• last year
Follow this simple guide to successfully smoke a succulent pork butt this summer.


00:00Smoked pork butt is an absolute barbecue staple.
00:03Today I'll show you two different ways to cook it,
00:05or more accurately, two different ways to finish cooking it.
00:08Both of these butts are going to be slathered,
00:10seasoned, and smoked the exact same way
00:12for at least the first half of the cook.
00:14From there, I'll show you two different ways
00:15to create both delicious results,
00:18but a little different texture and flavor on both.
00:20I'm smoking both these butts at around 275 to 300 degrees
00:25until they're about halfway done.
00:26And as you'll note,
00:27it's a little higher temperature than usual,
00:29but that's okay, the pork butt can take it.
00:31Once they hit 170 internal,
00:33it's time to take them out for the final step.
00:35I'm going to create a foil boat for one,
00:37meaning exactly what it sounds like,
00:39a little boat for the pork butt to sit in.
00:41The other one is getting wrapped in butcher paper.
00:43The paper produces a softer crust, but tender meat,
00:45the foil boat gives you tender meat and a crazy crust.
00:48You'll know it's done
00:49when it feels like a piece of meat jello,
00:51and I mean that literally,
00:52it should feel super soft and shred with ease.
00:54Perfect for a sandwich or a taco,
00:56or how I like it, just on its own.
00:58Give it a try.