90 Day Fiancé- Season 6 Episode 3

  • 2 months ago


00:00Previously on 90 Day Fiancé, The Other Way.
00:04I wish I could bring you to Iceland with me.
00:06I'm moving to Iceland because I don't want to be apart from Inky.
00:10Good morning, baby.
00:11Good morning.
00:12But there is a part of me that is like,
00:14is this the right decision?
00:16How do you feel about having to like give up
00:19the midwifery program at University of Pennsylvania?
00:22I think about it too hard.
00:23It makes like my stomach fall out of my butt.
00:25But like, love makes you crazy as f***.
00:31Welcome to my crib.
00:33I recently quit my job to move to China.
00:36But in China, I am not allowed to legally work.
00:40So there's that fear that I'm going to wake up one day
00:43and Lily's going to say, I don't want to be with you.
00:46This house is for you, but lose a lot of money.
00:50Bye bye.
00:55Are you ready to leave?
00:56It's just a lot. I feel overwhelmed.
00:58I have anxiety about living in a van.
01:00We really don't know each other all that well.
01:03And I don't know what will happen between us
01:05if she can't handle life on the road.
01:07She's just a worrier all the time.
01:09Is that a bit of a red flag?
01:13Your new home. Are you ready?
01:16Go. Yes.
01:19Honestly, I'm not happy to walk in and see that it's still here.
01:22The first thing I see are the bottles.
01:25And it really pisses me off.
01:27I know. I know. You don't like it.
01:29I hate it. It's not that I don't like it.
01:32I literally hate it.
01:58Okay. Shoes. Shoes, shoes, shoes.
02:01In a shoe, I look for obscurity.
02:04Something that I don't think anyone else would have.
02:07Inky's got no choice but to deal with my style.
02:11There better be enough closet space.
02:13I'm moving to Iceland today, which is insane.
02:16I'm going to freeze my ass off,
02:18but I will be with my Viking love mate.
02:21I know.
02:23It will 100% be a big shift to actually move to Iceland
02:27and know, like, I'm staying this time.
02:32There is a lot of anticipation on the what-ifs and the unknowns,
02:36but I think majority, it's just excitement.
02:41Holy s***.
02:42Saying this out loud really just made me realize how real all this is.
02:48Knock, knock. I got kitties.
02:52We got beef.
02:54The kitties are beefing.
02:56Hi. They're beefing.
02:58Oh, no.
03:00Iceland has very strict rules on bringing pets from America,
03:04and so my babies have to go through vigorous tests,
03:07so they actually can't come with me for a couple months.
03:10You're going to miss me.
03:13You can't even focus right now.
03:18OK. She's never been this upset.
03:21I'm very sad to be leaving them behind,
03:23but luckily Leo and Christy said that they would take care
03:26of my four-legged babies while I'm gone until I can get them,
03:30which will be soon.
03:36And we're off.
03:38Can Iceland handle corona?
03:41Corona can handle Iceland.
03:43Yeah, I think I can handle Iceland. Can Iceland handle me?
03:47We're going to find out.
03:49It's still a big move.
03:51It's a big change.
03:52It is a big move.
03:54And it's going to be very cold.
03:56And quite white.
03:58That is, like, one thing that I worry,
04:00that I won't be able to make, like, a diverse friend group in Iceland.
04:04Like, I want to be able to, like, I don't know, find my people.
04:08But also I am quite nervous about meeting his family.
04:12Like, oh, my God, what if they don't like me, you know?
04:15Well, he has Inky's parents,
04:17not anybody else who's black or just a person of colour in general.
04:23Growing up as a black woman in America has been tough, as is,
04:28and going to somewhere where I will be even more of a minority
04:32is something that I worry about.
04:34But also, like, Inky's never been in a relationship before,
04:37so I'm not only the first girlfriend that they're meeting of Inky's,
04:41I'm also quite possibly the first black person that they've met in real life.
04:45So I feel so much pressure to make a good impression,
04:48not only for, like, me and my relationship,
04:51but for any other black people who may don their doorstep in the years to come.
04:56That's a lot of weight on my shoulders.
05:03Let's not get ran overs.
05:06Everybody make it.
05:09Gonna see my baby.
05:13There's no-one on Earth that I would choose to, like, derail my current plans
05:18and take an alternate route to my dreams than Inky.
05:22I was actually not looking for love in the slightest,
05:25and here comes Inky, bulldozing into my frickin' life, changing everything.
05:31No, we're group huggin' this.
05:33Group hug.
05:44I've actually given up on dating.
05:46I came pretty content with the fact that I'm gonna be alone forever.
05:50And now I'm thinking, like, I am very ready to start my forever life with my person
05:56and get married and have kids and just do the whole thing.
06:01Keep on, keep on.
06:04But there's so many unknowns in this journey,
06:07how we're going to learn to mesh with each other and how we're gonna grow together
06:12and what the future looks like for us.
06:14Like, the ground underneath me is not as solid as it once was,
06:18and I'm falling through the clouds now.
06:21The only thing that I do know is that I love him.
06:23Falling in love is frickin' scary.
06:25Like, they don't tell you about this in the romance novels.
06:28There you go.
06:53Stay in the frickin' lines, buddy.
06:56Learn to drive.
06:59I do get rage. I'm a rager.
07:03F*** you, you f***ing idiot.
07:05That's why your car's all f***ed up, cause you have bad karma.
07:08What the f***?
07:11Any day, any day. Take a snail's pace here.
07:14Alright, everyone's passing me.
07:16I know you're angry. I'm angry too.
07:18Oh, thank you.
07:22Driving is stressful.
07:24It's gonna be ten times more stressful in another country.
07:28I'm moving across the pond in less than a week
07:31to live in a van with Dempsey.
07:33And our plan is to just travel around Europe
07:36and not have a home base.
07:40I'm driving to a used car lot to potentially sell my car.
07:45I feel like this kind of thing is really hard for me, though,
07:47because I've established a relationship with the vehicle.
07:50So I feel like I'll be abandoning her.
07:55Aspen is my car's name.
07:57If I sell her.
08:00And I don't want her to feel abandoned.
08:03When we came up with the camper van idea,
08:05it felt like it was gonna be a cheap way of living.
08:08We weren't going to have rent.
08:10I think it will eventually feel like we're saving money.
08:14We're just not in that place right now,
08:16because I've taken out a $20,000 loan
08:19to pay for my part of the camper van.
08:22I'm definitely feeling a lot more stressed out than she is,
08:25financially speaking.
08:27Dempsey has quit her job because she can't work remote.
08:31And so I will be the sole breadwinner
08:34for the unforeseeable future.
08:47Hello? Hi.
08:49Hi, how are you doing?
08:53I want to sell my car.
08:55You have a beautiful car.
08:57Yes, it's beautiful, yeah.
08:59What year is it?
09:05So you want to trade in the car,
09:07or you just want to sell it?
09:09Sell it, yeah.
09:11You just want the money and the cash, right?
09:13Yeah, I would want the money because I'm leaving the country.
09:15Gotcha, all right.
09:17So let me go in the office and get the appraisal value up for you.
09:21Okay, yeah.
09:23And then you can decide if you want to give us or not.
09:25Okay, all right.
09:30The idea of parting ways with this thing
09:35that I've kind of had a relationship with
09:38for longer than I've known Dempsey
09:40breaks my heart.
09:43So it's kind of hitting me
09:45that I'm going to be leaving everything behind.
09:54This is awkward.
09:58It literally is not you.
10:01It's me.
10:03Just going in a different direction.
10:06You've taken care of me and kept me safe.
10:10And I appreciate that.
10:14All right, Ms. Stadler.
10:16Hello, yes.
10:18Here's your offer.
10:20Here's my offer.
10:22It's like we're going to give you $18,500.
10:25Whoa, I was not expecting that.
10:31This is a big decision.
10:35You know, I'm leaving because I'm going into a relationship.
10:40And we bought a camper van,
10:43so we're going to be living in the van.
10:45Oh, boy.
10:47I'm kind of more of a cautious person,
10:49so I don't...
10:51I like to have a backup plan,
10:53which is why I might want to keep it
10:55so I can have money later on if things don't work out.
10:58This would be a better idea.
11:00It's good to take risks.
11:02It's better to play safe, you know?
11:04So play it safe.
11:06You think play it safe.
11:09I'm torn because, yes, I could have the money now,
11:13and it could go to paying off the loan now.
11:17But also, maybe I want something to fall back on.
11:22I feel kind of, like, bad about that
11:25because Dempsey really is giving up everything.
11:28But she's also kind of like that.
11:30She's just a crazy, free-in-the-wind kind of hippie type.
11:37And I am not.
11:39So it's like she's staying true to herself.
11:42Should I stay true to myself?
11:45I think I need to...
11:47I do need to take some time to think about it.
11:49It's a big decision. Let us know.
11:51OK. I appreciate your help.
11:53Thank you, Mrs. Sadler. Thank you.
11:55Thank you. Goodbye.
11:58I wish I could be as carefree
12:01and just go with the flow as Dempsey is,
12:04but I'm overwhelmed by constant fear and anxiety.
12:09My biggest fear is that Dempsey and I won't do well on the road
12:13and we'll break up immediately.
12:15And then I'll be on the other side of the world
12:18with a ton of debt and nothing to fall back on.
12:21I'm sorry I put you through that.
12:24It was a bit traumatic, yes.
12:26I don't think I'm going to sell you those, so I think we're good.
12:31Oh, that's it. Yeah.
12:34Here we go.
12:36This is definitely one of the craziest things that I have done.
12:41But I need to learn from my previous mistakes
12:45because this is my third marriage.
12:48I'm coming home, Lily.
12:50How would you feel if I had a whole case
12:53full of things that remind me of other guys?
12:57It's disrespectful for him to tell me
13:00everything yet hold on to these things from his past.
13:03Make peace with it.
13:05You make peace with this, the love letter that my ex-boyfriend wrote me.
13:30Today's the day I am moving to China.
13:33I feel like that little overweight 7-year-old boy
13:36bouncing at the table
13:38as he sees that big chocolate cake coming towards him.
13:41That's how excited I am.
13:43I can't wait to be there.
13:45The food I'm excited about, the people I'm excited about.
13:48I'm just really geeked.
13:54You guys ready to go?
13:56All right.
13:58I'm full of mixed emotions.
14:00I cannot wait to be reunited with Lily.
14:03You know, 8 months is a very long time to be apart.
14:07But I'm going to be in a whole new country
14:10without the things I enjoy,
14:12my drones, my remote-controlled cars.
14:15You know, I'm not going to be able to access television,
14:18websites, or social media that I could in the U.S.
14:22So I'm just curious to see how I adapt to it.
14:27Okay, here we go.
14:33I'm kind of excited for you on one hand,
14:36but we'll worry about you, there's no doubt about it.
14:39Yeah, I'll miss you guys,
14:41but I'll be back just living a little bit further away.
14:44That's all.
14:46A lot further away.
14:51All right, I'm going to let you out here.
14:55Josh is making a huge sacrifice.
14:59He's leaving a job.
15:01He's going to a country he's never been.
15:04Rules are different, everything is different.
15:07Josh is a grown man, but we just worry
15:10because, you know, you never stop being a parent.
15:19Oh, hon.
15:21I'm going to miss you so much.
15:24You know what?
15:26Make this a journey, have fun.
15:29Yeah, it will be.
15:31And you always have a home.
15:33Yeah, always.
15:35But I do, I love you with all my heart.
15:39I love you so much.
15:43I love you.
15:45I really do.
15:54It's not easy saying goodbye.
15:57I like to kind of hold everything in.
16:00So when I say goodbyes, it gets me pretty emotional.
16:03Love you.
16:05Love you.
16:07All right.
16:09Allergy season, right?
16:12See you later.
16:14This is definitely one of the craziest things
16:17that I have done to go to a country I've never been,
16:20where I can't work,
16:22where I only know my wife, have no family there.
16:26But if I don't go to China, it would be a mistake,
16:31and I would regret it for the rest of my life.
16:36So I have to follow what my heart tells me to do.
16:41Pretty excited.
16:43So long, USA, and hello, China.
16:46This is my third marriage,
16:49and I want to make sure I do this right.
16:51I need to learn from my previous mistakes,
16:54take accountability for my actions.
17:02I just want to make her happy.
17:05I'm coming home, Lily.
17:14I don't care if you're hearing a word I say
17:18It don't bother me when you don't feel okay
17:22Missed another shot down with the games I play
17:25With your last words that you don't really mean
17:37That show.
17:39Three and a half months that you could have dealt with it.
17:43I've just arrived back in Istanbul,
17:46and it feels disappointing and hurtful.
17:49Oh, my God, babe.
17:51This place is wrecked.
17:53It almost looks like you weren't expecting me.
17:56It looks trash,
17:58and the bottles are still on the shelves.
18:01I don't know.
18:03I don't know why he's holding on to them so tightly.
18:06It shows me how kind of careless he is
18:09and his lack of respect for me.
18:11I'm just feeling all kinds of things right now,
18:14and none of them are good things.
18:18Babe, I told you to clear this room out
18:21because I want to make this my, like, closet.
18:24And where's my wardrobe rack?
18:30So I guess I'll just not unpack
18:32because there's nowhere to hang my clothes.
18:35Are you doing this because of the bottles?
18:39I don't know, I just feel like I came back and nothing's changed.
18:43It's the same.
18:45I better not see that book of yours.
18:56Are you crying for this?
18:58I'm just tired of this.
19:02I can't understand.
19:04It's very simple.
19:06It's very simple.
19:08It's not very simple.
19:10It is very simple.
19:12How would you feel if I had a whole case
19:15full of things that remind me of other guys
19:18and I don't want to get rid of them?
19:20It reminds me the places that I visited,
19:23not the girls.
19:25That's a lie because it's about women,
19:28so don't try to reframe it now.
19:31When she came to Turkey the first time,
19:34she asked, where did you get them?
19:36I said different countries, different cities that I visited.
19:40Oh, OK.
19:41And then I had to stop there,
19:43but I said that I never drink by myself.
19:46Of course she understood that.
19:48I mean, I drank with girls.
19:51I have to stop sometimes.
19:55I don't understand anything.
19:57I mean, I can't believe that
19:59you came with this mood.
20:01I didn't come with this mood.
20:03I'm now in this mood because of the things I've seen
20:06once I got here.
20:08I mean, because of bottles and a notebook that I sent you.
20:13It's not just a notebook.
20:15Don't try to play like that.
20:17We will talk face-to-face about those.
20:19Well, here we are, talking face-to-face.
20:22So fun. It's going great.
20:24Do you want me to show the book to you?
20:26Do you want to see it?
20:28No, I don't. Don't you dare bring that in front of me.
20:31Because that's so disrespectful.
20:33It's not, babe.
20:34It is so disrespectful.
20:35It's nothing important.
20:40It's nothing.
20:47You think that it's not rude to show me your little black book, right?
20:51It's not rude, yeah.
20:52Why do you think that's not rude?
20:54Why is that OK?
20:55Because for you to make peace with it, it's not a big deal.
20:57Make peace with it?
20:59You make peace with this.
21:01This is 143 pages of a love letter that my ex-boyfriend wrote me.
21:06143-page letter.
21:14You keep it?
21:15Make peace with it.
21:16You keep it?
21:19It's no big deal.
21:22Why did you bring it here?
21:24Why not? It's just a book.
21:26It's just a book.
21:28I actually didn't even know when I was going to bring this letter out or even if I really would.
21:33But I am so mad right now that I just am going to show it to him right now.
21:38On my first night here.
21:41OK. I don't want to talk anymore.
21:43I'm sure you don't.
21:53Come on.
21:54Come on.
21:55I just feel like it's disrespectful for him to tell me that I'm his future and his everything yet hold on to these things from his past.
22:04And then he also has a double standard where he can have these things and he can talk about his past so much, but I can't talk about mine.
22:11It's making me question why I even came back to Turkey and if I want to stay.
22:17I don't want to stay.
22:23You are so good at f***ing up things.
22:31I've never really met someone that picked all the boxes for me.
22:34Until I met Corona.
22:37What's the plan for tomorrow?
22:38On the shelf.
22:39One, two, three.
22:40I'm begging you.
22:42We just started dating.
22:44I definitely don't have a ring in my pocket.
23:06I don't have a ring in my pocket.
23:08I don't have a ring in my pocket.
23:36Copy that, Inky.
23:37Interview, take one.
23:46My name is Inky and I'm from Reykjavik, Iceland.
23:57Reykjavik is definitely a party town.
24:00Going out is probably the most Icelandic thing that you can do.
24:03Lots of drink as well.
24:07Dating in Iceland can be a little like a Russian roulette.
24:10You don't know exactly how related you are.
24:16Because here in Iceland, we are more related to one another than probably anywhere in the world.
24:22For example, when we're dating, we have a website to see how related you are.
24:27The question is always, are you going to look beforehand or afterwards?
24:35Too close.
24:37You're going to meet her in the next family dinner.
24:39Date your cousin.
24:46I've had my fair share of girls, but I've never really met someone that ticked all the boxes for me.
24:53Until I met Corona.
24:55Definitely did not expect that I would be meeting my future girlfriend in an after party at my apartment.
25:02I did not realize that she was hitting on me.
25:05She also took a nap.
25:14Rare sight in Iceland, the sun.
25:17Everything about Corona has been so easy to fall in love with.
25:22She's super smart, sexy, and she's not afraid to express herself.
25:32Now, Corona is arriving tomorrow, and I'm super excited.
25:37But I don't know if I'm going to be able to meet her.
25:41Now, Corona is arriving tomorrow, and I'm super excited.
25:45But at the same time, this is a really big step for me.
25:49This is the first time that I'm going to be living with a partner.
25:52I have a lot to learn about being in a relationship.
26:11Every other week, me and my friends meet, and we play nerdy stuff like role-playing games.
26:19We've been playing since we were like, I don't know, 16.
26:23All right.
26:38My friends are like really important to me.
26:40Like most of my friends, we've known each other since we were in kindergarten.
26:44That was definitely part of the reason why I was single, I think.
26:48and why I was single, I think.
26:50Me and like maybe two other friends
26:52were kind of like the last frontier
26:54and like this bachelor of life.
26:57Just always going out and like, yeah,
26:59just enjoying my freedom.
27:03What's the date, Jacky?
27:04Oh, 93.
27:06That's not good.
27:08What's the plan for tomorrow?
27:11Corona is just going to get in the way.
27:12And yeah, I just can't die.
27:16It's a bit of a feminist orgy going on in my head.
27:19Yeah, it's a bit of a toxic night, you know.
27:24I mean, you've been dating for a while now.
27:27How did it come about that you were going to write
27:30a big piece, like, right away?
27:33How she is.
27:34Just, you know,
27:36clear, funny.
27:38You know, just tick someone off,
27:39you know, the whole box.
27:41You know, she was here, like,
27:43you know, she was really into me, you know.
27:45So, you know, that was also,
27:46I think, just something that I had to understand.
27:48It's a big change, I can tell you that.
27:50Yeah, we just came to live with some other people.
27:54I think the change was just a lot of fun, you know.
27:56Up and down.
27:57You've come to, like, early days,
27:59like honeymoon days.
28:05Inge hasn't had, like, a ton of past relationships.
28:08I don't think I've ever met anyone
28:11that he's been, like, really serious with.
28:13And I've known him since he was, like, six years old.
28:17It feels like they're, like, doing this pretty quickly.
28:21And I'm not 100% confident that he knows
28:25exactly what he's going into.
28:27So, yeah, it's going to be very interesting to see.
28:32Next, we'll just write, you know,
28:33house, car, 10 kids.
28:49I'm definitely ready to move in with Corona.
28:53But our relationship is progressing quickly.
28:56Because, like, we've basically just known each other
28:59from being on vacation together.
29:01And also, you know, we just started dating.
29:04This being my, like, first serious relationship,
29:09I definitely don't have a ring in my pocket.
29:23Is it common for men in China not to work?
29:35Last night, the flight was cancelled due to weather.
29:40So, I'm tired. A little bit longer day.
29:42But eventually, I'll be with my wife.
29:51I am on my last flight to China, or I should say home.
29:55That's where I will live and fly into Shanghai.
30:00Soon, I will be with Lily.
30:08We have landed.
30:10Can't wait to get off this plane.
30:16Once I get my luggage, I will take a taxi to Lily's house,
30:20which is about maybe a three-hour drive.
30:24I'm a little bit tired, but I think it's OK.
30:28I didn't prepare very well,
30:30but I did try my best.
30:34My husband's home will be here soon.
30:37We can finally get together.
30:40I'm so happy.
30:42I'm so happy to be with him.
30:44I'm so happy to be with him.
30:46I'm so happy to be with him.
30:48I'm so happy to be with him.
30:50My husband's home will be here soon.
30:52We can finally get together.
30:54I'm so happy.
31:00Lily was actually looking forward to picking me up.
31:03But I wanted to show her I can do this myself,
31:06so she doesn't always have to worry about me.
31:09I have a translator app.
31:13And plus, I am actually relieved to see
31:16that the signs here are in Chinese and English,
31:19so it makes it so much easier to navigate.
31:22I am just surprised that I'm not stressed out.
31:25As soon as I arrived here, I felt like at peace.
31:29This is my new home.
31:46I don't dare to talk to my husband.
31:49He always tells me he doesn't have money.
31:52I don't want to put pressure on him.
31:55So far, I have accumulated 4 million RMB.
31:59Because of the rush hour,
32:01and the furniture I bought,
32:03I spent all my credit cards this month.
32:06I face everything in this house alone.
32:09Of course, I hope my husband can help me.
32:13But when it comes to finance,
32:15I don't dare to talk to rich people.
32:19I just hope he knows
32:21that I'm doing all this for him,
32:23so we can start a new life together.
32:31Being here in China,
32:33this is Lily's country,
32:35Lily's house that she invested into.
32:38So I will rely heavily on her.
32:42I've always been the type that wanted to take the lead.
32:45Now I have to adjust myself.
32:49I've always worked since I was 15 1⁄2 years old.
32:53So me not being able to work here in China
32:56is going to be a struggle for me.
32:58And I don't want to be judged by our family and friends
33:02for something I can't control.
33:07Are you married?
33:09Are you married?
33:11Yes, I'm 65 years old.
33:14I've retired.
33:16Yes, 65 years old has retired.
33:22Is it common for men in China not to work
33:27while the wife provides the income?
33:32In China, men don't work.
33:35Is it common for men in China not to work
33:37while the wife provides the income?
33:41Men don't work.
33:43Men should work.
33:45In China, they absolutely have to work.
33:47If they don't work, what do they eat?
33:49It's like she's raising you.
33:56In China, men should have jobs and work to gain.
34:00What advice would you have for a foreign man
34:04living in China?
34:20Find a job and don't rely on my wife.
34:28Debs, he texted me just now and said
34:31we can't afford the van.
34:34We have to come up with all this extra cash.
34:36I'm supposed to get on a plane tomorrow
34:38and I don't want to be homeless when I get to England.
34:40It's just too much. It's just too much.
35:02What am I doing? What am I doing? Think.
35:06Things are definitely getting real.
35:08Everything is going to go.
35:09I'm putting some of my stuff in storage.
35:11I'm giving some of it away.
35:12I'm trashing some of it
35:14because tomorrow I'm leaving for England.
35:20Today I'm moving out of my apartment
35:22but with my ADHD I kind of just put everything off
35:26until the very last second.
35:28I have zero organization when it comes to this.
35:30I'm doing like 5 different things at once
35:33and there's not enough space in the van for a bunch of stuff.
35:36So whatever I can fit in these 2 suitcases is what's coming with me.
35:41Now I only have this space.
35:43This is the team, so I have to pick who's going to make varsity.
35:48I don't know if y'all are going to make the cut,
35:50I'm going to be honest with you.
35:52I know this one, this is my actual favorite shirt,
35:55so this is going for sure.
35:58Oh God, okay, and I haven't even done my underwear.
36:03Staying in Dempsey's caravan was a bit uncomfortable for me.
36:08There's like less space than I'm realizing.
36:11I want to take a shower but I can't just hop into the shower.
36:14It doesn't have hot water.
36:16I've got to take a dump at some point.
36:18I'm hoping I don't have to take one while she's gone
36:20or she's going to walk back and see me squatted in a field.
36:25Oh boy, I don't know, I feel like I might be in over my head here.
36:29It was so small.
36:31The camper van we're purchasing is about 5 times smaller.
36:37Dempsey texted me just now and said we can't afford the van
36:45and I'm leaving tomorrow.
36:49She's supposed to pick up the camper van tomorrow.
36:52So she's working out the insurance, she's working out the van purchase
36:59and I guess we had a miscommunication on how much money we had
37:04and I think she thought I was going to sell my car
37:07and then I would get the money from that and give it to her for the van.
37:11I never told her I was going to get rid of my car.
37:16But yeah, I didn't sell my car.
37:21It's just miscommunication but it's turning into now the most stressful thing ever.
37:28And it's like I already have so much to do today.
37:32Like move everything, take the bed apart.
37:35It's just a lot.
37:37Last minute, something this last minute, no.
37:41It's just too much, it's just too much.
37:46I did not need this extra stress added to this morning.
37:50It's making me feel even more overwhelmed
37:53and I am having second thoughts just coming in my head
37:56like maybe this is a bad idea, maybe this is a sign, maybe this shouldn't happen.
38:03Hello, how's it going?
38:07So you can't sell your car?
38:10Well, I mean, I didn't know that we were depending on that money.
38:20That's not true. We agreed on the amount of the van.
38:24We did agree on the amount of the van.
38:27We said that we both had like 30,000 between us
38:31and then your car was going to pay for the rest.
38:35Like we spoke about that time and time again.
38:38So like you can't just say, oh, I forgot when we spoke about it.
38:45None of that, like there were so many numbers being thrown around.
38:49It didn't compute.
38:51I don't understand.
38:53I just thought I was just bringing the loan to the table and that was it.
38:58No, you didn't.
38:59But I did.
39:01It was you that come up with it and you were like, right,
39:04we spoke about how much can we actually, how much can we actually afford?
39:08If we need any extra, he was like, I'm going to sell the car.
39:11I'll get between four and six thousand pounds for it.
39:14And he was on it before I even put the deposit in for the van.
39:19I understand what you're saying.
39:21I was calculating the full twenty thousand dollars of the loan.
39:26I wasn't, I didn't know we were going to lose like five thousand dollars
39:29just transferring it from US dollars to pounds.
39:32Like because I don't really keep my eye on the whole pound thing.
39:36I think the miscommunication came about because when she was talking pounds,
39:40I was thinking dollars.
39:42And so the math just didn't math.
39:45I'm sure she did tell me numbers at one point, but they didn't stick with me.
39:50Honestly, I'm a bit confused still.
39:52But the bottom line is we're six thousand pounds short.
39:58I didn't sell my car.
39:59And I mean, now it's like kind of too late to go and sell it
40:04and do all the paperwork for it.
40:06And like, it doesn't matter.
40:10So the issue is that we need the money.
40:13Yeah, because we don't have enough.
40:18Oh, God. Bumpy start.
40:22I haven't even left yet and things are already tense between Dempsey and I.
40:26When you look at it like factually,
40:29with such different personalities and different needs,
40:33what's going to happen when we're together 24-7
40:36and on top of each other and living in the middle of nowhere?
40:41I'll see if I can come up with a couple thousand.
40:45And now we have to come up with all this extra cash
40:48and I'm the one who's going to have to come up with it.
40:51I'm supposed to get on a plane tomorrow
40:53and I don't want to be homeless when I get to England.
40:55I have nowhere to live, no backup plan.
40:58I am ****.
41:09Next time on 90 Day Fiancé, The Other Way.
41:12Let me see your beautiful face.
41:14What do you want?
41:15Come on, let me show you something.
41:17Anytime that I'm annoyed, Sarper just turns on the charm.
41:20But I still need him to show me that he's ready to be in an adult relationship.
41:24Are you ready for a little pain?
41:31Oh my God!
41:32The wedding Lily and I had in the U.S. was just her and I,
41:36but now we're going to have this awesome wedding ceremony
41:39for her friends, her family.
41:41You said you want a wedding, so I said okay.
41:45You said you want a special wedding.
41:48If you say so.
41:50She couldn't afford this on her own.
41:52Maybe she's only in it because I can offer her a van life.
41:57All of my fears and insecurities are coming up.
42:00If things go bad, I'm going to have no home to go back to
42:05in a severely broken heart.
42:11If everything was to go down the drain once I get to Indonesia,
42:16coming back to the States would be traumatizing.