Shrouding The Heavens Ep.67 English Sub

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Shrouding The Heavens Ep.67 English Sub
00:00Episode 07
00:16I've never seen such a huge evil source since I built the city.
00:24Go and tell the Grand Master.
00:30The source has opened a big door.
00:31Bro, you can come up here alive.
00:34It's a good omen for the rest of my life.
00:36Bro, if you get hurt later,
00:38let me stand in the middle.
00:42I'm not afraid of danger.
00:48I, Shi Wu Kuang Qu,
00:50can really hide the dragon and the tiger.
00:53I don't dare to make a contribution.
00:54It's all about luck.
00:57I should have rewarded you.
01:01But it's a pity that you're just a cultivator.
01:08If you can withstand my level four strike,
01:10I'll give you a chance to waste your cultivation to continue mining.
01:24I knew you had a problem.
01:31The fish in the pot...
01:33is dead.
01:38Don't make things difficult for me.
01:48Who dares to intrude into my cave?
02:02It's you again.
02:05Elder Li.
02:07You're so young,
02:09but you're still so unyielding.
02:11It seems that
02:12Yaoguang doesn't take you as his own.
02:15I, Yaoguang, have a long history.
02:17I won't let you humiliate me.
02:19A thief is a thief if he doesn't kill.
02:22A thief is a thief if he doesn't kill.
02:26Don't forget that
02:28you're the only one
02:30who can save the Thirteenth.
02:32This place is enough for you.
02:51Jiang Yi,
02:52you've been a thief for too long.
02:53You've lost your ability.
02:55You're only good at talking.
02:58Elder Taishang of Yaoguang?
03:04Elder Taishang,
03:05this man has already betrayed the general.
03:07Just kill him.
03:09In that case,
03:10I won't keep you alive.
03:15Elder Li and I are here
03:17to welcome you all.
03:51The three of you,
03:52take this old man down.
04:11the traitor will show up.
04:14General's Eight-Dimensional Spell.
04:32Run that way.
04:34Don't get caught. Be careful.
04:36Hurry up. Hurry up.
04:40Hurry up.
04:47Hurry up. Hurry up.
04:56One side is a thief.
04:57The other side is a bandit.
04:59I'll take the lead.
05:21Elder Taishang of Yaoguang,
05:23I'm Jiang Yi.
05:24Jiang Yi, you bastard.
05:26Go to hell.
05:29You've been a thief for three days.
05:31Today, I'll make you pay.
05:40Disciples of Yaoguang, listen to my order.
05:41Defend the back of the circle.
05:47Those who defy the circle,
05:48kill them.
05:56The wind and dust of the desert is strong.
05:58The sword breaks through the sky.
06:02The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:09The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:11The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:13The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:15The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:17The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:19The Great Void Skill is really useful.
06:37The thing I saw before
06:39was all the remains of Taizang.
06:41If I can turn all the circles around,
06:43I'll be able to attack the palace.
06:52Who are you?
06:53You're really fast.
06:55If I'm out there,
06:57and you're in there,
06:59aren't you too ungrateful?
07:03The circle doesn't have a name.
07:05You're competing with me for it.
07:08What's so ungrateful?
07:12The Great Void Skill is really useful.
07:14You're on the same path.
07:17Then I'll not interfere with your own skills.
07:24Today, I'll let you see
07:27the seventh Great Void Skill of the Thirteen Great Valleys,
07:30Suncai Tufei of the Sky.
07:34It's my own
07:36supreme power.
07:41I will show whether my aspiration
07:43is to make war
07:45with the Kalash inside you.
07:47Is that true?
07:51Then you'll just need to
07:54be born a man.
08:00You'reping up!
08:06I'll be there in a minute.
08:11老狗老贼 别想见死不活了 还以为会杀 How dare you! Don't think you can run away! I'll kill you if I have to!
08:20怎么样 远古都给你搬走了 服不服 How's that? I've moved the original inventory for you. Do you like it?
08:23原库不过是装东西的 原始道手才是王道 The inventory is just for storing things. The original master is the king.
08:33服不服啊 十字上山龙驾海 磕磕磕的本事 You like it or not? I'll show you what I'm made of!
08:41服不服啊 You don't like it or not?
08:56服不服 I don't like it or not!
08:58不服 I don't like it or not!
09:00还没发挥呢 I'm not ready yet!
09:11对不起啊兄弟 我感觉这瓶子里有股熟悉的味道 把瓶子给我 I'm sorry, buddy. I think there's a familiar smell in this bottle. Give it to me.
09:17等等 什么味道 把瓶子给我 Wait a minute. What's that smell? Give me the bottle.
09:30这 莫非是 圣女的手脚 Could it be... the Goddess's handkerchief?
09:41精选上等神参思俗 才用九九八十一道神秘工艺精心编织而成 水火不轻 刀枪不入 传说中摇摆圣女的典型线舞 主教授晚来一步 竟被她劫财了 She's late, but she's been robbed.
10:11主先登了 莫名其妙 瓶子还我 Give me back the bottle.
10:20我做梦都想干的事情 竟被你小子抢先一步 I dreamt of doing something, but I was robbed by you.
10:28你没事吧 天才 你真是个天才 你听我解释 但事情就不必再说了 Are you all right? Genius! You're a genius! Listen to me. But we don't have to talk about it.
10:37狠心杀我杀得不够羡慕 拿走 我不想再看见你 你走 走啊 Leave me alone. I don't want to see you again. Leave me alone.
10:58就知道没这么简单 I knew it wouldn't be that easy.
11:03拦住他们 别让他们跑了 Stop them. Don't let them get away.
11:06不行 I can't.
11:13拿起来吧 兄弟 把眼镜子收起来 赶紧想办法 剩余又不止一个 明天就要遇上了 要是死在这里 可就真的没机会了 If you die here, you won't have a chance.
11:22有道理 没有遥光和游池 没有瑶池还有江家迹象 再不济于妖族也行 能不能正常点 Can you be normal?
11:36天才兄 你说得太对了 Tiancai brother, you are right.
12:07怎么办 怎么输呢 How do we lose?
12:09怎么输呢 How do we lose?
12:10夜凡 原来你在这儿啊 Yefan, I didn't know you were here.
12:41少女 别来无恙啊 又变大了 那日在下也是情非得已才出 我 Yefan, how have you been? You've grown up again. I didn't mean to...
12:47瑶汐 为什么 为什么你先交定情信物给她不给我 Yefan, why didn't you give me the love token first?
12:52都别慌 都别慌 瑶凤弟子听令 随我退守矿区 主我拿把扣 Don't panic. Yefan, listen to me. Follow me to the back of the minefield and help me get the button.
12:57是 Yes
12:59是这个混蛋啊 It's a monster.
13:11全被撞坏了 They're all gone.
13:15天才小女不仅能让瑶汐切磨 还能让她暗记胜利 How great. It tells a girl to control herself, and to kill.
13:19怎么办 How can you do that?
13:21两人一身的腕骨 It's a shoulder, not a leg.
13:23这男女之间可要不少长久 That's a sign of a tough competition.
13:25I'm going to take care of this crisis first, and then I'll have a good time with you.
13:31From beginning to end, I won't stop until I die.
13:35I won't stop until I die.
13:39Kill you all!
13:40I'll kill you all!
13:48You old man! I'll kill you all!
13:52Don't worry. This is a defense shield.
13:55My grandfather said that if I can catch a Saintess as a weapon,
13:58I'll give him the jar.
14:00When Tiancai Qiong sends me a secret letter,
14:02I'll break through and inherit the Tuntian Demon Temple.
14:05Wait and see!
14:10Oh, no. I have to go first.
14:16My jar!
14:19It's the Elder of Yaoguang.
14:22The Elder of Yaoguang
14:24The Elder of Yaoguang
14:27The Elder of Yaoguang
