Tennis Legend Andy Murray Announces Retirement After Olympics

  • il y a 2 mois
00:00Andy Murray, the 37-year-old tennis legend, announced in Paris that he will retire following
00:06the Olympics, content with his decision despite the emotional struggle leading up to it.
00:11I'll feel good, Murray said, a few months ago I wasn't sure I'd feel this way, I had
00:16a lot of conversations with my family, with my wife about it.
00:20I didn't really want to stop then, but now I know it's the right time, Murray, a two-time
00:25Olympic gold medalist in singles and a silver medalist in mixed doubles, confirmed his plan
00:29to focus solely on doubles with Dan Evans.
00:33Due to ongoing back issues and recent surgery, he's unlikely to play singles again, my back
00:37is better but not perfect.
