Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 24

  • 3 months ago
00:00I want this trio of stars to be a very important part of my temple.
00:04I want my biggest stars vying for this belt.
00:07We'll get it there and everywhere. Bodies are flying.
00:09See Tejano with a bull rope.
00:12Tejano duffed Puma.
00:14The champion has been pinned.
00:16The team of Cuerno, Tejano, and Cage advance.
00:20As this tournament rolls on,
00:22Mac and Killshot brand new to the temple here.
00:27Rainbow's there and now.
00:29Big double stop for Big Rick.
00:31Killshot in the back has moved on in the triple threat trio match.
00:35Pentagon Jr. dedicates his next sacrifice to his master.
00:40There's no way I'm going to take this.
00:47You better find a way to work together because I'm making you a trios team.
00:52You will be in a tournament match
00:54and Helico hung out to dry for the trios title.
00:57Belize seems to be taking a walk, but Son of Havoc has an opportunity here.
01:00Drago now. If Havoc can hit this move...
01:06Referee down.
01:08The unlikely trio advance to the finals.
01:19I've been here for eight weeks now training.
01:22I don't know when he'll let me fight,
01:25but I know I'm ready.
01:29He tells me my anger is my greatest weakness.
01:32He's wrong.
01:34It's my greatest strength.
01:40Come with me.
02:58Your opponent went away for you to catch her.
03:15I hate you.
03:22You're not ready.
03:52You're not ready.
04:22Why, Matt?
04:23Because of the fact that three teams have advanced to the finals tonight.
04:26A trios tag team elimination match.
04:29The winners get the prestigious prizes that you see right here.
04:33And, brother, this match, that isn't about titles.
04:36It's all about doing the right thing, and that's what Sexy Star has been doing.
04:39Will she do it? Will she get her arm busted?
04:41I have no idea, but this is violence from another level,
04:44from another dimension, and let's get going right now.
04:48The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
04:51Introducing first, from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico,
04:55she is Sexy Star!
05:00Ladies and gentlemen, lucha underground is revolutionary for a myriad of reasons,
05:04and one of those reasons is that young lady that you see right there, Sexy Star.
05:07In the past few weeks, she's taken on all comers,
05:09but most recently, Sexy Star came to the aid of our ring announcer, Melissa Santos,
05:13after she was almost assaulted by Pentagon.
05:17Also, Sexy Star, after winning a mask-versus-mask match against Superfly,
05:21came to Superfly's aid, but Superfly suffered a broken arm.
05:24The whole entire moral of this story is that Pentagon is a dangerous man,
05:28and Sexy Star is up against the deck.
05:31Another level of brutality is about to take place.
05:35I'm sorry to say, man, Sexy, yeah, she's a hero.
05:38She's won the fans worldwide, but something dark is coming.
05:47And her opponent, from Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico,
05:52Pentagon Jr.
05:56The trail of broken bones that leads us to this man,
06:00Pentagon, who has constantly referenced that these sacrifices that he calls them
06:05are for his master, and this word that Pentagon uses, amo,
06:10this has significance, no?
06:12It does, man. He says master, maestro, jefe, boss, amo.
06:16Amo is like an ancient thing, like a king, like a priest,
06:19like a really high-level person that you're giving respect to.
06:22But, brother, he is coming from another dimension with this brutality.
06:26He is hurting people, and he's costing families money, man.
06:29He's, like, taking people out.
06:31And you'll notice that our ring announcer, Melissa Santos, definitely a trooper,
06:34back in action, although that ankle is heavily taped up.
06:37Melissa was told that she could stay home,
06:39but she said, no, I want to come to work.
06:41I owe it to the fans. I owe it to the opportunity that Lucha Underground gave me.
06:44I respect Melissa for that.
06:46It seems to the point that no one is safe now with Pentagon.
06:48No, because he's a firecracker, dude. Look at him.
06:52He wants to hurt Sexy Star.
06:56And the division here in the temple, the good and the evil,
06:59those that get behind Zero Fear Pentagon,
07:01and those that get behind the triumph and the fight of Sexy Star.
07:05Here we go.
07:07If you know your wrestling history,
07:09breaking an opponent's limb is something that some people use as a trophy.
07:13Of course, Greg Valentine wore the T-shirt that said,
07:15I broke Wahoo's leg, and other things as well.
07:17But when you take away a fighter's ability to earn a living,
07:20when you break a bone, those fighters are never the same again.
07:23No, they're not. Not only is it not sportsmanlike, but it's unethical, dude.
07:26You don't go in to literally hurt somebody and affect their livelihood.
07:30Back to the action in the ring now.
07:32Pentagon down to a knee.
07:34Sexy Star keeping the distance close.
07:37Do you think that...
07:39I was just going to tell you, Pentagon will fire up.
07:43You know, and in spite of...
07:45I was going to say, in spite of Pentagon's reputation,
07:48Sexy there showing Zero Fear Burnight.
07:50Right now, Miss Marvel clutches at her abdomen,
07:53and now Pentagon is on the attack.
07:55Hey, man, I'm all for her being a spokesperson for women
07:58doing the right thing and coming out on top,
08:00but she bit off a piece of my heart.
08:03She bit off a bit more than she can chew, bro.
08:07It's almost like she's covered in blood in the middle of the night in the ocean,
08:10and he's a shark hungry for something bad, dude,
08:13that's going to happen to Sexy.
08:15Well, there's something that is fueling Pentagon.
08:17There is a master that these sacrifices are being offered up to.
08:20And how about... Sorry, Matt, you just said something that was really important.
08:23How about a sacrifice? You've got to remember,
08:25in the temple in the old school days, centuries past,
08:28a woman being sacrificed on top of the temple
08:30was something they offered to certain gods.
08:33Pentagon is an equal opportunity sacrificer, so to speak.
08:37But now Sexy Star riding her bicycle,
08:39perhaps the path to victory is in Sexy Star's sights.
08:42It's almost like this is way more than about a victory, brother.
08:45She wants to give him a beating.
08:47Well, we saw the locker room was absolutely divided.
08:50The entire locker room is behind Sexy Star here.
08:53I'm almost surprised that Quadle's not paying a little bit more attention
08:56in person to this one.
08:58I'm sure that Dario is.
09:00And let's not forget that amidst all of these...
09:02Whoa, whoa, whoa!
09:04Amidst all of the storytelling and the plots, so to speak,
09:07the main goal is the Lucha Underground Championship.
09:10Every victory in a singles match
09:12puts you one step closer to that elusive title.
09:15No doubt about it, man.
09:17Right now, the number one contender, Drago, is in line for a shot.
09:21Back to the action in the ring.
09:23And, Van, you've been in there with people that are ruthless.
09:27How do you prepare for something like this, man?
09:30Listen, man, I'm still paying for that part of my life, you know what I mean?
09:33I gotta go to therapy. I got demons. I can't sleep at night.
09:36I mean, I did bad things to good people,
09:38and I had to go to dark places.
09:40It's not a good thing.
09:41Well, maybe some feel that Sexy Star
09:43would be the ultimate sacrifice to Pentagon's unknown master.
09:46I mean, until you really hurt somebody, man,
09:48you don't know how far you've gone.
09:50It does come back to haunt you, believe me.
09:52I mean, there's some kind of gratification that Pentagon gets
09:56from feeling those bones snap,
09:58from hearing the pain and the screams of his opponents.
10:02He gets off on inflicting pain, and I'm sorry.
10:04I know that all too well what he's going through his mind,
10:07and it's not good, because there is no limit.
10:10There is no line he won't cross.
10:12Right now, the no-limit soldier, Pentagon,
10:14you can imagine the psychology of a man that gets off on hurting others.
10:18Sexy Star, on the other hand, her psychology is fight, fight,
10:21and Sexy Star does not like bullies.
10:23She has stood up against them all her life.
10:25She will take this beating, and she is not going to back down.
10:28Sexy Star gets caught in the wrong position here.
10:35Oh, man.
10:36Cover here.
10:38And that shows you something.
10:39Normally, Pentagon likes to get the victory and then go for the hang on here.
10:44This is what we're talking about.
10:46We see this is the prelude to Pentagon breaking arms.
10:49Sexy finds a counter out of it smart.
10:53Thank you for her.
10:54Good thing she's still got a few light bulbs turned on at home,
10:56because the furniture has been moved around on the top floor of her brain
10:59for getting planted like that.
11:02Well, if the repo man is in your driveway, you better sneak out the back door,
11:05but Sexy Star is kicking in the front door and looking to fight.
11:09Let's see how far Sexy is willing to go here.
11:14Referee Rick Knox starts counting.
11:17Pentagon rolls out.
11:18Sexy back in.
11:20Sexy Star back in now.
11:21Pentagon trying to close the distance.
11:22Sexy on the move.
11:23Ducks the clothesline.
11:24Sexy now goes for the tilt-a-whirl.
11:25Spin through.
11:26Looks like it could be a tornado DDT.
11:30Sexy a little dizzy herself.
11:32Tries to make her way over for the cover.
11:34Sexy getting her bearings.
11:39She has not backed up one step.
11:41Have you noticed that?
11:42She's getting a beating, but she's in there.
11:44It goes back to the shot that Sexy took in her abdomen early in the match.
11:48Sexy having a tough time breathing.
11:49And, of course, you have to believe Melissa Santos is rooting hard for Sexy Star.
11:55Sexy now gets her bounce on.
11:56Gets moving here.
11:57Sexy on the move.
11:59Nicely done.
12:04Matt, we've seen Pentagon turn things up, you know, on the brutality scale,
12:08digging into the deepness in his heart, trying to hurt people.
12:11He's plowed, mowed through the locker room, basically.
12:14But this is the first time somebody stood up to him.
12:17He's a bully.
12:18Sexy Star, well, I've said it, and I'll say it again, you know, she's anti-bully.
12:26Referee begins his count here.
12:27It's up to seven.
12:28The Luchadores have until ten to get back into the ring.
12:35Pentagon in.
12:36Notice how Sexy split the corner to try to get a better tactical advantage into the ring.
12:42Sexy now gets a running start.
12:44Pentagon catches her.
12:46Holy God.
12:47Jesus, dude.
12:49The sit-out powerbomb into a lung blower.
12:51Cover here.
12:52This is it.
12:53Pentagon is not victorious.
12:57Brother, I hate to say it, man, and it's an ugly subject,
13:00but she has been beaten down since day one, man.
13:02Before she can even crawl, she got a lump in her.
13:04What's the backstory behind that?
13:05You allude to it quite often.
13:07Quickly, though, please.
13:08Sexy, you know, she was so depressed from being bullied her whole life,
13:11she almost contemplated suicide.
13:12But thank you to that mask and the sport of lucha libre,
13:15she is here and it gave her a reason to live.
13:17There is no way she's going to quit.
13:19Hang on now.
13:20After two high-impact moves to the back,
13:22Pentagon going for the arm bar again,
13:24but Sexy Star continues to find a way out.
13:28I want to do something so bad to him right now.
13:33But Sexy Star has proven, I mean, don't feel bad for Sexy.
13:36She chooses to fight in there.
13:38I don't feel bad for Sexy, man.
13:40Sexy's going to stop it herself.
13:45Hang on a second here.
13:47Sexy stop.
13:49Nicely done.
13:50Lump bar.
13:51Sexy floats over to three.
13:54And your winner, Sexy Star.
13:59We talked about it week in and week out.
14:01The entire locker room erupted with that victory.
14:05Sexy Star is victorious.
14:07And now Pentagon has to answer to his master.
14:11She is a giant.
14:13Stood up to the bully and took him down.
14:15Oh, my God.
14:16Sexy Star was able to switch the weight in her hips
14:19to get herself behind Pentagon,
14:21hit the lung blower and get the three count.
14:24I think she did a little bit more than that, brother.
14:26She just dug it deep into her heart and pulled it out.
14:29Good for her.
14:30I almost want to cry.
14:31Sexy Star may be done with Pentagon,
14:34but I believe that Pentagon may not be done with Sexy Star.
14:37And, Van, what's to come?
14:39Still to come, the new Trios champions will be crowned
14:42in a three-way Trios-type team elimination match.
14:45That's right.
14:46It happens tonight here on Lucha Underground.
15:01Hey, Johnny, amigo.
15:05Getting ready for your Trios title match tonight?
15:10Oh, no, wait.
15:11That's right.
15:13You're not competing tonight because you lost your match last week.
15:17And you know what? I'm in shock.
15:20Because you, amigo, you are a hell of an athlete.
15:24And to be honest,
15:26you are one of the main reasons why I came to Lucha Underground.
15:30Watching you defeat Prince Puma was fantastic.
15:35That match, Johnny, was almost perfect.
15:39That's why I'm surprised that you could beat him in Azteca Warfare.
15:44And that, Johnny, seems to be the story of your life.
15:51Always so close to the brass ring, but it always remains.
15:56Out of your grasp?
15:57Hey, is there a problem with me?
16:00Hey, relax, come on.
16:01Be careful.
16:03I'm not just some guy you can slap around.
16:13Johnny, amigo, you need to chill out.
16:27Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
16:35What's up, everybody? This is Lucha Underground.
16:37I'm Matt Stryker, your Vampiro.
16:39These are the Trios Championship.
16:41They will be won tonight.
16:43Ladies and gentlemen, it's all about championships here in the temple.
16:46Last week, Dario Cueto told Drago,
16:48after Drago defeated Aerostar in the fifth match
16:51of an epic best of five championship series,
16:54that Drago earns a unique opportunity.
16:56The opportunity we've come to know is a championship shot at Prince Puma,
17:00but there's a double-edged sword.
17:01Of course, it's Dario Cueto.
17:03If Drago fails to win the championship,
17:05Drago is banished from the temple forever.
17:08Translation, next week we either see a brand new Lucha Underground champion,
17:12or we see the last of Drago.
17:14Ladies and gentlemen, it's all about the championships.
17:16Let's do the Trios Championship right now.
17:20Well, Vamp, here they are,
17:21the team that many experts feel are the favorites
17:24in this Trios Championship three-way elimination match.
17:27Tejano, the Machine Cage, and the Hunter, King Cuerno.
17:32As this dominant team approaches, it can mean only one thing.
17:35The Trios titles match is next.
17:38The following Lucha is a three-way tag team elimination match
17:43for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship.
17:51Currently in the ring,
17:54the team of King Cuerno,
17:58and King Cuerno.
18:01Currently in the ring,
18:04the team of King Cuerno,
18:09and they call him Cage.
18:12Many people feel that this team enjoys the power and psychology advantage,
18:17but that remains to be seen because there's two more teams
18:20to enter this elimination fray.
18:22And their opponents,
18:24the team of Son of Havoc,
18:29and Angelico.
18:31Well, this team puts the fun in the word dysfunctional.
18:35They've had their issues,
18:36but somehow they've worked together well enough
18:39to arrive to the finals here.
18:41Vamp, your thoughts?
18:42I'm just geeked that Son of Havoc has got to this level.
18:46I mean, he came up against all odds,
18:49won over the fans,
18:50dumped that pain in the ass girlfriend of his,
18:52and now he's got a shot at becoming history
18:55here in the Lucha Underground.
18:57Well, Havoc may have dumped Ivalice,
18:59but she's still his teammate tonight.
19:01And sometimes, you know, in workplace relationships,
19:03you still have to work together after the relationship dissolves.
19:07Dude, that never works.
19:08As you know, you've been dumped way more than me.
19:10I'm sure you can attest to that.
19:11I'm telling the truth.
19:12You see the Cheshire grin on Tejano.
19:15Seems to perhaps may be taking this team lightly.
19:17The locker room is aware of the dysfunction
19:19amongst this trio of Havoc, Angelico, and Ivalice.
19:22And introducing the team of Big Rick,
19:27Killshot, and The Mack.
19:30Well, there you get a good look at Big Rick,
19:32his cousin, The Mack, on his right,
19:35and Killshot on the left.
19:38Very impressive debut, by the way.
19:41Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is an elimination match,
19:43so the last surviving team will win the titles.
19:46So you have to believe the strategy
19:48is to try to dissect your team,
19:50remove their strongest element,
19:52and try to isolate their weakest link.
19:54Big Rick has definitely made waves.
19:57They are coming along very quick.
19:59He's got us a new team.
20:01We've seen Killshot impress us with high flying ability.
20:04We've seen Son of Havoc's resiliency.
20:06Angelico has a great striking ability.
20:08Ivalice has a bona fide mean streak.
20:10Big Rick has strength.
20:12Tejano, the longest reigning AAA champion in history.
20:15And Cage is absolutely mechanical,
20:18and that is a compliment.
20:19Here we go.
20:20I love how you're so politically correct, man.
20:22She's not a mean streak.
20:23She's a woman, dude, from Puerto Rico.
20:25Come on.
20:26So the rules here, this is an elimination match.
20:28Three luchadores in the ring at the same time,
20:30tagged in and out,
20:31and you must tag a member of your own team.
20:37Cage sends Angelico in.
20:39Cage now isolating Killshot.
20:42Killshot with the kick,
20:43followed by Angelico with the running knee,
20:45taking the machine Cage off of his feet.
20:49Now, Killshot and Angelico face off.
20:52Cage back to his feet.
20:56Ooh, double clothesline.
21:00He definitely tore Cage out of Angelico's backside.
21:06The power of Cage here.
21:07Looks like he's hooking up for a double suplex.
21:11Oh, my God.
21:12Oh, my God, brother.
21:14Cage makes the tag.
21:16And now Tejano comes in.
21:21You'll notice here that the skinniest,
21:24and again, that is not a disrespect,
21:26but the skinniest members of each team are isolated.
21:29Cuerno and Tejano now have an opening.
21:31And again, we've talked about it.
21:32If you don't have enough meat or muscle on your body,
21:34these falls, these hits, everything takes its toll.
21:37No doubt about it, man,
21:38but I'm almost thinking,
21:39we've said it a million times also,
21:41the adrenaline and the fan support
21:43and just the fact that you could be a champion
21:45kind of blocks the pain for a bit, wouldn't you say?
21:48Tejano and Angelico working together,
21:50beautifully done there.
21:52Meat or no meat, brother,
21:53you get knees in the face like that.
21:54Cover here, is this enough?
21:55Will we have our first elimination?
21:58You're going to get your dental work redone quick.
22:01Killshot has not been able
22:02to make it over to his corner as well.
22:04We talked about the brilliance of Cuerno,
22:07and this strategy seems to be paying dividends.
22:09And he's not even calling on the big gun yet.
22:12It's almost like Cage is there
22:14in case things get out of hand.
22:15Cover here.
22:16Will we have our first elimination?
22:23Killshot is new here to Lucha Underground
22:26and is truly getting an indoctrination
22:29into the style.
22:30All trial by fire?
22:31Is that why that'd be the right thing to say?
22:34But Tejano is, like,
22:35just literally kicking the limit
22:37out of somebody, out of all of them.
22:39Meeting of the minds there,
22:40but it leaves Killshot and Angelico unfettered.
22:43Maturity and experience, and they're calm.
22:46They got a plan, dude.
22:47They know they're on the road to greatness.
22:49Exactly why most feel that Cuerno, Cage, and Tejano
22:52are the favorites here tonight.
22:54Oh, yeah.
22:55I just love that.
22:56It looks here like Son of Havoc
22:57and Ibelis almost competing for a tag.
23:01It only takes one team member to be pinned,
23:04and their entire team is eliminated.
23:09I'm not sure they want to be together.
23:11Maybe if they won these titles,
23:12they'd have to spend time together every day.
23:14Do you really think they want that?
23:16I think they want the money and the prestige
23:18and the lore that comes from being
23:19the first-ever Trios champions here at Lucha Underground.
23:22You think that Havoc wants to listen to that voice anymore?
23:26I'm just saying, dude.
23:27Mightily impressed with Cuerno
23:29captaining his team here.
23:31Flapjack into the kick.
23:32Cuerno may have hurt himself there.
23:36Now Angelico finding some reprieve.
23:38Finding some reprieve.
23:39Oh, he did not realize where he was, Angelico.
23:43Cuerno, it's not too often we see
23:45somebody of his caliber hurt like that.
23:47Killshot, the newest member of the Lucha Underground roster.
23:53Trying to fight his way out of the fireman's carry now.
23:55Killshot ducks the line on the move.
23:57Ducks another line from Tejano.
23:58Killshot now.
23:59Bang, big double knee strike.
24:01Killshot needs to make up about, I'd say,
24:0410 to 12 feet to try to get across the ring
24:07and make a tag to either Big Rick or Cousin Mac.
24:12Cuerno better get some help.
24:14I think the machine better fire up those engines of his
24:17and get ready to come in there and clean house, brother.
24:19Angelico needs to look up and find out
24:21where his tag is made to Mac.
24:22Tag is made to Son of Havoc.
24:24The fresh luchadores are in.
24:26Tejano and Cuerno taking the brunt.
24:30Action, nice.
24:31Big Mac with the big willy slam.
24:35No small potatoes, dude.
24:39That kick right there brings back so many memories for me.
24:42I used it so many times.
24:44Now we have Mac in the ring with Son of Havoc.
24:51Mac on the move.
24:52What's Mac got?
24:56It's insane, it's insane.
24:58You gotta love the Lucha Underground family.
25:01They are supportive of everybody.
25:03That's right.
25:04Somebody call Teddy Long
25:05because the faithful are back in the Mac here in the temple.
25:10Son of Havoc now.
25:12Oh, was able to redirect.
25:14Does not realize that the machine cage is right behind him.
25:17Oh, boy.
25:18And Iblis getting involved.
25:22That's like a helicopter.
25:24That's like stepping into a helicopter, bro,
25:26when he hits you like that.
25:27It's gonna decapitate you, no question about it.
25:30Oh, wait a minute.
25:31Look inside the ring now.
25:33The irresistible force meets the immovable object.
25:38Big Rick in cage now,
25:39slugging it out in the middle of the ring.
25:46Oh, wow, he fired up, brother.
25:47Little bit of heat there.
25:50Big slam coming.
25:53Oh, baby.
25:55Wow, he just picked up a mountain.
25:59Now Cage, and what's so unique about Cage
26:01for a guy his size,
26:02he can certainly fly,
26:03certainly adapt to the style here in Lucha.
26:11Iblis seeing Big Rick fire up like he was gonna die.
26:13Do you think we're gonna see him again?
26:15I'm not sure,
26:16but every sacrifice will be made
26:18for the prize that is on the line,
26:20the Trios Championship.
26:24Iblis shaking off the effects.
26:25Oh, big lariat.
26:27You'll see Iblis clutching her knee.
26:30How that affects Angelico in Son of Havoc
26:33remains to be seen.
26:36Well, that Reggie Jackson home run swing
26:38that Big Rick just hit Cage with.
26:40You couldn't give it Giancarlo Stanton?
26:42It's 2015.
26:45Back to the action in the ring now,
26:47Tejano and Angelico.
26:49Truly an international affair here.
26:53Tejano able to stop Angelico now.
26:55Oh, the height of Angelico comes into play.
26:58Brother, there's gonna be a lot of soccer teams
26:59in Latin America trying to scalp this kid
27:01for that field goal kick, bicycle kick.
27:03Could score a goal in the World Cup for Mexico.
27:05Oh, fine knee into the crowd.
27:08That's what you get for a front row seat, baby boy.
27:22Good security, man.
27:23I don't know what's going on here.
27:25Come on, who is this guy, man?
27:26You sit in the front row and you buy a ticket.
27:30This guy's a tough son of a bitch.
27:34Whoa, he's hammering Tejano.
27:36He's no joke in this shop here in the temple.
27:42He's been here the past couple of weeks.
27:44The doors are open to anybody,
27:45and if you want to fight, this is the effing place.
27:48Damn, what the hell was that all about?
27:51I think I recognize that guy.
27:53I'll place the name in a minute.
27:59Oh, back to the action.
28:02Tejano has rolled into the ring,
28:03but still seems to be feeling the effects
28:05of the attack that he just suffered.
28:08Kill shot now, purged high.
28:15Cover here.
28:16Do we have an elimination?
28:17Wow, that is huge.
28:19Tejano, King Cuerno, and Cage have been eliminated.
28:25You got to give the assist to the man outside.
28:27We are now down to two teams.
28:28One of them will be the brand-new
28:30first-ever Trios champions.
28:32The next fall happens when we return
28:35right here on Lucha Underground.
28:44Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
28:46We had the elimination.
28:47The favorites, in my opinion,
28:48Cuerno, Tejano, and Cage have been eliminated.
28:51We're down to two teams,
28:52and they are a very, very interesting dichotomy,
28:55whereas Mack, Rick, and Kill Shot seem to be unified.
28:59The team of Angelico, Son of Havoc, and Ivelisse,
29:02they've been absolutely dysfunctional.
29:05I'm flabbergasted, man.
29:07I can't believe that Cuerno's team is out.
29:09But it wasn't the crowd's fault, man.
29:11It was that dude in the crowd, man.
29:13Listen, our owner, Dario Cuerno's obsession
29:15with assembling some of the most dysfunctional teams
29:17he could think of.
29:18I mean, who knew that promoters like controversy, huh?
29:21Brother, Ivelisse definitely,
29:22on that dive outside, she blew out her knee, man.
29:24How is this gonna affect the team's chances?
29:26I don't know, man.
29:27Well, I think she may have injured an ankle,
29:29but regardless, with Ivelisse injured,
29:31it's essentially now three on two,
29:33and Son of Havoc hasn't even returned to the ring yet.
29:36Well, these guys better take advantage of this.
29:38This is their chance, man.
29:39All right, Vic, I'm gonna put you on the spot.
29:41That's why I get paid the big bucks.
29:42Who's winning?
29:43I would think the fans,
29:44because this is a hell of a match.
29:46You're running for prime minister?
29:48Who's gonna win?
29:49I would go for Big Rick.
29:50All right, so you're going for the team of Big Rick,
29:52his cousin, Mac, and Killshot.
29:54We need Mac! We need Mac!
29:57We need Mac!
30:02Angelico, who has taken a beating from the beginning.
30:05Brother, you guys are up 3-1, man.
30:07Go for the win.
30:08The team very, very wise to isolate Angelico.
30:11Cover here.
30:12Do we have new champions?
30:14First-time champions.
30:15That's right.
30:16Boy, oh, boy, for Killshot and the Mac,
30:18who just recently joined the roster,
30:20it would be a great, great opportunity,
30:22a great, great victory
30:23to become the first-ever Trios champs.
30:27Big Rick loves the fact
30:29that he's gonna inflict some pain on Angelico.
30:31Go! Here we go!
30:321, 2, 3!
30:33Oh, that one was for P.W. Botha, perhaps.
30:36Eveline! Eveline!
30:38Eveline! Eveline!
30:40Eveline's struggling with whether she should leave or not,
30:43but she's back up on the apron.
30:48Angelico needs to just remake a tag,
30:50and Rick realizes this.
30:51Yeah, but she left Son of Havoc.
30:54Hanging last time, and now she...
30:56That was kind of rough.
30:57Go for the pin, brother.
30:59Big Rick motivated by one thing.
31:02And that is what winning the Trios title will get you.
31:07Ever since Big Rick donned the eye patch
31:09after having his eye burned,
31:11there's been a new, brutal side to...
31:14...the size of Big Mac off the top rope,
31:17and I would not want to be on the receiving end of that.
31:21Oh, damn!
31:25I'm gonna just give you a hug.
31:28Come here. Come here.
31:29Give me a hug. Give me a hug.
31:31We're having a good time here at Lucha Underground.
31:33We hope you're enjoying it at home each and every week,
31:35only on the L. Ray Network.
31:37This is why we are fans, Matt.
31:38It is a rough match.
31:39People are gonna get hurt, hearts broken,
31:41but, man, wrestling, pro wrestling,
31:43Lucha Underground, it's so awesome.
31:46Angelico showing resiliency.
31:49Angelico showing fight.
31:51I think it's desperation at this point, brother.
31:55Where's his teammates?
31:57Son of Havoc has finally made his way back to the apron.
32:00Ivelisse, to her credit, has not left his team's side.
32:04And now Angelico seems to be isolated here with Killshot.
32:08Killshot on the move.
32:09Angelico's long legs that we've come to know.
32:12Hang on here. Left the clothesline.
32:14Ooh, nicely done.
32:16Back suplex into the double knees into the back.
32:18But Angelico rolls to the corner.
32:20And now Son of Havoc to the rescue.
32:23Good for you, brother. Good job.
32:25Go in there and get it. Chop him.
32:26Boom. Take down him. Take him down. Take him down.
32:29Son of Havoc!
32:32After all this insane intensity we've seen all night,
32:35the brutality, everything, down to the wire,
32:37and the fans are on their feet for Son of Havoc.
32:39This could be it.
32:40This could be it.
32:41Son of Havoc on the move now.
32:44What a move!
32:45Two! New champs!
32:48Oh, my God, brother.
32:50Oh, man.
32:52We've got everybody worldwide watching this,
32:54and all the boys in the back are just like,
32:57who is going to make history?
33:00Killshot now has been very, very impressive.
33:04Just the strength to hold him up there, the balance.
33:07Killshot. What is he doing here?
33:10Oh, boy.
33:12Oh, Killshot landed.
33:14Son of Havoc was able to hang on.
33:16You see his hands firmly around the turnbuckle.
33:21Here comes Ivelisse back up on the apron.
33:24Look at the fight. Look at the heart.
33:26Look at Ivelisse.
33:28What is she doing?
33:30It doesn't matter.
33:31Ivelisse understands what is at stake here.
33:34You can never say anything about Ivelisse's heart
33:37and her desire to be in history.
33:40Oh, boy.
33:41She is in pain, man.
33:46Rewind Hunnikhan Rana here.
33:48Look at that, Son of Havoc.
33:50Big dive there.
33:52Matt, back to the ring.
33:54Back to the ring.
33:55Oh, my God.
33:56Going for the fall of the angels.
34:02One, two, three!
34:04New champions!
34:05New champions for the first time!
34:07Here are your winners,
34:16and Son of Havoc!
34:19Brand-new. Hang on a second.
34:21There's our owner, Dario Cueto.
34:33I never thought I would see this happen.
34:36The most dysfunctional trios team in the world
34:40actually pulled it off
34:42and won the trios titles.
34:47Actually, you haven't.
34:50Not yet.
34:52Because there's one more team in the tournament
34:55and personally selected by me.
34:59And to spice it up a little bit,
35:03this match will be
35:06no disqualification.
35:13So, boys,
35:16come on out!
35:20Oh, my God.
35:22What a shocker. Surprise, surprise.
35:25The crew returned after being on the shelf
35:27for over a month,
35:28and they have a chance at the trios titles next!
35:45Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Lucha Underground.
35:47If you're just joining us,
35:48the team of Angelico, Ivelisse, and Son of Havoc
35:50have just been through a grueling three-way elimination
35:53tag team match for the trios titles.
35:55Angelico's been taking a beating since day one.
35:57Ivelisse is injured,
35:58and now Dario has brought out the crew.
36:01Everyone here knows what's in store.
36:05Yeah, like you said, man, the fix is in.
36:07These guys thought they won, broke hearts,
36:09dreams were made, tears were shed,
36:11and all of a sudden they got it rubbed
36:13right out of their hands.
36:14This is not right.
36:15We haven't seen these guys in over a month
36:17and they're here to do damage.
36:18An important aspect, Dario Cueto
36:20made this a no disqualification match.
36:22Remember, we're talking about the crew.
36:24We're talking about guys that have burned out
36:26a man's eye with a lit cigar.
36:28We're talking about guys that beat people
36:30with Singapore canes and kendo sticks.
36:32No disqualification certainly behooves the crew.
36:35No doubt about it, man.
36:36They cleaned up on their body
36:37here in Los Angeles.
36:38They've hurt people since they were in kindergarten.
36:41Here they are, Lucha Underground,
36:43dirty surprise, dirty fool,
36:45but hey, man, that's what it is, brother.
36:47You want to be the best,
36:48you got to be able to take what's given to you.
36:50And look at Bale going after the injured Ivelisse
36:53and if it's not enough,
36:54just biting her, taking a chunk out of the forehead.
36:57I didn't expect this.
36:58I don't even know what's going on, man.
37:00This is just not cool.
37:01Well, it is expect the unexpected
37:03here at the temple.
37:04And no one could ever expect to see the crew
37:08make their return tonight.
37:10We've said it, man, Dario Cueto,
37:11he's just like an evil-minded man.
37:13But what does it say?
37:14You know, it tells the locker room this message.
37:16Work hard, earn the championship opportunity,
37:18only to have the promoter just pull it right out
37:21from underneath you.
37:22What kind of message does that send?
37:23Not only to the dressing room, but to the fans, man.
37:25We support somebody.
37:26We thought we had champions.
37:27History was made,
37:28and then he just changes things at will.
37:31I mean, he's the owner.
37:32Yeah, it's his club, but I don't know, man.
37:34That's just not the way I was kind of
37:37hoping things would turn out tonight.
37:42Mr. Sisko continues to have his way with Angelico.
37:46Boom, now a clothesline.
37:50Now hang on a second here.
37:51Ivelisse is alone in the ring with an injured leg.
37:56For all the things we can say about Ivelisse,
37:58nothing that Ivelisse has ever said or done
38:01will allow her to deserve this.
38:07Yeah, you know, the shots are circling,
38:09and you know what happens next.
38:13You know, they want the title,
38:15but they also want to do damage.
38:17Son of Havoc coming to the aid of the championship
38:20as well as Ivelisse.
38:23He's whipped, helping out his ex-girlfriend.
38:28The crew are fresh,
38:29whereas the team of Ivelisse, Son of Havoc, and Angelico
38:32have been through war in the past month,
38:35not to mention tonight.
38:36Somebody better help her
38:37because she's got her knee blown right out.
38:39That's a dangerous place to be.
38:41The crew giving Son of Havoc
38:42the treatment in the corner now.
38:45Son of Havoc!
38:46They're tattooing her brother with boots.
38:49Son of Havoc!
38:50Shut up!
38:51Son of Havoc!
38:53Kyle's gonna fire up.
38:54Bale is taking Angelico up the stairs to the temple,
38:57beating him, and Angelico is scarred for life there.
39:00Look at his back, man,
39:01bleeding internally from the beating he's taken tonight.
39:04No disqualifications, no count-outs.
39:07This is tailor-made for the crew.
39:09Yeah, man, it's like they don't even worry
39:11about the title just yet.
39:12They want to do some damage.
39:14You think that Dario Cueto
39:15wants them to cause this kind of pain?
39:18It's like an action...
39:20Angelico and Bale up at the top of the temple.
39:27Oh, my God.
39:30This is just spilled out.
39:32It's almost like they say in Mexico back in the day,
39:35you want us to take the ring out of your way
39:37so you can get the fight on?
39:42Man, look what he's doing, brother.
39:43He's choking her out, man.
39:46That is inside the ring.
39:47In the crowd are Son of Havoc and Mr. Sisko.
39:54Somebody better...
39:55Something's got to happen here
39:56because Ivelisse is in danger.
39:59How bad is the title worth it at this point, Matt?
40:02Oh, it means everything.
40:08He's looking at us for it.
40:10What's wrong with that guy?
40:20Nothing the crew does is pretty.
40:22Their offense is gritty and dirty and aggressive,
40:26just like the temple that houses this war.
40:30Look at Havoc.
40:31Look at Son of Havoc now.
40:33Perhaps a receipt is in Sisko's future.
40:36The people love Havoc,
40:38and Havoc is amongst his brethren here in the temple.
40:44Lucha on the ground!
40:49He's got hit by a car at full speed,
40:51and that car's name is Bale.
40:53Ivelisse alone in the ring,
40:55and Helico too far to do a thing.
40:58Son of Havoc out on the outside.
41:00It was fun while it lasted.
41:03Oh, shit!
41:05That was dope!
41:14Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
41:22They may not like each other,
41:24but in Helico, Ivelisse and Son of Havoc
41:27are fighting with every fiber inside them
41:29to claim the Lucha Underground Trios Championships.
41:32Oh, my God!
41:37Look at the look on Ivelisse's face.
41:39She has the great equalizer in her hands.
41:43She is gonna... What the hell was that?
41:48Oh! Bang!
41:58That is payback from the baddest bitch in the building.
42:04And the crowd wants blood.
42:08Look at Ivelisse pointing to the corners
42:11directing traffic.
42:13Wow. She's calling for it.
42:15Is this it? Let's go! Let's go!
42:17And Helico Purge, Son of Havoc,
42:19this team has not worked together in three months,
42:22but, damn it, tonight it is over!
42:26Cover here!
42:28One, two, three!
42:30Here are your winners,
42:32the first Lucha Underground Trios champion,
42:37the team of Ivelisse,
42:40and Helico,
42:42and Son of Havoc!
42:46Ladies and gentlemen, together,
42:48we have just witnessed Lucha Underground history.
42:52These three have faced a rocky path of adversity
42:55to accomplish this feat tonight.
42:58For months, they've been fighting one another.
43:00Two weeks ago, they nearly walked out on one another,
43:04but on this fateful night,
43:06and Helico, Son of Havoc, and Ivelisse
43:08are the first-ever Lucha Underground Trios champions.
43:13The believers in the temple are on their feet.
43:17They have come to embrace this team.
43:19They have made them their own,
43:21and the fans have helped this team overcome the odds,
43:25almost willing them to victory.
43:28There have been so many moments
43:30in the short history of Lucha Underground,
43:32and tonight may be one of the most monumental
43:35and Helico possesses the skill and the charisma.
43:39That young man risked it all.
43:41He is now a megastar here in Lucha Underground.
43:44Ivelisse, she struggled through relationship problems,
43:48through injury, whether it be mind or body.
43:51Tonight, Ivelisse can stand and say she is a pioneer
43:54in this great sport.
43:56And last but not least, Son of Havoc.
43:59He's been here since day one,
44:02labeled a reject, unaccepted, uninvited, overlooked.
44:06The guy that the experts said didn't have it.
44:10But tonight, underneath that mask, behind that beard,
44:14is the heart of a man who has proven the world wrong
44:18and led this team to victory.
44:23God, say what you want, but damn it,
44:25I love wrestling, and this is awesome.
44:29For Vampiro, I'm Matt Stryker.
44:32Good night, everybody!
