Harga Beras Sudah Naik di 116 Kabupaten/Kota

  • 3 months ago
Harga beras terus mengalami kenaikan, setiap minggunya sejak Juni 2024. Tercatat harga beras sudah naik 0,27%, dengan harga beras rata-rata menjadi Rp15.078 per kg.


00:00The price of rice continues to rise every week since June 2024.
00:05It is reported that the price of rice has increased by 0.27 percent,
00:09with the average price of 15,078 rupiah per kilogram.
00:19The Statistics Center stated that the price of rice continues to rise every week since June 2024.
00:24It is reported that the price of rice increased by 0.27 percent,
00:27with the average price of 15,078 rupiah per kilogram.
00:33The Statistics Center stated that the price of rice increased by 0.27 percent,
00:35with the average price of 15,078 rupiah per kilogram.
00:39The highest price of rice has indeed been increased by the National Food Board or BAPANAS
00:44through the Regulation of the National Food Board No. 5 of 2024
00:48on changes to the Regulation of the National Food Board No. 7 of 2023 on the price of rice.
00:55For Java, Lampung, and South Sumatera,
00:57the average price of rice is 12,500 rupiah per kilogram
01:01and the average price of premium rice is 14,900 rupiah per kilogram.
01:07In Jakarta itself, the price of premium rice has reached 16,000 to 18,000 rupiah per kilogram.
01:14Meanwhile, in general, the condition of June to July rice is indeed deficient
01:18or the production is declining.
01:22Meanwhile, the yield of June to July rice compared to last year
01:25has decreased from 830 hectares to 750 hectares.
01:30The decrease in the yield also has an impact on production.
01:35The production of June to July rice is only 3.58 million tons.
01:39The figure is lower from May to 6.26 million tons.
01:43Then, the production of July to July rice is only 3.78 million tons.
01:50Even so, the condition of rice production in the next month is expected to increase.
01:54In the statistics center, it is predicted that there will be an increase in the production of Kering Yiling rice in August
01:58to 4.62 million tons and in September to 5.14 million tons.
