
  • 2 months ago
00:00Now what's the point of getting upset over this?
00:07But tell me one thing,
00:10why are you so sympathetic towards Qadir all of a sudden?
00:17And what happiness do you get in this house?
00:21The reason, the status you used to get,
00:23it's not happening anymore.
00:26And as much as we should be thankful to God for not being punished,
00:31and if you are insisting so much then let me tell you,
00:33I have come to meet Qadir.
00:39so you are teaming up with him to humiliate me?
00:44Listen, understand one thing,
00:47even if I don't get married to this Obiah for some reason,
00:51I am not going to choose you again.
01:00Don't worry, I make a mistake only once,
01:03I don't repeat it.
01:05Although she is asking for her destruction with her own hands.
01:12Sister, you don't know this, that's why.
01:15You know, you are looking exactly like a loser like Qadir.
01:25I can't believe this.
01:28A loser is telling me this.
01:30I mean,
01:32anyways, I wasn't even talking to you,
01:34I was talking to Obiah.
01:37Being a woman, I was trying to make her understand that
01:40she is going to make a big mistake.
01:43You have stopped yourself from making a mistake, right?
01:46That's enough.
01:48Anyway, Obiah doesn't need your advice.
01:50And you go,
01:51give consolation to that loser.
01:53A lot of time will pass when we will meet again, crazy people.
02:37I am a loser.
02:43I am a loser.
02:46What has happened, Qadir?
02:49Don't you know Haris?
02:51He has poison in his heart.
02:53Who listens to him? Are you serious?
02:55No, sister.
02:56He is right.
02:58I am a loser.
03:01Control yourself.
03:03It's Haris, I mean.
03:05No, I am a loser.
03:07That's why,
03:08that's why she rejected me in the morning.
03:13You are not a loser.
03:14You are a very good, very nice person.
03:16Look at yourself in my eyes.
03:18I am a loser.
03:19Okay, now don't panic.
03:20Don't panic for no reason.
03:28What has happened to Qadir?
03:33Aunty, look what has happened to Qadir.
03:34He is bleeding.
03:35Qadir, what has happened to you?
03:38What happened, son?
03:40He is bleeding.
03:41What has happened to him?
03:42My son is fine.
03:43Nothing has happened to him.
03:44What happened, son?
03:45Call your mother.
03:50Qadir, son, nothing has happened to you.
03:52I will take him to the hospital.
03:54Come, son.
03:55Come, son.
03:56Come, my son.
03:57Come, my son.
04:19Haris Bhai.
04:20Qadir Bhai is not well.
04:22We took him to the hospital.
04:23Everyone went crying.
04:25He fainted at home.
04:26He is in a very bad condition.
04:28Listen to me.
04:29There is no need to act.
04:31If he was in such a bad condition,
04:32you could have called us and told us.
04:34I am not talking to you.
04:36How are you saying this?
04:38You are Qadir Bhai's real brother.
04:40That is why I told you.
04:41It is your wish.
04:43It is better if you stay in your limits.
04:46I am in my limits.
04:48I don't enter homes and spread my legs.
04:51That's it.
04:52Pick up your things and leave.
04:57What is the use?
04:58You get a lot of work.
05:00If madam will throw me out,
05:01I will leave.
05:03By the way, Haris Bhai.
05:06You have not become the owner of this house yet.
05:11Let her be.
05:13It is not her fault.
05:15She sees my status in this house.
05:16She will talk back.
05:18It takes a minute for you to enter the complex.
05:51What happened to brother?
05:52Is he fine?
05:53Pray that nothing happens to my son.
05:56My Qadir is absolutely fine.
05:58Everything will be fine.
06:00He will be fine.
06:01Pray to God.
06:04Zara, how is my son?
06:06He is shifting to the ICU.
06:08But he just had a baby.
06:10Why did he shift to the ICU?
06:13He has been under stress for the past few days.
06:15And he has endured so much emotional trauma.
06:19He had a severe nervous breakdown.
06:21That is why he has been shifted to the ICU.
06:23How is his condition?
06:26What are you saying, Zara?
06:31Pray for him.
06:32Mother's prayers have a lot of effect.
06:35God willing, he will be fine.
06:37Look, sister-in-law Zara.
06:38Whatever you are,
06:40tell us clearly.
06:41Don't hide anything from us.
06:42I am not hiding anything from you.
06:43I am shocked myself.
06:45How did a smiling child like Qadir
06:47get into all this?
06:51I told you that his condition is very critical.
06:54He is unconscious.
06:56And the next 48 hours are very important.
06:58If he doesn't regain consciousness,
07:00he can go into a coma.
07:03But we should hope for the best.
07:06We still have 48 hours.
07:09That is why we have shifted him to the ICU
07:11so that he can get good care.
07:13Pray for him.
07:15God willing, everything will be fine.
07:17God willing.
07:18God willing.
07:22Take care.
07:24pray for him, Taekusha.
07:25Pray for him, Taekusha.
07:41Why, Qadir?
07:43Why are you like this?
07:45Why are you so emotional?
07:48And he went to the hospital
07:49because he was so emotional.
07:53What if something happens to him?
07:56If anything serious happens?
07:59No, no.
08:01Sobhia's wish was already on his head that
08:05I shouldn't think like this.
08:11is the food ready?
08:13I have made Chinese.
08:15Sobhia, do you know anything about Qadir?
08:19How is he?
08:20Is he okay in the hospital?
08:23Why are you getting worried?
08:24He will come.
08:25It's not a big deal.
08:29I don't know about the people here.
08:32Anyway, I think Qadir and Hooram have a thing.
08:37What do you mean?
08:38I mean, there was a sister-in-law in our locality
08:41and she used to behave like Qadir.
08:44Here, if someone spoke against her will,
08:47she used to get sick.
08:50Now look, Qadir is also saying the same thing.
08:53And who shares it with him?
08:55Hooram shares it with him.
08:59Otherwise, you must have seen that in the morning,
09:01Qadir was absolutely fine.
09:04But as soon as Hooram went to the room,
09:07suddenly, I don't know what happened that in 15 minutes,
09:11Qadir reached the hospital.
09:14They did all this together
09:17so that they can humiliate you in front of uncle and aunt.
09:19Otherwise, you tell me,
09:21what injustice has been done to Qadir?
09:24You don't know what happens to people these days.
09:28Maybe you are right.
09:32Anyway, Qadir never got attention.
09:38So maybe he is doing all this just to get attention.
09:42That's what I am telling you.
09:46You serve the food.
09:49I am serving it. It will get cold soon.
09:56Qadir. Qadir. Qadir.
09:59Bloody attention seeker.