The Family Star 2024 Hindi Dubbed Movie

  • 2 months ago
The Family Star 2024 Hindi Dubbed Movie

The Family Star 2024
The Family Star 2024 Movie

Entertainment world
00:00:00This is the North-East corner, uncle.
00:00:12The water here should always be flowing.
00:00:14Why am I coughing so much?
00:00:20Someone is definitely cursing me.
00:00:30This is the South-West corner, uncle.
00:00:42Lakshmi resides here.
00:00:44Which idiot has cooked chicken in front of the door?
00:00:45This is the East corner, uncle.
00:00:46The main entry point.
00:00:47We will build a nice gate here.
00:00:48The size is right, uncle.
00:00:55Four by eight.
00:01:00By the way, I am sure today is going to be a good day.
00:01:17This is the East corner, uncle.
00:01:27This is the North-West corner, uncle.
00:01:36The main entry point.
00:01:37Look at this, Ekadashi.
00:01:38Let's fix the time to enter the house.
00:01:40Sorry, uncle.
00:01:41I forgot to bring coconut for the auspicious time.
00:01:42That's why I broke his head.
00:01:43So, uncle, the ground floor's work is done.
00:01:44Now let's see the plan for the first floor.
00:01:47It's OK, uncle.
00:01:50You just finished the ground floor.
00:01:52Don't be in such a hurry to make the first floor.
00:01:54You should work with confidence so that there is no left or right.
00:01:58If the first floor breaks, then the ground floor will also be damaged for free.
00:02:01Come on, let him do his work.
00:02:07Govardhan, thank you, son.
00:02:11I will not give you an S.
00:02:14I'll give you one of those.
00:02:16I grew up in poverty.
00:02:18How could I let you get lost?
00:02:23Here's your salary, son.
00:02:27Sorry, uncle.
00:02:29I'm in poverty.
00:02:31I can't leave my hard-earned money.
00:02:40Speed up a bit.
00:02:42Where will you get a tortoise like this?
00:02:45Don't do better than this.
00:02:48Where are you going?
00:02:49Jumping like a rabbit.
00:02:55As if you don't know.
00:02:57Silly question.
00:02:59I'm going to look for my space.
00:03:00Today, I'll rest in solitude.
00:03:03Tomorrow, I'll wake up fresh.
00:03:04Hey, I've rented your space.
00:03:07What the...
00:03:15Who gave you my space?
00:03:19And to whom did you give it?
00:03:21I'll throw him out right now.
00:03:26How dare you take my room?
00:04:05House owner.
00:04:07Oh, it's you.
00:04:11Can you give me God's photo, please?
00:04:22Thank you.
00:04:34Hi, Indu.
00:04:36I've been wanting to meet you since I came here.
00:04:39I know this is your room.
00:04:41Your grandma told me.
00:04:43By the way, you're very lucky.
00:04:45So lucky.
00:04:47Such a lovely family.
00:04:49Everyone in the family loves and respects you a lot.
00:04:55I've seen that you're fully dependent on them.
00:04:57I've been hearing it since morning.
00:04:59Everyone has the same name.
00:05:02If the tap is leaking, Govardhan will fix it.
00:05:05If the house light is broken, Govardhan will fix it.
00:05:09If there's a small problem or a big one,
00:05:11Govardhan will fix it.
00:05:13Oh, my God!
00:05:14If someone like that comes in my life, my life will be set.
00:05:21Hey, sorry.
00:05:23I didn't mean that.
00:05:24I meant that if there's someone like that in the family,
00:05:28my life will be set, right?
00:05:29So, if I face any problem in the future,
00:05:33I'll call him too.
00:05:34Govardhan. Govardhan. Govardhan.
00:05:37Is that okay?
00:05:38Just like your family members.
00:05:42You like me, right?
00:05:49I mean, you liked your room, right?
00:05:59Thank you.
00:06:08Okay, listen.
00:06:13Good night.
00:06:16Good night.
00:06:21God, please protect me from him.
00:06:39What happened? Didn't you throw him out?
00:06:50She won't let me live in peace.
00:06:58Keep some space for me to sleep.
00:07:00I'll go and come back.
00:07:09How did you like her?
00:07:13I got her that house.
00:07:16How did you get her?
00:07:20Who is that girl?
00:07:21I met her at that time.
00:07:23I asked her if I could rent Govardhan's room.
00:07:26First, she said no.
00:07:28When I told her that the girl is beautiful, she agreed.
00:07:32But I don't understand why that girl came to my shop.
00:07:34Maybe she has an eye on you.
00:07:38What does she see in me?
00:07:40Tell me something.
00:07:41Why did she want this house?
00:07:43She accepts all your nonsense.
00:07:45No doubt.
00:07:47She is crazy about you.
00:07:49I don't know where you two are connected.
00:07:55Eat your food quietly.
00:07:56Otherwise, you'll have to stay hungry.
00:08:09Why is everyone crying together?
00:08:11Today, a new tenant ordered online biryani.
00:08:14Since then, everyone is insisting on biryani like a married man.
00:08:20When do we eat biryani in this house?
00:08:22Every fourth Sunday of the month, at lunch time.
00:08:25Why do you want to eat biryani on the second week of the month?
00:08:29Sir, ice-cream.
00:08:33We haven't had a good time with him yet.
00:08:37He is upstairs.
00:08:38Oh, sorry.
00:08:42Poor kids. They don't have ice-cream or biryani.
00:08:50Good morning, Govardhan. How are you?
00:08:52You can't order food online from every hotel in the city every hour.
00:08:56There are small kids in the house.
00:08:57They insist on eating whatever they see.
00:08:59They have been crying for biryani since last night.
00:09:02If you want to cook, cook inside or eat outside.
00:09:08Excuse me.
00:09:09I am talking to you.
00:09:11What's the point of shouting like this?
00:09:14If the kids are asking for something, give it to them.
00:09:17Or do one thing. Tell me what you want to order.
00:09:20I'll order it for them.
00:09:23What did you say?
00:09:26I said, what do you want to order for the kids?
00:09:28Tell me. I'll order it for them.
00:09:31Look, you are crossing your limit now.
00:09:34Why would you order food for us?
00:09:37Do I look poor?
00:09:39Discipline and timetable are important for kids.
00:09:41You should have asked me why I am doing what I am doing.
00:09:45If I want, I can order food for myself from a five-star hotel.
00:09:47Then you tell me what I should do.
00:09:49Should I eat food or starve like you?
00:09:55Are we starving?
00:09:58Are you out of your mind?
00:10:02Okay, forgive me. I didn't mean it.
00:10:05It's my first day. I was busy, so I ordered it.
00:10:09Henceforth, neither you nor your kids will have any problem because of me.
00:10:15Okay. Good day.
00:10:18Good day.
00:10:28God, please protect me from this.
00:10:34I don't have an iron on my clothes.
00:10:36I am getting late for college.
00:10:38Can you give me your iron?
00:10:44Hail Lord Ram.
00:10:46Hail Lord Ram.
00:10:52That girl...
00:10:54She wanted clothes and an iron.
00:11:00Why do you have to go?
00:11:03Send her to the kids.
00:11:04The kids are studying.
00:11:05No, no, no.
00:11:07No, no, no.
00:11:11No, no, no.
00:11:12She is busy playing.
00:11:15You go. Go.
00:11:17Go and pray.
00:11:20Yes, tell me.
00:11:21Gopi, your brother has created a ruckus at the wine shop.
00:11:25Let me go.
00:11:28Give the phone to Shekhar.
00:11:30Yes, Govardhan.
00:11:31Anna, give him whatever he wants.
00:11:34I will transfer the amount.
00:11:36Govardhan, what is this daily drama?
00:11:39How long will you tolerate him?
00:11:40I am quiet because of you.
00:11:42If it was someone else, I would have tied him up and beaten him.
00:11:46Why didn't you leave him in some mental asylum?
00:11:49If you say this to him again, I will kill you.
00:11:53I have asked you to give me liquor, not knowledge.
00:11:57Whatever he asks for from your shop, give it to him quietly.
00:12:05Stay with brother.
00:12:07When he is done, drop him home.
00:12:16Listen, Govardhan.
00:12:18Everything depends on you.
00:12:20Remember one thing. That site belongs to the owner of this mall.
00:12:23Consider that the project is yours, sir.
00:12:25The moment he sees the design, he will fall for it.
00:12:27Party. Party.
00:12:28I will dance. I will dance.
00:12:30I will dance. I will dance.
00:12:32I will dance. I will dance.
00:12:33Party. Party.
00:12:34Party. Party.
00:12:35Do you want popcorn?
00:12:36Sir, you go. I will join you in two minutes.
00:12:39Come fast. Let's go. Hurry up.
00:12:43It's so much fun today, isn't it?
00:12:46Party. Party.
00:12:47Party. Party.
00:12:49Party. Party.
00:12:50Popcorn. Popcorn.
00:12:54Come on.
00:12:56We have made a video. Watch it.
00:12:58Popcorn. Popcorn.
00:12:59Right. Right.
00:13:00Switch it off.
00:13:02Currently switched off.
00:13:07Yay! Party. Party.
00:13:09She won't bow down.
00:13:18Be careful while getting down.
00:13:21Come inside fast or he will come.
00:13:26Grandma, be careful.
00:13:28It was so much fun today, isn't it?
00:13:30We will go to the circus next week.
00:13:32After that water world and then shopping.
00:13:35We will make a new plan every week.
00:13:37It will be fun.
00:13:38See you tomorrow.
00:13:39Okay, grandma. Good night.
00:13:41Love you.
00:13:43I love you too.
00:13:44Good night.
00:13:45Good night.
00:13:54You told me that I can go out and eat.
00:13:57I didn't feel like going alone.
00:14:00So I thought I will ask my family once.
00:14:03I asked them and they agreed immediately.
00:14:05You have no idea how excited they were.
00:14:07Oh God! Grandma is on a different level.
00:14:10She left the kids behind to do mischief.
00:14:14If you want to see their real form,
00:14:15you should take them out sometimes.
00:14:17When we went to the mall, she couldn't get down from the escalator.
00:14:20She enjoyed a lot.
00:14:23She is crazy.
00:14:24Okay, I will leave now.
00:14:25Good night.
00:14:29Come here, everyone.
00:14:33What is going on?
00:14:36That girl who came yesterday calls you out to eat
00:14:38and you follow her like a sheep.
00:14:40It's not like that, Govardhan.
00:14:42The girl requested us many times.
00:14:44We didn't want to break her heart.
00:14:47Maybe that's why you left, sister-in-law.
00:14:50But people won't think like that.
00:14:56What else have you told her about us?
00:15:01What is there to be happy about the escalator at the mall?
00:15:05I don't understand how you got so close to that girl in such a short time.
00:15:09People like her become a part of the family
00:15:11and then they start breaking relationships.
00:15:14You spend the whole day in front of the TV with a remote in your hand.
00:15:18Haven't you learned anything from watching TV?
00:15:20You keep telling me not to listen to strangers.
00:15:23It's enough now.
00:15:26Stop hanging out with her.
00:15:28From now on, neither will that girl come to this house
00:15:30nor will you go to her room.
00:15:32Promise me.
00:15:35I promise, uncle. I won't go.
00:15:37I promise, uncle. I won't go.
00:15:39I promise, uncle. I won't go.
00:15:41I promise, uncle.
00:15:47I promise.
00:15:49Now go. Go and sleep.
00:16:04When did she come?
00:16:06Then why didn't you tell me?
00:16:10You are a complete fool.
00:16:15Excuse me. Hello.
00:16:17Hello, madam tenant.
00:16:23Why are you getting so angry? Listen to me.
00:16:35It's very hot.
00:16:42It's a special filter coffee.
00:16:44I made it myself.
00:16:47Actually, last night when we were talking about you...
00:17:04Just a minute.
00:17:07It says, important mail.
00:17:09Is it necessary, sir?
00:17:10Come, madam.
00:17:11Indu, listen.
00:17:12I'm very sorry about last night.
00:17:16Let's go.
00:17:17We'll talk on the phone.
00:17:24Yes, sir. I'm coming to the office.
00:17:25Yes, sir. I'll call you back.
00:17:33I've been trying to talk to you for a long time.
00:17:35Listen to me.
00:17:37Why are you chasing me?
00:17:40Actually, I was telling you about a real crime that night.
00:17:45It was a family matter. It was personal.
00:17:48God knows my intentions are good.
00:17:50I was saving my family from a stranger.
00:17:52Listen to me.
00:17:57I have to go to college.
00:17:59Can you drop me?
00:18:00You study in Central University, right?
00:18:04If I drop you to college and go to office,
00:18:06I'll have to travel 40 km more.
00:18:09I'll drop you if you give me a litre of petrol.
00:18:13Don't stare at me as if I've asked for your property.
00:18:16I have a budget.
00:18:19No compromise in this matter.
00:18:31Who is she, sir?
00:18:33She is beautiful.
00:18:34Are you in a relationship?
00:18:37It's nothing like that. She's just a good friend.
00:18:39I don't think you're ashamed.
00:18:41She's just a friend.
00:18:43Is it?
00:18:45You're great, sir.
00:18:47You got a girl even though you were broke.
00:18:50Oh, really?
00:18:51You're talking too much.
00:18:54Do I look like a pauper to you?
00:18:55You're not rich.
00:18:57Just do the job of filling up the petrol.
00:19:09I'll be free at 5 in the evening.
00:19:24What's wrong with you?
00:19:54I don't know what's happening to me
00:20:00I don't know what's happening to me
00:20:22Come on, say hi to sister
00:20:25Play with your sister today
00:20:27I'll tell sister in law that she has sent your food
00:20:29Go and talk to her. She is like a family member.
00:20:32No, uncle. We had promised.
00:20:34You will be in danger because of this.
00:20:36Not like that. I will take back my promise.
00:20:38Come here.
00:20:59Go and talk to her.
00:21:29Go and talk to her.
00:21:59I don't know what you said to your eyes.
00:22:03Tell me again.
00:22:05Happy Mother's Day, papa.
00:22:08Thank you, son.
00:22:09Daddy, daddy. Wake up, daddy.
00:22:12Happy Mother's Day, daddy.
00:22:14Happy Mother's Day, daddy.
00:22:26Happy Mother's Day, uncle.
00:22:29Happy Mother's Day, uncle.
00:22:59Happy Mother's Day, uncle.
00:23:30I don't know what you said to your eyes.
00:23:33Tell me again.
00:23:38What was hidden in your words?
00:23:41Tell me openly.
00:23:46The wind seems like a cloud.
00:23:50Why is the atmosphere so fragrant?
00:23:54I don't know what is happening to me.
00:23:59I don't know what is happening to me.
00:24:25Write it on this line.
00:24:29Who are you?
00:24:38Who are you?
00:24:43I am asking you.
00:24:45Who are you?
00:24:48Will you let me eat?
00:24:50Your grandson has made my life hell.
00:24:52He took money to drink alcohol.
00:24:54Now he is not taking back his promise.
00:24:57He has taken 8 lakhs.
00:24:59And he spent it all on alcohol.
00:25:01I thought he would do a good job and return it.
00:25:03Now when I ask for money, he shows me attitude.
00:25:06Who does this by taking money?
00:25:08These drunkards are like this.
00:25:10They don't care about their wife and children.
00:25:18Yes, but I care a lot about you.
00:25:27Why are you wasting your youth like this?
00:25:33My man will come in an hour with an auto.
00:25:36If you have money, send it to your husband.
00:25:40And if not, come yourself.
00:25:50Look at this green eye.
00:25:52We specially imported from Italy.
00:25:54It's perfect for your pool area.
00:26:09Take care of that.
00:26:11Manju will take care of you, sir.
00:26:36Uncle, why are we here?
00:26:38To show you a movie.
00:26:46All this...
00:26:47You just chill.
00:26:51No school, no tuition today.
00:26:54Cancel everything.
00:26:55The lessons that uncle will teach you today...
00:26:58You won't get them in school or any book.
00:27:00If someone troubles the family...
00:27:02Or harasses the ladies in the family...
00:27:04Or misbehaves with them...
00:27:07I will give you a practical demo of how to handle them.
00:27:12So watch and learn.
00:27:14When you grow up and meet a villain...
00:27:16You have to treat him like this.
00:27:19Let's go.
00:27:23Okay, uncle.
00:27:25Okay, uncle.
00:27:33You came home this afternoon, right?
00:27:36I gave you an order.
00:27:38Send the ladies of the house in an auto.
00:27:41Are the ladies enough?
00:27:44Or will the men of the house also come?
00:27:46I heard your family is very simple.
00:27:49If this gets out, you will be defamed.
00:28:19A woman feels safe in her house...
00:28:22Because she knows her family will protect her.
00:28:26She is not just the daughter-in-law of that house.
00:28:29She is the owner of that house.
00:29:11Don't be scared.
00:29:20Come on!
00:29:31Come on!
00:29:49Come on!
00:29:51Come on!
00:30:18You just asked for your money.
00:30:19Why are you hitting us?
00:30:20You just asked for your money.
00:30:25Or did you ask for the respect of my house?
00:30:55Don't do this again.
00:30:58Don't forget that we have a man in our house.
00:31:01The people of this house love each other.
00:31:04They won't wait for an auto like you.
00:31:08Wherever you meet...
00:31:10In the warehouse or in the field...
00:31:13In a bus, train or in a car...
00:31:19They will bury you there.
00:31:22Let's go, kids.
00:31:23Let's go.
00:31:41I want to talk to you.
00:31:45Don't turn away.
00:31:46I want to talk to you.
00:31:49I want to talk to you.
00:31:53What's your problem?
00:31:57Why are you drinking day and night?
00:32:04I have never seen my father.
00:32:07Ever since I was a child, I've seen my father's face in you.
00:32:11Do you know how much I love you?
00:32:15Let me pay the fees for these kids.
00:32:17I'll get it for her if she needs it.
00:32:18I don't think it's a burden.
00:32:20It's not like it'll ever be a burden.
00:32:24I'm doing this because I think it's my duty.
00:32:28I love you, that's why I'm doing this.
00:32:32Let's end this right here.
00:32:36This isn't right.
00:32:38This is a loss for the family.
00:32:42And I can't see you get ruined like this.
00:32:47I'm sorry.
00:32:51And who are you so angry with?
00:32:54At me?
00:32:57You can kill me and let your anger cool down.
00:33:05I want you to start living a normal life again.
00:33:08Go back to your books.
00:33:17What happened between them, grandma?
00:33:19Why is there so much hatred between them?
00:33:21Can you tell me?
00:33:25We are all humans.
00:33:28Mistakes happen.
00:33:32Why can't a human do a million good deeds for his loved ones?
00:33:37But why do we have to be so selfish?
00:33:41Why do we have to be so selfish?
00:33:43Why can't a human do a million good deeds for his loved ones?
00:33:47But why do we have to be so selfish?
00:33:49But why do we have to be so selfish?
00:33:55You are back.
00:33:57How was your interview?
00:33:59Absolutely rubbish.
00:34:01They ask weird questions.
00:34:03They have nothing to do with jobs.
00:34:05I'll try next year.
00:34:07Uncle, when did you come?
00:34:09How many more years will you be unemployed?
00:34:11You are very proud of your knowledge, right?
00:34:15Passing an exam is not enough to start a family.
00:34:19People will ask questions if it's an interview.
00:34:23How long will you break bread for free?
00:34:27I'll try again next year.
00:34:31They will understand the meaning of hard work when they work.
00:34:35They will understand when they have to pay school fees.
00:34:37Let him speak.
00:34:41Don't you understand responsibility?
00:34:51He was addicted to alcohol since that day.
00:34:55He never came back after that.
00:35:01He couldn't get rid of his addiction.
00:35:03He couldn't get rid of his addiction.
00:35:07Govardhan was punished without doing anything wrong.
00:35:11He considers himself a criminal
00:35:13for his sister-in-law
00:35:15and for the pain of his children.
00:35:19And since then,
00:35:21he is scared.
00:35:25What if one day,
00:35:27his sister-in-law takes responsibility
00:35:29for this addiction?
00:35:33What if all the children at home
00:35:35don't think of him as the reason
00:35:37for their father's addiction?
00:35:39If that happens,
00:35:45he won't be able to live
00:35:47after that.
00:36:03How many are those?
00:36:07I mean,
00:36:09how many leaves are there on this tree?
00:36:11You've been counting them since so long, right?
00:36:19What happened?
00:36:21Are you in a bad mood?
00:36:23I'm not in a bad mood.
00:36:25I'm not in a bad mood.
00:36:27I'm not in a bad mood.
00:36:29I'm not in a bad mood.
00:36:31What happened?
00:36:33Are you in a bad mood?
00:36:35Why would I be?
00:36:37Because of what happened last night?
00:36:41I'm very happy.
00:36:45Even though it was a long time ago,
00:36:47he looked at me.
00:36:49I'm happy.
00:36:53His burden must have been lightened.
00:37:01That interview
00:37:03wasn't a big deal.
00:37:07Let's crack it next time.
00:37:11It was my fault.
00:37:13I shouldn't have said it
00:37:15in front of everyone.
00:37:17Hey, stupid.
00:37:19Then why do you look so upset?
00:37:21The one who takes responsibility
00:37:23has a right to speak.
00:37:25So don't think so much.
00:37:37What is this?
00:37:41For your loan.
00:37:43I saved it for my fees.
00:37:45But you can keep it.
00:37:47Hey, are you crazy?
00:37:49I'll take care of it.
00:37:51Don't get involved in this.
00:37:53He came here and created a scene yesterday.
00:37:55Then you went there and beat him up.
00:37:57He can do something again tomorrow, right?
00:37:59Why take a risk?
00:38:01Take this and give it to him.
00:38:07So you're afraid of this.
00:38:09You know, I'm afraid too.
00:38:11I won't be able to repay you
00:38:13if I take the money.
00:38:15It's easier for me to go there
00:38:17and beat him up
00:38:19than to repay you.
00:38:21I'll slap you.
00:38:23If you ever talk about
00:38:25returning the money,
00:38:27I won't talk to you for the rest of my life.
00:38:35You take such good care of your family.
00:38:41There should be someone
00:38:43to take care of you.
00:38:57What do you mean?
00:39:05What do you mean by that?
00:39:07I'm a fool.
00:39:27Hey, stop.
00:39:29Come here.
00:39:31What are you doing up there?
00:39:33Are you crazy?
00:39:35Will you take care of me for the rest of my life?
00:39:39I have a lot of responsibilities.
00:39:41Then we'll take care of them together.
00:39:43I give all my time
00:39:45to my family.
00:39:47I don't waste any time.
00:39:49But now I'm
00:39:51family too.
00:39:58I know.
00:40:00I'm very stubborn.
00:40:02A man should be stubborn.
00:40:04Hey, you...
00:40:06Hey, you talk too much.
00:40:24Hey, did you kiss him?
00:40:28After seeing him,
00:40:30no one will be able to live
00:40:32without kissing him.
00:40:37One thing is not done properly.
00:40:39Come quickly and bring the photo along.
00:40:41Ask for money whenever you want.
00:40:43Hey, who's going to pay for all this?
00:40:45Hey, you miser.
00:40:47The budget is always clear.
00:40:49It's your first love.
00:40:51We'll take care of it.
00:40:53You go inside.
00:40:55Today is a very special day for all of us.
00:40:57Indu will enter from there in a while.
00:40:59As soon as she enters,
00:41:01you have to blast her.
00:41:03As soon as this paper flies in the air,
00:41:05you have to shout,
00:41:07Welcome dear Indu aunty.
00:41:11She's not Indu aunty.
00:41:13She's my sister.
00:41:15Who told you that?
00:41:17Did I tell you to call her sister?
00:41:19Whenever you want something,
00:41:21you come to me.
00:41:23When Indu comes inside,
00:41:25what will you shout?
00:41:29Very good.
00:41:31Now all of you practice.
00:41:33Okay aunty.
00:41:41There are flowers on the way.
00:41:43Didn't you see?
00:41:45Sorry Govardhan.
00:41:47Your tenant gave me a book.
00:41:49She said it's urgent.
00:41:51Give it to me.
00:41:55She's not a tenant anymore.
00:41:57She's the owner of this house.
00:41:59Distribute your money to the entire colony.
00:42:01Wear your helmet.
00:42:05Keep aunty's book inside.
00:42:07Are all the crackers ready?
00:42:21Give it to me.
00:43:01What's this?
00:43:03Didn't she love you?
00:43:05Did she pretend to love you?
00:43:19Indu, final year MA.
00:43:21First floor.
00:43:33Excuse me.
00:43:35Indu, MA Anthropology.
00:43:37Who are you?
00:43:53You did a great job, Indu.
00:43:55Thank you, ma'am.
00:43:57You can't believe, ma'am.
00:43:59Indu should get the world's best actor award for her performance.
00:44:01What a fool she was.
00:44:03No one doubted her.
00:44:05She slowly became a part of her family.
00:44:07She slowly became a part of her family.
00:44:09And she completed her thesis.
00:44:17How did you get here?
00:44:21Why are you standing like this?
00:44:23Is everything okay?
00:44:27What's this?
00:44:29Come here for a minute.
00:44:31I'll explain.
00:44:33What's this?
00:44:39You can't scream here.
00:44:41This is a library.
00:44:43Not a fish market.
00:44:47She's writing a thesis on a middle class family.
00:44:49She's writing a thesis on a middle class family.
00:44:53You got a by chance, okay?
00:44:55Got it?
00:44:57Hey, please.
00:45:07Actually, Govardhan...
00:45:15Do you have any humanity?
00:45:19You came to our house.
00:45:21You became a part of our family.
00:45:23And when they accepted you,
00:45:25you ruined their life.
00:45:29Without permission,
00:45:31no one goes to a stranger's house and drinks water.
00:45:33And you...
00:45:37What will you gain by writing a thesis on us?
00:45:41Oh, yes, a doctorate.
00:45:43You'll get a stipend of 40,000.
00:45:45Come, let's see what you've written.
00:45:51A family that has been destroyed by poverty.
00:45:55You only saw poverty in my family.
00:45:57And the love they gave you...
00:45:59Listen to me.
00:46:01What's left to hear?
00:46:05This is not called poverty, madam.
00:46:07Whatever you get from love,
00:46:09it's called finding happiness in it.
00:46:13A brother is ruined by the addiction.
00:46:21What do you know about them?
00:46:25My brother has been an all-India topper
00:46:27in the civil services exam.
00:46:29He's an addict.
00:46:33A middle-class family's children
00:46:35have to compromise in everything they do.
00:46:37Whether it's clothes,
00:46:41or even food.
00:46:45This is what you think.
00:46:47You think it's a thesis
00:46:49to ruin my family's reputation.
00:46:51This is not a thesis.
00:46:55This is my family's judgment
00:46:57in your eyes.
00:46:59No, it's not like that at all.
00:47:01Stay away from me!
00:47:03You've lost this right.
00:47:09To get a stupid degree...
00:47:13How can I...
00:47:15How can I...
00:47:25First write your thesis on your character.
00:47:45A family is ruined by the addiction.
00:47:47A middle-class family's children
00:47:49have to compromise in everything they do.
00:47:51Whether it's clothes,
00:47:55or even food.
00:48:15Come on.
00:48:31Put the blueprints on this table and...
00:48:33Sir, sir, good morning.
00:48:35Sir, did you recognize me?
00:48:37Actually, we met
00:48:39on my graduation day at college.
00:48:41How could I forget you?
00:48:43I offered you a job, which you very rudely rejected.
00:48:47It's not like that, sir.
00:48:48I liked your presentation and the way you looked at architecture.
00:48:52You were going to give a profit share in the US project with a good salary.
00:48:55You rejected that too.
00:48:57My family was in a bad situation.
00:48:59That's why I couldn't go to the US.
00:49:01I've had meetings with my client for two days.
00:49:02But now, if there's an opportunity, tell me, sir.
00:49:05I really want to work with you, sir.
00:49:07Sir, if you say yes, I can leave everything and join immediately.
00:49:12Sir, please, sir.
00:49:22Do one thing.
00:49:23Fulfill the formalities of his appointment.
00:49:24Okay, sir.
00:49:35You poor fellow!
00:49:37Sorry, ma'am.
00:49:43The latest and the most costly phone in the market.
00:49:46I had written in my thesis that Goverdhan uses a broken screen phone.
00:49:49Now, he uses a limited edition phone.
00:49:51Write it down.
00:49:51I'll prove everything you wrote in your thesis wrong in a week.
00:49:54Then, you'll write a new thesis.
00:49:56Please, Goverdhan.
00:49:57Shut up!
00:50:12Look at this.
00:50:15I had written on page number 13 that Goverdhan uses a 25-year-old bike
00:50:18and uses a petrol of Rs. 23.
00:50:20Throw it away.
00:50:22When a sleeping middle-class man wakes up,
00:50:24he shakes the whole world.
00:50:26Write it down.
00:50:30Bye, kids. Bye.
00:50:33Bye, uncle.
00:50:34Bye, uncle.
00:50:36Yes, yes.
00:50:37Did you see that?
00:50:39I got him out of the government school and put him in a private school.
00:50:41One of the top IB schools in the state.
00:50:44AC bus for pickup.
00:50:45Breakfast and lunch provided by the school.
00:50:47Write it down.
00:50:48If he's not studying well, I'll send him to the Ooty boarding school.
00:50:50Okay, sir. Listen to me.
00:50:50No, sir. No.
00:50:52Don't try to fool me.
00:50:58Now, look at this.
00:51:00Your eyes will be wide open when you see this.
00:51:02You had written that Goverdhan works in a small office of 1200 square feet.
00:51:08Here he is.
00:51:091,20,000 square foot office.
00:51:13It was written on page number 46.
00:51:14Goverdhan works hard day and night,
00:51:16but he earns 1,00,000 rupees.
00:51:18Change it.
00:51:19Goverdhan has Kuber's treasure in his hands.
00:51:21It's a good thing, but the money...
00:51:24Last but not the least.
00:51:26This will be my last call to you.
00:51:28If you want to know anything about me after this,
00:51:31read it in Forbes magazine.
00:51:33Good bye.
00:51:36May I come in, sir?
00:52:22Hi, Goverdhan.
00:52:25Hi, sir.
00:52:26How are you?
00:52:26All good, sir.
00:52:30He's Goverdhan.
00:52:31He'll handle our US project.
00:52:37My daughter.
00:52:40I'm the CEO of this company.
00:53:07I'm the CEO of this company.
00:53:24Push it down, pussy.
00:53:26Push it up.
00:53:31I'm the CEO of this company.
00:53:33I'm the CEO of this company.
00:54:05You took such a big loan even before you got a job, how are you going to pay it now?
00:54:22Hey, did I ever dream that she would be the daughter of an MD?
00:54:27And if she's my daughter, should I perform aarti?
00:54:30I belong to my place.
00:54:33What will she do to me?
00:54:34She'll ask for the money I gave her, right?
00:54:36I'll give it to her.
00:54:38I'll mortgage my house and throw the money on her face.
00:54:41How many times will you mortgage and how much money will you get?
00:54:45Your house is not a white house, it's a small house.
00:54:54Hey Gautham, this is Ramesh calling from the accounts department of Indu Infra.
00:55:03Yes, Mr. Ramesh.
00:55:04Yes, tell me.
00:55:06Actually, I was discussing the same thing with my friends.
00:55:10If you take two weeks from MD sir, I'll somehow arrange the money and return it.
00:55:15What money are you talking about?
00:55:17I haven't called you for any amount.
00:55:20Actually, I got a visa appointment slot in the US consulate at 11 am yesterday.
00:55:25Oh, really?
00:55:26Yes, next week you have to be in America.
00:55:28All the best, Gautham.
00:55:32Thank you.
00:55:54This is Govardhan's talent.
00:55:57That girl knew very well that she made a mistake.
00:56:00That's why she didn't tell her father.
00:56:02If she had told him, he would have given me my share.
00:56:06Now watch my show.
00:56:09I'll put my life at stake to make the project successful.
00:56:13Then I'll come to India and start my own startup.
00:56:17I'll take my family to a different level.
00:56:22No one will dare to call my family low class.
00:56:28Take care.
00:56:31Okay, okay.
00:56:32I'll bring something for everyone. I promise.
00:56:34All the best, Gopi.
00:56:35Take care.
00:56:36Bye, sir.
00:56:37Bye, kids.
00:56:39Bye. Take care.
00:56:44Excuse me.
00:56:45Please come here, ma'am.
00:56:50Your boarding pass, ma'am.
00:56:51Thank you.
00:56:52Happy journey.
00:56:53Thank you.
00:56:58Ramesh sir.
00:56:59Yes, tell me, Govardhan.
00:57:00Have you reached the airport?
00:57:01Yes, I have.
00:57:02So nice.
00:57:04What is this girl doing here?
00:57:06You don't plan to send her with me, do you?
00:57:08Which girl?
00:57:09You mean our Hindu ma'am?
00:57:11No, she's not going with you.
00:57:13You're going with her.
00:57:15Ma'am, she's the CEO of the company.
00:57:18You've met her, haven't you?
00:57:21Happy journey, brother.
00:57:23Why should I be happy?
00:57:24You be happy.
00:57:26Okay, listen.
00:57:27Our seats are not together in the flight, right?
00:57:30Because I don't want to create any chemistry with ma'am.
00:57:34That's not possible.
00:57:35Your seat is very far from her.
00:57:37Don't worry.
00:57:38Ma'am will travel in the first class.
00:57:40And you will travel in the economy.
00:57:42If not physics, then chemistry.
00:57:45You're making fun of me.
00:57:46Okay, Ramesh sir, cancel my ticket.
00:57:48I'm going home.
00:57:50Govardhan, wait.
00:57:51Why are you getting angry on me?
00:57:53No, there's confusion in the seating.
00:57:54I'm going.
00:57:55No, no, no.
00:57:56We're waiting for you.
00:57:57Let me do it.
00:57:58What do you want?
00:57:59You want a first class ticket, right?
00:58:01Just give me five minutes.
00:58:03I'll upgrade it right away.
00:58:18Hari, Govardhan.
00:58:19Bobby, look at this.
00:58:20First class cabin.
00:58:23Macho, look at the plane.
00:58:24Hello, aunty.
00:58:26It's so nice, isn't it?
00:58:28From today, whenever our family travels somewhere,
00:58:31we'll do it in the first class.
00:58:32Yes, why not?
00:58:33Can you see?
00:58:34I've reached.
00:58:38Where's grandma?
00:58:40Look at this.
00:58:41You must be feeling like a chair.
00:58:43It's a bed.
00:58:44Press a button.
00:58:45It becomes a full bed.
00:58:47The whole family can sleep.
00:58:49Look, how big it is.
00:58:50You've become such a big man.
00:58:52This is just the beginning.
00:58:53Once the project is done,
00:58:54we'll buy a private jet.
00:58:57Uncle, sister Indu is also in the flight, right?
00:58:59Give her the phone.
00:59:00I want to talk to her.
00:59:01Shut up.
00:59:02How many times have I told you?
00:59:03Don't call her sister.
00:59:04She's your aunt.
00:59:07Don't you dare call her aunt from now on.
00:59:10From now on, every girl will be your sister.
00:59:12Study well.
00:59:14Got it?
00:59:17I've told Ramesh so many times
00:59:18not to make her sit next to me.
00:59:20He ruined my mood.
00:59:22The world is full of cheaters, aunty.
00:59:30So, the plan for tomorrow is to visit this site.
00:59:32And there are other staff meetings scheduled as well.
00:59:36See you there.
00:59:37I'll keep you posted.
00:59:57You carry on, madam.
00:59:58I'll take care of the rest.
01:00:02Is this car coming back to pick me up?
01:00:06Not at all.
01:00:07Your ride is waiting there.
01:00:14His car is big and mine is small?
01:00:16His car is big and mine is small?
01:00:21That car is for the owners.
01:00:23And this car is for the employees.
01:00:25It's damn clear.
01:00:27By the way,
01:00:29I'm Samath.
01:00:36Pick up your stuff.
01:00:41I'll deal with you.
01:00:46I'll deal with you.
01:00:57Hey, Samath.
01:00:58Did you bring a stone?
01:00:59Isn't this room too small?
01:01:01You think this is small?
01:01:02$70 per day.
01:01:07This is fine.
01:01:12I don't have a problem.
01:01:14But what about that girl?
01:01:17Will she be able to adjust in this?
01:01:19I mean, will two people be able to sleep here?
01:01:22Which girl?
01:01:23Are you talking about madam?
01:01:25Are you out of your mind?
01:01:28She owns a lavish mansion there.
01:01:30She's already there.
01:01:32You stay in this room.
01:01:38Are you settled?
01:01:40Arrange some Indian food for her.
01:01:42It's a new place, isn't it?
01:01:43It might take some time to adjust.
01:01:46Maybe she's missing home.
01:01:49So, stay with her for the next 3-4 days.
01:01:53You're taking such good care of her,
01:01:55but she's showing a different attitude here.
01:02:00Did she say anything?
01:02:01She's out of her mind.
01:02:02She packed her stuff and sat outside the hotel with the luggage.
01:02:04She said she didn't like the hotel.
01:02:05That's why she wants to go back.
01:02:08Go to her.
01:02:09And turn on the speaker.
01:02:12Okay, madam.
01:02:14Here you go.
01:02:15Hey, Samath.
01:02:17Tell her to go to her room quietly
01:02:19and complete the project without any drama.
01:02:23This is not the time to show ego and self-respect.
01:02:26This is a golden opportunity for her.
01:02:28It's better for her to focus on this.
01:02:31I hope I'm clear.
01:02:35Take order.
01:02:43Look at this, Govardhan.
01:02:44This is where we start our property.
01:02:47A total of 1,000 acres.
01:02:50You can build a model unit wherever you want.
01:02:52We'll make all the arrangements.
01:02:54Let's go.
01:02:58Hi, guys.
01:02:59This is project manager, Mr. Govardhan.
01:03:02Don't hurt my pride.
01:03:04Don't judge me.
01:03:06No, no.
01:03:07It's just going down.
01:03:10It's going down.
01:03:11It's going down.
01:03:12It's just going down.
01:03:15For real.
01:03:17Don't judge me.
01:03:19Don't hurt my pride.
01:03:21Don't judge me.
01:03:23No, no.
01:03:32Good morning.
01:03:34He's just a man with a game.
01:03:36Oh, damn, it's going down.
01:03:42This is unstoppable.
01:03:44I like the feeling.
01:03:46Keeping it up and close.
01:03:48This is the season.
01:03:57The bathroom in the motel is so dirty,
01:03:58even a cockroach will be embarrassed to take a bath.
01:04:00I don't want to keep my feet there.
01:04:05Just give me a minute.
01:04:06I'll change and come.
01:04:08Oh, God.
01:04:10Hey, Samar.
01:04:11I have to go to the work site right now, right?
01:04:13But I haven't ironed my clothes.
01:04:15If I could get an iron from the office, then...
01:04:19I'll arrange it.
01:04:21As long as I need anything in America,
01:04:23then I'll...
01:04:27I'll call you like this.
01:04:28Like my family member.
01:04:29Is that okay?
01:04:31God save me.
01:04:32God save me.
01:04:35This is unstoppable.
01:04:37I like the feeling.
01:04:39Keeping it up and close.
01:04:41This is the season.
01:04:45What's happening?
01:04:54Get up.
01:04:55Get up.
01:04:57You are sleeping in the office,
01:04:58and that too on the floor?
01:04:59Shut up, man.
01:05:01First of all, I can't sleep.
01:05:03The motel is so far away.
01:05:05By the way, what's the time?
01:05:07It's 9 o'clock.
01:05:08Oh, shit.
01:05:20Hey, Nancy.
01:05:21Keep the blueprints ready.
01:05:23I'll be back in 10 minutes, okay?
01:05:34Your dinner is ready.
01:05:35Thank you.
01:05:36Let's go.
01:05:38Come on.
01:05:47Your dinner is ready.
01:05:49You are such a great man.
01:05:51The food looks good, right?
01:05:52Indian food.
01:05:57The aroma of the pulao is killing me.
01:05:59I liked the pulao too.
01:06:00This is potato fry.
01:06:02Tomato chutney.
01:06:03Dal tadka.
01:06:06And this chutney.
01:06:16What's the matter?
01:06:18What do you think of me?
01:06:21Are you out of your mind?
01:06:22Do I look like a poor middle-class man to you?
01:06:24Ma'am has specially ordered for you.
01:06:26What ma'am?
01:06:27What else did she say?
01:06:28She said this is the only food available in our house.
01:06:30That's why she ordered for me.
01:06:32Tell me what you want.
01:06:33I'll get it for you.
01:06:34What's going on over there?
01:06:37I think some kind of burger.
01:06:38Same kind of burger.
01:06:39I'll be there.
01:06:44Demarcation of the site.
01:06:45Listen, we have a meeting with FHA.
01:06:46Can I get the presentation?
01:06:48I have the presentation in my folder.
01:06:49Show it to them.
01:06:56Is this the folder?
01:06:58Don't ever call me that again.
01:07:04Listen, honey, babu, baby.
01:07:08I don't like this kind of pampering.
01:07:28If we keep pampering him like this, he'll turn our office into a fish market.
01:07:31We'll have to think about it.
01:07:59Come out.
01:08:22Hey, Samarth.
01:08:23Hey, Samarth.
01:08:26These arrogant rich people
01:08:29don't like to insult middle class people.
01:08:33They think we were born to tolerate their atrocities.
01:08:39God knows
01:08:42the one who's fate is written
01:08:45no human being has the power to change it.
01:08:51Last but not the least, Samarth.
01:08:54The man whose steps are moving towards his destination
01:08:57can't be stopped by anyone's childish actions or tricks.
01:09:07Hey, sir.
01:09:24Hey, guys. What's the plan?
01:09:26Here, ma'am.
01:09:27Most of the Indian communities are going to join this expo.
01:09:30So, we have to give our best at any cost.
01:09:33It's showtime, guys.
01:09:43Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
01:09:44All of you Indians, welcome to the Indian Expo.
01:09:47I'm your host, Mr. Samarth.
01:09:50Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
01:09:52You all know the name of the Hindu group very well.
01:09:55It's India's largest construction company.
01:09:58But for the first time,
01:10:00we're launching a prestigious project
01:10:02here in the United States of America.
01:10:04Before making any promises to you,
01:10:07it's important to know what's going to happen in this project
01:10:09and what facilities we're going to give you.
01:10:11Let's talk about this openly.
01:10:13Today, the whole world sees India as a strong country.
01:10:16It's possible because of our politicians, bureaucrats, and the people.
01:10:20But our NRI community has spread India's culture abroad.
01:10:23And that's why I have a question.
01:10:25The NRIs who have made our country's flag flutter,
01:10:29if they become a part of our project,
01:10:32you'll wake up in the morning
01:10:34with Sargam's melodious music,
01:10:37Rangoli at the door,
01:10:39Tulsi in every courtyard,
01:10:41and a small cow shed.
01:10:43There'll be a square in the middle of the colony
01:10:44where there'll be talks of happiness and sadness.
01:10:47This won't be an ordinary colony.
01:10:49It'll be a big family full of emotions and love.
01:10:53Here, you'll give the next generation Indian values.
01:10:56You'll teach them how to live in India
01:10:58despite living abroad.
01:11:00Because if we live among our loved ones,
01:11:03we won't have to worry about our children's upbringing.
01:11:05This land will take care of them.
01:11:08This project will bring the soil of India to your homes.
01:11:12You won't miss it.
01:11:14Thank you.
01:11:20Thank you very much.
01:11:21Thank you.
01:11:34forward the clap video to MD sir.
01:11:37He'll be very happy.
01:11:38Yeah, sure, sure. Of course.
01:11:44What's wrong with him?
01:11:45Why is he upset?
01:11:46People applauded and praised him.
01:11:48No, you tell me.
01:11:49Did I do something wrong?
01:11:50I don't know.
01:11:51Did I do something wrong?
01:11:52Keep quiet, please.
01:11:53Keep quiet.
01:11:57Hey, Samarth.
01:11:58I want all the details about this project.
01:12:00There shouldn't be anything that I don't know.
01:12:04All the discussions from now on will be in front of me.
01:12:08I'm neither a client here, nor a customer.
01:12:11I want to know everything from others.
01:12:13There's no place for a one-man show here.
01:12:16And I'm not an innocent sheep
01:12:18who will follow anyone.
01:12:20I'm the CEO of this company.
01:12:22She's jealous of me.
01:12:25Not just her.
01:12:26Every rich person is like that.
01:12:29A middle-class man should come from above.
01:12:31Her stomach hurts.
01:12:32Her blood boils.
01:12:34Yeah, right.
01:12:35If they want to applaud,
01:12:36they should applaud for them.
01:12:37If they want to praise,
01:12:38they should praise for them.
01:12:43Good job, Govardhan.
01:12:44What's the harm in saying that?
01:12:46Have you ever seen her from behind?
01:12:49Who walks with such a limp?
01:12:51Hey, please don't do that.
01:12:54She's no less than a serpent.
01:12:59Can I ask you something?
01:13:01Ever since you came here,
01:13:02you've been following madam after taking a bath.
01:13:05Did something happen between you two?
01:13:06Get lost.
01:13:08I remembered that flashback after taking a bath.
01:13:10I just got out of it.
01:13:13You'll know who's right and who's wrong
01:13:14when you tell me.
01:13:20When you go to the bathroom to freshen up
01:13:22after a long day of exhaustion,
01:13:23you won't be able to take a bath
01:13:24without taking off your clothes, right?
01:13:26Wouldn't you feel awkward
01:13:27if someone peeped through the door?
01:13:30She peeped in the bathroom?
01:13:32So what if she peeped in the bathroom?
01:13:33What if she wrote it in the book?
01:13:36You mean to say...
01:13:41And it didn't just come to my bathroom?
01:13:44She even wrote,
01:13:45there's a secret oil on my body.
01:13:52She's doing all kinds of dirty things
01:13:53and making a scene here.
01:13:59And a lot more.
01:14:08That's right.
01:14:10We have to get this done by tomorrow.
01:14:13Really appreciate your contribution.
01:14:17Sure, ma'am. Have a look.
01:14:20I don't think it should take so long.
01:14:23Hello, sir. Please come in.
01:14:25Okay. Get this verified before you go.
01:14:26Okay. Thank you, ma'am.
01:14:27May I?
01:14:28Please, sir.
01:14:29Thank you.
01:14:30Is there anything that I can help you with?
01:14:31Yeah. I'm actually here with my friend.
01:14:33So, I just want to know a little bit about this project.
01:14:41We're designing it for the Indian community.
01:14:43Have you already started taking bookings for this project?
01:14:45Yeah, very soon, sir.
01:14:47We always prefer to offer the best to our customers
01:14:50and we're working towards it.
01:14:52Oh, that's nice.
01:14:53We'll be done very soon, sir.
01:14:57Um, I hope you like it.
01:14:59Yeah, of course.
01:15:00She looks so beautiful.
01:15:02I'll send this photo to Dadaji
01:15:03and get him to talk about this alliance.
01:15:07Looking at her, I've really gone mad.
01:15:20Hey! Are you blind or what?
01:16:10You don't know who I am!
01:16:13Have you lost your mind?
01:17:05He's out to get married.
01:17:07Sorry, brother. I made a mistake.
01:17:09Get married.
01:17:11She's a nice girl.
01:17:14Get her, throw her out of the house, kidnap her.
01:17:16But why did you shoot me in the video?
01:17:19But I didn't take your video.
01:17:21Am I lying?
01:17:22Did I fight for no reason?
01:17:26Look at this.
01:17:28Look who's standing behind him.
01:17:32You wanted to shoot him, but you shot me.
01:17:36Now you understand, right?
01:17:38If anyone wants to write a thesis on me or make a video on me,
01:17:41ask for my permission.
01:17:45Am I a monkey sitting in a zoo?
01:17:48I'm a human, you know.
01:17:52It hurts.
01:17:58The cops are here. Let's go.
01:18:00Come on, let's go.
01:18:02Go, go, go.
01:18:05Let's go.
01:18:12Ma'am, any enquiries from the clients?
01:18:16He shot you because he made a video without your permission.
01:18:20But he won't accept it because of his ego.
01:18:23I'm sure he has feelings for you.
01:18:31I've been angry with him since I wrote a book on him.
01:18:33Since that day, I've been a wounded lion.
01:18:38You wrote a book?
01:18:40On him?
01:18:43Will you get spicy masala if you write something on such a below-average man?
01:18:47What did you see in him that made you write a book on him?
01:18:50He's a common man.
01:18:53Who told you?
01:19:01He's not a common man.
01:19:08Hey, give it back.
01:19:10Hey, be careful.
01:19:11I've had enough of it.
01:19:26Life's set.
01:19:27I'll get paid.
01:19:36I've got it. Look.
01:19:38I see 3,30,000.
01:19:40That's right. 30,000.
01:19:44I spoke about 3,00,000. Why did he give me 30,000?
01:19:50Hello, bro. How are you?
01:19:52Rameshji, I got the salary message.
01:19:54Oh, congratulations.
01:19:56But I spoke about 3,00,000. I got 30,000.
01:20:00Oh, that?
01:20:01Remember, you didn't have to go to the economy class when you went to the U.S.
01:20:05To upgrade to the first class, you deducted the extra money from the salary.
01:20:11Rameshji, you booked that ticket for me.
01:20:14Our company doesn't send employees to the first class.
01:20:18Only economy class.
01:20:24What happened now?
01:20:25This accountant Ramesh didn't understand me.
01:20:29How will I pay the household expenses?
01:20:32School fees, EMI, ration, milkman...
01:20:36Listen, ma'am.
01:20:43Ma'am, once I call the accounts, your problem will be solved.
01:20:46Don't worry. Go.
01:20:59There was a miscommunication issue with the accounts the other day.
01:21:06They deducted my salary.
01:21:12If you call, I'll pay you next month with interest.
01:21:29Your brain is out of order.
01:21:31You don't even have the attitude to ask for help.
01:21:33Why don't you call him once?
01:21:35Is this how you ask for help from your boss?
01:21:37Tell him, ma'am, there's a small problem.
01:21:39There's a family emergency.
01:21:40I have to pay EMI.
01:21:41The salary has been deducted.
01:21:42If you talk to the accounts...
01:21:47Do you want me to beg in front of him?
01:21:52I can even cut my throat for self-respect.
01:21:57If you cut your throat or beg, what about my father?
01:21:59Go die a poor man's death.
01:22:01Hey, Samarth.
01:22:07I'm getting a call from home.
01:22:12They won't help me.
01:22:13They're always ready to do evil.
01:22:16Yes, brother.
01:22:17Someone from your office has come with money.
01:22:20I said I'll call you.
01:22:22Hello, Gordon, sir.
01:22:23I just called to confirm.
01:22:25I'm giving the phone to your brother.
01:22:27Sir, count the money properly.
01:22:28Yes, I'll count it.
01:22:32Yes, brother.
01:22:34I'm sorry, Gobi.
01:22:36I've disappointed you all.
01:22:38Hey, don't say anything.
01:22:40It's nothing like that.
01:22:41Okay, the notification has arrived.
01:22:43I'm going to Delhi.
01:22:44I'll clear it this time.
01:22:46Don't take too much stress.
01:22:47Whatever it is, I'll clear it.
01:22:49I'll clear it this time.
01:22:50Don't take too much stress.
01:22:51Whatever it is, I'll clear it.
01:22:53Of course.
01:22:54I know you will do it.
01:22:55Thank you.
01:22:56Okay, take care.
01:22:57Of course.
01:23:04So, brother.
01:23:06I called from home.
01:23:07Did you get the money?
01:23:10Not just this month.
01:23:11Until this project is completed,
01:23:13all your family's needs will be fulfilled.
01:23:15Madam called herself.
01:23:17She doesn't want any disturbance in your creativity.
01:23:20She wants you to be successful.
01:23:43Yeah, come in.
01:23:47Yeah, come in.
01:24:02Brother's phone...
01:24:11Thank you.
01:24:17Thank you.
01:24:47Thank you.
01:25:17Thank you.
01:25:18Thank you.
01:25:19Thank you.
01:25:20Thank you.
01:25:21Thank you.
01:25:22Thank you.
01:25:23Thank you.
01:25:24Thank you.
01:25:25Thank you.
01:25:26Thank you.
01:25:27Thank you.
01:25:28Thank you.
01:25:29Thank you.
01:25:30Thank you.
01:25:31Thank you.
01:25:32Thank you.
01:25:33Thank you.
01:25:34Thank you.
01:25:35Thank you.
01:25:36Thank you.
01:25:37Thank you.
01:25:38Thank you.
01:25:39Thank you.
01:25:40Thank you.
01:25:41Thank you.
01:25:42Thank you.
01:25:43Thank you.
01:25:44Thank you.
01:25:45Thank you.
01:25:46Thank you.
01:25:47Thank you.
01:25:48Thank you.
01:25:49Thank you.
01:25:50Thank you.
01:25:51Thank you.
01:25:52Thank you.
01:25:53Thank you.
01:25:54Thank you.
01:25:55Thank you.
01:25:56Thank you.
01:25:57Thank you.
01:25:58Thank you.
01:25:59Thank you.
01:26:00Thank you.
01:26:01Thank you.
01:26:02Thank you.
01:26:03Thank you.
01:26:04Thank you.
01:26:05Thank you.
01:26:06Thank you.
01:26:07Thank you.
01:26:08Thank you.
01:26:09Thank you.
01:26:10Thank you.
01:26:11Thank you.
01:26:12Thank you.
01:26:13Thank you.
01:26:14Thank you.
01:26:15Thank you.
01:26:16Thank you.
01:26:17Thank you.
01:26:18Thank you.
01:26:19Thank you.
01:26:20Thank you.
01:26:21Thank you.
01:26:22Thank you.
01:26:23Thank you.
01:26:24Thank you.
01:26:25Thank you.
01:26:26Thank you.
01:26:27Thank you.
01:26:28Thank you.
01:26:29Thank you.
01:26:30Thank you.
01:26:31Thank you.
01:26:32Thank you.
01:26:33Thank you.
01:26:34Thank you.
01:26:35Thank you.
01:26:36Thank you.
01:26:37Thank you.
01:26:38Thank you.
01:26:39Thank you.
01:26:40Thank you.
01:26:41Thank you.
01:26:42Thank you.
01:26:43Thank you.
01:26:44Thank you.
01:26:45Thank you.
01:26:46Thank you.
01:26:47Thank you.
01:26:48Thank you.
01:26:49Thank you.
01:26:50Thank you.
01:26:51Thank you.
01:26:52Thank you.
01:26:53Thank you.
01:26:54Thank you.
01:26:55Thank you.
01:26:56Thank you.
01:26:57Thank you.
01:26:58Thank you.
01:26:59Thank you.
01:27:00Thank you.
01:27:01Thank you.
01:27:02Thank you.
01:27:03Thank you.
01:27:04Thank you.
01:27:05Thank you.
01:27:06Thank you.
01:27:07Thank you.
01:27:08Thank you.
01:27:09Thank you.
01:27:10Thank you.
01:27:11Thank you.
01:27:12Thank you.
01:27:13Thank you.
01:27:14Thank you.
01:27:15Thank you.
01:27:16Thank you.
01:27:17Thank you.
01:27:18Thank you.
01:27:19Thank you.
01:27:20Thank you.
01:27:21Thank you.
01:27:22Thank you.
01:27:23Thank you.
01:27:24Thank you.
01:27:25Thank you.
01:27:26Thank you.
01:27:27Thank you.
01:27:28Thank you.
01:27:29Thank you.
01:27:30Thank you.
01:27:31Thank you.
01:27:32Thank you.
01:27:33Thank you.
01:27:34Thank you.
01:27:35Thank you.
01:27:36Thank you.
01:27:37Thank you.
01:27:38Thank you.
01:27:39Thank you.
01:27:40Thank you.
01:27:41Thank you.
01:27:42Thank you.
01:27:43Thank you.
01:27:44Thank you.
01:27:45Thank you.
01:27:46Thank you.
01:27:47Thank you.
01:27:48Thank you.
01:27:49Thank you.
01:27:50Thank you.
01:27:51Thank you.
01:27:52Thank you.
01:27:53Thank you.
01:27:54Thank you.
01:27:55Thank you.
01:27:56Thank you.
01:27:57Thank you.
01:27:58Thank you.
01:27:59Thank you.
01:28:00Thank you.
01:28:01Thank you.
01:28:02Thank you.
01:28:03Thank you.
01:28:04Thank you.
01:28:05Thank you.
01:28:06Thank you.
01:28:07Thank you.
01:28:08Thank you.
01:28:09Thank you.
01:28:10Thank you.
01:28:16Very impressive.
01:28:17Every inch of this house echoes the rich heritage of India.
01:28:20Be it the chandelier, the tiles,
01:28:22he got it imported from India exclusively for our clients.
01:28:26You brought all this from India?
01:28:27Yes, sir, I made a promise with my wife.
01:28:30Wow! Very impressive.
01:28:35Hello everybody.
01:28:37I have an announcement.
01:28:39I am very happy today and I am very confident that our success streak is going to continue in the U.S. also.
01:28:49And the reason for this happiness is the person whom I gave this project.
01:28:56And that person is none other than my daughter Indu.
01:29:03Indu, come forward. What are you waiting for? Come Indu.
01:29:10Go Indu. Go, he is calling you. Come, come, come.
01:29:14Yeah, my daughter. Everybody give her a big applause.
01:29:19My lovely daughter. My princess.
01:29:24Cheers, cheers everybody. Cheers.
01:29:33Hi guys. Chilling?
01:29:36Hi Sia Govardhan.
01:29:39Hey Govardhan, did you feel bad for what you said there?
01:29:43It's common in every industry.
01:29:45There is nothing like that sir. You are absolutely right in your place.
01:29:51Every father does this much for his children.
01:29:54And you gave credit to our Indu ma'am. She totally deserves it.
01:29:59I am really proud of you.
01:30:00She totally deserves it. I am really happy for her.
01:30:03Sorry sir, I have to make an urgent call. I will be right back.
01:30:10Samarth, I had told you that he can do anything for the one whom he considers as his own.
01:30:19Without any doubt, without any doubt.
01:30:20Without any doubt.
01:30:50I am the golden shade of the sun for you.
01:30:56Without you my love, where should I go?
01:30:59You only tell me.
01:31:02Where can I find someone like you?
01:31:06Wow, he melted so quickly.
01:31:12Even I was feeling the same.
01:31:14I thought of making him a part of my family.
01:31:17So I took him to a relative's wedding.
01:31:26Who is this Samarth?
01:31:28He is married in a family.
01:31:30So ma'am got him for you.
01:32:11I am your shadow.
01:32:14Wherever you go, I follow.
01:32:16Why do I feel shy when I hear your voice?
01:32:24I am your shadow.
01:32:27Wherever you go, I follow.
01:32:30Why do I feel shy when I hear your voice?
01:32:39Come, come, come. Please sit.
01:32:42The ambience is good, isn't it?
01:32:46What is this, son?
01:32:48How long have you been drinking?
01:32:50I don't drink every day.
01:32:52I have to be special today.
01:32:58What's the matter, aunty? Why are you looking at me like that?
01:33:01Tell me the truth. You both love each other, don't you?
01:33:03Who both?
01:33:05You and Indu.
01:33:07Since I have been here, I have been looking at both of you.
01:33:10You have misunderstood.
01:33:12I am not old enough to misunderstand.
01:33:14I am saying this from my experience.
01:33:16You both look very good together.
01:33:21When do we say I love you to someone, aunty?
01:33:23When we like someone, we say I love you to them.
01:33:28It's not necessary to say I love you to the one you love.
01:33:32Her family is equally important.
01:33:36She doesn't love one person.
01:33:38It's equally important to accept her family.
01:33:42Maybe Indu will never understand this.
01:33:47In her eyes,
01:33:49I know what my family is worth.
01:33:52I have read about our status in her thesis.
01:33:59If a criminal has to be kept at home,
01:34:02you will always be alert, won't you?
01:34:06Let's say a member of your family is addicted to alcohol.
01:34:10You will try to get rid of that addiction.
01:34:13But if someone comes to your house as a relative
01:34:14and stabs you in the back,
01:34:16such a person should not even stand on the doorstep
01:34:19of the house, let alone at home.
01:34:30It makes the family hollow.
01:34:41Maybe you thought
01:34:42we loved each other.
01:34:47we only have a professional relationship.
01:34:51I just want my project to be successful.
01:34:54Then I will settle my career
01:34:57and take care of my family.
01:35:01She only wants the project to be successful
01:35:05so that her company gets a good response in this country.
01:35:08And this is only possible
01:35:10when our mutual cooperation improves.
01:35:13That's all I'm doing.
01:35:22Apart from my family,
01:35:26if I have ever loved anyone truly,
01:35:29it has to be her.
01:35:33But auntie, the way she broke my heart,
01:35:36the way that girl broke my heart,
01:35:40you will see,
01:35:42she will also break her heart one day.
01:35:45Don't say that.
01:35:47It's my word, auntie. Write it down.
01:35:57Give it to me, Indu.
01:35:58It's okay.
01:36:00Give it to me. I'll take it.
01:36:02I'll take care. Thank you.
01:36:06I love you.
01:36:36I love you.
01:36:41Hey, Indu!
01:36:45Indu, what's wrong?
01:36:48I've been noticing for the past 3-4 days
01:36:49that you're not talking to me properly.
01:36:51What's wrong? Is there a problem?
01:36:59What do you think my problem could be?
01:37:03Am I having some kind of financial problem?
01:37:06Or is my problem my career?
01:37:10It's my problem to be in your life.
01:37:14It's my problem to write a thesis on you.
01:37:18And do you know what my biggest problem is?
01:37:21That to get your love,
01:37:23it's important to have a blood relation with you.
01:37:25Because apart from your family,
01:37:26you don't love anyone.
01:37:28I didn't know that.
01:37:30That's my problem.
01:37:32I can't change your opinion for me.
01:37:37But being a girl,
01:37:39I want to say something.
01:37:42That day, the reason I kissed you,
01:37:45wasn't because of my thesis.
01:37:49It was because of you.
01:38:06I love you.
01:38:36Come on, let's go.
01:38:44I've supported you in every difficulty, right?
01:38:47And when I need you, you're turning a blind eye.
01:38:49This is not right.
01:38:51Sir, we have nothing in our hands now.
01:38:53He's a big shot.
01:39:02Sir, I got your cheque.
01:39:06I don't know how to thank you.
01:39:11I've never seen such a big amount in my life, sir.
01:39:15Who gives 10 crore advance in today's date, sir?
01:39:19I still don't know if this is a dream or reality.
01:39:24But this is not just a cheque for me, sir.
01:39:29You have confidence in me.
01:39:30You have confidence in me.
01:39:35Nowadays, everyone judges a person by their status and money.
01:39:41But if you want to gain someone's trust,
01:39:44or win their love,
01:39:46then for that, it's important for us to be successful
01:39:49or rich.
01:39:52When these conditions are fulfilled,
01:39:55only then our love, our honesty will be recognized.
01:40:00Till then, no one will give us importance.
01:40:02We won't have any value.
01:40:04But by forgetting all these things,
01:40:07by trusting a middle-class man's ability,
01:40:10you've given us such a big opportunity.
01:40:15My family and I will always be indebted to you, sir.
01:40:19I'll leave, sir.
01:40:21I wish you could understand Indu as well.
01:40:25She wrote a thesis on you, that's why you're upset with her, right?
01:40:31Do you know why she wrote about you and your family?
01:40:35Just see the topic she has chosen.
01:40:38Middle-class people and their lifestyle.
01:40:40I would request her to come here
01:40:42and say a few words about her thesis to everyone.
01:40:45I apologize to take a few minutes from you all
01:40:48as I want to share
01:40:50an incredible story with you all.
01:40:57A common man.
01:41:01A common man.
01:41:03A common man.
01:41:05A common man.
01:41:07A common man.
01:41:09A common man.
01:41:11A common man.
01:41:13A common man.
01:41:15But he's a superhero.
01:41:19His nephew is his son.
01:41:22And his sister-in-law is his elder sister.
01:41:25He can bow down to anyone for their sake.
01:41:29And he risks his life to save them.
01:41:34He protects his family.
01:41:39He lives for them
01:41:40and is ready to die for them.
01:41:43His family is everything to him.
01:41:45It's his existence.
01:41:48He's like an unselfish child.
01:41:52Strong-willed, determined.
01:41:54Like Lord Hanuman, who takes on all responsibilities.
01:41:59A 25-year-old man
01:42:01who gave up all his desires for his family.
01:42:04Like a ascetic, he gave up all his desires.
01:42:06He gave up everything.
01:42:09He may seem like a shield for his family.
01:42:13He may seem like someone who compromises his life for his family.
01:42:18His lifestyle may be a reason to make fun of him.
01:42:25the people close to him know that
01:42:28if there's anyone in the world who's the happiest
01:42:32it's his family.
01:42:33His eyes protect him.
01:42:35His presence gives him confidence.
01:42:38And his love gives him courage.
01:42:43The happiness of such a family
01:42:45shouldn't be confined to four walls.
01:42:48It should reach the world.
01:42:50Due to the lack of time and selfishness,
01:42:53families are falling apart in today's world.
01:42:57This generation who doesn't understand this
01:42:59should know the story of Govardhan.
01:43:05They should learn from him.
01:43:08They should follow him.
01:43:11In every family, in every generation,
01:43:14there should be a star
01:43:16who can keep his family safe in every situation.
01:43:21A family is built with hard work.
01:43:24A family is built with hard work.
01:43:26A family is built with hard work.
01:43:29And it reaches the peak of social order with love.
01:43:33But they don't need any praise for themselves.
01:43:39This thesis is dedicated to such people.
01:43:44And that's why
01:43:46I've named this thesis written on Govardhan
01:43:52The Man
01:43:54whom I'm proud of.
01:43:58The Man
01:44:00Whom I'm Proud of
01:44:02The Man
01:44:04Whom I'm Proud of
01:44:07And I'm proud to say I've found my man.
01:44:11If I've made any mistake,
01:44:14I apologize in front of everyone.
01:44:16If they understand me and accept me today,
01:44:19I'll admit that
01:44:21there's no one more fortunate than me.
01:44:24But till my last breath,
01:44:27I'll worship him with all my heart.
01:44:31The one who respects an institution called family
01:44:34so much
01:44:36and dedicates his whole life for it,
01:44:39I think
01:44:41applause is not enough for him.
01:44:43He deserves a humble standing ovation.
01:44:53The Man
01:44:55whom I'm proud of
01:44:57The Man
01:44:59Whom I'm Proud of
01:45:01The Man
01:45:03Whom I'm Proud of
01:45:05The Man
01:45:07Whom I'm Proud of
01:45:09The Man
01:45:11His phone won't work.
01:45:14He has blocked you.
01:45:24I remember the day of 1975, when I stepped into politics.
01:45:28I was the sitting MLA 13 times.
01:45:30I was the Cabinet Minister 7 times.
01:45:32I was going to elect my grandson this year.
01:45:35I spoke to the party's high command and confirmed the MLA's ticket.
01:45:38After coming into politics, he said he would get busy.
01:45:41That's why he wants to go to the USA with his friends before the elections.
01:45:45I'll send this photo to Dadaji and get him to talk about the alliance.
01:45:48Will you marry him?
01:45:49Will you marry him?
01:45:50Sorry, brother. I made a mistake.
01:45:53Will you marry him?
01:45:54Will you marry him?
01:45:57I returned as a beggar.
01:45:58I consulted the best doctors.
01:46:00All my treatments failed.
01:46:02Now, I'll spend the rest of my life on the bed.
01:46:04I could have hired a nurse, but I couldn't trust her.
01:46:07My wife's condition is not good enough to take care of her.
01:46:10A life partner can serve with sincerity.
01:46:15When I told the C.M. about this, he liked my decision.
01:46:19When I told the D.G.P. about this,
01:46:21he asked me about the wedding date to increase security.
01:46:24If you support me, my daughter will get married.
01:46:30My grandson's wife will be my heir to the throne.
01:46:36If anything happens to you,
01:46:38neither you nor your family will be able to live in peace.
01:46:42Nor will I be able to save you from my supporters.
01:46:46When a hero goes to save his heroine,
01:46:48he carries a knife or a gun with him.
01:46:51You're the first one to take these books.
01:46:53You talk too much.
01:46:55First, you forcefully got into the car and now you're taunting me.
01:46:58You're the real villain here.
01:47:02What did you say?
01:47:04I'm the villain?
01:47:05Did you forget?
01:47:07Because of you, she's sitting on my head.
01:47:16Come on.
01:47:22Here. I'll give you some time.
01:47:24What are you doing?
01:47:25Do as you're told.
01:47:27What's that?
01:47:29Do as you're told.
01:47:33Don't ask me too many questions.
01:47:35Hold it.
01:47:37Here you go.
01:47:45Hey! Who are you? How did you sit on the guest's chair?
01:48:05Who am I? I have come to eat free food.
01:48:09I have heard that today a relative of mine is going to get married.
01:48:14That's why I have come.
01:48:29Indu baby, where are you?
01:48:38Hey! Call her.
01:48:41Indu baby!
01:48:49Indu baby!
01:49:13She has brought thesis. Share it with everyone. Let them read it.
01:49:29You want to know who I am, right?
01:49:31Who is ready to go to any extent for the happiness of his family.
01:49:35I am the person about whom Indu has written in detail in this book.
01:49:40In this book, Indu has given a lot of praise to me.
01:49:46I am the hero of this book.
01:49:54Start reading.
01:49:57Should I get the auspicious time?
01:50:02Hey! You read and narrate. Start.
01:50:12A completely responsible family person.
01:50:16He loves everyone with his heart.
01:50:20He has no pride, no ego, no jealousy.
01:50:26He has no place in his heart.
01:50:29He can do anything for the happiness of his loved ones.
01:50:33For him, his family is everything.
01:50:40When it comes to family, he does not listen to anyone.
01:50:44His relationship with his family is tied with a delicate thread.
01:50:48And he...
01:50:50Have you read it before?
01:50:52When did it happen?
01:50:53A long time ago.
01:50:54Why didn't you tell me?
01:50:55You never asked.
01:50:57Old woman!
01:51:28Why did you stop?
01:51:29Read it.
01:51:33His anger is for a moment.
01:51:36But his love is for a lifetime.
01:51:44He behaves like a child.
01:51:46But he fulfills his responsibilities like a gentleman.
01:51:56Did you leave the fighting line?
01:51:58You don't like fighting in front of children, right?
01:52:01So I left a few pages here and there.
01:52:03What a fool!
01:52:05You left the high voltage story.
01:52:07The scene of the fight was written by Indu.
01:52:09Read the full volume.
01:53:28Keep fighting.
01:53:30Keep fighting as long as you can.
01:53:32Keep fighting.
01:53:35More people are coming.
01:53:37Let's see how long you can resist.
01:53:40Keep fighting.
01:53:42Keep fighting.
01:54:23I can finish you here.
01:54:26What should I do?
01:54:28Tell me. What should I do?
01:54:29Tell me.
01:54:31Whether you have 100 people or 1000 people.
01:54:34I will fight for Indu till my last breath.
01:54:39And what is your problem?
01:54:42Who will take care of the grandson lying on the bed?
01:54:45Send him with me.
01:54:46I will take care of him all my life.
01:54:50I am taking care of two brothers.
01:54:51I will take care of the third one too.
01:54:56What are you thinking so much? Send him.
01:55:03Even I feel the pain, sir.
01:55:06And she is bearing the punishment for my mistake.
01:55:09Will your grandson be fine if she, you or I do something?
01:55:14Hey! This is the time to support her.
01:55:17You were with her in good times.
01:55:18And now bad times are going on.
01:55:19So you are leaving her in someone else's hands.
01:55:22Hey! Life is testing you.
01:55:24Show her how much you love her.
01:55:29And if you can't do it, send her with me.
01:55:30I will take care of her.
01:55:32Hey, Indu!
01:55:34Make her understand.
01:55:35Make her understand the importance of relationships.
01:55:50Tie it.
01:55:52Tie it quickly. Tie it.
01:55:53I said tie it.
01:55:54What are you doing, Indu?
01:55:55Don't touch me.
01:55:56What kind of a joke is this?
01:55:57You cursed me, didn't you?
01:55:58This is what you wanted, isn't it?
01:56:00I am going to fulfill your wish.
01:56:02See for yourself.
01:56:17You also told me that you will take care of me.
01:56:21What about that?
01:56:23Did you forget that promise?
01:56:24In love, misunderstandings, fights and arguments keep happening.
01:56:28But if someone apologizes, you should forgive them.
01:56:44I can only promise you one thing.
01:56:48I will marry you and take care of you for the rest of your life.
01:56:55Who are you angry with?
01:56:59Are you angry with me?
01:57:02If killing me will make you feel better, then kill me.
01:57:25It's done.
01:57:29In love, misunderstandings, fights and arguments keep happening.
01:57:49Come upstairs.
01:58:01Indu, my child.
01:58:05She is a little impatient, but she doesn't have a bad heart.
01:58:11No one has ever understood her.
01:58:14You are the only one who understood her.
01:58:19Will you leave her just like that?
01:58:24Who will take care of her?
01:58:37Will you take care of me for the rest of your life?
01:58:41I promise.
01:58:43You won't take me for granted and you won't order me around.
01:58:51I am a very stubborn girl.
01:58:54Stubborn girls are very beautiful.
01:58:57You have made me cry a lot.
01:58:59I told you that I will take care of you.
01:59:01Do you remember that day in the library?
01:59:03You didn't listen to me.
01:59:05Just by getting angry, I tried to talk to you.
