22 Énigmes de Logique qui Entraîneront Votre Œil de Lynx

  • 2 months ago
Hé, amateurs de casse-tête ! Prêts à entraîner votre œil de lynx avec des énigmes cérébrales amusantes ? Plongez dans ces 23 énigmes de réflexion logique et donnez à votre esprit un sérieux entraînement. Résoudre ces énigmes est un excellent moyen de renforcer vos compétences en résolution de problèmes et d'affiner votre concentration. De plus, c'est une façon super amusante de vous lancer un défi et d'impressionner vos amis. Plongez dedans et voyez si vous avez ce qu'il faut pour résoudre ces casse-têtes astucieux ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Bella and Ella are getting ready for an anthology party.
00:04Can you guess who is not the most excited?
00:16Although Bella seems about to touch a hot iron,
00:19the device is in fact disconnected.
00:21She will probably not burn.
00:24In the meantime, Ella is about to handle a burning waffle.
00:27Bella and Ella arrive at the disco and see a huge line of waiting at the entrance.
00:35Greg, the viewer, checks the identity cards.
00:38His task is not to let in suspicious people or people under 21.
00:43Here is the identity card of a first young girl.
00:46What do you think? Can you help Greg decide if he can let her in?
00:58Everything seems to be in order. Let's let her in.
01:02Here is the next customer. What do you think?
01:15June 31st does not exist.
01:18There are only 30 days in June. No way in, my friend.
01:22And this guy?
01:27There is also a problem with his date of birth.
01:31There was no February 29th in 1977 since it was not a bisexual year.
01:36And what about the papers of this lady?
01:47She can go there.
01:50Here is another customer.
01:53What do you think?
01:56Here is another customer. What do you think?
02:07He is 22 years old. No problem in this case.
02:11Finally, Ella and Bella enter the club.
02:15But they take a wrong turn and get lost.
02:18Finally, they reach a vast hall with two floors in an old style with a magnificent fountain in the middle.
02:23It is at this moment that Ella and Bella realize that they are not alone.
02:28There are many ghosts here.
02:31Can you determine the exact number?
02:41There are seven ghosts in this room.
02:44One of them is hiding inside the fountain.
02:47And this woman over there is not a ghost.
02:49She stands on her feet and she sweats.
02:52She seems to be alive.
02:55This woman is the owner of the club.
02:58She says, to leave this place, you will have to solve the following riddle.
03:02Can you help Ella and Bella to find out what number corresponds to the question mark?
03:16It's the number 1.
03:19Not because 1 equals 5.
03:21We mentioned it at the beginning of the equation.
03:24Bella and Ella are very hungry.
03:27Finally, they arrive at the party and see two tables filled with some snacks.
03:31Although they look identical, there are five differences between them.
03:35Can you spot these details?
03:37Do not hesitate to pause the video if you need more time.
03:50Here they are.
03:53Bella and Ella take some selfies at the party.
03:56Can you spot three differences between these photos?
04:13Bella goes to the dance floor and Ella stays on her couch.
04:16After a while, Bella comes back and does not find Ella.
04:20Just a disturbing note on the couch.
04:23We have imprisoned your friend in this labyrinth.
04:26Save her before it's too late.
04:29Bella approaches the entrance of the labyrinth.
04:32She is worried that once she enters, she will no longer be able to find her way.
04:36How can she escape the labyrinth without getting lost or wasting too much time?
04:47She should let her right hand run on the wall on the right and move forward without stopping to touch it.
04:53She will surely fall on some traps along the way.
04:56But if Bella follows the wall on the right, she will escape the traps and end up finding the exit of the labyrinth.
05:03Let's take a look at this labyrinth seen from above.
05:06Can you help Bella find the right way?
05:17Here is the only itinerary leading to the exit.
05:22Bella manages to find Ella in the middle of the labyrinth.
05:26Suddenly, a secret door opens and a scary voice announces.
05:31You can use this elevator to get out.
05:34But first, you will have to enter a code with four digits to start it.
05:39Can you help our friends decode the code?
05:42Look at the four symbols on the elevator.
05:45It is a clue. Each image implies a number.
05:48The word crown consists of eight letters.
05:51It is therefore the number 8.
05:53The necklace has 7, the ring has 5 and the diamond has 7.
05:58And the code is therefore the number 8.
06:01The code is therefore the number 8.
06:04The code is therefore the number 8.
06:07The code is therefore the number 8.
06:10And the code is therefore 8757.
06:15Bella and Ella would like to go back to the party.
06:19But they face a guard who tells them,
06:21You will have to solve my riddle if you want to enter.
06:24What do you have to break before you can use it?
06:27Our friends have solved this mystery right away.
06:30And you?
06:39The right answer was an egg.
06:44Ella and Bella go up the corridor.
06:46They face a locked door.
06:48There are five buttons on the door.
06:50But only one of them will allow them to pass.
06:53If they choose the wrong one, the door will remain closed forever.
06:57Can you help them choose the right button?
06:59There is something unique in almost all these buttons.
07:02The first is different from the others because it has no outline.
07:06The second has a different shape.
07:09The third does not have the same color.
07:11And the last one is smaller than all the others.
07:14The fourth button has nothing special.
07:17This is what makes it so special.
07:19Ella and Bella should go back to the party.
07:22The code is therefore the number 8.
07:25The code is therefore the number 8.
07:27The code is therefore the number 8.
07:29Ella and Bella should press this one.
07:32The party continues.
07:35Three boys approach Ella and invite her to the dance floor.
07:38But only one of them presents no risk.
07:41Can you guess which one?
07:52The first one has too many spikes on his clothes.
07:54He could accidentally sting Ella.
07:57And the second is a vicious wizard.
08:00He has a love potion in his pocket.
08:02We can't trust him either.
08:04Therefore, Ella would better choose the third one.
08:08Bella takes a picture of Ella on the dance floor.
08:11She panics immediately. Why?
08:14The second one has too many spikes on his clothes.
08:17He could accidentally sting Ella.
08:22There is a skeleton among the people who dance.
08:26Ella is thirsty after dancing and approaches a waiter.
08:30He offers her an infinite amount of free drinks if she solves his riddle.
08:37I'm going to give you a glass of milk and a glass of water.
08:40You should pour the two liquids into a bowl.
08:42But you should be able to separate the milk from the water later.
08:45You can't use any kind of separator.
08:48It took her some time, but she solved the riddle.
08:51What did she do?
09:02She poured all the water into a bowl and froze it.
09:05After that, she added the milk.
09:07Ella and Bella finally leave the party and enter a supermarket to buy some snacks.
09:12They see two women.
09:14One of them is married to their friend Mike.
09:17Can you guess which one?
09:27It's the one on the left.
09:29His shopping basket contains shampoo for men.
09:37Bella, Ella and their friends Nick, Nancy and Adam spend the night at Mike's.
09:42The next morning, they find him unconscious in the living room.
09:46None of the five friends know what happened to him.
09:49The police arrive and find a note next to Mike's calendar.
09:53It says 4, 12, 8 and 3.
09:56The police officer immediately understands who attacked Mike.
10:00And you?
10:08It's Adam.
10:10The note was next to a calendar.
10:134 refers to April, 12 to December, 8 to August and 3 to March.
10:19Take the first letters of each month and you'll get Adam's name.
10:25The next day, Ella and Bella do parachuting.
10:29Oh no, Bella's parachute didn't open and now she's jumping straight to the ground.
10:34There are two places where she could land.
10:37She can either land in the lake or on this large haystack.
10:41Can you help her to choose the best option?
10:52Bella would rather land in the haystack.
10:55Do you see these scary crocodiles crawling near the lake?
10:59Bella manages to land safely.
11:02She finds Ella and they go camping.
11:04Unfortunately, Ella is bitten by a snake and Bella tries to suck the venom out of the wound.
11:10Mike is also on the trip.
11:13Suddenly, he notices a black widow on his arm.
11:16Who is at the greatest risk? Bella or Mike?
11:28It's Bella.
11:30If she has cuts in her mouth, the venom will penetrate her blood.
11:32As for Mike, black widows rarely sting people.
11:36And these stings are rarely fatal.
11:38Phew, what a relief.
