Venezuela | Electoral campaigns close 3 days before voting day

  • 2 months ago
Special envoy Brian Mier is at the Plaza Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela, where the closing rally for the Great Patriotic Pole candidate Nicolas Maduro campaign for reelection is happening, and updates us with the latest on the last day of campaigns. teleSUR
00:00And in this context, we go now to our special envoy in Caracas, Brian Meyer,
00:05who has all the updates on the final stretch ahead of the presidential elections.
00:14I'm standing on Avenida BolĂ­var in downtown Caracas, Venezuela,
00:20where a huge crowd has come out to see Nicolas Maduro speak
00:25in his final campaign event of the campaign season, which started on July 4th
00:30and ends tonight at midnight.
00:32All other nine candidates are engaged in activities around the city today of various sizes.
00:39At midnight tonight, all liquor sales will end until after the election.
00:44The military has deployed 188,000 people in the Plan Republica
00:50to guarantee the security of the electronic voting machines, the polling stations,
00:56and the security of the Venezuelan population at this time leading up to the elections.
01:02Now, it's only a few more days now.
01:05On July 28th, over 20 million Venezuelans have been invited to come out
01:10and choose who they want to be their next president.
