17 Énigmes Sympas Qui Vous Empêcheront De Dormir

  • 2 months ago
Bonjour à tous ! Si vous êtes prêt à mettre votre cerveau à l'épreuve et peut-être à perdre un peu de sommeil, nous avons 17 énigmes sympas à vous proposer. Ces énigmes difficiles vous feront réfléchir longtemps après avoir éteint votre écran. Appelez un ami ou un membre de votre famille et voyez qui pourra les résoudre en premier. Ne soyez pas surpris si vous perdez le sommeil en essayant de les résoudre ! Plongez dans l'aventure et amusez-vous en vous creusant les méninges ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Three luxury watches were stolen in Mr. Brown's shop this year.
00:05The police can't help the poor man.
00:07They decide to hire a private detective.
00:10When Laura arrives, she immediately asks for the video surveillance recordings from January to December.
00:17After watching them, she tells the shop owner who is the thief.
00:21What did she notice in the video?
00:31The same man came to the shop several times, in April, August and November.
00:37And each time, he had a plaster in his arm.
00:40But no broken bone would take 8 months to heal.
00:46Follow the Sun was a very popular travel agency.
00:50It sold tourist circuits to the hottest and most exotic destinations.
00:55But one day, the police discovered that this company helped criminals flee the country.
01:00It also learned the exact date when it would happen the next time.
01:05That day, several police officers went to the airport.
01:09They arrested a group of tourists who were flying to an island in the Caribbean.
01:13But the police did not know the identity of the criminal.
01:17That's why they had to search the luggage of all passengers.
01:21Look at their bags and say who the criminal is.
01:24It's the young woman on the left.
01:26If she is going on a trip to a hot place, why does she need a coat?
01:33No matter your speed, you will never be faster than me.
01:36I follow you wherever you go.
01:38What am I?
01:44I am a police officer.
01:46I am a police officer.
01:48I am a police officer.
01:50I am a police officer.
01:52I am a police officer.
01:54I am a police officer.
01:56I am a police officer.
01:58I am a police officer.
02:00I am your shadow.
02:02Karl and his wife Olivia had dinner.
02:05They ate the same dishes, fries, fish and a vegetable salad.
02:10Half an hour later, Karl felt sick and had to call an ambulance.
02:15But when the specialists arrived, he was already unconscious.
02:19The man was immediately taken to the hospital.
02:22Fortunately, the doctors had enough time to save him.
02:26When they discovered what was wrong with Karl, everyone was shocked.
02:30He had been poisoned.
02:32But how?
02:34He and his wife had eaten the same dishes and Olivia was doing perfectly well.
02:39Even more surprising, the next day, the police arrested the wife for attempted poisoning.
02:49The next day, the police arrested the wife for attempted poisoning.
02:56Olivia had very little salty dishes and she had put poison in the salad bowl.
03:02Marta takes 6 ice cubes in the freezer and puts them on a plate.
03:06Then she takes 2 and adds one.
03:10She waits 20 minutes and puts all the ice cubes back in the freezer.
03:14How many ice cubes are left?
03:17How many ice cubes are left?
03:19How many ice cubes are left?
03:21How many ice cubes are left?
03:23How many ice cubes are left?
03:25Just one, but it will not be exactly a cube.
03:28All the ice cubes will have melted and once back in the freezer, they will form a single large block of ice.
03:35Joe sent a text message to his English friend.
03:38He needed advice.
03:40Joe wrote,
03:41My little friend took my professional camera without asking me for permission.
03:45And then she broke it by accident.
03:47What should I do?
03:49The answer was of course in English.
03:51At first, Joe did not want to follow this advice.
03:54But a little later, he decided that it was the best thing to do.
03:58What was the advice?
04:00Forgive it forget.
04:12Someone broke into Samantha's house through the window and stole valuables.
04:18When the police arrived, she told them that she suspected her young brother, Sam.
04:23The police went to question him.
04:25But he denied everything.
04:27I broke my leg a few days ago while playing basketball.
04:30As you can see, it is now in a plaster.
04:33It is even difficult for me to get out of my house.
04:36The police left.
04:38But the next day, one of them saw Sam near his house.
04:42The guy was still wearing his plaster.
04:44But the agent immediately arrested him.
04:57When the police visited Sam, he had a plaster on his right leg.
05:00Now, he is on his left leg.
05:05A farmer has only goats, sheep and horses in his farm.
05:09At the moment, the animals are all horses except 5.
05:13All goats except 4.
05:15And all sheep except 3.
05:17How many of each animal does the farmer have?
05:28There are 3 sheep, 2 goats and 1 horse in the farm.
05:32In total, there are 6 animals.
05:37The police agent Cheryl Adams was walking along the river,
05:40taking pictures that she needed for her investigation.
05:43Suddenly, a man pushed her.
05:45They both fell to the ground.
05:47After helping Cheryl to get up, the man began to apologize.
05:51Someone had stolen his wallet and he was trying to catch the thief.
05:55I was combing my boat and my wallet was next to me.
05:59But then, I was distracted.
06:02And when I looked again, my wallet had disappeared.
06:06Cheryl understood that the thief could not be far away.
06:09They rushed to the dock.
06:11There were 4 people.
06:13After observing them carefully, the agent knew who the thief was.
06:17Now, it's your turn to guess.
06:26It's the man on the phone.
06:28He has green paint on the left leg of his pants.
06:32Damien was at work when he discovered that he had won the jackpot of the lottery.
06:37He told his accountant that he wanted to give half of this money to his best friend Logan.
06:43But several people showed up at the accountant's house, pretending to be Logan,
06:48in order to get the money.
06:50Can you find out who the thief is?
06:53Can you find out who the real Logan is?
07:05It's the guy wearing a bracelet that looks like Damien's.
07:09Look at these prisoners.
07:11Can you guess who is going to escape?
07:23It's the guy who looks the most innocent.
07:25The one who reads a book.
07:27In the corner of his cell, we can see a pile of dirt.
07:30He has already dug a hole.
07:32He plans to go through there to escape.
07:36Sandra's American boyfriend went on a business trip to New York.
07:40Shortly after, the young girl received a strange text from him.
07:44Here it is.
07:45What did Sandra's boyfriend mean?
07:54Unhappy without you
08:01A woman came out of the airport terminal.
08:04She called a taxi and gave instructions to the driver.
08:07As soon as they started, the woman started talking.
08:10Her chatter annoyed the driver.
08:12He turned to her and said to her,
08:14I can't hear what you're saying.
08:16I'm almost deaf.
08:18The woman did not open her mouth for the rest of the journey.
08:21It was only after getting out of the taxi
08:23that she realized that the man had lied to her.
08:26How did the woman understand it?
08:37If the driver had hearing problems,
08:39he would not have been able to follow these instructions.
08:44Dylan was an extremely popular man in his office.
08:47Tall, handsome, funny and friendly.
08:50But there was one thing that made some people not like him.
08:54The man changed girlfriends every month.
08:57That Friday, Dylan went to work very happy.
09:01He had finally bought the car of his dreams.
09:04At lunchtime, he went to check his new toy in the parking lot.
09:08Oh no, his car was damaged, scratched and covered with paint.
09:13Dylan called security.
09:15He had three suspects.
09:17They were all Dylan's exes.
09:19Andrea said she didn't even know that Dylan had bought a new car.
09:23Catherine said she was preparing a report for their boss
09:26and that she hadn't left her office.
09:29Emila said she had forgiven him a long time ago.
09:32Who damaged Dylan's car?
09:45She has paint stains on her skirt
09:47The color remained the same as that of the paint on Dylan's car.
09:52Emilie was standing on one side of the river and Anna on the other.
09:56Anna shouted to ask Emilie to come join her and Emilie did.
10:00There was no bridge on the river,
10:02but the girl crossed it anyway without getting wet.
10:05How did she do it?
10:07How did she do it?
10:15The river was frozen.
10:18A man was going to Disneyland in Florida.
10:21At some point, he arrived at a crossroads.
10:23There was a sign.
10:25Blueville, right, Disneyland, left.
10:28The man stayed there for a moment,
10:30then, terribly upset, he went home.
10:43Left means to the left, but also to go.
10:46An orange house is made of orange bricks.
10:49A yellow house is made of yellow stone.
10:52A blue house is made of blue logs.
10:54What is a green house made of?
11:07Of green, because it means greenhouse.
