• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shaya. Hi, Shaya, for watching, and thank you for watching.
00:08This is just going to be a quick video. I have the refrigerator plugged in, and the freezer, it's 6 o'clock, and the temperature reads this, which is 50...
00:28That hasn't changed in a while, so I finally put the dairy in the freezer. I think I might have just wasted $40, and I might not be able to eat that food.
00:48So what happened was I put in all of my waters, and it's 84 degrees, it is 84 degrees in this apartment, so it's 84 degrees in this apartment.
01:04However, I made that video at about 1 o'clock, and then about 2 or 3 o'clock, I put those waters in the fridge. So it's been like over 2 hours, and that will not decrease the temperature.
01:29I just looked on Google that the outlets on this side are connected, are the same outlets on this side of the wall. So it's very possible my food is going to be rotten, and I just wasted $40, and I just wasted $30 on the extension cord.
01:54So basically, I uploaded the video...
02:06So it's 6 o'clock. I'll tell you when I uploaded the video.
02:10I uploaded the video 3 hours ago. Then I watched the video, which was only half an hour.
02:37So it was really 2 1⁄2 hours. It's been 2 to 2 1⁄2 hours, and the fridge will not go down to the correct temperature.
02:50And I haven't had any trouble with the refrigerator, so it could have been a trick. It was extremely cold. I checked it several times before I went grocery shopping.
03:05So it's very likely that this outlet on this side of the wall is connected to that side of the wall, because I just Googled it.
03:17I looked it up, and I said, are both outlets in the same room all in one circuit?
03:28It says they might or might not share power between the two.
03:35So it's possible that it says the north and south walls share the same power, the east and west share the same power.
03:51The power is not being turned off. There's something that could possibly be decreasing the actual power of the outlet, and that was happening to me for a year and a half.
04:02So it's possible there's some kind of tool being used to decrease the power of the outlet to cause the fridge to not get enough power to cool, because there's no way.
04:17I had the fridge open to put away the waters for about 30 seconds. The temperature increased rapidly to 60 degrees, because it's 84 degrees in there.
04:29It's a lot of hot air. But it's 6 o'clock, and I'm not like checking, checking, checking, like opening the fridge tons of times.
04:40But this is not supposed to be like this. There's no way that it should be like that.
04:49And my food was probably already rotten, because I had it in the fridge since I put it away, and well, 6, 5, 4, 3 o'clock, 3 hours, I've had it in the fridge for 3 hours, the food.
05:14And the temperature was reading around that temperature the whole time, and I just saw us quickly putting the food in the freezer.
05:26But then I thought, well, it's going to be, you can't rapidly change the temperatures so quickly.
05:36However, then I realized, well, people do freeze cheese and milk, and poached cheese.
05:43So, however, I think I might have to throw it out, because of the temperature of the fridge.
05:54I'll probably make a video in a few hours to tell you what the temperature is, but let's just say that this is definitely timed.
06:03Because when I was getting my groceries for those year and a half, it was extremely timed, the temperatures.
06:10Why was I, I mean, this could get me an extreme attack, however, I'm not going to let it attack me.
06:19You know, I really, really wanted to enjoy the food. It's possible I could still eat the freezer food.
06:28However, I was getting food poison from the freezer food as well, that year and a half.
06:36But I need to make this video to tell you, Shaya, about what's going on with my food.
06:48And when I had those few things in the freezer, in the butter, the temperature did not mess around with.
07:00I think it's very, very possible that the outlets are connected on one wall.
07:06And this outlet is being changed.
07:16Because there's no way it would take...
07:19It's been two and a half hours since I put those waters away.
07:28Did you hear the noise?
07:29Did you hear the noise?
07:31It's been two and a half hours or longer since I put those waters away.
07:37There's no way it would...
07:39There's no way you put a...
07:42I put less than 36 bottles of water in the fridge.
07:47It took less than a minute and a half to two minutes.
07:50There's no way it would take two...
07:52The temperature would still not decrease from two and a half hours later.
07:57There's no way.
07:59So, I'm going to continue monitoring the fridge.
08:05However, I think I just lost possibly $40 worth of food.
08:10And it's extremely...
08:14It's extremely PTSD.
08:18There's a lot of PTSD involved.
08:21And also because of my health conditions, I really could have used those food products.
08:26Because I'm in a serious health condition.
08:29I could have really used those healthy foods in that fridge and freezer.
08:33So, I'm very, very angry.
08:37I'm very, very upset.
08:44I can't actually believe that this is happening.
08:48Because I was really like...
08:50It was really like...
08:54I thought like I was really supposed to get the extension cord and it was going to work.
09:00And now I feel kind of like I'm being tricked into thinking that everything was going to be fine and the extension cord would work.
09:08In the past 24 hours, the extension cord worked, the fridge was fine.
09:12So, I'll talk to you...
09:16Maybe in a...
09:19I'll probably talk to you tomorrow.
09:22Most likely, I'm just going to talk to you tomorrow.
09:27Thank you everybody for watching.
09:29I love you, Shia.
09:31Thank you everybody for watching.
09:33Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
