
  • 2 months ago
01:19get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to
01:25the facts with your host Dan Bongino
01:30become your home for breaking news I told you last night on my ex and true
01:34social accounts Kim Cheadle was not going to survive the week the director
01:37of the Secret Service she was not going to survive in her job she has now
01:42resigned I just announced that about a half hour ago 1030 1020 or so Eastern
01:47time on an interview on the Glenn Beck show was sent to me right as the email
01:50went out Kim Cheadle is out but this is not even close to the end folks I've got
01:56a lot to cover everybody get your pens out I'm about to break some more news to
02:00you details about this shooting you haven't heard that make it even more
02:03perplexing confusing and tragic you ready folks you heard me rave about
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02:17I've got some details on that also we're going to cover the hearing
02:20yesterday and something Kim Cheadle is still gonna have to answer for she may
02:24have perjured herself yesterday at the hearing she is in a world of trouble hey
02:28can you feel it something big is happening you know you can't trust the
02:31government anymore they've been lying to us about just about everything you saw
02:34the her tapes today the lies about that the lies are endless you think they're
02:37gonna tell you the truth in an emergency you have to rely on yourself self
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03:30Patriot Supply comm get this show started Kim Cheadle is out she is she
03:36should have resigned last week however we are not done with Kim Cheadle Kim
03:41Cheadle failed Secret Service director now former is going to have to answer
03:46it's going to have to answer for what happened how they nearly got President
03:49Trump killed I personally I will stay on top of who is named the acting director
03:54and if the person is also incompetent I will tell you first I'm watching
03:58everything right now I know the players involved this is gonna be your home for
04:02breaking news now I haven't let you down yet have I I told you last night she
04:07wasn't going to survive the week I wasn't making that up I was getting that
04:10from sources saying she was getting ready to bail she had lost all political
04:14cover the Democrats wanted her out Raskin wanted her out and Biden and
04:19Harris right now do not want additional headaches Biden's dealing with this
04:23health problem that's now become a public relations disaster Harris is down
04:2711 points in the recent poll they do not want the headache of an incompetent
04:32director who went up to Capitol Hill yesterday and embarrassed the entire
04:35country in front of the world she was a disgrace and she will set her name now
04:40is now tarnished forever she will forever be associated with failure for
04:44what she did one quick story before I get to my breaking news I reported this
04:50last week again I was called crazy and I'm getting really kind of tired of it
04:54folks I'm just a guy it gets old you know you develop a thick skin but it
04:58doesn't mean it can't be you know penetrated it really gets old I told you
05:03last week Josh Hawley reported yesterday new I love you Senator Hawley but this
05:08isn't new we reported this last week on Monday you can go listen to it
05:12whistleblowers tell me law enforcement personnel were in fact stationed to the
05:16roof in the day of the Trump rally but abandoned it citing the heat they also
05:21say law enforcement were supposed to be patrolling the building but opted to stay
05:24inside instead that's on last week's show folks again it it's not about please as
05:34my friend it's not about credit President Trump almost died who gives a
05:38shit about the credit it's about getting the story out there in a timely manner
05:43so we can take corrective mechanisms and not waiting a week to confirm it
05:47unfortunately no one wants to listen to the actual agent with the contacts in
05:51the agency they want to wait five or six days to hear it from someone else fine
05:55you guys will be ahead of it whatever I don't give a shit anymore I can't I
06:00can't lead these horses to water anymore liberal media people get your
06:05pens out I've got some more details for you ready at home number one we just
06:11confirmed I have it now quadruple confirmed there was undoubtedly supposed
06:16to be a local team posted a local team when I say local I just want to be clear
06:22again I'm talking about not Secret Service that could be Pennsylvania State
06:25Police Butler County Pennsylvania police local sheriffs I'm not getting
06:31into which locals it doesn't matter at this point someone was supposed to be on
06:36that roof as part of the advance plan it is not absolved the Secret Service of
06:40any responsibility whatsoever they are supposed to check and make sure this
06:45stuff happened period someone was supposed to be on that roof
06:50Hawley's tweet is accurate we reported it a week ago it was deemed too hot and
06:55the post was abandoned which allowed a sniper to access that post and shoot the
07:00former president that's not really breaking it's only breaking that Hawley
07:07confirmed what we reported last week here number two I said this again last
07:14week but now I have it again double confirmed the sniper team the Secret
07:20Service sniper team that took out the assassin the reason there was a delay
07:27and they didn't shoot right away is because they were confused as to who
07:33that was on the roof because it was supposed to be a local sniper team from
07:39a very very very intimate close source to the situation they did not act until
07:46they saw the muzzle flash out of the gun and then they knew it wasn't locals
07:49totally completely inexcusable a communication posting breakdown of
07:56apocalyptic fashion I don't even know what to say how grotesque this security
08:01failure was that there was confusion about who a guy on a roof in a 130 yard
08:08away posted elevated position ranging in on Donald Trump citing in on him that
08:13there was confusion about who that person was is just such an abomination
08:18of a failure that they had to wait for the muzzle flash before they were sure
08:22is just again such an apocalyptic failure I can't believe as a former
08:28member of the entity the Secret Service I'm reporting this to you they waited
08:33for the muzzle flash another piece of news so we can finally get the media
08:40people you want the story or not here it is I know you're gonna report it a
08:44week later and say exclusive it just please listen to me for once you dumb
08:49asses the team the sniper team the Secret Service sniper team you're seeing
08:55on that infamous video going online going around everywhere you two black
09:00guys on top of the black so I'm sorry guys and Bob the black suits on top of
09:05the roof that is not the team that shot the assassin that's not them we have to
09:12get the timeline right it was the other team that shot from about 400 yards away
09:17that's not the team it's important because a lot of people are online or
09:22like look they hesitated they may have hesitated but that's not the team that's
09:28not the team that team probably had a better shot that's not the team that
09:33took out the assassin I can't emphasize this enough you got media people still
09:40with the freaking timeline wrong finally here's another here's a piece of
09:45information I promise you haven't heard yet you got your pens out media folks
09:51apparently one of the first rounds the assassin shot that penetrated the
09:56hydraulic line of that piece of farm equipment a tractor or whatever it was
10:00that front loader you can see it on the video you're gonna see the hydraulic line
10:04explode and the lever on the front goes up I'm sorry folks I'm not a farmer I'm
10:09not gonna pretend to be it's what tractor or front loader whatever it is
10:12doesn't matter for the purpose of this story apparently what happened after
10:17that is hydraulic fluid from that specific vehicle given that the line
10:23was penetrated covered a couple of vehicles in the motorcade causing a
10:27little bit of initial chaos second I'm getting this from a source I'm gonna try
10:35to double confirm this but there was some kind of small explosion after that
10:40there now to be clear there's some confusion about what it was was there
10:45some fireworks at the scene was there something the assassin had brought with
10:50them that the the hydraulic fluid or something one of the shots had set off
10:54that he set it off but the explosion is what led to the confusion about where
10:59they should go and where they still under attack combined with the fact that
11:04the hydraulic fluid encoded some of the motorcade vehicles they had a little bit
11:08of an issue getting out of there these are relevant facts they're gonna come
11:13out probably in a week someone's gonna report it as an exclusive breaking news
11:17I'm just telling you you got it here first there was some type of small
11:21explosion afterwards and the event the advanced team the cat team and other
11:26elements on the ground we're not sure if they were still under attack which makes
11:31some of the decisions even more questionable about keeping them up on
11:36stage so again just quickly so media folks you get this all right there was
11:45supposed to be a local team on that roof for some reason the Secret Service
11:52didn't mandate that they stay up there they didn't want to stay up there
11:56apparently because of the heat I want to add the Secret Service is now in a PR
12:00fight because they're afraid to throw the locals under the bus the locals
12:03don't want to get in a fight with the publicly with the Secret Service I'm
12:08just giving you a friend I'm not placing I'm not placing the blame on one of the
12:12other folks it was a security failure and both sides clearly have some skin in
12:16the game here I'm just giving you the facts I can't tell you enough the truth
12:20doesn't have an agenda here at all the truth is the truth the heat this is not
12:26an excuse we didn't have a post because it was hot
12:29Donald Trump was on stage and it was hot they waited for the muzzle flash
12:33because they were confused about who was on the roof it was supposed to be a post
12:36the team you're seeing in the video the sniper team for the Secret Service did
12:41not take out the assassin it was the other team not on video and finally that
12:46hydraulic fluid thing caused a big big hiccup on the way out of there because
12:52some type of small explosion went off which may have been confused for
12:55additional gunfire now you all have the real story I'm gonna keep my eyes on
13:04this folks and I promise you this everything we've told you has come true
13:08a week later with other news folks reporting it as an exclusive which is
13:12fine do that but just do it in a timely manner I don't even care if you steal
13:18this information today and report as your own I don't care I'm not going to
13:21attack you online go right ahead call it your own exclusive just please get the
13:25damn information out there for people that's all I'm asking you don't have to
13:30credit me don't I don't do anything it's not my information it's information
13:38let's get to yesterday's a hearing which led to Secret Service director failed
13:42Secret Service director Kim Cheadle her resignation today which again we called
13:47last night I thought maybe maybe Thursday maybe Friday she was never
13:52going to politically survive the week there was no chance nobody wants this
13:56headache right now here's a bigger problem director Kim Cheadle former
14:01director has did she perjure herself yesterday did she perjure herself in
14:06front of the entire country folks don't ever answer a question under oath on
14:13Capitol Hill when you're in the middle of tragic history like this former
14:17President Trump getting shot in the head if you're not absolutely sure the answer
14:22let's get to this first congresswoman Lauren Boebert asked a
14:27very very pointed fantastic question I congratulate her for doing her homework
14:32congresswoman Boebert asked former director Kim Cheadle yesterday hey have
14:38you been using signal to communicate with people from the White House or
14:42elsewhere in other words have you been using your non-official government email
14:48address and phone which would be against administrative guidelines to conduct
14:52government business have you been using a private device and a signal encrypted
14:57communication mechanism to avoid disclosure and detection I want you to
15:02listen very clearly to Kim Cheadle's answer and notice the delay in her
15:06response because I'm not so sure this is accurate check this out since the
15:12assassination attempt you are under oath reminding you have you communicated with
15:18anyone at the White House on an encrypted messaging app like signal yes
15:27or no no I have not are you willing to surrender your personal phone for
15:31analysis if I am required to do so require her to do so I'm gonna call it
15:40right now you guys all recording this Justin's like we better or else we're
15:44not gonna have a video on demand she will never surrender that post
15:48personal phone not an or if she does it'll be by subpoena she will not do it
15:55voluntarily and she's gonna lawyer up on this
15:59Kim Cheadle has no friends left in the Secret Service it's not just that she
16:05failed she tried to cover it up and she destroyed the reputation of a lot of
16:09agents and friends of mine who busted their ass for this agency for 20 years I
16:13joined the Secret Service in 1999 it's 2024 I work with a lot of really
16:20talented smart brave people who busted their asses and they can't stand this
16:24woman she has no friends left that question was not an accident folks a
16:29question was not an accident July 20th 2024 some guy named Dan Bongino on
16:37Twitter the Secret Service director Kim Cheadle using signal to communicate with
16:41insider cronies to avoid information discovery I guess we'll see
16:47Bongino Stradamus I didn't make that up someone sent that to me which is kind of
16:55strange because Kim Cheadle seemed she had to wait a second to respond they
16:59think she was surprised by the question maybe she should have been following me
17:03on X Kim Cheadle had to wait to respond and she said no no I haven't been using
17:09this device maybe it wasn't signal maybe it was another encrypted app and maybe
17:14that's where she's kind of parsing the question why do I bring this up because
17:19here she's asked again by Congressman Eric Burleson a really great guy she's
17:24asked the exact same question again about encrypted apps instead of just
17:29signal notice the difference and she gives a totally different answer both of
17:34these answers may be true maybe it wasn't signal maybe it was another
17:39encrypted app you see how she's delicately dancing around this and I
17:43want you to listen to her ridiculous excuse oh other people we deal with
17:47overseas have devices that are not compatible what like freaking email she
17:54has a government email what the government email doesn't email other
17:58people on what Apple devices the hell are you talking about it's the most
18:03ridiculous thing I've ever heard check this out have you used any encrypted app
18:09to communicate on from your personal device I do on occasion use encrypted
18:16apps to communicate so you use some form of an encrypted app to communicate with
18:24with people within the federal government with local law enforcement
18:29whom whom are you communicating using the encrypted apps many times it's with
18:34colleagues and and associates so you're communicating with colleagues on a
18:40personal device there are times that the Secret Service when we work
18:45internationally with some of our partners that they don't have the same
18:50texting capability and you're not able to do that with your with your
18:55government issue device recently we have been able to install some of those apps
19:01on government devices okay let's talk about some of the things that we can get
19:09access to I'm actually shocked that you are using your personal device and
19:15encrypted communication tools I think that that may be the most shocking thing
19:18that I've heard today I didn't expect that you just for you to say that yeah
19:23me either congressman should take her up on her offer to surrender her personal
19:28device for forensic analysis she offered it's on it's on tape you just
19:34heard it I'll say I didn't tell you folks this thing is about to get so much
19:45worse I'm telling you there is an email trail and white papers out there a long
19:52email trail documenting multiple security enhancements requests for the
19:57DTD Donald Trump protective detail that were rebuffed and denied Kim Cheadle is
20:03never ever going to be able to hide from that and what happened I want all of her
20:07communications both before and after business-wise conducted on a personal
20:13device in potential violation of administrative and possibly other rules
20:17and regulations for the Secret Service this is not over for Kim Cheadle and
20:22while we're at it here's another winky winky nod nod maybe you should ask Kim
20:28Cheadle if she's ever communicated on encrypted apps outside of her government
20:33device government email or government texting capabilities everybody taking
20:37notes taking notes in Congress about the cocaine scandal at the White House and
20:41the missing January 6 text too I'm just gonna throw that out there it's your
20:47home for breaking news maybe you should ask her that under oath she's probably
20:50got a lawyer already here's the platter quick break we'll get right back to it
21:01this thing got even worse yesterday this hearing probably the worst I've ever
21:04seen from a high-ranking government official the worst and that's saying a
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22:12financing back to the show let me get ahead of this story too this was a
22:18stunning moment from the Secret Service directors former Secret Service director
22:22now it's hearing yesterday this shocked all of America the Secret Service
22:27director saying hey we don't have a copy of the radio communications from that
22:33day people were shocked and astonished I'm going to tell you in advance who
22:37she's gonna blame for this it's no excuse but well who the next director or
22:42her if she's forced to go up there even as a former who she's gonna blame for it
22:45I want you to listen to this first check this out does the Secret Service
22:49routinely record communications between and amongst detail radio communication
22:56any communication email communications are captured as well as text messages
23:05and then depending on the detail radio communications are recorded does the
23:11Secret Service have recorded communications from the July 13th event
23:14we do not have radio communications from that day unbelievable unbelievable you
23:21know who does and guarantee you the local PD does I can guarantee you the
23:28put the Secret Service does not have a recording of the incident that day the
23:32radio comes are you kidding a a jet carrying a few people on a private
23:39flight has a black box on it the Secret Service as a matter of practice doesn't
23:43record radio comes this has to be a joke now let me tell you right now here's
23:49what she's gonna blame she's gonna blame WACA WACA is the White House
23:52Communications Agency she's gonna say well listen WACA only records the White
23:57House and the White House is President Biden and other White House supported
24:01entities but they don't record anything else it doesn't matter that's your job
24:07the crazy thing is I don't think she's lying it's what a stunning lapse of
24:13judgment to not have this stuff recorded not have any mechanism to get a hold of
24:18the radio comms that day you know I was on Glenn Beck's show just before I came
24:25on the air the radio show in a phoner phone interview and he's asking me for
24:31an explanation and outside of stunning incompetence there is none listen I'm
24:35sorry I can't say this enough had a very important phone call before this
24:39show you want an ally and a friend in this get a mother dog I'm not it I'm
24:46here to keep President Trump alive I don't care about your delicate
24:51sensibilities I don't care about your feelings hurt getting your panties in a
24:54bunch I don't give a shit about any of that every member of that advance team
25:00that blew it should have resigned already or been fired why was President
25:05Trump even allowed on the stage is anybody gonna answer for this or are we
25:09just gonna sweep this under the rug like nothing happened this is only gonna get
25:16worse as I've said to the people involved life is calling pick up the
25:23phone big people do big things in big moments small people act like cowards
25:30and run away grow a pair of balls and speak up you know who I'm talking to
25:39you're letting people dangle out there and it's bullshit this is not going away
25:45ever I'm not gonna let it ever ever and I'm gonna use every contact I have to
25:52make sure it doesn't you can talk now or you can talk later you're gonna talk
26:01here's another horrendous moment from yesterday's hearing Kim Cheadle here
26:08exposes every single problem in the Secret Service I've been highlighting
26:11for over 10 years and she doesn't even realize she did it folks in one of the
26:16most shocking scandals you're gonna hear about the Secret Service allocates
26:21protective resources based on titles not on threat assessment that's a fact
26:27they don't even realize this is a problem think about what I'm telling you
26:32they allocate resources based on titles not the actual threat assessment dr.
26:39Jill had a bigger prominent neurosurgeon a bigger security footprint than Donald
26:45Trump this is obscene watch her indicate this here a former president all the
26:52stuff and doesn't even realize hey you're a security enterprise you should
26:56allocate security based on threat what are you guys stupid she doesn't even get
27:02the problem listen to this my question is if he'd been the sitting president
27:07would he have had the same security he had on July 13th it would have been
27:10beefed up there is a difference between the city president your answer is he
27:14didn't and continuity of government and the responsibility we did not okay there
27:19wasn't a cat team the full cat team on site there wasn't counter that was
27:24representative Pat Fallon did a great job yesterday too so you're telling me
27:30you don't allocate security assets based on security needs but on titles
27:37guys I'm gonna say this again so if you want to read about this in a piece I
27:49wrote ten years ago the library take it from your friends do whatever you need
27:58to do I wish I could make it free but it's not my publishing company I wrote
28:05this ten years ago it's called protecting the president I only bring it
28:10up and library friends don't care share a copy does it matter if I own the
28:16rights to it I do I I'd sell you for a buck if I could the Secret Service knew
28:25about this stuff years ago me and others have been writing about this forever
28:31there is no excuse for this they let this happen none I'm not the only one
28:38who were exposing the failings of these of this agency it's not even close I
28:44want to show you a couple more things and then another angle yesterday that
28:48came out of this oversight project that is very bizarre I've not drawn any
28:53conclusions yet I'm applying the Bongino rule but I want to show you some video
28:57from congressman Eli and Eli Crane who was a special forces operator knows his
29:02stuff and then this tweet about a potential connection to a DC phone very
29:07very strange stuff or a DC location I'm not drawing any conclusions but I'd be
29:11remiss if I didn't put out the information I'll last break and we'll be
29:14right back with again a banger of a rest of a show don't go anywhere
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32:06inexcusable unbelievable security lapse that is hard to explain absent utter
32:11complete incompetence and advanced work stupidity congressman Eli Crane went to
32:16the site of the assassination attempt it took a cell phone video of the vantage
32:20point of the roof there's the roof if you're listening on Apple or Spotify
32:24you're just gonna see basically from this window there was full view of this
32:27there was no reason even if you refuse to if even if you play that again one
32:33more time you refuse to post up that roof because it was quote too hot then
32:37stick someone in the damn classroom or whatever the hell that is that building
32:40in the AGR building an office room building right there and you would have
32:44had a full vantage point this is unexplainable everyone on that advanced
32:49team should resign I'm really sorry but you were given one job keep the
32:53president alive and you blew it there is no excuse for this there's no reason
32:58line a site wasn't blocked you had a clear view of the roof from that office
33:02you should have posted the the the office building it was supposed to be
33:06posted they didn't show up because of the heat nobody followed up or they
33:10agreed to let them stand down this is inexcusable it's inexcusable and what
33:18the hell's going on with this oversight project that oversight PR on Twitter
33:23someone who regularly visited the assassin Crooks his home and work also
33:29visited a building in Washington DC located in gallery place the same
33:33vicinity of an FBI office on June 26 2023 whose device is this folks I know
33:42Avita did you mention this on your show this morning it's on Bongino report
33:47comm I appreciate everyone watch the Vita show this morning it's a rumble
33:51comm slash Bongino report that's it right
33:54Bungie report Avita does a show at nine o'clock every morning total banger today
33:59really appreciate it folks what's what possible explanation could there be for
34:03this again I'm applying the Bongino rule I'm gonna wait I'm gonna let the
34:07facts come out I'm not gonna say anything I don't know however this
34:10oversight PR project seems like they're on to something we'll follow up and when
34:15and if the facts dictate it will hopefully get some conclusions on this
34:19some more from the hearing yesterday ladies and gentlemen Lauren Boebert
34:24again congresswoman yesterday knocked it out of the park the special agent in
34:29charge of the Donald Trump protective detail she's this is who she's talking
34:33about here is a guy by the name of Sean Curran you've seen his name in the news
34:36here is congresswoman Boebert asking a very specific question of director Kim
34:42Cheadle folks you got to remember she is under oath here did Kim Cheadle not only
34:48perjure herself about using encrypted apps to conduct potentially government
34:52business but is she perjuring herself here folks there are emails there is a
34:58paper digital trail of multiple requests for enhanced security I'm getting from
35:03multiple sources is Kim Cheadle really sure that she wants to deny this or
35:08imply a denial here listen to the question and I'll analyze on the other
35:13side again Curran is this guy in charge of Donald Trump's detail check this out
35:17have you ever turned down enhanced security requests from Donald Trump's
35:22detail on his special agent in charge Sean Curran you ever turn that down no I
35:28have not have there been as as your team has a secret service maybe not you
35:36personally I believe as I mentioned earlier there are times when requests
35:41are made for and you have denied them they have been denied and a denial
35:45doesn't has the Trump campaign may request for additional assets that have
35:49been denied denial doesn't mean vulnerability holy shit I cannot believe
35:55this woman is doing this Cheadle thank you Congresswoman Boebert finally for
36:02asking direct questions not filibustering and bullshitting people you
36:06see Boebert's response by the way when she says no what is she doing here folks
36:10in the chat you know what Cheadle did yesterday oh I didn't do it and then
36:15Boebert catches what she's doing and says did anyone on your staff do it then
36:19it was a different question you see how Cheadle's always trying to like a like a
36:26like a snake sliver her way out of an answer there is a documented record of
36:32multiple requests for security enhancements you cannot run from this
36:36why are you risking perjury by appearing to lie or at a very minimum lie by
36:44implying things lie by omission lying by omission why are you doing this there
36:51is an email trail the second part of her answer though is telling and let me
36:57dismantle this right here she says a denial of a security request does not
37:03imply we created a vulnerability ladies and gentlemen is she perjuring herself
37:09again director Cheadle earlier in the day under oath I believe I'm under oath
37:16had stated that she doesn't personally review or didn't review the security
37:20plan that day and folks if she didn't review it that day when does she review
37:25it I'm gonna tell you the answer probably almost never she just said she
37:30didn't deny personally security she's the director for Donald Trump enhanced
37:36security so she didn't deny it then how does she know a vulnerability was
37:42created she doesn't know what the request was
37:47Michael's this makes sense I don't know nothing about a request but I know it
37:51wasn't a vulnerability I thought you didn't know am I crazy guys am I I'm
37:58just not a liberal thank you just folks is she perjuring herself again either
38:05you knew about the request and were part and parcel to denying the security
38:10request for DTD the Donald Trump detail or you didn't so how do you know there
38:16was there was no vulnerability if you don't know about the request folks she
38:24can't run from this there is an actual record out there of these multiple
38:30requests I can't say this enough and it's time for people to speak up pick up
38:39the phone why are you leaving us out there to dangle you're part of history
38:45now this is bigger than you do you not see it well you sitting there on your
38:50ass for folks why was Cheadle hiding the timeline yesterday to former director
39:00Cheadle failed human being and every just one of the most disgusting things
39:04I've ever seen yesterday a man was killed Cory comparator was killed was
39:11murdered two people were shot Donald Trump
39:16Donald Trump to to event goers Donald Trump was shot in the head you're
39:27sitting here playing cutesy time with words why is former director Cheadle not
39:33in the hearing yesterday why was she unwilling to disclose the timeline of
39:37events I'm gonna tell you why right now before we listen to these cuts because
39:42the minute she tells you they knew about 18 to 20 minutes in advance that
39:47there was an unmitigated threat out there with a rangefinder they put him on
39:51stage anyway and let this happen she can't give you the timeline because once
39:58she does she realizes she's open Pandora's box it's all gonna come out
40:05Kim it's all gonna come out the text everything you can't hide listen to this
40:11disgusting moment another great representative yesterday who did a
40:15banger of a job MTG Marjorie Taylor Greene again folks we can have
40:20differences on other things but if we have to this was a good job yesterday
40:24Marjorie Taylor Greene s a pointed question about the timeline she will not
40:29answer the question because she realizes once she does the Secret Service
40:34especially those people on the scene that day can't possibly survive in their
40:38jobs they can't watch this thrown over the area period any part of the area
40:44again I would have to go back and check the timeline of when that took place and
40:49when the why didn't you bring the timeline with you today to answer our
40:52questions I don't have all of the answers on the timelines based on the
40:57criminal invest were you not prepared today to answer our questions I am
41:02prepared to answer the questions based on the information and wanted to be able
41:06to provide you have a timeline that you do you have a timeline at all from from
41:11any of the day I have a timeline that does not have specifics that's shocking
41:20I that is absolutely unacceptable that means you are a failure at your job she
41:29has a timeline fellas without actual times Michael you were an athlete right
41:38did you play hockey or something so when you're out on getting ready to get on
41:43the ice can you imagine the coach saying hey get it back out of the ice folks who
41:47who's our starting lineup I don't have the names but just get out there you'd
41:52be a little confused right see I played baseball hey coach uh am I playing today
41:57I have the lineup I just don't have any names you have a timeline with no times
42:03folks did she perjure herself a third time a third time I'm telling you she
42:12has the times she's lying by omission again she has the times the Secret
42:24Service has the timelines they have the texts from local law enforcement the
42:29pictures floating around of the assassin she just doesn't want to say it because
42:34then she's going to have to answer one catastrophic question for the Secret
42:39Service if you knew between 530 and 545 that there was an unmitigated threat out
42:47there using a rangefinder to range in on the stage to take a shot at Donald
42:54Trump why did you let him out on the stage this has been the number one
43:00question I have asked on this show for two weeks media people stay focused
43:05every other there are a ton of important questions I get that the only question
43:11that matters right now so we don't get this guy potentially killed Donald Trump
43:15still needs to be protected why was he allowed on the X why was he allowed at
43:23that podium nobody can answer this no one thing is they can they just don't
43:30want to Anna Paulina Luna did another great job yesterday she realizes that
43:37there's a serious perjury problem here and gives her no way out Kim Cheadle I'm
43:42telling you man you better lawyer up you've got some real problems after
43:46yesterday's hearing why I don't know what the hell you thought you were
43:49pulling yesterday you thought you were too slick by half you weren't you blew
43:53it Anna Paulina Luna totally gets it does a follow-up on that question and
43:58then demands a perjury investigation which I hope speaker Johnson will comply
44:02with check this out it seems as though that when you were asked earlier from
44:07rep Kristen Morphe about whether or not Secret Service was aware of a threat you
44:12had said no they were unaware of a threat and yet according to
44:15communications again from law enforcement that were in some of these
44:20group chats they actually had reported that Secret Service was made aware of a
44:25threat at around 559 p.m. as a part of the command including Secret Service
44:30aware of messages and requests about information about the suspects location
44:34can you please tell me if you have knowledge of that at all again I think
44:39we're conflating the difference between the term threat and suspicious but you
44:46guys did have knowledge at 559 p.m. according to those group chats did you
44:49not of a suspicious individual okay chairman in my opinion according to some
44:56of the testimony today I feel that you have perjured yourself in some instances
45:00and so I'm going to ask for a full review of the transcripts by staff and
45:03if you find that to be the case I do ask that you bring perjury charges against
45:06the director you know let me be clear unlike the left I understand the
45:13difference between a man and a woman the XX and XY chromosomes however Anna
45:19Paulina Luna seems to have have more balls than anyone out there I mean yes
45:27it appears to me she may have perjured herself too do you believe the stupidity
45:35of that answer Justin a Michael or Sydney they have no experience in the
45:39Secret Service at all like you're confusing a threat and suspicious the
45:46person's suspicious because of a fucking threat you moron
45:56why would someone be suspicious is this the dumbest word game you've ever heard
46:02I don't know they had a backpack you couldn't see in at an event he didn't
46:07want to pass through a magnetometer and then use the rangefinder to see the
46:12distance to the stage while not secreted in the crowd and randomly walking around
46:18in an open field after arriving on a bike that's not a threat what a moron
46:29you said this in public the person's suspicious because they are doing
46:40something potentially threatening my 12 year old understands this you were the
46:48director of the Secret Service you idiot what the hell does someone have to do to
46:54be declared a threat put a sign up I want to shoot Donald Trump from the roof
47:01what is wrong with you
47:09folks I gotta tell you I'm very proud of the guys I work with and the people
47:13blowing the whistle to me I am I'm proud of you and I work with some good people
47:16and I stand by that people who did an amazing job guys who got hurt and ill
47:22and sick and worked through it and you know worked overnight hours on no sleep
47:27but this is a freaking disgrace it's the first time in my life candidly I'm
47:31embarrassed to tell people what I did I never seen anything like this in my life
47:36this woman is disgraced 50 years of hard work embarrassment
47:43which could not resign soon enough I was you know this is part of the show today
47:47this letter but it's now irrelevant I was like when I put this in last night I
47:51prepared most of the show the night before and make sure ahead of it this
47:56was a demand by Jamie Raskin you can scroll down a little bit if you don't
47:59mind you're gonna see Jamie Raskin he's a Democrat the ranking member and James
48:03Comer Republican for her resignation that's why I said last night I mean it's
48:07not it wasn't some big Stygian witches prediction give me the eye once she lost
48:11the support of Democrats Raskin who's a powerful member of Congress he's a
48:15delusional maniac made the thing about gun control yesterday she had no
48:19political cover whatsoever you think Biden who's obviously in the
48:24middle of a severe health crisis how severe we don't even know and Kamala
48:28Harris who again the latest poll has her down in every swing state in 11 points
48:32you think Biden and Harris want this headache after that abomination of a
48:36hearing there was no way simply no way she survived the week however she's not
48:45done get those communications you will find out likely more things I still want
48:52to know about cocaine gate the January 6 text the abomination of the assassination
48:58attempt if Kim Cheadle was communicating on her personal device if on these
49:03encrypted things which multiple sources are kind of winking and nodding I want
49:09it and you should want it too who knows what kind of information is on
49:14there folks are batting average the last few weeks is a thousand over the
49:19last few years it's about 996 it's kind of weird when I told you that Joe Biden
49:26was not going to be the nominee which we said multiple times again it wasn't
49:31something only I said it was most conservative commentators saw the
49:34writing on the wall you did well I've you know you know I'm proud of you for
49:39saying that I mean Avita that's a very honest thing he does like I didn't
49:41believe you which is nice you can eat it could have just bailed and been like
49:44yeah you nailed it I was with you but well why didn't you believe me I'm just
49:47curious she does she thought there's no way it was too far you know what I did
49:54too I for a while I told you that they weren't gonna leave until dr. Jill said
49:58it but once I saw the Michigan poll and once I saw Pelosi start to Hemminghaw I
50:05knew it was over ladies and gentlemen Pelosi and Obama run the party once the
50:09political knives come out from Pelosi it's over listen you may not like
50:13Pelosi I certainly don't can we all agree everyone agreed yes but she's done
50:17more damage to the country than anyone I'm telling you as a Democrat she's not
50:22kidding when her daughter said you toy with Pelosi she's gonna make your life
50:25miserable okay even AOC had a pipe down with Pelosi and she doesn't shut up for
50:31anything when we called it a while ago that Biden was not gonna be the nominee
50:37this happened from the hapless NBC News which folks it's not even funny anymore
50:43but NBC News is batting average you realize it's about it's below the
50:48Mendoza line NBC's batting average on actual news is seriously about a 150
50:54they cannot get anything right we have right with 27 errors in five games
51:00Republicans float a quiet conspiracy theory that Biden won't be on the ballot
51:04Matt Dixon, Dasha Burns, and Alex Tabea or whatever
51:11peepee hoax impeachment hoax the cheap fakes conspiracy Biden won't be on the
51:17ballot is a conspiracy theory you understand if you oh wait oh look at
51:22this just breaking just a few minutes ago I was wondering why he's putting up
51:26his finger like what the hell's he doing over there here's from the official
51:29POTUS president United States account President Biden tomorrow evening at 8
51:33p.m. Eastern he will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead
51:36and how I will finish the job for the American people oh my gosh finish the
51:40job please stop finishing the job holy shit stop finishing the job hey can you
51:48go with that recording thing I said was last but remember I threw it in the last
51:51minute can you play that yeah Kamala you know she's folks listen just again I'm
51:55applying the Bongino rule on this you know I'd rather be right than first
51:59because my credibility matters I'm gonna ruin my batting average because I owe
52:02you the truth right there is absolutely zero question Biden's going through a
52:06health crisis that's not that's not a dispute does he have COVID whatever he's
52:11got something I don't know what happened there's a lot of reports out there about
52:16him having some kind of infarction incident maybe a TIA COVID I don't know
52:23I'm not his doctor there's zero question however his health is very poor buckle
52:29up from now to November okay this was kind of very weird though yesterday
52:35Kamala Harris is giving her first speech as the now I guess presumptive nominee
52:41now that she's amassed the delegates now the only question is who she's gonna run
52:45with I would guess it'd probably be Mark Kelly from Arizona but we'll see
52:49senator from Arizona she says this when she welcomes Joe who allegedly calls in
52:57to the meeting she seems to want to say thanks for the recording and catches
53:03herself this is awfully weird a lot of people had some speculation check this
53:06out here our president's voice Joe I know you're still on the on the call and
53:11we've been talking every day you probably you guys heard it from Doug's
53:15voice we love Joe and Jill oh I'm sure you do I'm sure you love them a lot you
53:21know shame on me because yesterday I put out in the show in the headline about
53:26the was there a coup against Joe Biden and I'm I regret not tying that up let
53:32me just write this here so we cover it on radio too we got so lost in the
53:36Secret Service story as the hearing was going on I am hearing a number of
53:40rumors that it was Kamala Harris and her team who stabbed Joe in the back with
53:46Pelosi and we're threatening in fact this 25th Amendment thing which her in
53:51a cabinet where I'm hearing we're kind of quietly kicking around it was it was
53:56one of those things everybody was afraid to say it until someone said it so I I
54:02want to see number one I want to see two things I would love to see the
54:06communications if they're out there they were probably quiet about it I think
54:10these were in-person meetings given the cryptic nature of it I wouldn't be so
54:14sure Kamala Nancy Clinton and Obama didn't marshal this thing themselves
54:18using the 25th Amendment as a threat you heard it here first I think very
54:25it's very totally completely this is like old like end-stage Roman Republic
54:30stuff I'm hearing they may have been behind this threat that hey you get out
54:34now but we're gonna make this an issue and the health crisis he's having now
54:39might have been a vehicle for that I want to see those communications but
54:44second and this is super important I also want to see any communications
54:49about Hunter Biden if there was some kind of a deal cut that okay I'll exit
54:54now but you have to commute the sentence of Hunter or or my my brother if he's
55:00charged or pardon or whatever it is I want to see that now I would not be the
55:06least bit surprised if these sources were accurate about that and you can
55:09call it a conspiracy theory all you want your batting average is absolute shit
55:13and mines a thousand I'll put my sources up against yours any day any day
55:19I want to end with this one a kind of a lighter note because Kamala Harris did
55:25Trump thing but she talks in right put the cue that one up there when I was
55:27gonna play before after NBC News folks on a little bit of a lighter note it's a
55:31heavy news day obviously there's so much going on we have almost 200,000 people
55:35do you remember this from Donald Trump when he was talking about Kamala with
55:39Tucker Carlson this is probably one of the most epic sound bites you will ever
55:43hear about failed vice president Kamala Harris soon-to-be presumptive
55:49presidential candidate nominee for the left this is unbelievable by the way I'm
55:53changing my X and truth posts every day about Biden being the worst president
55:57starting tomorrow it's gonna be Kamala Harris vice president so look for that
56:01this is Donald Trump never fails and producing a great sound bite check this
56:05out she has some bad moments her moments are almost as bad as his I think his are
56:10worse actually yeah she seems pretty senile too she speaks in in rhyme you
56:16know it's weird it's weird but she has bad moments and in rhyme what do you
56:22well the way she talks the bus will go here and then the bus will go there
56:26because that's what buses do and it's weird the whole thing is weird this is
56:30not a president of the United States future and I think they probably have
56:35some kind of a primary and it's gotta be the funniest kind of version and the
56:40bus goes here the bus goes there and the bus goes wherever it is classic Donald
56:45Trump summing up Kamala Harris folks tomorrow I was gonna get to it today I
56:48just don't have any time I'm really sorry tomorrow I'm gonna introduce you
56:52to the real Kamala Harris it is gonna be the most damning expose of who she
56:56really is that you've seen anywhere I promise you it ain't pretty media people
57:02I hope you got your pens out today all the breaking news folks please download
57:06the rumble app it is the home the exclusive home for breaking news over
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57:41to you you all are the best deeply appreciate it see you on the radio show
57:44on rumble in a few minutes and back here at 11 a.m. tomorrow thanks again
57:48you just heard the Dan Bongino show
