Zzara Sultana Mp

  • 3 months ago
Zzara Sultana Mp
00:00If the Labour Party has a moral mission, it must be to eradicate poverty.
00:05After 14 years of Conservatives, out at we have a record 4.3 million children growing
00:10up in poverty.
00:11They go to bed hungry, they struggle more in school, their mental health and physical
00:15health takes a hit, their parents are put through hell to try to make ends meet.
00:21I of course welcome the Child Poverty Taskforce, but everyone in this chamber has read the
00:27briefings, everyone knows the evidence is overwhelming.
00:31The key driver of rising child poverty is the two-child benefit cap, and the single
00:36most effective way of tackling child poverty is immediately lifting 300,000 children out
00:42of poverty by scrapping this cruel policy.
00:47I will be voting for it, thank you.
00:48It is a move backed by everyone from Gordon Brown, all 11 trade unions affiliated to the
00:54Labour Party, as well as the TUC which represents 6 million workers, as well as the Archbishop
01:00of Canterbury and Save the Children.
01:02With a 1% wealth tax on assets over £10 million, you could raise the funds to pay for this
01:07policy three times over.
01:10Kids should not have to suffer a single day in avoidable poverty.
01:14So I will be voting for the amendments selected by the Speaker to scrap this cruel Tory policy,
01:19and at this late stage I appeal to our new Labour Front Bench, let's deliver the change
01:23the country has called for, adopt the policy and immediately lift 300,000 children out
01:29of poverty.
