Super Mega Baseball 4

  • 3 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming ( is pleased to share this video for Super Mega Baseball 4. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00Hey guys, how you doing, how you doing, how you doing?
00:07Paul Burry family from The Gaming and with me is...
00:10Team Gamer!
00:11And we're going to play some Super Mega Baseball 4!
00:17This is our first time playing it, so we're going to find out...
00:20I already found my team, so...
00:22The Joyriders?
00:23Oh wait, no.
00:24I'm going to be the Empire.
00:25I'm going to change my power.
00:27I'm going to change my power.
00:39Oh, burry on the chat, I am...
00:45Are you ready?
00:47Already readyed up.
00:49Why don't you run in the stadium?
00:57Yeah, I'm going to play wherever.
00:59That red buck one looked kind of interesting.
01:04Red buck?
01:05Red rock.
01:06Hopefully you all get to catch this short today.
01:10How many innings am I going to do?
01:14Um, I guess let's just see if I'm going to do six.
01:17We can do nine, that's fine.
01:23Uh, release to help, got it.
01:27How do we just go?
01:33I guess hit okay.
01:37Here we go.
01:41Hopefully you all like the clip art.
01:43There's some art on there.
01:46Yes, a dude, um, there's only three people.
01:54These are the emotes that members can use.
02:00Play ball!
02:06Who's up for bat first?
02:07I think I am.
02:16Okay, contact swing, got it.
02:19You don't got all the time to go through controls.
02:23You're wasting time that I don't have.
02:31You think I'm doing this?
02:41I think you're supposed to throw it, yeah.
02:53That one was late.
02:59I don't know what I'm hitting.
03:14Wait, he not, oh, that's not a swing, I guess, okay.
03:20Uh, I tried X, it didn't work.
03:26Foul ball.
03:35What am I doing?
03:37I don't know.
03:40Not again.
03:42I hate this game.
03:44We just started, chill.
03:46Well, screw any baseball game, including this one.
03:49Okay, no.
03:50Wait, wait, wait, Peter and I debated whether you're going to have a bad attitude or not.
03:55So you're already on a bad attitude.
03:58Yeah, it's not working.
04:00I don't know.
04:01I don't know.
04:07Oh, Jason Goundy.
04:11What are you, you just gave me a run.
04:13I had the bases loaded.
04:15Okay, so I don't plan on winning.
04:19Plan on losing.
04:21You might win, just stop.
04:23Stop hitting that button.
04:25Well, there's no other pitches to hit.
04:28But A.
04:31No, it shows you right on the screen.
04:51Oh, he's out.
04:53Hey rival, hey Kevin.
05:11There we go.
05:14There, you got him.
05:16Got him out.
05:18Hopped up again.
05:24All right.
05:47This is why arcades are not easy to get hits.
05:57Yeah, different pitches do different things.
06:08Ha ha ha.
06:15Oh, David Ortiz.
06:17That's what I did to him.
06:41Oh, got him.
06:43Noah, I think you just tied the game and you stopped being so hateful and nasty.
06:53Now you're the one hitting it.
06:55Yeah, I was trying different pitches.
06:58How do I hit a home run?
07:02I should have been a ball.
07:19Oh, he can't hit with X?
07:31Oh, there's an error.
07:52How dare you?
08:00I don't care.
08:07I would say he's way better than this piece of garbage.
08:14This is going to be a one-off stream.
08:16Yeah, it's going to be a one-off stream.
08:17That's the plan.
08:40He's not wanting to hit one out.
08:45I hate this thing already.
08:47It's cheating.
08:53So if you put it down below, you get it?
09:00Ha ha ha.
09:03He's cheating.
09:04I'm not cheating.
09:05I hate you so much.
09:08Hey, Gluten Free.
09:09I guess I'll tell Peter that Noah had a tantrum immediately.
09:15Yeah, because I was going to play Fortnite instead of this.
09:19And you always don't care.
09:28It wouldn't move.
09:32No one cares if this dumb Mario is going to die too.
09:36Because he's stupid.
09:39Just like you.
09:54Are you listening to music while we're playing this or are you just concentrating on what we're doing?
09:59Because you don't seem to care.
10:01I concentrate with something.
10:04And I can't concentrate with this.
10:11That's how it works.
10:19Well, I plan on trying to get a second webcam, but I have to always pay for other stuff.
10:31Oh, wait.
10:40Smashed it right to him.
10:43Out number three.
10:45I'm fine.
10:46I can get anything I can.
10:52Or not.
11:00Number 18, Johnny.
11:08Right back.
11:14Yeah, that's funny.
11:16I thought the picture had it.
11:18Number five, Ray Dura.
11:22Oh, there's a good hit.
11:34I wasn't risking going in yet.
11:39Oh, that would have just stayed fair.
11:44You are jumping on.
11:45Yes, I know I am.
11:49Oh, that's good.
11:55I have to try it again.
11:57Ha ha.
11:59See, you shouldn't be fussing so much.
12:01I don't think I have any ounce.
12:03I don't think I do.
12:12Double play.
12:13Oh, screw you, double play.
12:15See, you try it again and you go immediately.
12:17Oh, can you move your dumb leg?
12:19I mean, I'm way off my cushion.
12:22You're way out.
12:25So, that doesn't change the fact that I need more wiggle room than you.
12:48Now batting, the first baseman, number 29, Brad McGriff.
12:57That time.
13:01And strike.
13:14Now batting, the left fielder, number eight, Ryan Rod.
13:21Oh, that would have just stayed fair.
13:28There's no one in place to.
13:37Oh, almost got him.
13:38Now batting, the catcher, number seven, Joe Bauer.
13:50I'm just not stopping anything.
13:56I'm not getting it on.
14:00Now batting, the shortstop, number 11, Barry Clarkin.
14:11Mmm, I should have gone first.
14:19You have to do this, Noah.
14:20I'm waiting on you.
14:30Finally got that happening.
14:35I still have more hits than you.
14:39Now batting, the right fielder, number 50, Tim Cameron.
14:43Yeah, you're certainly up and down.
14:51I wonder if he ever switched pitchers or not.
15:06If I had to jump or dive, I'd run right to him.
15:13It's A or X.
15:14It's only two that seem to work.
15:18That's fair.
15:24Dumb guy.
15:31Nothing's ever going my way, ever.
15:34I only had like six runs the last half inning.
15:37I don't know how you can say things are not going your way.
15:40Yeah, because I can't seem to get you out.
15:50Now batting, the shortstop, number two, Slim Cabrera.
16:03Is it late?
16:12Just get out already.
16:14I need a hit.
16:15I need some runs.
16:19How dare you, you brat.
16:24I'm still losing while you're fussing.
16:27Well, you got a fat leg that's in my way.
16:30You're trying to hog the entire couch.
16:32Yes, that's all I'm known for, is that I need to hog the couch.
16:45Now batting, the second baseman, number five, Ray Drum.
16:56They never, I don't know why they don't get in a good position.
17:00I would put someone right up the middle, but they never do that.
17:03Now batting, the right fielder, number 27, Vladimir Ferraro.
17:21He was safe.
17:22He was out.
17:23I'm screwed.
17:24Know what?
17:25You are really starting to irritate me tonight.
17:27I can't.
17:28I'm going to get in my way.
17:29You're selfish.
17:30I know.
17:31Get it.
17:39He just, I don't know, he lost the ball.
17:41I was going to it.
17:42Now batting, the designated hitter, number 34, David Ortiz.
17:49Is it someone?
17:53Yes, sir.
17:56Now batting, the first baseman, number 29, Brad McGriff.
18:06I'm going to check on the second one first.
18:07Now batting, the left fielder, number eight, Ryan Braun.
18:22Oh, he broke the bat.
18:26Into pieces.
18:34How do I switch pitchers?
18:38Line up.
18:39I guess you grab someone else.
18:41How do I go to line up?
18:42You're on line up.
18:43You are on line up.
18:45Is this?
18:52Want to swap pitchers?
18:55Which one is the?
18:59One down here.
19:00There you go.
19:01Current pitcher, yeah, A.
19:05Grab someone else.
19:17Yeah, swap.
19:23I was at 99.
19:26Saw that?
19:27Yes, I did.
19:33Now batting, the third baseman, number 19, Jose Batista.
19:42He keeps hitting the Y button.
19:51Now batting, the catcher, number 31, Mike Iacocca.
19:56Bless you.
20:02Come on.
20:23I'm not going to give you an easy pitch.
20:26I'm not trying an easy pitch.
20:27I'm trying to get the timing down.
20:36There we go.
20:49It's amazing you hit the same button every single time.
20:53I don't know how you keep doing that every time.
20:56My fault.
21:07I sent them back.
21:08Now batting, the second baseman, number 27, Placido Polanco.
21:15Hit again.
21:23Now batting, the catcher, number 7, Joe Fowler.
21:35This is my guy.
21:36My guy just fit.
21:38Now batting, the shortstop, number 11, Barry Martens.
21:43Barry Portons.
21:49Now batting, the center fielder, number 18, Johnny Damon.
22:03Double play.
22:04Double play on your phone.
22:07Noah, this is the last warning.
22:09I'm not having fun.
22:11You're winning.
22:12How are you not having fun?
22:14I want more runs.
22:23Now batting, the center fielder, number 25, Andrew Jones.
22:28You hit A already.
22:29I hit A.
22:30No, you didn't.
22:31Power swing.
22:32How do you do that?
22:35Swing and release X.
22:42I'm going to try this again.
22:47Now batting, the shortstop, number 2, Joe Cabrera.
22:57That's a power hit.
22:59It's going to be different than the regular hits.
23:01Now batting, the left fielder, number 26, Luis Gonzalez.
23:16Nothing's going my way again.
23:18He stopped the run right there.
23:21Now batting, the first baseman, number 5, Jeff Bagwell.
23:30Air strike.
23:34Ball is inside.
23:36That's out.
23:54Now you're out.
23:55You're safe.
24:02How did that miss?
24:11No, stop trying to follow me.
24:13I have to.
24:14If I want to hit it.
24:18That's discrimination on your part.
24:20That's not discrimination.
24:21Shame on you.
24:25Now batting, catcher, number 31, Mike Piazza.
24:29No, I got one out.
24:32I can't let him get any more runs.
24:37No, outside.
24:46He's probably ringing around the Rosie.
24:48He's not.
24:49Nope, it's eyeballed.
24:53Take a base.
24:58Now batting, designated hitter, number 16, Jason Giambi.
25:06I hate this game.
25:07This game is a die with fire.
25:09Finally caught up to him.
25:11Caught up to who, huh?
25:12You were 8-8, huh?
25:14Shut up.
25:18No one asked for you to follow along.
25:25He's out.
25:26He's out.
25:27Now batting, the second baseman, number 27.
25:33Don't let him score again.
25:35I hate you already.
25:36No one cares about me.
25:37How did he?
25:38How do I?
25:39Oh, no, I can't stop them.
25:40I can't stop them from running.
26:33No way.
26:50I'm not pitting anybody on base again.
26:52He's a home run half.
27:12And he just put me in now.
27:15We got to finish it Noah.
27:17No, I don't want to finish it. You're cheating.
27:19I'm not cheating.
27:21You're only down by three. Your picture is so stupid. This game has been back and forth.
27:27Yeah, I'm not winning, so I'd rather die here.
27:33I'm not having my way, because I'm going to play Fortnite.
27:35Noah, you need to stop being so selfish.
27:41I didn't ask to play this.
27:43You're like, oh, let's go play a game. Peter's not here.
27:49You don't ever care what I have to feel, or my feelings.
27:53And if I'm feeling sad, if I'm going to cry.
27:58They won't let me subside them at this point.
28:13Can't do anything.
28:28You're a bad man.
28:29I'm not a bad man.
28:35In chat, let you know, I am colorblind, so the grass is not green, it's purple.
28:44It's like a sad joke to make people know that I'm stupid.
28:48Yeah, that's stupid. I got a triple.
28:54No one cares game.
29:02Right to him.
29:03Yeah, I just keep adding on, so I'm not going to win.
29:18Why won't my guys move?
29:20I have the same problem with the fielding.
29:24Yeah, now you're just taking me, because you want to have more fun, so I'm not going to win.
29:28Have fun.
29:29Thank you.
29:30No one ever cares about me.
29:32Okay, no one cares about you.
29:34Yeah, because you're selfish.
29:52Will you stop?
29:55I hate you so much.
29:57No, why? Why are you so nasty?
29:59You never love me enough.
30:01Yes, I love you. Just because I don't let you beat me, doesn't mean I don't love you.
30:25Hey, you're back up.
30:26Yeah, but I'm not going to let him.
30:36I hate this game. This game deserves to die.
30:39You knocked out my pitcher. He's dead. You killed my pitcher, man.
30:44So, take care.
30:46Okay, have a good one.
30:51Hold on.
30:52Hold on.
30:57People get hit in real life in the LP all the time, so.
31:21My guy hit a home run.
31:25That's probably with X, but X you have to hold and charge, and it's like a really, even, timing's even harder.
31:31I've had trouble just hitting with X.
31:58I just love the word when it gets smashed.
32:02This should've been fair ball.
32:13Anyway, aside from your fussing.
32:16Yeah, because you ain't giving me my way.
32:18Saturday night, so I'm not winning, so.
32:21Hope you're having fun, cheer.
32:22I'm not cheating.
32:24Cheers, deserve to never win, because you're a big fat filthy liar.
32:29It's not going.
32:31I hate being let go.
32:38You're screwing up on purpose.
32:40I don't know, I'm trying to find the...
32:45Where's the bunt? The B?
32:47I'm pretty sure it's one.
32:56You're not thinking the word.
33:02Okay, you should've thrown it the second, then first.
33:06You should've gone Y, then B.
33:32You're not being fair anymore.
33:34I didn't do anything!
33:38You hit it right to my guy, what am I supposed to do?
33:40You're swinging too early.
33:55That's what I'm talking about.
33:58That's a good hit.
34:17David Ortiz was a good hitter.
34:19He's not hitting, though.
34:58Killed another pitcher, man.
35:07Alright, we're going into the 8th now.
35:10I'm pretty sure it says 10 there.
35:14You have 10.
35:18No, you have 10 runs. I have 15, you have 10.
35:22No, where are my guys?
35:24No, where are my guys?
35:33Thanks for that, I'm not playing any games with you ever again.
35:36Okay, Noah.
35:38I tell you, you never invite me to these dumb games, and you don't care.
35:42You just care about yourself.
35:44No, it's, uh, hey Adrian, how you doing?
35:48No, we're here to know how y'all are doing.
35:54Get out of my way.
35:55You're being very hateful and selfish tonight.
35:59You're on the hot mic.
36:00I mean, please come arrest you pretty soon, and you can get back on this way.
36:05Give me what I want.
36:08That's very selfish.
36:13That's the definition of being selfish, honestly.
36:15Wait, I can't flip my picture?
36:17I can't.
36:20Maybe you're slipping to it.
36:23Swap them too much, I don't know.
36:26Maybe you already swapped them once, and you can't swap back to back.
36:29My guy's about to run out of stamina.
36:47I didn't hit it.
37:17I don't have to play tonight, so...
37:20Yeah, you do. You're the home team.
37:22No, I don't.
37:24I don't think.
37:25Yeah, you're the home team. I batted first, so...
37:29Home team doesn't usually happen.
37:31Yes, they do. We went over this last game.
37:34I don't think you're the home team.
37:38I don't think you're the home team.
37:41I don't think you're the home team.
37:44I don't think you're the home team.
37:47I don't think you're the home team.
38:17I don't think you're the home team.
38:22I'm not sitting around there.
38:25That's a smart decision.
38:59That was an RFL one.
39:18Now batting, the designated hitter, number 34, David Ortiz!
39:29Scored another one.
39:31Yep. Nickel and dime your way in.
39:43That's a strike!
39:52Save time now.
39:55There you go.
40:02How long is that?
40:03I think that would have stayed there.
40:18They have that animation.
40:21This is like a football game, 17-14.
40:23This is not like a baseball game.
40:25I'm not going to...
40:27Hey, you got some runs there.
40:30Hit it already.
40:35It's like telling a baby that you're...
40:38See? That happens to you a lot too, right?
40:42Back well!
40:48My guy, you walk so slow.
40:50Pick up your dumb feet.
40:53Before I throw them at you.
40:56Now batting, third baseman, number 19, Zane Batista!
41:01Dude, you're stupid.
41:03Oh! Oh, is that a home run?
41:07That is an out.
41:12Now batting, catcher, number 31, Mike Piazza!
41:36Piazza is slow too.
41:38Slow too.
41:45Right to him.
41:52Final half inning.
42:03Now batting, the shortstop, number 11, Gary Marquez!
42:09You're right, that was right.
42:11I bounced off the mound.
42:12I was flying.
42:13That was a power hit.
42:14All right.
42:15Now batting, center fielder, number 18, Johnny Raymond!
42:20Nope, missed it.
42:32Now batting, the second baseman, number 9, Ray Duro!
42:38Coming down to this, final half inning.
42:47Now batting, the right fielder, number 27, Vladimir Guerrero!
43:07Now batting, the third baseman, number 15, Kyle Seager!
43:14Adrian says hi, Noah.
43:16I know.
43:17I think I care.
43:27Now batting, the designated hitter, number 16, David Ortiz!
43:37You have the bases loaded.
43:38You're only down, what, three runs?
43:40The first baseman, number 29, Brad Graham!
43:54You're 18-17.
43:55You're down one run.
43:56Two more runs, you win.
44:07Why are you trying to swap them already?
44:10I put them in my closing pitcher.
44:13That didn't help.
44:16Yeah, you sure are right.
44:17It didn't.
44:20Now batting, the catcher, number 7, Joe Maurer!
44:26It's not asking how annoying I can be there.
44:41And that's game.
44:42You win.
44:47Mister, I never win.
44:48All the negativity.
44:49You came from behind and won in the end.
44:55You got five runs in that final inning, see?
44:58And I still had more hits than you.
45:02Well, you beat me by one run, barely.
45:03I think you had two outs, so.
45:05It was pretty close.
45:06It was a tight game.
45:09I'm not going to get any...
45:11I don't know what that all is.
45:13We're not going to get any achievements for this Xbox?
45:17I guess not.
45:19I guess we get nothing.
45:20Alright, so we're going to go ahead and wrap it up here for tonight.
45:23We just want to play a game of the Super Mega Baseball 4.
45:28Show it off, see what you all think.
45:31I'll be back tomorrow playing a new game.
45:33Tomorrow night.
45:34So Superstar is a streamer.
45:35Adrian, you, Kevin, Gaming Channel, Rival Wizard, Gluten Free...