I'm A Dinosaur _ Thrilling Dinosaur Education for Kids _ Dinosaur Cartoon Fo_High

  • 2 months ago
I'm A Dinosaur _ Thrilling Dinosaur Education for Kids _ Dinosaur Cartoon
00:00No! It's not sounding right! Come on! I thought you guys wanted to be in this band!
00:21Oh, hi! I'm Pinacosaurus. Say it with me. Pina-co-saurus. That means Plank Lizard, because
00:29of our armor plates. Welcome to the late Cretaceous period, 78 million years ago. This is my band.
00:37We don't have a name yet, but that's Ying, that's Yang, and I'm Pin. Wait! Not until
00:44I say go! We're Ankylosaurs. That means we're armored dinos. We also have big clubs
00:50on our tails for defending ourselves. Or, making music. No, no, no! I wasn't starting
00:59the song. I was showing everyone how I defend myself against a carnivorous dinosaur. When
01:06our band goes on our first tour, we're going to leave from what is now China. In fact,
01:11we're the best-known dinosaurs from China. We'll soon be the best-known dino band, too!
01:18Oops! Very funny! These spikes and armor help us to defend ourselves, but they can make
01:25it tricky to get around. We're medium-sized at five meters long. We're much longer than
01:31a golf cart, but we're only one meter high, same as a mailbox. Like other Ankylosaurs,
01:38we have a beak, which helps us cut low-growing plants. We're like dino lawnmowers! Hey!
01:45What a great name for our band! Let's show them what the dino lawnmowers are made of!
01:51So, enjoy the show!
02:16Guys! Hey, guys!
02:25Welcome to the early Jurassic period. You haven't seen three of my herd around here,
02:30have you? My name is Scootalosaurus. That's Scootalosaurus. But you can call me Scoots.
02:37My friends and I like to hide from each other. My name means Little Shield Lizard. My shield
02:42is made up of all these little armor plates. They help to defend me and hide me. I'm a
02:48bipedal herbivore, which means I eat plants and walk around on my two back legs. But I
02:53am top-heavy. Hmm... Now, where did those guys go? I'm from what is now Arizona in the
03:03United States of America. I have a beak and special teeth, which allows me to eat all
03:11these tasty plants. Oh, no! Not the Dilophosaurus again! Come here, you little morsel! Jump
03:18in my mouth! What? Where'd he go? Hmm... Ah, that's better. I'm safer here with you, right?
03:32See? I'm just a little guy. I'm about the same size as you. Now, if I was my herd, where
03:43would I hide? Hmm? Oh, well. Maybe if you come back later, you'll see them. But you'll
03:52have to look closely. Bye!
04:02Ah! Hi! It's the late Jurassic period, a hundred and fifty million years ago. I'm Sordes.
04:21Say it like this. Sordes! I'm a tarantula. That's a flying reptile. But I don't know
04:30how to fly. If I'm ever going to catch those bugs, I have to learn soon. See, I'm not a
04:43very big tarantula, but I have a half a meter wingspan. Check it out! Oops! Sorry! I don't
04:58have a big crest on my head like other tarantulas do. Oh! That's a long way down. I should really
05:16stop flying so I can warm up. Even with thick, furry feathers covering me, I'm getting cold.
05:23I'm from what is now Kazakhstan, and it sure can get cold here. I know I can do it. I know
05:32I can do it. I know I can fly. Whee! I'm flying! I'm really, really flying! Oh! I'll see y'all
05:50later. I have insects to catch!
05:53Ladies, we're never going to eat if you two keep scaring off the insects. Sorry, that was my bad.
06:20Hiya! I'm Saltopus. That's pronounced Salt-o-pus. It means hopping foot. I'm Vera. I'm Betty. We're
06:32very early theropods. That's meat-eaters that walk on their two back legs. Now, girls, now!
06:42Okay, this isn't funny. Welcome to the early Triassic period, 223 million years ago. We're from
06:58what is now called Scotland, but not much is known about us other than we're dinos. Well, actually,
07:07they don't know for sure, so if nobody knows what we really look like, then you might have purple
07:14polka dots and a yellow head. Or she might have horns and two tails. Well, I think we're supposed
07:26to look a little like other dinos. We are about the same size as a cat, but with lots and lots of
07:36really sharp teeth. Oh, I don't know. I kind of like what I look like right now. They're mine! See ya!
08:07Well, hello there! I've never seen you before. Looking around the late Jurassic forest, are we?
08:15Looking for a big dinosaur? Maybe like me? Well, you've come to the right place. I'm Diplodocus.
08:22Diplodocus! You found me. I'm kind of hard to miss, actually. Hmm, I smell something yummy. Is it in
08:31here? Sigh. As you can see, I'm pretty big and it's hard for me to get into tight places, but that's why I have
08:41this really long neck. So tasty! I love eating plants, all kinds of them. That's why they call me a herbivore.
08:56But being this big doesn't always make it easy. Hmm, how can I describe how big I am? Have you seen my
09:09herd? They're easy to spot. Imagine, they're all big like me. I've been looking for them all afternoon.
09:15It's like they've been hiding from me. You know what else comes in handy? My front legs. See how they're
09:22shorter than the back ones? Having these types of legs helps me keep my balance. Watch! I also have these cool
09:33peg-like teeth that grow forward. They help me strip all sorts of plants and swallow them whole. Hmm, whatever that is,
09:42it smells so yummy. Hey, maybe that's my herd. Hey, what's a… Surprise!
09:52Oh, hi there. I'm an Abelothaurus, one of the most ferocious of all the dinosaurs. Ah-choo! Excuse me.
10:15Anyway, I'm one of the fiercest of all the carnivores. That's a meat-eating dinosaur, even though you probably
10:21haven't heard of me. This is the Late Cretaceous Period, about 75 million years ago. By that point, a lot of dinosaurs
10:30had already established their reputations, like Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triteratops, Allosaurus, you know, the really
10:37famous guys. It's harder for me to get noticed, but that's not because I'm not ferocious. I have a pretty wicked roar.
10:44Wanna hear it? You'll have to pardon me. I've got a really, really bad cold. Ah-choo!
10:56One of the things that's unique about Abelothauruses is that our heads are mostly empty. You see, our heads are
11:04really big, with large holes all through it called fenestra, which is great for smelling things like afternoon snacks.
11:13But it also means that my head is like one giant nasal cavity, and so when I get a cold, it's a whopper.
11:21We Abelothauruses are found primarily in this part of what is now South America. I hate it when I get one of these
11:28colds, because there's only one thing you can do, and that's take my mom's advice. Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids.
11:37I have to get well soon, because I want the whole world to know about Abelosaurus.
11:47I'm okay!
12:07And stay out! Ah, you have come to the late Jurassic period in search of the great and powerful Compsognathus.
12:19That's Compsognathus. It's very easy if you practice.
12:27Hey, Bavariosaurus, did you hear what they're saying about me? I am the number one land predator in these islands in the Deathless Sea.
12:34It's true. No dinosaur gets past me. Why, well, see these legs? They are long and slender, which helps me to run very, very fast.
12:43You are so full of hot air. I'm surprised you don't float away.
12:49Do you dare insult me, the mighty Compsognathus? I can eat any lizard, dinosaur, or fish I want. Anyone.
12:59I was the first complete dinosaur fossil that scientists could study. You see, again I was first. Number one.
13:08Bring in the size chart.
13:17Okay, so I'm on the small side. So what? I'm still number one.
13:24Excuse me while I go and show our friend why I'm number one.
13:28Oh, you think I cannot climb? Well, you are wrong. My bones, they're hollow like a bird's, which means I'm light.
13:34And, oh yeah, see this tail? It'll help me stay balanced.
13:40You can run, but you can't hide because I am the magnificent Compsognathus.
13:55Oh, where did it go?
14:01Aha, found it!
14:05How's it going, eh? And welcome to the late Cretaceous period, 70 million years ago.
14:11I'm Edmontosaurus. That's Edmontosaurus, eh?
14:15I just found the puck so I can keep playing dino hockey with my puck.
14:20Do you know where I got my name from? It's pretty cool.
14:24I was named after the city Edmonton, which is in what's now Alberta in Canada, where I'm from.
14:31Check it out, eh? My hands are made for pitching and catching.
14:35Eddie and I are practicing before the big game with the rest of our herd.
14:40Eh? Oh yeah, I'm the compositor.
14:46Eh? Oh yeah, I'm the kind of dinosaur that can walk on two legs to get those really hard-to-reach leaves on trees.
14:55And four legs when I'm chasing Eddie.
14:59Do you see how long we are? As long as a sailboat.
15:03But we're pretty heavy, almost four tons.
15:06You're probably wondering how I can eat with a duckbill, eh?
15:09Well, I have up to 60 rows of teeth in my cheeks, eh?
15:13Our teeth allow us to eat the hardest seeds and conifer needles with no trouble at all.
15:26Ugh, I don't eat meat. Only plants go in this mouth.
15:31I'd better get back to practicing.
15:44Have a good one, eh?
15:47Ah, my friend. Welcome to paradise. I am Baryonyx.
16:17No, wait, my friend. You leave too soon.
16:20Look around. Ah, take it all in.
16:23Yes, yes. Believe me, this won't last forever.
16:28Alas, only 80 million years.
16:31Come, come closer. We will talk, you and I.
16:36Oh, but you are, how do you say, freaked out by my strangeness?
16:41My claws disturb you? My long, tapered mouth?
16:45I know you are as fascinated by me being a fish-eater as I am.
16:49You see, with these, I can scoop up my fish dinner from the water.
16:56And with the 90 short teeth I have in my mouth, I can eat it up.
17:01Yum! Yes, I know, I am very unique. There were not many of us.
17:05So come, we will soak in the sun of this paradise I live in.
17:10Smell the perfume of the very first flowering plants.
17:14Ah! See the first butterflies!
17:18Ah, yes, that's it. Come a little closer.
17:21You begin to understand why I love it here, yes?
17:29Fine. Then go, go!
17:31There are other lungfish in the Cretaceous Swamp, you know.
17:34Just leave me be. But know this.
17:37You hurt me, deeply.
17:41And now, I must sun myself.
18:08Oh, don't sneak up on me like that. Give me a heart attack.
18:12Let me introduce myself. I am the Bipilosaurus.
18:16And yes, I have feathers.
18:19I was flying there a second ago, looking for some plants to eat.
18:23Did you see?
18:25Okay, okay, well, maybe it was more like I fell out of the tree.
18:28But I did feel lift on my wings just before I hit the ground.
18:34Did you hear something? Because I definitely heard something.
18:39Oh, I do say, excuse the interruption. You don't have to hide.
18:44Really now, I'm the Microserratus.
18:47One of the smallest dinosaurs ever.
18:49What can I possibly do to you?
18:51They should have been named Chicken.
18:53Not after Bai Piao, the city in China where they found the Bipilosaurus fossil.
18:58I am not a chicken. Just careful.
19:01Besides, would a chicken try to fly again?
19:08It's just mind over matter. I can do this.
19:13Whoa, that's a long way down.
19:16Okay, so my feathers aren't made for flying.
19:19They're more like downy fibers, but they're still feathers, right?
19:24And I'm not super huge or anything.
19:26I'm only a little bit taller and heavier than a man.
19:28All I have to do is think positive.
19:31I am positive!
19:59Hi, everybody. I'm Supersaurus.
20:02And welcome to my home here in the late Jurassic period, 150 million years ago.
20:08My name means super lizard because I'm so big.
20:12One of the biggest dinos ever.
20:15You gonna eat those?
20:17Yes, Charlie. I'm going to eat those.
20:19We have to eat all day long.
20:21It's the only way we can grow this big.
20:24I feel faint. I'm wasting away.
20:28I need to eat something.
20:33But right now, I have to find a pond or river
20:36so my herd can have a drink after we mow this field.
20:39Water! Water! I need water!
20:44I'm 43 meters long and 16 meters high.
20:49That's supersized, all right.
20:52So thirsty. I'm delirious.
20:56Mother? Is that you?
20:59No, Charlie. I'm not your mom.
21:03She's back there with the rest of the herd.
21:05My neck is really long.
21:07But I don't lift it up high as it's too heavy.
21:10But it's perfect for pushing through the trees to find more food
21:16Hey! Water!
21:19Hey! Don't take it all! It's my turn!
21:22Come on! Move over!
21:24Don't worry, Charlie. There's plenty for everyone.
21:27I'm going to tell the herd I found water.
21:30We live in what is now western Colorado in the USA.
21:34Hey, everyone! There's water in the conifer forest over there.
21:38You gonna eat those?
21:40Yes, Charlie. I'm going to eat those.
21:43Ah, beautiful view, isn't it?
21:46Hi! I'm Pteranodon. You say it.
21:49Pteranodon. And it means wind.
22:12And it means winged. And toothless.
22:15That's right. In my beak I have no teeth.
22:22Do you want to know a secret?
22:24Hey, Pteranodon! I'm going to the picnic now.
22:27Oh, the dino picnic!
22:29Really? Do you think I can come?
22:32Yeah, sure. Every dino can.
22:35Remember that secret I want to tell you?
22:37Well, the secret is that I'm not a...
22:39It's okay. Let's go.
22:43I'm from what is now Kansas, in the USA.
22:48But that's not the secret.
22:50Secret? I love secrets.
22:54I have hollow bones to make me light.
22:57And I have a huge wingspan.
22:59About ten meters wide.
23:01That's as wide as a hand glider.
23:05That's not a secret, Pteranodon.
23:08Okay, fine. Do you want to know my secret?
23:11Well, here it is. I'm not a dinosaur.
23:14That's right. I'm not a dino at all.
23:17I'm a flying reptile.
23:19I'm related to the dinosaurs, but not actually one myself.
23:23I guess I can't come to the dinosaur picnic now.
23:27By the way, dinosaur means great lizard.
23:30As far as I'm concerned, it also means friend.
23:37Thanks, T-Rex. You're the best.
23:40My best friend and I are going on a picnic.
23:43See you later.
24:07Oops, didn't see you there.
24:09Welcome to my forest 66 million years ago.
24:13I'm Leptoceratops.
24:18My name means skinny-horned face.
24:21It's good practice for when I get older,
24:24when I have to bonk heads with other dinos.
24:27We stand, look at the other dinos,
24:30and say,
24:33We stand, look at the other guy,
24:36and bonk heads, like this.
24:41Good one.
24:43You see, lucky for me, I belong to a very special group of dinosaurs.
24:48We have these hard heads.
24:51It's like built-in safety gear.
24:54I have my own helmet.
24:56Oh, and see, we also have a beak, like a parrot.
24:59And we like to eat plants.
25:01I can walk on two legs or four legs.
25:05I'm powerfully built.
25:11I'm about the same size as a horse, but much more powerful.
25:15Here, let me show you.
25:24Watch out!
25:39I think I better keep practicing, but somewhere else.
26:02Oops, sorry about that.
26:04I thought that he might be hiding in there.
26:07Oh, by the way, I'm MegaRaptor.
26:10That's MegaRaptor.
26:13You may have noticed that I'm in a bit of a rush,
26:16so I haven't got a whole lot of time to chat.
26:21Hey, wait a sec!
26:23Come back here!
26:29Wait a sec! Come back here!
26:37I'm as tall as a diving board.
27:00Um, excuse me.
27:03I'm wondering if you can help me with something.
27:05It's Mother's Day, and I have no idea what to get my mom.
27:09Do you have any ideas?
27:14A bag of nuts!
27:16That would be a great idea.
27:18But nope, she hates nuts.
27:21We're carnivores, and we don't eat plants.
27:30That's a great idea!
27:33Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
