• il y a 2 mois


00:00No, Mom, please tell me it's not true what you're telling me.
00:04Please tell me it's not true what you're telling me.
00:07You don't know how much it hurts to give you this news.
00:10You don't know how much it hurts, daughter.
00:12Jenny, Jenny, my dad has been sick for a long time.
00:15A few months ago he had a very aggressive cough
00:18and he just couldn't get rid of it with anything.
00:21Then he started sweating a lot at night
00:24and he got very stubborn, so he didn't want to go to the doctor.
00:28But in the end, it was him.
00:31No, wait, listen to me.
00:33We're in Mexico, there are a lot of specialists.
00:35Let's take him to the doctor, please tell me it's not true.
00:38Come on, honey, it's too late.
00:40No, Mom, it's not late.
00:42It's my dad, he just got back.
00:44I don't know, daughter, but there's nothing we can do.
00:47Let's see, let's see, let's see.
00:48I think that before talking about doctors,
00:50we have to look for him, right?
00:59Prove to me what you're telling me.
01:03All you want is to make my life impossible.
01:05No, no, no.
01:06The only one who makes Gabriel's life impossible here is you.
01:09So accept it.
01:10Why did you have him killed?
01:12Let him accept that I had Gabriel killed.
01:14Let's see, Carlos, you're accusing my dad of something very serious.
01:17Your father doesn't touch his heart to go over anyone
01:21in order to win what he wants.
01:23But I'm telling you from now on, you won't be able to finish the blonde.
01:26Because now it's not just Gabriel.
01:28Are you threatening me?
01:29Yes, sir.
01:30It's also the child you're expecting.
01:33Please, Carlos, go.
01:38You're right about something.
01:42We have to get rid of what's bothering us.
01:51I had to know, I had to know what was going on, Mom.
01:55What do you think?
01:56I wasn't the one who decided to keep the secret.
01:58It was your dad.
01:59It was out of respect.
02:00Yes, you already knew, Mom.
02:01It's not a secret anymore.
02:03My dad would be here right now.
02:04We would be in the hospital looking for a doctor.
02:07Stop, stop, stop, girl, please, stop.
02:09Calm down.
02:10I'm not going to let that matter become a discussion between the two of you again.
02:14I mean, really.
02:15Boss, you know me and you know that I've never wished anyone ill.
02:19But what Ramon is doing...
02:20Again, boss?
02:21That's not done.
02:22I mean, disappearing for so many years and coming back to open old wounds again?
02:30That's not done.
02:31My dad just wanted to let you know again and apologize.
02:35No, no, no, sorry.
02:36But it would have been much easier and less painful for all of us
02:39if he had made a letter or talked on the phone.
02:44Felipe, that's not true.
02:46That's not true.
02:47It's not true, girl.
02:48I mean, do you think it's fair to see my mom like that?
02:51To see you like that?
02:52To see Juana like that?
02:54The same Margarita?
02:57I'm sorry, but this man came back to show us what he is.
03:00A selfish man, a good-for-nothing.
03:02Jenny, really.
03:04He's dying!
03:05Let's see, let's see, let's see.
03:06We have to calm down, all of us.
03:08I think the first thing we have to do is go out and look for him, right?
03:11I agree.
03:12We have to go out and look for him.
03:14Or what?
03:15Do you want him to die in a corner?
03:17He died a long time ago for me, Jenny.
03:18No, we have to do something.
03:20I'm going to go to the parish.
03:21We have to move.
03:22Maybe he went through the church to see Father Jose.
03:25And I can go on my motorcycle to ask around the neighborhood to see if anyone saw him.
03:30I'm going to go to the delegation.
03:32I'm going to talk to Salvador.
03:34And I'm going to file a complaint.
03:39Come, everything will be fine.
03:51How are you?
03:55Thank you.
03:58And Juana?
03:59She had to go.
04:00Her grandmother needed her for something.
04:03Don't you have to go to the brewery?
04:06I asked for the day to be with you.
04:09Thank you.
04:11You are the best friend anyone can have.
04:17Gabriel Rubio himself told me something similar right now.
04:23He says that thanks to me he met Juana.
04:28The things you do without thinking, right?
04:31Because I also met Juana.
04:37David, I've always wanted you to be happy.
04:41And if it's with Juana, then so be it.
04:46I love you.
04:55If it hadn't come to Manuel, I swear I'd break Rogelio's face.
04:59I'm sure he was behind Gabriel's attempted murder.
05:02Let's see, Carlos, you can't make such a serious accusation,
05:04especially if you don't have evidence.
05:07What more evidence than the hate that Rogelio has always had
05:09with the Rubios?
05:10If I'm careless and I'm not aware of that bastard,
05:13I would have already killed Gabriel.
05:17I'm sick of that idiot Carlos.
05:19Everything gets in the way.
05:21And he just tries to stop every step I take.
05:25And those steps you take, where do they lead you, Dad?
05:30Are you really trying to kill Gabriel?
05:37You are an old man.
05:39Your obligation is to hate the Rubios.
05:41I understand perfectly the hatred between the two of you.
05:44And I'm very proud to be an old man.
05:47And I also admire you, Dad.
05:48And I thank you for everything you've done for the family.
05:51For how you got up out of nowhere after the misery
05:53the Rubios left you to calm your conscience.
05:57But nothing justifies a murder.
06:03If I want to have killed Gabriel,
06:05it doesn't mean I had him killed.
06:09You had nothing to do with Francisco's disappearance either.
06:14Francisco had decided to send the shares
06:16and when he decided not to do it, he disappeared.
06:19What are you accusing me of?
06:21Where do you want to go?
06:22I want you to understand
06:24that I have enough reason to believe
06:26that what Carlos says about you is true.
06:29I don't even know how far you're willing to go, Dad.
06:33I don't even know how far you're willing to go.
06:35I don't even know how far you're willing to go, Dad.
06:39And of course, we have rights.
06:42And yes, the Rubios have taken advantage of us.
06:45And that's why I support you.
06:47And that's why I get my hands dirty for you
06:49so you can see that I'm with you.
06:53But everything has a limit.
07:01And what are your limits, son?
07:05My limits are the bloodstains I saw last night at the house
07:07when I got home from the brewery.
07:11Can you explain that to me?
07:29A cyber security report has just arrived.
07:32The photos that were published by Francisco on his account
07:34were using a VPN.
07:36This hides the true location of the publication.
07:39Yes, yes, yes, VPN.
07:41Virtual Private Network.
07:43So instead of being in Seville,
07:45maybe they're outside the subway station in Seville, right?
07:50What a millennial, detective.
07:51Oh, I told you.
07:52That's right.
07:54We're moving forward, Pacheco.
07:56The culprits are already starting to play hide and seek with us.
07:59And you posted David's photo.
08:02Do you think the attack on the engineer
08:04has anything to do with the missing person?
08:06Everything is connected, Pacheco.
08:08Francisco's disappearance can be a warning.
08:13And the attack on the engineer is a standstill.
08:16And who do you think you are?
08:17Why are you so missing?
08:18What happened?
08:19Hey, are you going to be alone forever?
08:20Lower your voice, please.
08:21Pay attention to me.
08:23Well, I'm leaving.
08:25I have to print everything on the map.
08:27What do you mean?
08:28This is my job.
08:29What's going on?
08:30What are you doing here?
08:31We have nothing to do with each other.
08:32Calm down.
08:33Those kisses you gave me.
08:34So passionate and full.
08:36We were heartbroken, but it doesn't matter.
08:38Let's repeat it, okay?
08:39Let's repeat it.
08:40I'm working.
08:41You know this was, you said it yourself,
08:43the work of heartbreak.
08:45And you know it very well.
08:46No, I don't know it well, but I loved your heartbreak.
08:49It's delicious.
08:50I want to repeat it.
08:51Come on, I want more.
08:52What else do you want?
09:06I'm not your son and you're not my father.
09:08Listen to me.
09:09I feel more affection for the people of the street than for you.
09:12And I don't think it makes sense for me to stay here.
09:14It only causes more pain and more pain.
09:16I made a mistake.
09:18I can't fix it.
09:20All I wanted was to apologize.
09:22That was all.
09:28Ramon didn't go to church.
09:39He didn't go to church, son.
09:43I want you to understand that I know what you're feeling.
09:48But I'm asking you a favor.
09:51Don't let your anger and your pain be greater than your nobility.
09:58I love you.
10:03Little boy.
10:06Jenny, this is not what it seems.
10:08Why do all men have that word in their DNA?
10:11Look, the truth is that I was talking to Chava and I told him to go out again.
10:14But when are you going to kiss your dad?
10:16Because that makes him very crazy, right?
10:19No, I don't have time for you two.
10:20If you are very busy, I will look for another boy.
10:22No, no, no, Jenny, Jenny.
10:23Wait, what do you need?
10:25What do you need?
10:26Look, I'm working, but I'm at your service.
10:28Well, my sister and I were here because my dad disappeared yesterday.
10:32How did he disappear?
10:33He's a very sick man and he needs his medicine.
10:35In fact, he even left me a note there at the pension where we are staying.
10:38I don't know if it will work.
10:39And he sent me a message like saying goodbye.
10:41We have to find him.
10:52The sea is beautiful.
10:54And the wind carries the subtle essence of chance.
10:57Pacheco, what are you doing?
10:59I would like to tell you a story.
11:00Pacheco, this is not the place or the time.
11:02You are on duty.
11:03Prepare the car because we are going to look for the father of these ladies.
11:06Please move.
11:07Yes, detective.
11:09Come on!
11:11It's a poem by Rubén Darío for a file.
11:13Yes, tell him later.
11:16I'm going to catch up with him because he's half-naked.
11:18Excuse me.
11:21Salvador is with me.
11:23Stop annoying him with your father's issue.
11:26The only thing he does is disappear when people start to love him.
11:29No, Margarita.
11:30I'm going to catch up with him.
11:31No, no, no, Margarita.
11:32Do you know what happens to you?
11:33You sweat, you sweat from envy.
11:34When I see that Salvador prefers me, he always leaves you out.
11:39And then I offered him to return to the house.
11:42Our house, boss.
11:44The house is still in the name of your father and mine.
11:47And he just wanted to talk to me alone to discuss my offer.
11:52And he told me that he had actually returned because he wanted us to forgive him.
11:57He just wants you to feel compassion for him.
11:59To pity you.
12:01Your father is still stubborn and proud.
12:04And you gave that to him.
12:06Oh, please.
12:09Honey, I want you to understand one thing.
12:11Your father and I got married very young because I was pregnant.
12:20And the truth is that we were not prepared to have children, to form a home.
12:27And soon after I got pregnant with you.
12:29Well, very irresponsible of both, right?
12:33It was an irresponsibility of both.
12:35But I have to admit that I was also to blame for your father leaving you as children.
12:40Oh, boss, now you're going to justify it too.
12:44But I want you to know the truth without filters for me.
12:47And not through that hatred and that grudge that I myself took care of feeding.
12:51And I apologize for that.
12:53Let's see, it was he who abandoned us, not you.
12:56No, but I also had mine, my life.
12:59Your father and I loved each other madly.
13:01Your father and I loved each other madly.
13:03But I demanded too many things from him.
13:06I pleaded with him for everything.
13:08You know the character of the crap I have.
13:11Instead, he was always a dreamer, impractical.
13:18And he still is.
13:21But that does not mean that he does not love you and your sister.
13:30If you do not learn to forgive your father from the bottom of your heart,
13:35you will not be able to be happy in all your life.
13:52Do you want something?
13:57I wanted to see if you could receive me.
14:00I am very sorry to ask you this, but I do not have money to pay for a place to sleep.
14:05And well, I am a millionaire.
14:10I can help you with everything you need.
14:16What's wrong with him? He's paying me too much.
14:18Take him away.
14:20Say hello to your boss, son.
14:23Hey, good to see you.
14:26Hey, I haven't seen you around here shopping for a long time.
14:29I don't know if you heard that my grandfather disappeared.
14:31And well, I've been walking around the neighborhood all morning,
14:33asking to see if anyone saw him looking for him.
14:35I have talked, I have talked a lot with your grandfather.
14:37And I know absolutely everything.
14:42About his illness?
14:43That's right.
14:46Your grandfather and I grew up here together in this neighborhood.
14:48We were great friends.
14:49I had no idea, Mr. Memo.
14:51He didn't come here to be humiliated.
14:54Ramon simply came to seek forgiveness.
14:56And he realized that the situation was kind of messy.
15:00He disappeared.
15:04Mr. Memo, my mom is devastated.
15:06Really, if you saw her ...
15:08If you have any information, I ask you to please trust me.
15:12I will, I will.
15:14Now, another thing I want to ask you.
15:15Take care of Josefina, take care of your grandmother.
15:17She needs a lot of support right now.
15:22Thank you, Mr. Memo.
15:28Thank you.
15:36I'm glad you're back.
15:38How are you?
15:39David, how are you?
15:40He's better and I'm fine.
15:41Thank God, all this was like a nightmare.
15:43And you know who tried to ...
15:45Rogelio was the major.
15:46I need you to locate Rogelio and tell him I need to see him in my office.
15:50I don't care who he is or where he is.
15:52Please, Inés.
16:03Enriqueta, thank you for receiving me.
16:06I'm sorry.
16:08Enriqueta, thank you for receiving me.
16:11Carlos advised me to talk to you.
16:13I want to talk to you about Rogelio.
16:16Yes, of course.
16:17Sit down, please.
16:19Thank you.
16:21Camila, it is important that you know that this conversation between us is totally confidential.
16:26You can say whatever you want.
16:28I'm sorry.
16:38What happened, daughter?
16:39I went to look around the neighborhood and nobody knows anything.
16:42In fact, there was Mr. Memo.
16:44I didn't know he and Ramon were friends.
16:46Oh, yes, for many years, my daughter.
16:49And now you guys, why do you look like that?
16:51What happened?
16:52No, we went to the DA's office and Yadira's hairdresser was there.
16:55Oh, you know what made me angry.
16:57You didn't expect that woman to get fat, huh?
16:59But the police told us they were going to look for my dad.
17:02You'll see what we're going to do with Grandpa very soon, huh?
17:05Everything will be fine, Mommy, I promise.
17:08Everything will be fine.
17:10Well, I have to go running, I have to go to college and then spend the rest of my life.
17:13Oh, honey, you haven't eaten anything, please.
17:15I haven't eaten.
17:16No, no, but right now I'm going to go get something on the way, okay?
17:18I'm just going to get my things and I'm running.
17:20No, no, you have to be careful, but eat.
17:22And what about you? Why did they take the stone from you or what?
17:24Everything, why?
17:25Because it's four letters, that woman.
17:27Insinuating all the time that Según has something very important with Salvador.
17:30She's a whore, that's what she is.
17:32Well, if they're angry, it's because you saw something, right?
17:34Well, of course I saw, Mommy.
17:36She was kissing Yadira.
17:38Your Salvador.
17:40I don't want second-class dishes, just so you know.
17:43And take that little face off of me.
17:46And Felipe?
17:47Get out.
17:56Oh, you blew my mind, Chivis.
17:59It's just that I've been watching you since you've been so down.
18:02I think you have problems with your galantiosa.
18:05So I told myself, my bro, what you need is cold water and my advice.
18:10Oh, but with Enrique, so much better than ever, my Chivis.
18:14In fact, I would say that even something fast.
18:17No, did you go out with your Sunday 7?
18:19Oh, don't be stupid.
18:23He gave me the keys to his apartment.
18:24Oh, baby, don't make me cry, man.
18:27It's very nice.
18:31I'm like this for ...
18:34Well, for my dad.
18:36Turns out he's going to die.
18:38He's sick.
18:39And well, yes, I would like to forgive him, but how can I forget this pain, Chivis?
18:44I mean, this hatred that I have for having abandoned us.
18:47And now again.
18:49I mean, really, really, you don't know how much courage it gives me to see my mom again.
18:52Like this, to my sister, worried about him.
18:54Once again.
18:55It's not enough with one.
18:58I think Chivis is not good for you.
19:01You better have a drink.
19:03No, you already spoiled me.
19:04Chivis is not for me.
19:09From what you tell me, Rogelio was angry with you because you voted in favor of Gabriel's merger proposal.
19:16Yes, yes, yes.
19:17He is very upset.
19:18I don't understand why.
19:19Did you do what you think is best for the brewery?
19:24But, well, the thing is that he thinks I owe him something.
19:29And he wants me to do exactly what he wants.
19:31But to see him what?
19:33Work here?
19:34Let's see, the fact that he had the idea doesn't mean anything.
19:39In addition, with the power that Francisco left you, you are his wife and you watch over his interests.
19:48Camila, is everything okay?
19:52Is there some kind of abuse from Rogelio that you want to tell me about?
20:07Thank you very much.
20:09David did not hesitate for a moment to help me and our baby, nor did he hesitate to receive a bullet for you.
20:17For me it is very clear who deserves another chance in this story.
20:22Here I am, did you want to see me?
20:25You sent me to call.
20:27Don't tell me that you are also going to accuse me of wanting to kill you.
20:32I don't know what you're talking about.
20:34But you know what?
20:35It would be good if we took off our masks and put the letters on the table.
20:38Well, your uncle Carlos went to see me to insinuate that I had something to do with your attack.
20:42And do you have it?
20:43Of course not.
20:45What kind of question is that?
20:46What kind of man do you think I am?
20:49He shouldn't have told you that.
20:53There is no secret that Carlos hates me.
20:55You don't like him?
20:56He doesn't like you either.
20:57It's not a secret.
20:58Well, no.
20:59We've never gotten along.
21:00There are many grudges between the two of us.
21:02I'm not going to deny that.
21:03Yes, problems from a long time ago that happened between families.
21:06And I was too young to understand any of that.
21:09Well, let's talk without masks, as you say.
21:12Gabriel, I never wanted my daughter to look at you.
21:15I never thought that a person would have two blond surnames and was the oldest.
21:20But that's not a reason for me to want to kill you.
21:23Or not to know it.
21:25But I didn't call you for that.
21:30I know that the decision that Camila made at the shareholders' meeting bothered you a lot.
21:35So we're here to tell me that you have something to do with Camila.
21:39Is that why you're going to leave my daughter?
21:41Deep down, it makes more sense than your obsession with that photographer.
21:45I know you're a complicated person and you condemn people you think betray you.
21:50That's why I called you.
21:52I want you to know that if something happens to Camila, I will be responsible for you.
22:11I love you.
22:41I love you.
23:11I love you.
23:41I love you.
23:57Damn, where are you?
24:06Camacho, come to the brewery immediately.
24:12I told you, the merger is going to be a success.
24:16Yes, the shares have gone up. People are accepting the blond beer very well.
24:23Yes, perfect. See you later at the meeting.
24:30Pablo, what are you doing here?
24:32You should be resting.
24:34The rest is over and the nerves, anxiety and despair have returned.
24:38I remembered everything.
24:41Tell me something, aren't you sleeping at home because you moved in with Juana?
24:45No, Paula.
24:47I'm sleeping in the hacienda.
24:52But she's still pregnant with you.
24:55And you love her son because he's yours.
24:58What, are you going to marry her now and that's why you want to divorce me?
25:02No, Paula.
25:04What was between Juana and me ended the moment you told her that I knew I was expecting my son.
25:08Oh, how strange, it's my fault again.
25:11No, you don't have it, I have it.
25:13I should have told her that she was the woman who was inseminated by mistake.
25:16Since I didn't do it, now we're in trouble.
25:18I signed a contract, I can't get close to her until that baby is born.
25:22So you're not together, then?
25:25No, Paula, we're not.
25:27Aurel, I could raise that child with you once it's born.
25:31I don't think it's your movie.
25:33But why not?
25:34Yes, I was enduring for months, one insemination after another, to be able to give you a child.
25:39It's not my fault that it wasn't compatible.
25:41We can try again.
25:43Let's be together again.
25:45You and I can fight for that child that is legally ours.
25:49We can claim it.
25:52Really, Paula?
25:54Do you want to have a child with Gabriel?
26:14Morenita mía, yo sé que sabes dónde está Ramón.
26:21Muevele esa cabeza de chorlito para que regrese.
26:25Sus hijos lo necesitan, por favor.
26:27Lo siento, mamá, pero yo no me voy a esperar hasta que la Virgencita nos haga el milagro
26:31o que alguien venga a avisarnos qué está pasando.
26:33Voy a salir a buscarlo.
26:37Yo voy contigo.
26:57Perdón por haberte hecho esperar tanto tiempo para atender.
27:00No se preocupe, madre.
27:02¿Me dijo la hermana Pilar que quieres quedarte con nosotros?
27:06Si es posible.
27:08Es que no tengo dinero para pagar un lugar donde quedarme,
27:11pero puedo trabajar en lo que ustedes necesiten mientras yo tenga fuerza.
27:15Estás enfermo.
27:23Tengo cáncer de pulmón y no me queda mucho tiempo.
27:26Y no me gustaría morir tirado en la calle.
27:31¿Y no tienes familia?
27:35La tuve, pero no la supe cuidar.
27:41¿Y qué sabes hacer?
27:43Lo que ustedes quieran.
27:45Más bien, lo que ustedes necesiten.
27:47Plomería, electricidad, tapicería.
27:52Dios, es muy grande.
27:53Nunca olvida a los desamparados.
27:56Precisamente hoy dejaron una cama.
27:59Ven, ven conmigo.
28:02Tienes que firmar unos papeles
28:04para que te puedas quedar con nosotros y quedes registrado.
28:14Lo que pasa es que nuestra historia empezó al revés.
28:17Empezó por el final, por tu embarazo, pero es real.
28:20Recuerda las salchichas picosas.
28:22Cuando me enchilé, cuando me enchilaste,
28:25cuando cocinamos juntos,
28:27cuando nos quedamos en la cervecería solos.
28:29Eso es real.
28:31Los amo.
28:36Ya, Juana, concéntrate.
28:44Sí, Camila, claro que yo quería tener un hijo con Gabriel.
28:47Por favor, ¿te puedes salir?
28:49¿Nos puedes dejar a solas? Gracias.
28:51Camila, ¿nos permites, por favor?
28:53Estamos hablando de un tema bastante personal.
28:55Sí, perdón.
28:57Lo que pasa es que tenemos una videoconferencia
28:59con los españoles.
29:01Ah, claro.
29:03Pero esta plática es mucho más importante que la reunión.
29:05A ver, además, no entiendo.
29:07¿Le puedes pedir a Camila que se vaya de aquí?
29:09Ella es la culpable de todo lo que me pasó
29:11y del accidente, porque ella fue la que me dijo
29:13que Juana estaba embarazada de ti.
29:15¿Cómo puedes permitir que siga trabajando?
29:17Sí, Paula, Gabriel ya lo sabe.
29:19Y le pedí perdón.
29:21Pero nunca pensé que te fueras a poner así de loca.
29:23No estoy loca, Camila.
29:25Bueno, ¿se pueden tranquilizar las dos, por favor?
29:27Paula, la reunión que tengo ahorita
29:29es demasiado importante para la empresa.
29:31¿Te parece si luego platicamos esto?
29:33Camila, ahora te veo.
29:40Si tú le dices a Gabriel
29:42que estuve tomando pastillas anticonceptivas
29:44para no quedar embarazada de él, te mato, Camila.
29:46Ah, ya.
29:48Ya veo que todos los juez mayor
29:50arreglan las cosas de la misma manera.
29:52¿De qué estás hablando?
29:54Además, ¿por qué me dijiste que la vida de Gabriel
29:56corría peligro? No entiendo.
29:58Ah, ¿no te enteraste que querían matar a tu ex
30:00y que David esté herido por salvarlo?
30:02¿No te enteraste?
30:06Así que,
30:08en tu vida,
30:10me vuelvas a decir que puedo
30:12o que no puedo decir.
30:17Disculpen que las interrumpa,
30:19pero la reunión con los inversionistas
30:21está a punto de comenzar,
30:23señora Camila.
30:25Con permiso.
30:52Esto es para ti.
30:54A ti te encantan las gelatinas.
31:03Ya habla.
31:05Cuéntame algo.
31:07Estás muy callada y muy pensativa. ¿Por qué?
31:09Nada, estaba pensando en lo que me dijo el ingeniero.
31:11De si es verdad que...
31:14que él y Juana se hayan visto una y otra vez a casualidad.
31:19Es una casualidad que él solito se inventó.
31:23Es que yo tuve que ver con muchas de esas casualidades.
31:28Sí, ¿de verdad crees que él quisiera aprovecharse de Juana?
31:33Si está enamorado de ella.
31:44Qué bonita sorpresa.
31:46Gracias por venir.
31:49Hola, hola.
31:51Y a ver, ¿qué cuenta el paciente más hermoso de este mundo?
31:55Nos espantaste.
31:57Sí, imagínate yo.
31:59Bueno, una selfie para el boletín digital de la oficina.
32:08Oye, esta fue mi idea, ¿eh?
32:09Obviamente fue tu idea.
32:18¿Cómo lo hizo, patrón?
32:23¿Ese imbécil?
32:27¿Cómo se te ocurrió dejar pruebas sobre la muerte de Caima?
32:30Mi hijo sospecha.
32:32Dejaste manchas de sangre en la casa.
32:35¿Cómo se te ocurrió matar a él?
32:37¿Eres idiota o qué?
32:39Déjame explicarle, papá.
32:41Yo lo iba a ver fuera de la ciudad,
32:43pero el idiota llegó ahí,
32:45me amenazó con su arma.
32:47Sabía que le íbamos a dar cuello, patrón.
32:50Me pidió la lana que faltaba y...
32:52pero yo no se la iba a dar.
32:55Así que lo tuve que matar, patrón.
33:00Pero ya limpié lo mejor que pude.
33:02No fue lo mejor que pudiste, estúpido.
33:05Mi hijo encontró manchas de sangre, ya te lo dije.
33:16Esta guerra la voy a ganar a como a Ismael.
33:21Vas a desenterrar al muerto de armas
33:24y lo vamos a llevar a otro hueco.
33:29Sí, Gabriel se salvó de la muerte,
33:32pero lo vamos a enterrar en vida,
33:36en la cárcel.
33:39Lo que tú eres, estúpido,
33:41vas a dejar de sonreír.
33:43¿Eso te queda claro?
33:46Sí, patrón.
33:59pero yo necesito tomar algo para relajarme.
34:01Ah, y más, de una vez te lo advierto,
34:03yo no sé tomar sola,
34:05así que te echas un tequila conmigo
34:07si no te vas a la casa.
34:10Uy, ¿y ahora tú?
34:12¿Por qué tan temprano?
34:14Si todavía no es tu turno.
34:16Mira, Fabio, te presento a Margarita, mi hermana.
34:18Hola, mucho gusto.
34:20Fabio Cabrera, cuando estoy en el trabajo.
34:22Fabis para las amigas como tú.
34:24Ay, qué guapa.
34:26Uy, así le vas a dar más alas al patrón, ¿eh?
34:28No, hombre, qué alas ni qué alas.
34:30No, no, sabes todo el problemón que hay en mi casa.
34:32Yo necesito tomarme un tequilita.
34:34No, no, no, ustedes tranquilas,
34:36la casa paga y si no, yo invito.
34:37Hay una para cada una y una para mí
34:39porque las voy a acompañar en su dolor.
34:43Nada más si le avisas a tu hermana o a tu mamá
34:45que aquí ando, por favor.
34:47Resulta que las mujeres de esta casa se fueron.
34:49Ah, no me digas.
34:51Sí, ¿por qué o qué?
34:53No, pues es que les venía a decir
34:56que no hemos encontrado nada,
34:58ni pistas, ni rastros,
35:00ni nada del paradero de Ramón, tu papá.
35:08Vamos a brindar por las hermanas,
35:10por la familia, por los amigos.
35:12Y por los hombres,
35:14aunque mal paguen los desgraciados.
35:18Esta ciudad es un asco.
35:20En mi rancho dos mujeres bebiendo solas
35:22son unas cuscas.
35:24Y un vato brindando por los vatos.
35:26Tranquilo, mano, siéntese y tranquilo.
35:28Si usted me anda echando los perros
35:30y le digo de una vez que yo no soy su tipo, ¿eh?
35:32Echándote los perros, ¿qué tal, eh?
35:34Oye, yo no voy a permitir
35:35que te vayas de vuelta, mi amigo.
35:37Así que vete sentando de una vez.
35:39A ver, a ver, a ver.
35:41Ya los conozco estos tipos, así son.
35:43Se la dan de muy machos
35:45cuando se quieren ir a los golpes.
35:47De machos no tienen nada, ¿eh?
35:49A ver, repíteme lo que me dijiste.
35:51Te dejo a mí y te las pongo en la cabeza.
35:53A ti, a ti, a ti.
35:55No, tú déjame, ¿eh?
35:57Atrévete a ver, si es cierto, vato, ¿qué?
35:59Pues es contigo.
36:01Futuro socio, no se diga más.
36:03Voy a pedir, por favor,
36:05que me deje en el piso, ¿sí?
36:07Vale, hablamos luego.
36:09Hasta luego.
36:16Bien, bien.
36:18Pronto nuestra cerveza
36:20va a ser reconocida en Europa.
36:22Voy a hablar con Cuantabilidad
36:24y con el equipo de Viloria, ¿eh?
36:28Corazón Dios, corazón Dios.
36:31Felicidades, te lo mereces.
36:33Haces todo por esta empresa.
36:35Esto no hubiera sido posible sin tu ayuda.
36:38Pues nada.
36:40Solamente me arriesgué y bueno,
36:42valió la pena, ¿no?
36:45A Rogelio no se le va a bajar el enojo en un buen rato.
36:48Quiero que sepas que hablé con él
36:50y le dije que tuviera mucho cuidado de cómo te trata.
36:52Te voy a estar al pendiente.
36:54Tampoco podemos confiar mucho en él, ¿no?
36:57Digo, es un mal de familia.
37:00Dicen una cosa, hacen otra.
37:02¿Ya ves, Paula?
37:04Que tomaba pastillas anticonceptivas
37:06cuando hacía el tratamiento de inseminación
37:08y te hacía creer que quería ser madre.
37:19No, a ver, ¿cómo?
37:21Yo pensé que sabías, Gabriel,
37:23y por eso te querías divorciar de ella
37:25lo antes posible.
37:27Por supuesto que no lo sabía.
37:28Por supuesto que no lo sabía.
37:51Tania, llevamos mucho tiempo trabajando juntos.
37:55Llevas mucho tiempo en mi casa.
37:56Necesito que me contestes con la verdad.
37:58¿Tú sabías que la señora Paula
38:00tomaba pastillas anticonceptivas
38:02durante las inseminaciones?
38:04Ay, señor, es que yo...
38:06Necesito que me contestes.
38:08La señora Paula es responsable
38:10de que ninguna inseminación funcionara.
38:12Mire, le juro, le juro de verdad
38:14que yo me acabo de enterar hace poquito
38:16cuando la señora Paula se lo confesó a su mamá.
38:29¡Suéltame! ¡Suéltame!
38:32¡Suéltame! ¡Suéltame, desgraciado!
38:35¿Pero cuánto se van a tardar?
38:38¿Dónde inventan aquí
38:40ya se armaron los catorracos?
38:42¡Ya, ya, ya, ya!
38:44¿Qué te pasa?
38:47¡Déjame! ¡Déjame!
38:49¡Quietos ahí!
38:56¡Quietos ahí! ¡Quietos! ¡Tranquilitos!
38:58¡Quietos ya! ¡Quietitos!
39:00¡Nendertales, miren todo lo que hicieron!
39:02¡No lo van a cobrar a nosotros!
39:04¡Ya, tranquilos!
39:06¡Van allá! ¡Corre! ¡Huye! ¡Vuela! ¡Ya! ¡Ándale!
39:08Yo luego le digo al jefe que no sé
39:10que te enfermaste o algo.
39:12¡Vámonos! ¡Vámonos!
39:14¡Ya! ¿Ahí estamos o qué?
39:16¡Vámonos ya!
39:18¡Ya, ya, ya, ya! ¡Vámonos!
39:20¡Todo el mundo quieto ya!
39:55Manejas bien, ¿eh?
39:57Tú también eres muy buena copilota.
39:59El secreto es estar conectados.
40:09Llevo toda la vida preguntándome
40:11si algún día iba a encontrar a una persona
40:13que, sin decírselo,
40:15supiera exactamente lo que me está pasando.
40:19Pues ya llegué.
40:20Señorita, ¿le tomo su orden?
40:26¿Le puedo pedir un hot dog,
40:29unos nachos con queso
40:31y un refresco, por favor?
40:33Lo voy a comer abajo en el mirador.
40:35Claro que sí, en un momento.
40:39Tienes razón.
40:41La verdad,
40:43estoy muerta de miedo.
40:45¿Ya hablaste con el padre de la criatura?
40:47No quiero.
40:48No quiero que el padre asuma
40:50ninguna responsabilidad.
40:54El padre no sabe que me embarazó
40:56y yo no quiero que lo sepa.
41:00Juan, él tiene derecho a saberlo.
41:02También es el papá.
41:08Josefina, Josefina,
41:10yo siento por usted
41:12una profunda admisión.
41:14Eso es de sabios reconocer los errores, ¿eh?
41:16Sí, mire nada más
41:18es lo peor de la vida, ¿verdad?
41:20Yo que me la pasé hablando mal de Ramón
41:22y ahora me tengo que tragar mis palabras.
41:24Bueno, pero tampoco existen
41:26estas relaciones perfectas, ¿no?
41:28Es que yo también lo traía fregado.
41:30Y entonces, cuando se fue,
41:32pues ese odio se multiplicó.
41:34Y lo peor es que se lo pasé a Felipe
41:36porque él odia a su papá.
41:38No se preocupe.
41:40Yo voy a platicar con él, ¿sí?
41:42Yo lo voy a hacer.
41:44Sí, mi Felipe siempre lo he visto a usted
41:46como una especie de padre.
41:48No, no, no.
41:53Voy a comer mis cosas.
42:10Gabriel, perdóname,
42:12pero los papeles de la fusión
42:14todavía no están listos.
42:16Pero estamos trabajando bien.
42:18Es un problema personal.
42:22¿Qué pasó?
42:24Paula quiere cambios en el convenio de divorcio.
42:26Me necesito divorciar, ya.
42:28No quiero ningún tipo de acuerdo.
42:30No la quiero volver a ver en mi vida.
