very well that my addressee is Sheikh Abul Fazl.
16:36Mutiuddin shot an arrow in the dark, which hit the right target.
16:40Hearing this, they felt a shock,
16:43and they got scared like everyone else and took a step back unintentionally.
16:47Mutiuddin's lips began to smile on the correctness of his estimate.
16:52The glorious tent of Halaqu Khan had been destroyed last night.
16:56On this news, a wave of grief and anger ran through the entire army.
17:00Keeping in mind the delicacy of the situation,
17:02the leaders of all the high-ranking officials immediately sought all the senior officers
17:07and appointed them to investigate this sabotage.
17:11Saying that no error would be acceptable in this matter.
17:15The officers wanted to find out about Halaqu Khan,
17:18but the minister did not answer this question,
17:21but immediately instructed them to find the people responsible for this action.
17:26The officers ordered the guards to take all the areas of the royal tents into their enclosures
17:31and not to allow anyone to enter this area,
17:34even if he was a high-ranking official.
17:37The Ilkhani army was thinking about Halaqu Khan,
17:40but no one was told about Halaqu Khan,
17:44as to what condition he was in.
17:46Some of the experts in the army were taken to the burnt tents under close surveillance.
17:51After some time of investigation,
17:53they clearly stated that the tents had been set on fire on purpose.
17:57This was not the result of any coincidence.
18:00In order to start a fire, a different method has been adopted,
18:04so that even if someone tries to get out of the tent,
18:07he will not be able to get out safely and will be engulfed in the fire.
18:11Since the fire was ignited by the substance of the dirt,
18:14the one who got engulfed in the fire could not stay alive for long.
18:19The experts also pointed out that
18:21it is evident from the gutters around the tent
18:24that whoever is involved in this conspiracy
18:27is well aware of the use of the substance of the dirt.
18:30Otherwise, showing the fire to the dirt carelessly
18:33is akin to inviting death.
18:35The effects of the dirt spread in the soil were also found.
18:39According to the marks found around the tent,
18:43the experts announced that only three people were involved in this conspiracy.
18:48After the experts' analysis,
18:50all the high-ranking officials joined their heads and started consulting each other.
18:54In a short while, they agreed on a plan to find the real culprit.
18:59All possible scenarios were carefully considered.
19:03Immediately after this, all the soldiers were ordered to leave the tents
19:07and to line up in a special manner in the open area.
19:11All the soldiers left their tents and gathered in the open area.
19:15Their faces were filled with grief,
19:18because seeing the situation,
19:20they were forced to assume that
19:22their beloved Qahan-e-Azam was no longer in this world.
19:26His special tent was set on fire.
19:29This news had also spread among the soldiers
19:31that Halaq-u-Khan was present in this tent at night.
19:34According to the number of rows,
19:36the guards counted and separated such individuals
19:39who had a special skill of sniffing the smell of dirt.
19:42After this, they were made to enter each row
19:45to examine all the soldiers
19:47and to find such individuals
19:49who had a special skill of sniffing the smell of dirt
19:52from their clothes or hands or body.
19:54This was a very difficult task
19:56and the results could take a long time.
