Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun est la plus importante femme artiste du XVIIIe siècle. Sa place privilégiée au sein de l’élite – elle était la portraitiste de Marie-Antoinette – en fait un témoin majeur des changements de son époque.
(Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun is the most important woman artist of the 18th century. Her privileged position among the elite - she was Marie-Antoinette's portraitist - made her a major witness to the changes of her era.)
© Copyright by Parkstone International - Do not Reup without credit
*This video for nonprofits
(Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun is the most important woman artist of the 18th century. Her privileged position among the elite - she was Marie-Antoinette's portraitist - made her a major witness to the changes of her era.)
© Copyright by Parkstone International - Do not Reup without credit
*This video for nonprofits