Oggy and the Cockroaches

  • 2 months ago
HA Entertainments

Catoons, toons, oggy, viral video trend
00:00Mr. Himmat, is it you?
00:02Yes, it's me.
00:04Then why are you standing outside? Come inside.
00:06This is my hall.
00:08Isn't it beautiful?
00:10This is my grandfather's photo.
00:12And this is our storeroom.
00:14I mean, it's not that high.
00:16It's low.
00:18And this is the top view of the house.
00:20This is the TV.
00:22Full HD.
00:24All the channels are on this.
00:26Isn't it absolutely holid?
00:28Let's see together.
00:30This is the fridge.
00:32It's very cool.
00:34And it's very hot in this house.
00:36There are many kinds of tools in the kitchen.
00:38The shower is also amazing.
00:40And this toilet has all the facilities.
00:42How is it?
00:44Would you like to sit and see?
00:46No, show me the bedroom.
00:50This is our luxurious bedroom.
00:52There are a lot of books in it.
00:56It's beautiful.
00:58So, let's sign the agreement.
01:00What's that on the bed?
01:02Let me see, Mr. Himmat.
01:04What's this?
01:08Get out of here.
01:10I'm done.
01:12So, Mr. Himmat, let's sign the agreement.
01:14I don't have the guts
01:16to live with these cockroaches.
01:18Mr. Himmat, cancel.
01:20Who is it now?
01:22I think it's my new roommate.
01:24Miss Dolly.
01:26She looks just like a doll.
01:30this is my
01:32great-grandfather's photo.
01:34This is my room.
01:36And this is
01:38my great-grandfather's Dolly.
01:40Have you ever seen it?
01:42There are cockroaches in it.
01:44What happened?
01:48I won't spare you.
01:50I'll kill you.
01:52Miss Dolly is also gone.
01:58Let's go inside.
02:06One after the other,
02:08the roommates came
02:10and killed the cockroaches.
02:12The cockroaches
02:14turned into a band.
02:16I see.
02:18Cockroach band!
02:20I'm tired of these cockroaches.
02:22I have an idea.
02:24Come here.
02:28I think I'll be alone now.
02:30Who is it now?
02:32The list is over.
02:34Who are you?
02:36You don't know me.
02:38I'm Disco Swamp.
02:40Give me the agreement.
02:42Sign it quickly.
02:44Be careful.
02:46Give me at least one.
02:48Do you have a pen?
02:50Let's eat something.
02:52The list is empty.
02:54Disco Swamp ate everything.
02:56At least one.
03:00Let's take a bath.
03:02Whose hair is this?
03:04Get out.
03:06What happened?
03:10At least one.
03:14I'm bored of watching TV.
03:16I can watch 100 channels in a minute.
03:18What a move!
03:20Very good, kid.
03:22Use your brain.
03:24How do I do it?
03:26I can't think without eating.
03:28Is it your service?
03:30Is it done with just one ball?
03:32This guest
03:34has ruined my house.
03:36What's that noise?
03:42Now I'll teach
03:44you a lesson.
03:46I'll teach you a lesson
03:48you'll never forget.
03:52Look at all this food.
03:54God is great.
03:56I'm drooling.
04:02Cheating with a cheater?
04:06Now go on a world tour
04:08without a passport.
04:10Sign here.
04:12I got rid of the cockroach.
04:14It's good to be alone
04:16with such a partner.
04:18Who's here now?
04:20Let's play table tennis.
04:22Why did you hit me if you didn't want to play?
04:24I've made up my mind.
04:26I'll stay alone.
04:28I'll make an omelette.
04:30First, break an egg.
04:32Add flour to the egg
04:34and beat it.
04:36It flew away again.
04:38There's not enough salt in it.
04:40Not enough salt,
04:42but not enough brains to beat it.
04:44I'll become a cook
04:46after reading this book.
04:48I'll open a restaurant
04:50and a bakery.
04:52I think it's done.
04:54I'll have to work a little harder.
04:56Get ready to say Allah.
05:00I'm gone.
05:02I'm safe.
05:04I won't spare this cockroach.
05:06I picked up the flour.
05:10Return my flour.
05:12I won't return it.
05:14I want to make an omelette.
05:16Return my flour.
05:18What will you do now?
05:20I'll catch it and beat it.
05:22Come on.
05:24What's this?
05:26Will you hide?
05:28Come on.
05:30You're gone now.
05:32You won't escape me.
05:34I ate the flour and returned it.
05:36I got the flour.
05:38I'll get out of here.
05:40Where did it go?
05:42I'm gone.
05:44I fell down.
05:46Save me.
05:48My flour.
05:50It's not mine.
05:52At least it's in the vacuum cleaner's stomach.
05:54What's this?
05:56Why isn't it cleaning?
05:58It's moving.
06:00I think it doesn't want to go in the vacuum cleaner's stomach.
06:02What's happening?
06:06Who is this?
06:08I can't believe my eyes.
06:10I'm Maida Man.
06:12Will you be my friend?
06:14Why not?
06:16You've become a fool.
06:20I heard that pizza is made of flour.
06:22What's this?
06:26I'll show you my house.
06:28This is my storeroom.
06:30There's a 24-hour supply of water here.
06:34Listen, Maida Man.
06:36I've turned off the water.
06:38Don't worry. You'll be fine.
06:40You don't have to be scared.
06:42Thank you.
06:44You're funny.
06:46Look, I've applied flour on my face.
06:48This is a fun game.
06:50I'll trap this flour man today.
06:54This is fun.
06:56I'll have to catch him.
07:00I'll catch you.
07:06What's going on?
07:08Don't be scared.
07:10You've become a fool.
07:12Now go home.
07:14What's this sound?
07:16It's your friend, Papplu.
07:18Traffic has made me tired.
07:20What's this?
07:22Look at this magic.
07:26I'll do it again.
07:28Did you see Maida Man's magic?
07:30Yes, I did.
07:32What's this?
07:34The direction of the wind has changed.
07:36Now I'll have to go with the wind.
07:38What will happen now?
07:40Let's see.
07:42Will you come inside?
07:44I'll play in the snow.
07:46I think dad is sleeping.
07:48I'll make a snowman.
07:50Do you think Maida Man is a snowman?
07:52Let's go home.
07:54Who disturbed my sleep?
07:56Clean your mouth.
07:58You disturbed my sleep today.
08:00I'll make you Maida Man again.
08:04Maida Man, come here.
08:08I'm Maida Man.
08:10Will you be my friend?
08:12I'll hug you.
08:14He's Maida Man.
08:16What else will I become?
08:18I've got a balance.
08:22Drink this water.
08:26I'm hungry.
08:28Stop it.
08:30Stop it.
08:34I'm ready to get wet.
08:38The water picked me up.
08:40Save me from the water.
08:42Don't be afraid, Maida Man.
08:44I'll save you.
08:46It's raining heavily.
08:48But I'm with Maida Man.
08:50I'm scared.
08:52Hide behind the fridge.
08:56The cockroach won't be able to enter this room.
08:58I'm tired.
09:00What's this? The door is open.
09:02Where is your Maida Man?
09:04Fight me first.
09:06Who hit me?
09:08The cockroach is gone.
09:12The footprints are going towards the fridge.
09:14You guys go ahead.
09:16I'll shout.
09:18I'm coming.
09:20What happened?
09:22Please leave me.
09:24I'm just Maida Man.
09:26You'll die.
09:28He won't die.
09:30You'll die.
09:32I'm Matar Man.
09:36I'm saved.
09:38You guys are amazing.
09:40How did you like my Matar attack?
09:42Attack number one.
09:44What's this?
09:48Come back soon.
09:50What happened?
09:56I have spices on my face.
10:00I think it's done.
10:02I miss you a lot.
10:06This is great.
10:08I'll take everything.
10:14Today is Sunday.
10:16It's time to eat.
10:18I smell carrots.
10:20I'm hungry.
10:22You'll come in my stomach.
10:24What's this?
10:26Why are you jumping?
10:28I won't leave you.
10:32I'm tired.
10:34I won't leave you.
10:38Don't bite me.
10:40Have mercy on me.
10:42Go away.
10:44I won't bite you.
10:48Come here.
10:50What's this?
10:52This is a dancing pose.
10:56What's the matter?
10:58Give me a hug.
11:00How are you?
11:04My stomach is screaming.
11:06I'm very hungry.
11:08I have a problem.
11:10I don't know what to eat.
11:12I can't think of anything.
11:14But I know what to do.
11:18I know you're hungry.
11:20I have an idea.
11:22Uncle, can I eat you?
11:26You're a rabbit.
11:28Be a hunter.
11:32I'm a hunter.
11:36How can I be a hunter?
11:38How can I be a hunter?
11:40I have nothing in my stomach.
11:42To be a hunter,
11:44you'll have to use your nails.
11:46My nails?
11:50As you wish.
11:52These are my nails.
11:54And these are my feet.
11:56What will this do?
12:00I know how to be a hunter.
12:02Look at this.
12:04Get out of my way.
12:06Everyone is scared of me.
12:08Because I'm a hunter.
12:10What's happening?
12:12He wanted to be a hunter,
12:14but he became a hunter himself.
12:16How do I make him understand?
12:20I'm in trouble.
12:22Let them be.
12:24It's my childhood habit.
12:26To be a hunter,
12:28you'll have to attack a dog.
12:30Pinch it with your nails.
12:34But I'm scared.
12:36Go away.
12:38The weather is nice.
12:40I'll take advantage of this weather
12:42and make a dog's weather.
12:44Why did you come here?
12:46Just like that.
12:50I'm a hunter.
12:54I can't see anything.
12:56How can I be a hunter?
12:58One more plan failed.
13:02There's a sparrow on the stream.
13:04Give it a punch
13:06and take its egg.
13:08Got it?
13:10Okay, uncle.
13:12Hey, birds.
13:14Be careful.
13:16The hunter is coming.
13:18Where did he go?
13:20There he is.
13:24Be careful, hunter.
13:26Hey, sparrow.
13:28You're finished.
13:30The hunter is here.
13:32What's the matter?
13:34The sparrow broke its teeth.
13:36It's good.
13:38I'm sorry.
13:40I'll never come back.
13:42I'm a hunter again.
13:44Say something, uncle.
13:46Hey, mouse.
13:48Open the door.
13:50No, son.
13:52I'm a hunter.
13:54Got it?
13:56Hey, mouse.
13:58The hunter is here.
14:00Where is he hiding?
14:02The king told the queen.
14:04Who is he?
14:06I'll show you.
14:08I think the sparrow
14:10will drink its own soup.
14:14Come here.
14:16We'll give the sparrow
14:18its favorite dish.
14:20The sparrows are laughing.
14:22I see.
14:24I think I'll have to sleep hungry today.
14:28Your food is ready.
14:30Hey, cockroach sandwich.
14:32Hi, uncle.
14:36Don't think so much.
14:38Eat it.
14:40Eat the cockroach.
14:42I'm very hungry.
14:44No matter what happens today,
14:46I won't sleep hungry.
14:48I'll eat the cockroach.
14:50No, uncle.
14:54What's happening here?
14:56Why are the vegetables lying on the floor?
14:58Hey, come out.
15:00Don't keep the rotten vegetables at home.
15:02Don't come back to my house.
15:06Hey, I've brought the chicken tandoori.
15:08What should I do
15:10with these dry cockroaches?
15:12Go away.
15:14We're in trouble.
15:16Save us, uncle.
15:18Hurry up.
15:20Yes, brother.
15:22I'll eat the Indian chicken tandoori.
15:24Hey, shut up.
15:26It's so hot.
15:28I'll take it out.
15:30It's a Karate style.
15:32What's the use of the cooker
15:34when the rice is cooked?
15:38Not tears, uncle.
15:40I'm crying.
15:42According to Karate culture,
15:44I'll cook an octopus.
15:46Brother, leave me.
15:48Let me go home.
15:50Shut up and get ready.
15:52He's still saying something.
15:54I've a wife and two kids.
15:56Don't make me emotional.
15:58I'll serve you day and night.
16:00My family will bless you.
16:02He ruined me.
16:04Thank you, brother.
16:06You made me cry a lot.
16:08Now I'll make you laugh.
16:10We'll have to stop his laughter.
16:12Why? Are you enjoying?
16:14But I'm hungry.
16:16Don't worry.
16:18I'll arrange for food.
16:20Chicken from the fridge.
16:22Apple from the garden.
16:28Your breakfast is ready.
16:30Let it be.
16:32I'll feed you.
16:34Mind blowing.
16:36This is a treasure.
16:38I'll steal this treasure.
16:40This is a knife.
16:42I'll kill you with this knife.
16:44Very good.
16:46Stop it.
16:50I'll eat you.
16:52Come with me.
16:54Look what I've got for you.
16:56Your hands are amazing.
16:58I'll show you something else.
17:00This is a window.
17:02And this is a plane.
17:06Now it's time to sleep.
17:12I'm feeling sleepy.
17:14Don't worry.
17:16I'll arrange for you to sleep.
17:18This is upstairs.
17:20Go to the bedroom.
17:22Very good.
17:24Now go to the bed.
17:28Now switch off the lights.
17:30I'll clean the room.
17:32Let's eat octopus fry.
17:36Who said we should eat?
17:38It's important to brush your teeth.
17:40Not teeth.
17:44Bye cockroach.
17:46Never see you again.
17:48Sleep peacefully.
17:50I'll be lucky if you sleep.
17:54What's this?
17:56He's stealing in the cat's house.
17:58I've heard all octopus.
18:00This is fake octopus.
18:02Good morning.
18:04Good morning.
18:06Now get ready.
18:08You're tired, right?
18:10It's important for you to exercise.
18:12You talk a lot.
18:14Not just talk.
18:16Let's take a bath.
18:18The water is very hot.
18:20Now I'll dry your hair.
18:22Because wet hair can make you cold.
18:28Keep talking.
18:30I'll pick up the stuff.
18:32Give me my bill.
18:34What are you waiting for?
18:36It was fun shopping today.
18:38Me too.
18:42I'll switch on the TV.
18:44And slowly your massage too.
18:46You sleep.
18:48The bulb fell.
18:50Let's go one by one.
18:52No, let's go.
18:54He broke my short circuit.
18:56Now get out and don't come back.
18:58Or I'll do a lot of things.
19:00Got it?
19:02Now I can do my work.
19:08He's so good at stealing.
19:10He can't even reach the police.
19:14Now take all the stuff.
19:16Who's here now?
19:18Thank you.
19:20Here's the sign.
19:22Now turn around and leave.
19:24Let me see what's in this box.
19:26What is it?
19:28It's a box.
19:30Oh, so this is it.
19:32Let's go.
19:34Get ready.
19:36Oh no!
19:38Let's go.
19:40Go to Bob.
19:42And don't come back.
19:44I think I got a gift.
19:46Let me see what it is.
19:54He's still sleeping.
19:56Let's switch on the TV.
19:58It's a good chance.
20:00Let's run away.
20:02Who are you?
20:04Augie, look what I've got for you.
20:06Augie, get up.
20:08What is it?
20:10I've got food. Let's eat.
20:12It'll be tasty.
20:14No, you can't eat it.
20:16I can.
20:20Can you hear some sounds?
20:22Yes, but what are those sounds?
20:24I don't know.
20:26Let's find out.
20:28What's this?
20:30I trusted him.
20:32Now I trust him too.
20:34It's time to get out of here.
20:36We won't let you go.
20:38You won't let me go.
20:40But I'll go.
20:44I'm done eating.
20:46Look at that.
20:50Hurry up, Augie. I'm hungry.
20:52Me too.
20:54Your food is here.
20:56It'll be tasty.
20:58We'll catch you when I run away.
21:00We'll catch you wherever you go.
21:02That's it for today.
21:04I'm tired of shopping.
21:06I'm hungry too.
21:08Let's go and eat something.
21:12What's this?
21:14Someone emptied my fridge.
21:16Where are the cockroaches?
21:18I won't spare them today.
21:20We've emptied your fridge.
21:22We'll empty this bag too.
21:24What are you doing?
21:26Get out of here.
21:28I won't spare you.
21:30Give me back my nose.
21:32Give me back my nose.
21:34I'll kill you.
21:36Your nose is gone.
21:38My nose?
21:40My nose is gone and so am I.
21:42Your nose is gone.
21:44Now he'll lose his stuff.
21:46What's this?
21:48It's soap. Eat it.
21:50Eat it.
21:52He's gone.
21:54I'll throw you too one day.
21:56There's one more thing left.
21:58What's this?
22:00Who's inside?
22:02I'm good. I'm bad.
22:04But I'm not ugly.
22:06Who is it?
22:08It's the cockroach gang.
22:10We'll teach you a lesson.
22:12We'll do his make-up.
22:14Don't do that.
22:16We'll do a lot of things.
22:18Black queen, sweet water.
22:20Welcome to the show.
22:22Welcome, Mr. Cockroach.
22:24He's good.
22:26He ruined my show.
22:28Wait. There's more to come.
22:30Come to my clutches.
22:32I'll crush you.
22:34He won't spare us.
22:38He's a dangerous cockroach.
22:40I'll crush you.
22:42You threw my stuff out of the house.
22:44Mr. Cockroach threw you out of the house.
22:46Will you come?
22:48Put your stuff back.
22:50Come inside.
22:52Be careful.
22:58You taught them a good lesson.
23:00This juice will make you stronger.
23:04Give me the juice.
23:06Shake hands.
23:08I'll crush you.
23:10Thank you very much.
23:14Along with the cockroach,
23:16I'll live in that house.
23:18It's so big.
23:20You can live there.
23:22But I'll live in my own house.
23:24I'll watch TV.
23:26Looks like he's upset.
23:28What a match.
23:30I want to watch the match too.
23:32Go to that house.
23:34Don't say that.
23:36That's what I say.
23:38What a goal.
23:40I'm sorry.
23:42I want to watch TV.
23:44Don't bother me.
23:46Come here.
23:48Sit here.
23:50I want to sit on your stomach.
23:52Sit outside the room.
23:54I won't go away from you.
23:58I don't understand.
24:00What should I do with you?
24:02I'll go.
24:04Wait, I'll come too.
24:06I want to do it too.
24:08Only one person can do it at a time.
24:12I want to grow more melons.
24:14Shall I help you?
24:16What do you think of my underwear?
24:18You have more clothes.
24:20I'm good. I'm very good.
24:22How long are we going to sit here?
24:24I don't know.
24:26I can't think of an idea to enter the house.
24:28I can see.
24:30I've lost my mind.
24:32Get out.
24:34This is not good.
24:36This is bad.
24:38Get out.
24:40I won't go.
24:44I won't go.
24:46Get out.
24:48I won't go.
24:52I'll crush you.
24:56He bites a lot.
25:02It's morning.
25:04Good morning.
25:06Let's go.
25:08Let's have coffee.
25:10What is this?
25:12So many melons.
25:14He is so small.
25:16He must be the relative of that melon.
25:18So many melons.
25:20Not so many.
25:22Now they will all beat you.
25:24Save me.
25:26These melons have ruined my condition.
25:28Don't do this.
25:32Look what they have done to me.
25:34What happened, uncle?
25:36Don't say that.
25:38What is this?
25:40I enjoyed it.
25:42Now I'll teach you a lesson.
25:44Come with me.
25:46Give my clothes back.
25:48What a time has come.
25:50Where is the greedy bird?
25:52Here it is.
25:54Don't worry.
25:56Nothing will happen to you.
25:58I'll take care of you.
26:00Come fast.
26:04What is this?
26:06The cat's plan was successful.
26:08The cat's house is being cleaned.
26:10All the cats are running away.
26:16Keep flying.
26:18Go home.
26:22I want to go too.
26:24What should I say?
26:26I want to go.
26:28Please go.
26:32Uncle, look ahead.
26:40The shopping is done.
26:42Now the cockroach will come and teach him a lesson.
26:44What is this?
26:46Who took this out?
26:48I took it out.
