Elders auctioneer Pearce Watling gives an update from the Boyanup saleyards.
00:00G'day, it's Piers Whatling here reporting from the Bournemouth Sower Yards on the 17th of July 2024.
00:05We've just completed our monthly store sale for July. We've had a full yarding of 1400 head,
00:11mainly sort of beef, bread, sort of steers and heifers with a good portion of sort of
00:17dairy, beef, sort of cross steers and heifers and then a good sort of yarding of Frisian
00:24steers, you know, ranging from sort of 500 kilos back through all the way to sort of potties
00:29and then a good sort of light yarding of, you know, first cross sort of the basement breeder heifers
00:35to round out the sale. Into the midst of it feeder steers, you know, good feeder steers,
00:40sort of suitable to feed lots of the 330 kilos up and above, you know, they were sort of quite
00:44solid, you know, that sort of 330 to 400 kilos sort of pretty consistently sort of in that sort
00:49of $3.60 to $3.80, so completely sort of firm on where we were last month. Those heavy feeder
00:56steers, it wasn't sort of an abundance of them but, you know, sort of 400 to 460 kilos I think
01:02was sort of the top end of them but, you know, sort of consistently from $3.30 up to sort of $3.50,
01:07$3.60 with quite a, you know, good bit of competition from, you know, a couple of different
01:12feed lotting sort of outfits on both the feeder steers and those extra sort of heavy feeder steers.
01:17Then into those background of steers, I mean, they meant really good sort of competition again.
01:21We've seen those light background or angus steers sort of up to $4.10. Your Murray grey steers were
01:26sort of, you know, up over that $4 mark sort of but a lot of those cattle, those background of
01:31cattle sort of $3.70, you know, through to that $4.10 for your British bred sort of steers.
01:37Then you got into the runs of, you know, probably those just those off type sort of steers, you know,
01:42sort of probably a little bit of sort of just, you know, a little bit of sort of, you know,
01:46whether they were Hereford steers or sort of, you know, those red sort of red cross steers,
01:52you know, and they were sort of probably back at the sort of early $3 up to sort of $3.40 for the
01:57better shaped steers. Into the heifers, a really good run of heavy heifers was probably sort of
02:02noted by our Panospeckle Park heifers at the start there, 380 kilos. They made $3.80, which was
02:08probably the best heifer price sort of realised, but, you know, good feeder heifers in that sort of,
02:13you know, that sort of 350 kilos up to 400 kilos, consistently $3.20 to $3.40 and $3.50,
02:19especially for those better bred heifers. Those probably secondary heifers, you know,
02:23where you're probably back at sort of $2.80 to $2.90. And then into those sort of, you know,
02:29those sort of free 20 kilo and under sort of heifers, those background heifers, probably
02:32just a little bit mixed in quality. The better quality heifers, you know, $3, $3.10, but your
02:38sort of secondary sort of heifers, which, you know, sort of just off types in that, you know,
02:44they were probably sort of back at that sort of $2.40 to $2.60, $2.70, which, you know,
02:50Intel probably presented some really good buying opportunities. Into the first cross steers,
02:55good heavy first cross steers, up over, you know, they went to $3 for, I think they were sort of
02:59500 kilos, so up to $3. And then those sort of good heavy feeder sort of first cross steers,
03:06up to $3.10 for sort of those 400 to 450 kilos. Back into your sort of lighter weight fellas,
03:11again, they sort of hovered around that sort of $2.80 up to sort of, you know, $3, $3.10
03:19and 20 for the paddock. Into the Friesians, you know, there wasn't a lot of weight in the Friesians
03:23this month, but those 400 to 500 kilo steers realized a little bit of feeder competition,
03:29you know, and that sort of seen them sort of, you know, $2 up to $2.40, $2.40 sort of near
03:35that sort of 500, 520 kilo steer. And then obviously, you know, as you sort of got back
03:40into that lighter sort of 400 kilo steers, you were sort of $2, $2.20. And then into those sort
03:46of mid range sort of, you know, Friesians are sort of 300 to 400 kilos, probably that sort of,
03:51you know, those steers that are going to take probably two years before they are sort of
03:54finished. They were probably a little bit stickier today, sort of $1.50 to $2 for the veteran off
04:00type sort of, you know, that sort of back to that sort of $1.50. Then we get into the appraisal
04:06section, the first cross steers, we only had three pans of them sold appraisal and they sort of made
04:11between $750 to $850. So that was about on par with where the live weight cattle were, I reckon.
04:18And then into the Friesian steers sold appraisal, you know, up to $650 for that for the top end of
04:26them back through to in the Friesian steers, probably $400 and sort of all the way through
04:31there. And then we got into sort of the potties. And the potties probably, I reckon were probably
04:38a little bit probably more mixed in quality than what we've probably seen. A lot of cattle had a
04:43lot of, you know, a pretty sort of long journey under them, a lot of Albany cattle and sort of
04:48Northworth cattle had a bit of a journey under them. So probably didn't present and given the
04:52season sort of especially sort of out of that Albany probably just didn't present as well as
04:56they could have. They presented a fantastic opportunity to purchase this month and we
05:02sort of seen those potties from $100 up to $350 for the better end. So the good money for the
05:08cattle that, you know, presented well, a bit of softness in them and a little bit of cover. But
05:13again, you know, those sort of story sort of steers, they really presented an opportunity
05:18to purchase, to put out in the paddock and watch them explode. And then first cross heifers, we got
05:22them up to sort of $700 for the top end of them back through to, we had some sort of potty first
05:27cross heifers and they were sort of back into that sort of, you know, $300, $350, which, you know,
05:32again presents a fantastic opportunity to put those cattle out in the paddock. Anyways, it's
05:37P.S. Whatley here reporting from the Bournemouth Salyards and we'll see you all next month. Thank you.