ब्रह्मा जी ने अपने शरीर के दो भाग क्यों किए _ पंडित मधुर गोपाल दास शास्त्री जी महाराज __ katha 2024

  • 2 months ago
ब्रह्मा जी ने अपने शरीर के दो भाग क्यों किए _ पंडित मधुर गोपाल दास शास्त्री जी महाराज __ katha 2024
00:00The more the pig knows the soil, the less it knows the soil.
00:07Because its gravity is very strong.
00:11Now when Brahma Ji was asked to move forward in the path of creation,
00:17Brahma Ji started to build the creation.
00:20At first, he had five sons.
00:23One was Sankadi Kumar.
00:25He was asked to move forward in the path of creation.
00:29He said, Father, we will do bhajan.
00:32Brahma Ji got angry.
00:34Rudra appeared out of Brahma Ji's breath.
00:37When Rudra appeared,
00:39Rudra Devta started to build his creation.
00:43He created ghosts, spirits and demons.
00:47Brahma Ji said, Let it be.
00:49This is fine.
00:53The creation of ghosts, spirits and demons will take place.
00:57What did Brahma Ji do?
00:59Brahma Ji gave birth to ten sons of men.
01:03Saraswati appeared out of Bani.
01:06Brahma Ji said,
01:08Brahma from the mouth,
01:10Kshatriya from the arms,
01:12Vaishya from the legs,
01:14Sudra appeared from the feet.
01:16When Brahma Ji created ten sons of men,
01:26he was asked to move forward in the path of creation.
01:30He went to do bhajan.
01:32Brahma Ji was very worried.
01:35He thought what to do.
01:37He transformed his body into a woman.
01:43He asked Manu Satrupa to move forward in the path of creation.
01:47Manu Maharaj said,
01:49If there is no earth, where will people live?
01:54Where will they live?
01:56So, Bhagwan thought how to bring the earth.
01:59So, Bhagwan performed a miracle.
02:02Kasyapa Maharaj had thirteen wives.
02:06Diti was not a daughter.
02:11Diti went to Kasyapa Maharaj's ashram in the evening.
02:15She said, I want a son.
02:17With the desire of giving birth to a son.
02:19Kasyapa Maharaj said,
02:21Devi, it is evening.
02:23If you give birth to a son,
02:25the child will be haunted by ghosts and demons.
02:29This is not the right time.
02:31Diti did not agree.
02:33She cursed him,
02:35that you will have two children.
02:39Kasyapa Maharaj repented.
02:41Diti's feet began to hurt.
02:43Maharaj made a mistake.
02:45When she started apologizing,
02:48Kasyapa Maharaj said,
02:51Devi, if you realize your mistake,
02:53your son will be the most beloved devotee of Bhagwan.
02:59I say to him, Jai Si.
03:01Param Lala Bhakt Ho,
03:09Prem Se Boli Jai Sri Radha.
03:13So, in Diti Maharaj's womb,
03:20the two devotees of Bhagwan,
03:22Jai and Vijay, come.
03:24They stay in the womb for many centuries.
03:29Devotees of Bhagwan,
03:31become enraged.
03:33Devotees of Bhagwan,
03:35become jealous.
03:37Devotees of Bhagwan,
03:39take refuge in Bhagwan.
03:43comes out of Bhagwan's womb.
03:47comes out.
03:51comes out.
03:53Kasyapa Maharaj said,
03:57Devotees of Bhagwan,
03:59went to visit Shankhadi Kumar,
04:01but he did not allow them to visit him.
04:03So, our sons told him,
04:05that for three lifetimes,
04:07you will be the most beloved devotee of Bhagwan.
04:11Jai and Vijay,
04:13are in Diti Maharaj's womb.
04:15As soon as they take birth,
04:17their feet,
04:19begin to hit the sky.
04:25At the same time, Bhagwan,
04:27took Hiranyaksha,
04:29who was lying on the ground,
04:31to the ground.
04:33That is when Bhagwan came.
04:37who was lying on the ground,
04:39for many centuries,
04:41that is when Hiranyaksha,
04:43challenged Bhagwan.
04:45There was a fierce battle.
04:49established the earth.
04:51He said,
