Où est la porte de sortie ?! ✨ S'échapper de l'incroyable cirque numérique dans la vie réelle

  • 3 months ago
Salut la famille ! Bienvenue pour une nouvelle aventure épique ! Aujourd'hui, nous plongeons tête la première dans le monde époustouflant de The Amazing Digital Circus... mais dans la vraie vie ! ✨ Vous vous êtes déjà demandé ce que ce serait de s'échapper d'un cirque numérique ? ‍♂️ Eh bien, accrochez-vous, car nous allons le découvrir !

Nous naviguons à travers des labyrinthes fous, esquivons des clowns numériques , et résolvons des énigmes insensées qui mettront à l'épreuve à la fois notre cerveau et notre force. Attendez-vous à beaucoup de rires, une tonne de surprises, et des moments vraiment cool que vous ne voudrez pas manquer.

Cliquez sur le bouton "J'aime" si vous êtes prêt à nous voir échapper au chaos numérique, et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner et d'activer la cloche pour ne jamais manquer une aventure. Commentez ci-dessous avec votre moment préféré de la vidéo et toutes les expériences numériques folles que vous avez eues. Merci d'avoir regardé, et on se voit dans la prochaine aventure ! ✨ Paix ! ✌️ Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00Oh no! Where am I?
00:03Come here!
00:05What? I'm so confused! I've already been here!
00:09One minute...
00:12Please don't hurt me!
00:14I'm too young to die!
00:19It was just a dream!
00:21What's going on?
00:23What am I writing?
00:25My pencil is broken!
00:27Do I have to recreate the monster?
00:30Challenge accepted!
00:32But I need a well-cut pencil.
00:34Can you see? It's a bit dirty.
00:37It's just the beginning.
00:40I have to create it!
00:42So many teeth!
00:44Yes, perfect!
00:45Did I draw this?
00:48Is it an eye?
00:53What do you think of this?
00:55Red, of course!
00:57A bit of black and orange too.
01:00Is it raining?
01:02No way!
01:03Who needs a living room?
01:06Give it to me!
01:08I need this!
01:12Hi! Do you remember me?
01:19Where are you from?
01:21Look how they look in size!
01:24Very interesting!
01:26Let me take some measurements.
01:29Let's see here...
01:32Hello my friend!
01:33Yes, if I add this here...
01:35It looks like the perfect size!
01:38Of course!
01:39Can I add some details?
01:40It promises to be good!
01:42Easy, easy...
01:44Come on!
01:45Need help?
01:48This too!
01:50What is it?
01:51A pedal?
01:52Come on!
01:53Faster, faster!
01:55What's wrong with this guy?
01:57He forgot the socket!
01:59Hey, look!
02:00This machine works!
02:05I can use this!
02:07Create your own brand!
02:09It does all the work for me!
02:12All done!
02:13But why is it so big?
02:15I measured everything!
02:17Who changed this?
02:19I got you!
02:20The bigger, the better!
02:22He ruined everything!
02:25I need it to be smaller!
02:27Let's hope it will work!
02:30Is it finished?
02:32It takes forever!
02:35I can't wait anymore!
02:37Wait a minute!
02:38How did it happen?
02:41All done!
02:42Let's see...
02:44Of course!
02:47Very elegant!
02:48Hi, I like it!
02:50Here you go!
02:52Hey, what's that?
02:55I need that!
02:58Thanks a lot,
02:59stupid boy!
03:01I'm sorry, okay?
03:03Now it's your turn!
03:04It's time to get new shoes!
03:06Very good!
03:08In fact...
03:09What about this?
03:11Your high-heels?
03:12I hate you!
03:13Can I...
03:15It's the perfect size!
03:17Border meets hat!
03:19You see?
03:20It's great!
03:21Oh yes!
03:29I'm not sure about that...
03:31Hey, my luck is changing!
03:34It's a bit tight...
03:37It's perfect!
03:38Hi there!
03:41Oh no!
03:43Do you want to play?
03:44I'll serve!
03:45Let's start!
03:46Let's go!
03:47Human start!
03:49Let's go!
03:51I got it!
03:52I'm going to win this game!
03:55I'm pretty fast!
03:57I'm tired!
03:59Goodbye racket!
04:00Hello bat!
04:02Take this!
04:04My eye!
04:05Get out!
04:07Wait, which one is it?
04:09No way!
04:10My eye!
04:11My turn!
04:12Much better!
04:14Okay, back to work!
04:16Let's start with this ping-pong ball!
04:19It just needs pupils!
04:21I love green eyes!
04:23That looks good!
04:25Bigger please!
04:27Or smaller?
04:28I like it!
04:30Open wide!
04:32We need two big ones like this!
04:35There! It's perfect!
04:38Oh no!
04:39Oops! Sorry about that!
04:42Now you can put your hat on!
04:45It's fantastic!
04:48I'm alive!
04:49But where am I now?
04:52Do I smell fresh meat?
04:54Hey you!
04:55Where's Ken?
04:56Where's Ken?
04:58I don't know!
04:59You're useless!
05:01Damn it!
05:03He's at my place!
05:06Okay, now get out!
05:09Oh no!
05:12Wait a minute!
05:14You always need a cane!
05:16But how?
05:18This one is way too big!
05:21Take this!
05:23Be careful!
05:27Can you cut it for me?
05:32I know what to do!
05:35Is this what you had in mind?
05:39It's so dirty!
05:42What a shame!
05:44Got it!
05:49So much wood!
05:51I only need a little piece!
05:53But it's still not correct!
05:55Here we go!
05:56Some good old confidence wax!
05:58So disgusting!
05:59But hey, it works!
06:01But it must be black!
06:03No wood!
06:05Look at this!
06:08It's yours!
06:09Oh no!
06:11I'm here!
06:13And I'm brought back to life!
06:16Who will be my first victim?
06:18A boy?
06:20Or maybe I'll do something much worse!
06:24Hey, the lights!
06:26Hi bunny!
06:28No, don't do it!
06:31What's going on?
06:32No, no, no!
06:34Is this the end for me?
06:38My doll!
06:41How did I get here?
06:43Will I be trapped here forever?
06:45No, no, no!
06:47That's it!
06:50My lips?
06:55Now I'm like the real Pomny!
06:57The incredible digital circus!
07:00Well, I hope so!
07:03Look at this!
07:07So stupid!
07:10But why?
07:11What am I doing wrong?
07:14What's going on?
07:18Where am I?
07:19What is this place?
07:21The exit!
07:22I need to get out of here!
07:24Come on!
07:25Open up!
07:29Oh no, I'm trapped!
07:31What is this?
07:33But who are you?
07:35I'm Kale!
07:36And I know how to transform into Pomny!
07:39Take a look, it's really easy!
07:42That's great!
07:43I can finally become a member of the circus!
07:46So, let's start!
07:48Here, wipe your pretty face!
07:51Of course!
07:56Oh no!
07:57Now clean your skin!
07:58But how?
08:01What was that?
08:02An egg?
08:04But what's inside?
08:06Open up and look!
08:11Don't worry, just apply it on your face!
08:13Like this?
08:15Now count to five!
08:16Three, four, five!
08:18Oh wow!
08:19It's so clean now!
08:24Berk, please don't do that!
08:25Look at this now!
08:28And what's inside?
08:30Here's the list!
08:32It says white face!
08:34I can do it!
08:35Too easy!
08:36So where's my baby powder?
08:38Um, I found it!
08:40Let's go!
08:42Oh no!
08:43It's empty!
08:44There's nothing left!
08:45Look down!
08:49You mean this?
08:51Yeah, try a few!
08:53What do I have to lose?
08:55A red one?
08:58I'm red now!
09:00I'll try another one!
09:04It changed!
09:05It's great!
09:06And now the green one!
09:07I'm like Hulk now!
09:09But I guess this is the one I need!
09:11Let's check!
09:15It worked!
09:17Well done!
09:18You're perfect!
09:20Let me just inflate this one!
09:24Oh no!
09:26It was noisy!
09:27I'm really sorry!
09:28Are you okay?
09:31I'm fine!
09:32I'm fine!
09:33I'm fine!
09:34I'm fine!
09:35I'm fine!
09:37Is it...
09:38Is it on my ear?
09:40Oh yeah!
09:41The list!
09:42Now that I have a white face,
09:43I can move on to the next point!
09:45Red cheeks!
09:48These little cheeks?
09:50Got it!
09:51I know what to do!
09:53Oh, hi handsome!
09:55But I was looking for something else...
09:59I found it!
10:00Exactly what I need!
10:02Oh no!
10:03It's empty!
10:04You too?
10:05I have another solution!
10:08For the most delicious red cheeks you've ever seen!
10:11It looks really great!
10:13Hmm, delicious!
10:15Can I have some?
10:17Oh, you want some?
10:20I want them all!
10:21Oh, okay!
10:23Thank you!
10:26Oh no!
10:27It's for my cheeks!
10:28It looks a little weird,
10:29but I'm sure the final result will be great!
10:33Let's try!
10:35It's really nice!
10:38Not bad at all!
10:40But I have plenty left!
10:42What do I do with this?
10:44Hey Kane!
10:45You want some?
10:53Let me check!
10:55A real apple!
10:57But it's not enough yet!
10:59Let me think!
11:01Maybe this?
11:03It's really great!
11:05Let me try!
11:07I think it's perfect!
11:08No, not at all!
11:09Huh? What?
11:11Please don't be mad at me!
11:14Let me just fix this!
11:17Oh my God!
11:19Oh, hello!
11:21Sorry, but I have to do it myself!
11:25Let's fix all this!
11:26Oh no no no no!
11:27Relax, I'm a professional!
11:29You see?
11:32Oh wow!
11:33Thank you very much!
11:34It's wonderful!
11:37Thank you!
11:38You're welcome!
11:40As for me, I'm going to...
11:43How was it?
11:46I think I'm going to stay a while...
11:49To see your complete transformation!
11:51Oh, okay!
11:52So, what's next?
11:54A costume!
11:56An elegant and colorful costume
11:57to reflect the colors of the circus!
12:00But I don't have anything like that in my wardrobe!
12:09Let me think...
12:10Could it work?
12:13I can...
12:17Oh no, I'm naked!
12:18Thank you very much!
12:20Now I have all the materials!
12:22Let's get to work!
12:25I have to be careful,
12:26I only have one effect!
12:28A few more cuts...
12:33And now I have to sew everything!
12:36Here it is!
12:38It will be my first time,
12:39but still!
12:41I guess I managed to do it perfectly!
12:44It looks like I'm doing a great job!
12:46Wow, incredible!
12:51It's true!
12:52I almost forgot!
12:54Now it's perfect!
12:56I think I'm ready!
12:58Look, Kane!
12:59Do you like it?
13:00Yeah, it's great!
13:04Oh, never mind!
13:05Oh no, I forgot the hat!
13:09Can you help me, please?
13:11With the hat?
13:12Oh, I'll make one for you!
13:14Just a second!
13:16Let me see!
13:21It's cute!
13:24You don't like it?
13:27I have another one!
13:29No, it's horrible!
13:30Okay, okay!
13:32This one?
13:34You're kidding!
13:35No, no, no!
13:36Let me think!
13:39I know!
13:41So, what now?
13:43That's exactly what I need!
13:47You're so nice!
13:48Thank you, Kane!
13:52I don't have my shoes!
13:55Where can I find some?
13:57They're really cool!
14:03Oh, okay!
14:05Here, take them!
14:07Thank you!
14:08Oh my!
14:09Oh, come on!
14:10You're so mean!
14:11That's it!
14:12Now I'm ready!
14:13I'm ready to join the circus!
14:17Well done!
14:18I'm so happy for you!
14:20I'll take you right there!
14:23Yeah, thank you so much!
14:25So cool!
14:28That's it!
14:29I'm finally here!
14:33Have fun, little one!
14:34And me, in the meantime...
14:38I'm going to start my next adventure!
14:47To escape,
14:48you have to turn into an opal bird!
14:52But how?
14:54Well, you have to transform, of course!
14:57Give me that!
14:59I'll try!
15:01Good luck!
15:03First of all, I need a clean face!
15:08Okay, let's go!
15:10What do I have here?
15:13Wow, bingo!
15:15It's perfect!
15:17Let's see what's inside!
15:20Not bad!
15:22Is there anything to clean my face?
15:25No, not here, nothing at all!
15:28What's that?
15:30Another egg?
15:33Knock, knock!
15:35Let's see what's inside!
15:39Oh, what a texture!
15:42It's as soft as silk!
15:44It makes me want to scrub my face!
15:48That's what we call a good skin care!
15:51It worked!
15:53My face is clean and clean now!
15:55Wait, what's that?
16:01Do I have anything here to fix that?
16:03Oh, of course, it could work!
16:09Let's go!
16:15Oh no, what have I done?
16:18Wow, I look like a princess!
16:20Clean face, done!
16:23It's makeup time!
16:25Think, think!
16:28I'm going to use this thing!
16:31So cool!
16:35I'm going to start by painting here.
16:38Just as I want it to be on my face,
16:40I have to color everything!
16:43Oh, pretty lips!
16:45I've always dreamed of having big lashes!
16:50Let's try it!
16:52I hope it works!
16:58Wait a minute!
17:00Oh no!
17:02I put it upside down!
17:04That's better!
17:09Second try!
17:13Who's the prettiest now?
17:15People would think I was born this way!
17:18Makeup is done!
17:21Oh, he fell asleep!
17:23It's now or never!
17:25Let's go!
17:27Hey, stop!
17:29Finish what you started!
17:32Okay, if I have to.
17:34It's time to take care of my hair.
17:37What's wrong with my hair?
17:39Let's see what we have here.
17:41Some hair cream?
17:43More, more!
17:46Okay, that's enough!
17:48Mmm, that feels good!
17:50A little more cream...
17:52I feel like a pie!
17:57Let's add some life to all of this!
18:00Pink is definitely the new trend color!
18:03Let's mix everything well.
18:05The result will be beautiful!
18:08Tell me what you want, what you really, really want!
18:12A few more seconds...
18:14A hair dryer!
18:16Great, it will speed up the process!
18:23Oh, that's nice!
18:27I have to try this thing!
18:32I love it!
18:35It gives me a headache!
18:37Ouch, my head!
18:39Oh, the instruction sheet!
18:41I've had enough of being here!
18:44Hey, what's that?
18:46Is it a bird in a pillar?
18:49Of course it is!
18:52Hi, I'm Mrs. Pillar!
18:56Oh no!
19:00I missed my chance!
19:04Good try!
19:07Thanks for nothing, stupid bird!
19:09Wait a minute!
19:12I think I can use this for the next step!
19:16Believe me, it will work!
19:18Let's use our imagination!
19:21Cut, cut, cut!
19:26Last adjustments...
19:30I love it!
19:32Something is missing!
19:35My shoes!
19:37It's not going to work!
19:39This is what I need!
19:41Sorry, my friend, but I need it!
19:43Doesn't it look like a bird's paw?
19:46I'm sure of it!
19:49I'm ready!
19:51It's perfect!
19:54Oh, great!
19:59What's that smell?
20:01There's something that smells bad on me!
20:08What's wrong with me?
20:12What else is missing?
20:15Looks like a pillar!
20:18What could make me look like a pillar?
20:21I need feathers!
20:23Where can I find this?
20:26Come on, show yourself!
20:30I'll never get out of here!
20:33Wait a minute!
20:40I know what to do!
20:45Hi, hot glue!
20:48It's already giving good waves to the bird!
20:51I'm a bird woman!
20:55I'm going to try!
21:00Wow, I have wings!
21:09I'm beautiful!
21:11Like the pillar bird!
21:13I just need my beak!
21:15Let's go!
21:17What's left in the box?
21:20Hey, where's all that was in there?
21:23There's nothing left!
21:25What's that?
21:27Oh, it's perfect!
21:31I just have to give it shape!
21:34Give me a second!
21:36I knew I could do it!
21:41Now I really look like a pillar bird!
21:48She did it!
21:50I'm ready!
21:53Are you going to let me go now?
22:01Finally, I'm going home!
22:10I'm home!
22:13Honey, what do you want to do?
22:19Why are you dressed like that?
22:22Hi, dad!
22:25No, nothing, bye!
22:27Oh, well...
22:31Children these days...
22:34It's the big day today!
22:36I have to hurry, Ken is waiting for me!
22:39It's all dirty!
22:41Hi, Barbie!
22:43He's so handsome!
22:47I love you, Ken!
22:49I want him!
22:51The day of my wedding!
22:56I can't believe he found me like this!
23:06What's that?
23:08A new doll!
23:18You smell really bad!
23:20I'm going to wash you!
23:22Let's get rid of some dirt!
23:24It's not your fault, spider!
23:26How disgusting!
23:30You need something more efficient!
23:33I'll take care of it!
23:35What are you doing?
23:37I'm taking care of your body!
23:39I hope you like fairy dust!
23:41A little glitter after all this dirt!
23:43It won't hurt you!
23:45Now, let's rub!
23:48It looks super relaxing!
23:50I should get the same treatment!
23:53I'm almost there!
23:55Not bad at all!
23:57You have some on your face!
23:59It's time to take a bath!
24:01The best thing is to immerse yourself totally!
24:03I said totally!
24:05Let's cover it well!
24:07I knew a foam bath would help!
24:12You're so clean!
24:14You're going to be ready in no time!
24:19It didn't work!
24:21You need a real shower!
24:23I don't understand what happened with the foam bath!
24:25But a double wash can't hurt!
24:27I'm glad I didn't throw away this cleaner!
24:29Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?
24:32And now, the shower walls!
24:34Not bad, right?
24:35I think Barbie is going to love it!
24:37I chose this pattern on purpose for her!
24:39What else do you need in a shower?
24:41A foam bath, of course!
24:43It doesn't exist in Barbie size,
24:45so I'm going to have to show some creativity!
24:47I'm going to make some holes in the clay.
24:49You can make as many as you want!
24:51But I think there are enough!
24:53A glue gun,
24:55essential in all creative projects!
24:58And hop!
25:00A little glue!
25:02Then take your straw and glue it to the foam wall!
25:03Of course, the glue must be pink!
25:05Barbie will love it!
25:07Make sure it's well glued,
25:09and voila!
25:13Something is missing!
25:17I know!
25:21It goes with the walls!
25:23Barbie will love it!
25:25Ready for the shower?
25:29Open up!
25:33Don't look at him!
25:35Let's leave him some privacy!
25:41Does it feel good?
25:45You smell so good!
25:49The clothes are torn!
25:51Don't worry!
25:53I know what to do!
25:55It's time to play the stylist!
25:57I've always wanted to do this job!
25:59Barbie will be my first muse!
26:01I have to make sure the dress is perfect!
26:03He's so professional!
26:05I hope he'll like it!
26:08Try on!
26:12Ready for the stage!
26:14We're dressed the same way!
26:23He's missing a pretty headband,
26:25like mine!
26:27This cap will do!
26:29But it's not the right color,
26:31and it's not the right size either!
26:36But you need a house!
26:38I know who I can call!
26:44Yes, it's me!
26:48It's the house of my dreams!
26:50Barbie, what do you think?
26:54It's the house of my dreams too!
26:56You're awesome!
26:58So cool!
27:00Come here!
27:01It should be easy!
27:10Yes, darling?
27:12Can you build it for me?
27:14Of course, darling!
27:16It's a children's toy!
27:18Thank you, Daddy!
27:20Let's see...
27:23It's super easy, isn't it?
27:27What's this?
27:29I need milk!
27:31It's closed!
27:33Where are you going?
27:37What does it say?
27:41Where do I start?
27:43It should be easy!
27:45Piece, assemble!
27:53What do you think?
27:55Oops! I forgot the great surprise!
27:57Barbie, ready for a visit to your house?
27:59Let's go!
28:01There's everything you need!
28:03Do you want to go upstairs?
28:07I could spend the day here!
28:09And now, the bedroom!
28:11I decorated it personally!
28:13Not bad, right?
28:15I wish my house was the same!
28:17What do you think?
28:20Wow, Maya!
28:22It's the coolest house in the world!
28:25Do you agree?
28:29Can you fix this lamp for me?
28:31Of course!
28:35My stomach is growling!
28:37You want to eat something too, don't you?
28:39Let's go!
28:41A girl as special as you deserves a special dish!
28:44No, it's not a head-to-head dinner!
28:46It would be nice, though, wouldn't it?
28:48Maybe one day you'll have a date, Barbie!
28:51In the meantime, I'll make you dinner!
28:53It's an old recipe from my grandmother.
28:55On the menu tonight...
28:59Not bad, huh?
29:01Here you go, Barbie!
29:03And the last ingredient...
29:05Egg yolk!
29:07Isn't it cool?
29:09Here's your order!
29:14Bon appétit!
29:19It's the best restaurant in town!
29:24Do you want to take a walk?
29:26Oh no!
29:28I ate too much!
29:29Don't worry!
29:31I have an idea!
29:33Barbie needs to do some exercise!
29:35Bicycle, for example!
29:37But I'm not sure you can find bicycles for Barbie in stores.
29:40So we're going to make one!
29:42We need a bicycle saddle!
29:45That's perfect!
29:47I'll eat them later!
29:49I hope the smell won't bother Barbie!
29:52Personally, it wouldn't bother me!
29:55We're going to use CDs to make wheels!
29:57Apparently, at the time, they were used to listen to music.
30:01But how is that possible?
30:03Oh well!
30:05It's Barbie's bicycle wheels now!
30:10It's so cool!
30:14Oh, Ken!
30:16Who's that?
30:18Wow! She's so pretty!
30:22It's your new girlfriend!
30:24Hi! Do you want to play?
30:25She's pretty, your girlfriend!
30:27Hi, Ken!
30:29You're really pretty, you know!
30:31Would you like to go out with me?
30:34For a date?
30:36Oh yes! I'd love to!
30:44You have a date?
30:46Oh no!
30:48I need to tidy this up before going home!
30:51Quick, quick, quick!
30:53Oh no!
30:55A date like this!
30:57To the living room!
30:59To the big words, the big remedies!
31:01Sorry, darling, I don't have a choice!
31:06It's disgusting!
31:08It's stuck in my hair!
31:10I have to cut it all off!
31:16You have a hole now!
31:18That's not great!
31:20I have an idea!
31:22Don't worry, Barbie!
31:23You'll be great in no time!
31:25I promise I'll fix this!
31:28I take a piece of ribbon
31:30of any color
31:32but I want blue today!
31:34I'm sure it'll look good on Barbie!
31:37I take this little thread
31:39and I pull!
31:41It's super satisfying!
31:43I cut along Barbie's hair.
31:45It will cover the part without hair!
31:48The color is so pretty!
31:50Come on, let's make wicks!
31:54Wow! It looks so good on her!
31:58It's ready for your date!
32:00Your headband!
32:02You're absolutely perfect!
32:04There's just one thing missing...
32:08Relax, I'll take care of you!
32:10There's everything you need in this box!
32:15My favorite jewelry glasses!
32:18I can almost see your pores now!
32:19You should do something cool, Maya!
32:21I must be perfect for my date!
32:23Trust me, Barbie!
32:25It'll be the best date of your life!
32:27Let's start with blush!
32:29White blush?
32:33Trust me!
32:35You'll make him blush!
32:37We add a touch of color
32:39and the last detail...
32:43You're as beautiful as a daisy!
32:45I'm so proud of this look!
32:49We look so much alike!
32:54What's going on?
32:56Let's get back to it!
32:59These nails are unbearable!
33:02My eyes!
33:04Oops! Sorry!
33:08I don't need them anymore!
33:10There you go!
33:12It might be a little hot,
33:14but you'll have the most beautiful nails in the world!
33:20Oh no!
33:22What a mess!
33:24Don't exaggerate!
33:26It's not that bad, look!
33:28Last nail...
33:30There you go!
33:33Choose a color now!
33:35No! Not this one!
33:37And this one?
33:39No, thank you! I don't like it either!
33:41And this one?
33:43Yes! I love it!
33:45OK, let's find the right nail polish...
33:49There you go!
33:51It needs a little bit more!
33:56I need to focus so I don't mess up!
34:02Wow! I'm an artist!
34:04Your nails are amazing!
34:08The perfect nail polish is ready for your party!
34:11Let's go!
34:13She said she was coming!
34:15Where is she?
34:17They gave us a rabbit!
34:19What's going on?
34:22Beep beep! Barbie, I'm here!
34:25Here's your date!
34:28Ken! You're here!
34:30Of course I'm here! Let's go!
34:32It's so romantic!
34:34I'm all alone now!
34:36For you, ma'am!
34:38But I haven't ordered anything!
34:41The Bamas!
34:43A paid trip!
34:46No need for a Barbie! I'm on vacation!
34:50I'm off! Bye!
34:52What's that?
34:55I love you, cat!
34:58Hey, Lentello!
35:00She said we should kiss!
35:02Cat? OK!
35:04Come closer!
35:08Perfect! You're so lame!
35:10You should look more like him!
35:12Wait, what's that?
35:18I want to look like her!
35:20But I don't know how!
35:27A Relooking box to look like Ladybug?
35:29Cool! Now I'm ready for the change!
35:31It's time to discover what's inside!
35:36There are a lot of great beauty products in there!
35:40That's exactly what I needed!
35:42Let's see...
35:44Hair, make-up and outfit!
35:46Let the power of scissors be with me!
35:49I should start with a new hairstyle!
35:52Well, I look like a grandma now!
35:55There must be something in the beauty box!
35:58I need to pick up some colors!
36:02Wait, guys!
36:04But I need a blue color!
36:06Look who's hiding there!
36:09What a lovely little piece of cabbage!
36:11How are you, buddy?
36:12Don't get angry!
36:14I just want a few drops of your blue ink!
36:19Thank you!
36:21Now, let's scrub!
36:23Guys, look at my straw hands!
36:25Now I'm going to apply this weird substance on my hair!
36:31I speak like a real hairdresser!
36:38What's going on in my stomach?
36:43I know a great trick!
36:45I'm going to use these laces to decorate my hair!
36:48My new horse tails are ready!
36:50What's that?
36:54I'm a button monster!
36:56I have to remove them!
36:58No, it's useless!
37:03Hey, get your fingers off me!
37:06It hurts!
37:08It hurts!
37:12I have an idea!
37:14Watch out!
37:16Wow, it's everywhere!
37:21Excuse me, guys!
37:23What's that?
37:25No, I'm full of red dots!
37:27Please, save me, box of beauty!
37:29Coaxinel stickers?
37:31All hopes rest on you!
37:33My little friends will hide all my red dots!
37:40I can't wait any longer!
37:42By the way, you can subscribe to my Relooking channel!
37:44Why is it so long?
37:51Oh no, I broke my glasses!
37:54What a clumsy girl!
37:56Oh, I'm out of buttons!
37:59What's wrong with my eyes?
38:02Cool, it works like a charm!
38:09It's really disgusting!
38:12What's that?
38:14I have hairy nostrils!
38:16Oh no!
38:18It's not true!
38:20I'll use a tweezers!
38:22Let's go!
38:25Come on, big girl, you can do it!
38:27We're almost there!
38:29Yes, I won!
38:35I think I should go to the doctor.
38:42My ears!
38:44These hairy nasty things are everywhere!
38:46I look like a scary beast!
38:48What if I tried new beauty tricks?
38:51Let's take a bit of marble with a cotton swab.
38:54Oh my God, it looks horrible!
38:57Now let's get rid of all the hairs with this wax ready for use.
39:00I hope it worked!
39:02Do you want a hairy boob?
39:05It's all clean!
39:07Very good, Ladybug.
39:09What's the next step?
39:11I need a mask.
39:13But which one suits me best?
39:15Maybe this one?
39:17I'll choose later.
39:21Oh no!
39:23This siren's tail is annoying!
39:25Okay, what do we have here?
39:27Let's get ready for my new DIY.
39:29This way, little starfish.
39:31I need to use your powder.
39:33That's good.
39:35It's so shiny!
39:37Now let's do a bit of artistic magic.
39:45My makeup is ready.
39:47Let's do the mouth.
39:49It lacks color.
39:53My lipstick is broken!
39:55But I know an excellent solution.
39:57First, dye a bottle with lipstick.
40:05Now I can apply it on my lips.
40:12What's the next step?
40:16The costume!
40:18And how can I wear it with my siren's body?
40:20Oh no!
40:22I need to do something!
40:24Very good, my dear.
40:26We'll choose a new style for you.
40:28Probably not.
40:30It's not my size.
40:32Too ceremonious.
40:33I need something fresh.
40:35What do you have for me?
40:38Oh, it's just trash.
40:40Is that all?
40:45I know!
40:47It's time to go shopping!
40:49No, I refuse.
40:51Not even in my dreams.
40:53A ladybug costume?
40:55Yes, that's it!
40:57Come here!
41:01Let's try it!
41:03I'll take the pants.
41:05But I can't put it over my siren's tail.
41:10I need legs!
41:13I'll never be a ladybug!
41:15What's that?
41:17A potion for legs?
41:19Great, I'm saved!
41:24I can't wait to see the result.
41:26Watch out!
41:28Where are my legs?
41:30I'll take another sip.
41:34And now?
41:36Is this a joke or what?
41:38What's wrong with this potion?
41:40Am I stupid or what?
41:42Of course!
41:44I need to pour it on my tail!
41:46Come on, little drop, don't let me fall!
41:48It worked!
41:50I have real legs!
41:52Now I can put it on.
41:54Hi, I'm Ladybug!
41:58I'm ready!
42:00I'll take my yoyo.
42:01Ladybug is going hunting.
42:06My butt isn't clean enough.
42:11Here's my prey!
42:13I've got you!
42:15Hello, my little cat!
42:17You're absolutely gorgeous, Ladybug!
42:20You too!
42:25I really hope he'll like it this time.
42:27Yes, of course!
42:39I'm so lame!
42:41It's okay!
42:47A mermaid?
42:49Is that what he likes?
42:51Take this!
42:54I think you need a new yoyo.
42:56I think you need a new yoyo.
43:01What a beautiful house!
43:03But how can I transform into a mermaid?
43:06Let me think.
43:08Give me your secret gadget.
43:10I have to program it for a makeover.
43:13Here it is!
43:15We have a list of things to do.
43:17First, we have to get rid of the buttons.
43:21They're so ugly!
43:23I'll fix that.
43:27Show me the magic!
43:30Wow! These things really work!
43:33I think it works!
43:35I'm not sure.
43:39Let's see what happened.
43:43Wow! I'm pretty!
43:45Can I help you?
43:47Berk, you really needed my help.
43:50Here's the list.
43:52The buttons are done.
43:53What's the next step?
43:55What's this?
43:59It's so scratchy!
44:02The leg hairs must disappear.
44:04I have the recipe you need.
44:06The honey will do the trick.
44:16Let's go!
44:23It wasn't that bad.
44:27Oh, the boys!
44:29So soft!
44:31Berk! Someone throw that away!
44:36I mean, honestly...
44:39It tastes good!
44:41What's the next step?
44:44We have to give you scales.
44:50How are we going to do that?
44:52I'm sure I can find some here.
44:55Oh no! I have to go!
44:58I'll take care of it.
45:01I'll be right back, Ladybug.
45:06Who sent me here?
45:08Where do you think you're going, sir?
45:12Looks like scales.
45:15Oh yeah! I can work with that.
45:21I'm back!
45:23Did you miss me?
45:24Did you find some?
45:25Of course!
45:27We just have to put this here.
45:29And paint over it.
45:35What is she doing?
45:37Oh yes! I'm so good at transformations.
45:41Wow! It's so beautiful!
45:43I assure you.
45:45Next step, the makeup.
45:49Not my mask!
45:51Where are you?
45:56It's time to attack!
46:00Yeah! I did it!
46:03How is that possible?
46:06Now I got you!
46:09How is that possible?
46:11Ladybug, what's your problem?
46:16Hey! Do you need my mask?
46:17It was that simple?
46:19Oh! You have panda eyes!
46:24I'm transforming into a panda?
46:27I know what to do.
46:29Say goodbye to these cerns, baby.
46:36My masterpiece.
46:41Wow! I'm so beautiful!
46:43You're great!
46:44Yeah, I know.
46:45Let's move on to the next step.
46:48Now we need ears.
46:52What do you mean?
46:54I mean you have to show your ears.
46:59They're so weird on me.
47:01Oops! Sorry.
47:03At least you have ears now.
47:05And my hair then?
47:09What are you doing down there?
47:14It stinks!
47:17You just have to roll them like this.
47:21Wow! I love it!
47:23We're going to let them act for a few hours.
47:26Time flies.
47:29It's time to remove them.
47:35Oh yeah!
47:37My hair is so glamorous!
47:39Wow! You're really beautiful!
47:41But you stink a little, my girl.
47:48How did it get out of me?
47:50I have to do something about my nails.
47:53They're worse than those of a vampire.
47:57I have what I need.
47:59I'm a vampire.
48:01I'm a vampire.
48:03I'm a vampire.
48:05I'm a vampire.
48:06I'm a vampire.
48:08I have what I need.
48:12It's so nice and warm.
48:15I could get used to it.
48:17Could you hurry up, please?
48:21Pretty and sparkling.
48:25We just need a little of this here.
48:27It's done.
48:31Where are my nails?
48:34Oops! I found them.
48:37It's time to put some nail polish on.
48:41Red is really my color.
48:45Girl, you're a cocksucker.
48:47Have you already forgotten?
48:50Of course not.
48:53I have great nails now.
48:55I love it.
48:57We're not done yet.
48:59Then we need an armrest.
49:04Let me think.
49:06Where can I find this?
49:08Is it yours?
49:11Don't touch my panties.
49:14I have an idea.
49:16I just need my magic gadget.
49:21I'll ask it to make me an armrest.
49:24Here it is.
49:26I'll put it on.
49:28Don't look.
49:33Wow, it looks good on her.
49:36What do you think?
49:38I think we need these things.
49:43And we're going to paint them red, of course.
49:47Hurry up.
49:49It's done.
49:51It's beautiful.
49:53One thing is missing.
49:55The mermaids don't have feet.
49:59Do I really need to be a mermaid?
50:02It's too late to give up.
50:04I'll get you a tail.
50:06How can I make a tail?
50:13A whole fish,
50:15a bunch of shells
50:17and a few red stones.
50:20Put it all together and...
50:25Shake, shake, shake.
50:30Make it work, make it work.
50:33Make me a beautiful mermaid.
50:37It worked.
50:40I look great.
50:42Yeah, you do.
50:44Is everything okay down there?
50:46I don't know.
50:48That's how mermaids do it.
50:50What do you think of a submarine trip?
50:53I love this place.
50:55Hey SpongeBob, how's Sandy doing?
51:00I love being a mermaid.
51:04But I still can't walk.
51:06At least you're ready now.
51:09I can finally seduce him.
51:17Your turn to play.
51:30Do you remember me?
51:39The best tub in the ocean, woohoo!
51:44Finally, I'm a part of the mermaid club.
51:46Try not to crash, Luna.
51:48Oh my!
51:50Let me out!
51:53I don't know how to swim.
51:57Look at her legs!
52:01Oh no!
52:03Hey, Lintello, you're under arrest.
52:05I want to talk to my lawyer.
52:07Don't move.
52:09Don't blink.
52:13You're under arrest.
52:16My place is not in jail.
52:18Yes, it is.
52:20Mermaids are free.
52:22Binoculars go to jail.
52:24I'll never get out of here.
52:26Why wasn't I born a mermaid?
52:32What's that?
52:34Looks like legs.
52:36No, a dog.
52:43It's a horror movie.
52:50I think I caught a rum.
52:55What did I do?
52:57Hello, young girl.
52:59I'm here to help you become a mermaid.
53:01A magic mirror?
53:02What should I do?
53:04Open your eyes.
53:08What a strange box.
53:10Wow, it's an acne extractor.
53:13Let's try it.
53:17The buttons are disappearing.
53:20Why did you stop?
53:22Don't drop me, please.
53:24Stupid machine.
53:27I know another way.
53:29What's new, Mr. Crab?
53:30I have an assistant job for you.
53:32Do you want to help me?
53:36Your claws are so skillful.
53:40Don't try with real crabs, kids.
53:44Great, it works.
53:46The last one.
53:48I'm late for a hangout.
53:52Let's do this the old way.
53:54Come on, fingers.
53:56What are you doing?
53:57What are you doing?
54:06Error, error, error, error, error.
54:08I did it!
54:10I'm so lucky.
54:12Where's my great escape tool?
54:14A little spin and I'm free.
54:17What are you doing?
54:19I broke my tweezers.
54:21I need another escape plan.
54:24In the meantime,
54:25I'll brush my eyebrows.
54:29How do all these girls do glamour?
54:33Why is it so red?
54:35Hey, detainee.
54:37Here's your meal.
54:39Great, it's lunchtime.
54:41It came straight from the bottom of the sea.
54:48It's disgusting.
54:50It's not food for humans.
54:52I'd better look at my beauty kit.
54:54I have an idea.
54:56I've always wanted to try this trick.
54:58Let's go.
55:00All you have to do is apply blue eyeshadows
55:02on the net like this.
55:05There you go.
55:07Why is my head so big?
55:10Wow, great.
55:12What would you say about a little decoration?
55:15I'm going to be so stylish.
55:17A real pearl shower.
55:19Don't litter here.
55:24You'll be punished.
55:28But my mermaid make-up is not finished yet.
55:32I know how to use the treasures of the sea.
55:36First, we apply shadows on the shells.
55:40Then, we put them on the eyes.
55:43And finally, we add some glitter.
55:45Then, we put them on the eyes.
55:48Wow, splendid.
55:51Hey, watchman.
55:53What's wrong?
55:55Do I look like a mermaid?
55:57Well, your face is fine.
55:59Your hair, no.
56:02Officer, please help me.
56:04I have to get out of here.
56:06Stop that.
56:08I'm wondering what that is.
56:10Oh, Robo-cop deactivated.
56:12That's it.
56:14This is my second chance.
56:16I'm sorry, but I need your keys.
56:23Hasta la vista.
56:26Where am I?
56:28Where is the binoculars?
56:33Hello, officer.
56:35No, please, not in the cell.
56:37You'll have news from my lawyer, sir.
56:41Talk to your toilets.
56:47Why are my hair blue?
56:49What's that?
56:52I look like a serpillère.
56:56Oh, and now I'm a caniche.
56:59Okay, fork.
57:01Only you can save my hair.
57:04I should wash my head more often.
57:07Wow, my hair is incredible.
57:10Look at this beauty.
57:14Why are they so dry?
57:16Oh no, not the lips.
57:22I know how to help you.
57:24Huh? What is it?
57:26What can I use this coconut for?
57:29Actually, I know a trick.
57:35Right in the face.
57:37My karate lessons have finally paid off.
57:39Hey, buddy.
57:41Why don't you join my workshop?
57:42What do you say we have a drink?
57:45Try this coconut water.
57:47Now it's your turn.
57:49Yes, well done.
57:51Let's mix it all up.
57:53Well, it gives a kind of lip balm.
57:56I hope it works.
58:00Wow, my lips are so fresh now.
58:04Yeah, I need to change the water.
58:08I'm bored.
58:10I'd like to read something.
58:12Well, look what we have here.
58:15Just my size.
58:17Oh, it's too far for me.
58:20Aha, wait a minute.
58:22I don't know anything about fishing, but...
58:26Uh, what's going on?
58:28Um, what...
58:30Uh, oops.
58:32No fishing in prison.
58:34Sorry, I guess it's up to you.
58:37Well, it didn't go as planned.
58:39But I didn't give up.
58:42I came up with a new fashion style.
58:45Goodbye, raggedy clothes.
58:47It's time to revolutionize panties.
58:52I need more decorations.
58:54No one will stop Luna from tinkering.
58:59Nandine Meduse, this new top is beautiful.
59:02Great, here I am now, mermaid.
59:07Look down, darling.
59:11I don't have a tail.
59:13What do I do?
59:15It's easy.
59:17Huh? A mermaid tail?
59:20But it's so small.
59:22Ah, you just have to put it in the water.
59:25Got it.
59:29Courage, we can do it.
59:31I hope you like this jacuzzi in the toilets.
59:34Well, my tail is really big now.
59:39Yes, the tortures of the Rolo King have paid off.
59:43I am a mermaid, guardian.
59:45What? By all my sensors?
59:47How did you do it?
59:50You can let me out now.
59:52Uh, you can go.
59:55I am free.
