Neighbours 9083 24th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I just won my first court case.
00:04You're the investor. He's had to cancel your meeting.
00:06What did you just do?
00:07Can you just please not say anything?
00:08How's it going outside?
00:09Yeah, smooth sailing.
00:11It's the first time I thought this partnership could actually work.
00:13I saw that. That look that you and Nick gave each other.
00:16It's time to come home.
00:17I'm not coming home. Who's going to find Krista?
00:20Why are there guests wandering around the complex with hot food?
00:23It's temporary.
00:24You're fired.
00:25No, wait!
00:26Hello, Krista.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours.
00:38With a little understanding,
00:43you can find the perfect blend.
00:49Neighbours should be there for one another.
00:56That's when good neighbours become good friends.
01:06I didn't know you were coming.
01:09Hello, Byron.
01:12It's not normally like this.
01:14I should hope not.
01:16Unfortunately, I just had to fire our acting manager.
01:19It's a bit of a story.
01:21I look forward to hearing it.
01:24Are you just passing by?
01:29Why don't I grab a coffee while you get cleaned up?
01:32Then we can talk properly.
01:42Why is she here?
01:44Isn't she racist?
01:45Do I see now?
01:46Last time I checked.
01:47What's going on?
01:48We need to get this place sorted ASAP.
01:56I thought there was meant to be some kind of trip to the peninsula today.
01:59I couldn't possibly get on the bus with those women.
02:02Harold Bishop, are you hiding from Moira and Hilary?
02:05Ever since I won that election,
02:07there's been one complaint after another.
02:10Maybe they're just looking for an excuse to talk to you.
02:12Don't you start.
02:14Hey, guys.
02:15You all set for dinner tonight?
02:16Oh, a night at Ramsey Street.
02:18Just what I need.
02:19Thank you, Jerry.
02:20Hey, mate.
02:21Do you mind if I grab one of those takeaway plates?
02:22Yeah, yeah.
02:23Of course.
02:24Oh, hey.
02:25Actually, have you spoken to Mac?
02:27I was meant to call her, see how she wouldn't call us.
02:31She won.
02:33That's good.
02:34She won a case on her own.
02:35Yeah, it's an absolutely massive deal.
02:37She's been preparing for weeks.
02:43It is a huge deal.
02:44Yeah, we need to celebrate this.
02:46What are you doing tonight?
02:48So, I have dinner plans tonight.
02:50Oh, is Haz taking you to a nice restaurant?
02:53Close, to Raisin Toady's.
02:56I should probably head off now so I can beat the traffic.
03:03I just got a happy text from a client.
03:06I'll call her tomorrow and see if we can bump up the text to an online review.
03:09Good idea.
03:13Does that actually work?
03:14All the time.
03:15Communication with a client after an event tells them that we care more about their experience than their money.
03:20And then makes them more comfortable giving us more of it, yeah?
03:24It's just good customer service.
03:29That was my friend from a high-end Melbourne tour company.
03:32She's asked if Yotacopy could pitch for one of their Melbourne experiences.
03:36That would be amazing.
03:38What do we have to do?
03:39That's the catch.
03:40She's just had a candidate drop out so she needs a unique experience by tomorrow morning.
03:44And I know you two are about to head home.
03:46Oh, please.
03:47As if we'd bail on this.
03:49Yeah, what she said.
03:51Okay, well, um, let's get brainstorming.
03:56Thanks so much for coming in, Sam.
03:57I know it's your day off.
03:59Where are you doing the evening?
04:00Just at reception.
04:01Thank you.
04:03Sam's here.
04:05That's the last of the bags.
04:06Thank you.
04:07Hey, um, if it's alright, I'm going to head home.
04:09My feet are killing me.
04:10Yeah, go home and get some rest.
04:12Maybe don't go out tonight.
04:15I won't need a room to sleep in, but I will need one for an office.
04:19An office?
04:20To answer your earlier question, I'll be basing myself in Melbourne for a few weeks.
04:24Uh, doesn't Reese need you back in the States?
04:28I'm now Syncorp's head of Asia Pacific.
04:31She's asked me to check on all our investments.
04:34I see.
04:35Um, before you go, will you see if we have a room available?
04:43Why don't we take a seat outside and I can fill you in on everything.
04:50Okay, key word is experience, so we can't just serve an amazing lunch.
04:54It has to be memorable.
04:56Okay, uh, what about a picnic amongst the vines?
05:00Oh, I love that.
05:01No, no, no, that'll be harvest season.
05:03The vines will be full of pickers.
05:04Why don't we use the harvest as the experience?
05:07We can reserve a section of the vines for the tour guides to pick from.
05:11What do we do then, load them up in the truck?
05:13No, no, we could get barrels and they could squish the grapes with their feet.
05:16Yes, and we pitch it as an authentic winemaking experience.
05:19Yeah, it's the kind of fun experience you want from a winery tour.
05:21What about the tourists who don't want to do the squishing?
05:24Oh, we, uh, an outdoor bar. They can sit and commentate.
05:26Or we could do a buffet-style menu and we can dress it up as an ancient epic feast.
05:32You got me sold.
05:34All right, should we do a budget?
05:36Uh, well, you guys are doing so well, I might leave you to it.
05:39Chris is just sending me an SOS. I think she might need me.
05:55Got you these.
05:56I should win cases more often.
05:58I'm sure you will.
06:00Flowers and an invite to Castle Willis-Rebecca.
06:03Yeah, it's the least Hodie could do after not being in court today.
06:07Oh, I told you I was happy to step up.
06:09Yeah, but he is your mentor and he hasn't been doing any mentoring lately.
06:13He's doing the best he can.
06:14Where's this coming from?
06:17Oh, um, sorry, do you mind?
06:19Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
06:25Mackenzie speaking.
06:28Uh, yeah, yeah, that's right.
06:32How did you get my number?
06:35I'd already given Brett two warnings.
06:37He ignored them and it's cost us thousands.
06:39And Paul recommended him for the position?
06:44But he left the final decision with me.
06:46Then the responsibility lies with both of you.
06:50I'm not taking this lightly.
06:52I'll think of ways to recoup the losses.
06:58Do you remember the last time we saw each other?
07:03It was in London.
07:06I just had a huge argument with Dad.
07:09You jumped into a taxi and screamed out the window.
07:12You said you never wanted to see him again.
07:15And I never did.
07:17He loved you very much.
07:21I will always regret that I couldn't make things right before he died.
07:24If he were here now, he'd want to know that you were turning your life around.
07:30I am.
07:32Paul left me in charge and he wouldn't have done that if he didn't trust me.
07:35Even so, you can understand why I'm concerned.
07:40Is Reece concerned too?
07:44Are you really here to check on me?
07:45Reece is a very busy woman.
07:47She knows I'm in the region.
07:50But we have a lot in common.
07:52She knows I'm in the region.
07:54But we haven't discussed you.
07:59I've done a lot of traveling today.
08:01Let's pick this up tomorrow.
08:03Where are you staying?
08:05I rented a house.
08:07I'll message you later with a time to meet.
08:09Tess, hey. Nice to see you.
08:11You too, Leo.
08:17Don't say anything.
08:19Just give me a hug, please.
08:37A job offer from McGovern and Armstrong?
08:39Yeah, yeah. And they are one of the biggest law firms in Melbourne.
08:42Okay, so they must have heard about your big win today.
08:45The judge recommended me.
08:46They are branching out into human rights law and they're on the lookout for promising new lawyers.
08:51Human rights is right up your alley.
08:54Interesting timing.
08:57Whatever you've been thinking about, Toadie, I can't possibly take it.
09:01Loyalty aside, are you interested?
09:05Well, yeah, but I can't put loyalty aside.
09:09Okay, well what would this job give you that Rebecca Law can't?
09:14You can't compare. Rebecca Law is a small suburban firm.
09:17McGovern and Armstrong are international.
09:20You should see your face lighting up right now.
09:22Okay, fine. It's a dream job. I would get to be in court all the time.
09:27But Toadie has been so good to me. He's family.
09:31He can't expect you to work for him forever.
09:34Well, I'm happy to do a few more years.
09:37You should see your face not lighting up right now.
09:40Alright, yeah.
09:42I wish he would focus more on developing my career, but that is not a reason to bolt.
09:50All I'm saying is just think it over.
09:59Come on, you've got to tell us a story.
10:01I did say it'd be better coming from you than me.
10:04I did say it'd be better coming from you than me.
10:07Has this anything to do with a very strange message I got from Moira?
10:11Oh, don't. Alright, alright.
10:13Well, I decided to surprise Carl in his office.
10:20Oh, I see.
10:21And Moira walked in at a very inopportune moment.
10:26Oh, no.
10:29No, I'm sorry. I don't follow.
10:32Harold, let me put it this way.
10:35The only thing between me and Moira was her cabbage flower hat.
10:42You had to be there, Harold.
10:43Oh, thank goodness you weren't.
10:45Oh, my gosh, I missed you.
10:46Oh, here she is. The star of Rebecca's life.
10:49Oh, I want to hear all about this case.
10:52Yes, absolutely. So do I.
11:00Whether Reece sent her here or not, she's obviously here to check on me.
11:03Well, why don't you call Reece?
11:04No, you know that I don't like to bother her.
11:07And I don't want to give her any reason to think that there's problems here.
11:12Take a seat.
11:15Sorry, just seeing Tess brought up a lot of stuff.
11:21About your dad?
11:26She was always by his side, towing the company line.
11:29And last time that we all saw each other, I was totally wired.
11:35You're not that person anymore.
11:42Great. Tess wants to meet at 7am to discuss my financial plans for recouping the losses.
11:48It's not fair.
11:49It's a test.
11:52She wants to put the pressure on me.
11:54Well, ask her to change the time.
11:56No, I can't do that.
11:59I just need a plan.
12:03Me and Kerry are working on a pitch for the venue.
12:06What does that have to do with me?
12:08What if we did a collaboration?
12:11We could use Lassiter's as accommodation for the guests.
12:14Well, I don't want to complicate things for you.
12:17What, Matt? It's a win-win situation for both of us.
12:19Look, it might not recoup all of your losses, but it'll show Tess that you're proactive.
12:25So what, we'd present a combined pitch?
12:28Yeah, we can put our heads together tonight and present back to Tess in the morning.
12:36It's Kerry now.
12:39All good with us.
12:42So it was all a set-up?
12:44Yeah, they almost lost their business because of the false accusations.
12:48Well, good on you, piecing together everything that happened.
12:51And the court awarded damages.
12:54For lost income, yes, but it was never about money for my client.
12:58It was about the truth.
13:00For our client, sorry.
13:02No, no, not at all. It's very much your client.
13:05You took the running on this one.
13:07Must have been some sunroom.
13:10Oh, the rebuild at number 30, since it took up quite a lot of your time.
13:14Yeah, yeah, I have had a lot of distractions lately.
13:18Well, you couldn't help going to Colac.
13:21So when will the sunroom be finished?
13:24Oh, I'm not sure really.
13:26I'm going to leave the rest of it to Cara to finish.
13:29You've been kicked off the job already.
13:31No, I just realised that it's probably best to leave the finishing touches to the professionals.
13:37You're going to be seeing a lot more of me around the office from now.
13:39I'm really sorry that I've been MIA.
13:41I'm really sorry that I've been MIA.
13:42No, it's fine.
13:44No, no, it's not.
13:48You kicked a major goal today and I wasn't there to watch it.
13:52And sometimes, you know, it's really easy just to get caught up in life and get distracted.
13:57And so here is to the most amazing employee and so much more.
14:01And my amazing wife and amazing friends.
14:18Are we sure that we're happy teaming up with Krista?
14:21She's Leo's girlfriend.
14:22You know, if it's good for him, it's good for the trial partnership.
14:26I love this side of you.
14:28Well, I love your ideas.
14:30That harvest feast idea was really good.
14:33Oh, no, I think that grape stomping was the real winner of the day.
14:37I was just riffing off you.
14:41I've been learning a lot from you the past few days.
14:44It's made me kind of worried that my cafe experience isn't going to cut it in the restaurant world.
14:48You're making it work.
14:50Can we make this work?
14:56If Leo gives us the green light.
14:59Yeah, ask me again once we've turned this brilliant idea into a killer pitch.
15:05I gather you haven't told Therese about the nursery.
15:09I told her that everything's under control, and it is.
15:12And everything else we talked about.
15:14Is that an issue?
15:15I am going to stop overthinking the past and focus on the present.
15:20She did.
15:21She did.
15:23Oh, well, what well-trained husbands we have here.
15:26Well, if I'm going to do the cooking, it's only fair that Toadie does the dishes.
15:29And when she says cooking, it's cooking.
15:31If I'm going to do the cooking, it's only fair that Toadie does the dishes.
15:33And when she says cooking, she means ordering the takeaway, right?
15:36Excuse me, don't spill my secrets.
15:40You can talk to him tomorrow.
15:42There's no need. I'm saying no to the job.
15:44You sure?
15:46I love Toadie. I don't want to leave.
15:54This is actually really good.
15:55Yeah, can I...
15:56No! Although, yeah, we might need you to wear a toga at some point.
16:02Hey, I really appreciate you guys letting me muscle in on this.
16:05Yeah, yeah, you guys are doing us a massive favour.
16:07No, it was a natural fit.
16:09And we just need to add your cost projection.
16:11Yeah, absolutely.
16:13Just before we get onto that, I do have something I want to say to you guys.
16:18The answer's yes.
16:20Are we talking about the trial partnership?
16:22Yeah, exactly.
16:23I mean, I've seen you guys are great at teamwork and I'd still love you to be part of it if you're keen.
16:27Hell yeah!
16:29I think that's a yes.
16:30Alright, I'll get the contracts drawn up.
16:33I'll have to hand in my resignation later tonight.
16:35Hang on, what did Byron actually do today?
16:37Well, I couldn't help with the pitch because you guys have already done everything.
16:40And he'll look good in a toga.
16:43I do want to say I'm sorry for messing you guys around with that silent investor.
16:47Partnerships are about trust and teamwork and honesty.
16:50And yeah, you've shown me you're capable of that, so thank you.
16:54Hey, we're vineyard owners. Surely there must be wine.
16:57Oh, I've got a few bottles in the car.
16:58We can grab the glasses.
17:06Hey, I know we're thinking the same thing here.
17:09I hate that we're still lying to him about the other investor.
17:11I know, I know, but look around. It's all worked out for the best, right?
17:14Why don't we just keep looking forward, not back?
17:27Collaboration with the vineyard?
17:29Yes. If we're successful, it'll mitigate a huge chunk of our losses.
17:34I've also pulled together a list of candidates for the new acting manager position.
17:38And it's a strong pull.
17:40Will a strong candidate be interested in a short-term position?
17:43True. Paul will be back soon.
17:46But I'm confident that the short-term position will appeal to somebody.
17:54Good work.
17:56Thank you.
17:59How long have you been seeing Leo?
18:02About three months.
18:04He's been a big support to me throughout my recovery.
18:07I hope he's more trustworthy than his father.
18:09He's an incredible guy. Honest to a fault.
18:14Good to hear.
18:18Is there anything else that I can help you with?
18:21Nothing for now. I have access to all the hotel reports. I'm about to get stuck in.
18:27Right. Well, I'll leave you to it.
18:38Hi there. Are you all packed?
18:41She's a lot more together than I expected, but that won't last for long.
18:47Relax. She thinks I'm here to watch over her.
18:51She doesn't suspect a thing.
19:10How was Tess?
19:12Yeah, she seemed impressed.
19:14Cool. Well, I've sent the picture to the clients, so hopefully it's a thumbs up from them too.
19:19You saved me from going to a really dark place yesterday.
19:23Yeah, well, you're strong and you're capable. And you've got this.
19:29You're the one making me strong.
19:31You've got your back, just like you've got mine.
19:38Is that the contract for the vineyard?
19:40Yeah. Yep, the lawyers have given it to me just to make any changes if I need to.
19:47You have always had my back.
19:52But I haven't always had yours.
19:56Leo, I have to tell you something.
20:01It's about the silent investor, Mr. Breen.
20:05Yeah. And I should have told you when it happened.
20:10It's okay. It all worked out for the best.
20:13Yeah, maybe it still can, but I can't let you go into this partnership without knowing the truth.
20:22The reason that Breen pulled out was because Byron told him that you were no longer interested.
20:30He lied to Breen. And we've both been keeping it from you.
20:35You're just leaving me be.
20:42Coming up on Neighbours.
20:44Is everything alright?
20:45Well, that's my question to you.
20:46Just know that you don't need to worry about Krista.
20:49That's quite the endorsement. Didn't she extort money off of you?
20:53Look, I know what I did was bad, but you said it yourself, it's worked out for the best, right?
20:57Give me one good reason why I should go into business with you.