'Actually Enforce It': James Lankford Calls On Universities To Crack Down On Antisemitism

  • 2 months ago
During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) spoke about antisemitism on university campuses.

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00:00Senior Senator from the state of Oklahoma.
00:04Thank you, Mr. President.
00:06We all had the opportunity yesterday to be able to hear Benjamin Netanyahu speak to a joint session of Congress.
00:13It's actually the fourth time that Benjamin Netanyahu has spoken in Congress.
00:17This particular invitation was different, though.
00:20During a time of war, it's much more heightened than it has been for a long time.
00:25And he came in a very serious tone to be able to tell America and Americans,
00:31thank you for standing with us as Israel.
00:34And the second thing I heard from him over and over again is, don't forget why we are in this war.
00:41He introduced hostages that had been released.
00:44He introduced families that their loved ones are still hostages.
00:51He introduced members of the IDF that have lost limbs or fought against terrorism.
00:56And he reminded Americans more than 1,200 people died on October 7th of last year,
01:02and 253 people were taken hostage at that time.
01:06This war would be over right now if Hamas would release their hostages.
01:12This is not a war that Israel started.
01:16There was a barrier and a fence between Israel and Gaza.
01:19Gaza was there. Israel was there.
01:23But thousands of terrorists from Hamas crossed through that barrier early on a Saturday morning on October 7th
01:30on a Jewish holiday and slaughtered children in their beds,
01:34killed moms and dads, and carried out the worst act of terrorism that Israel has ever seen.
01:42So Israel has responded.
01:45Prime Minister Netanyahu committed again that they will continue the fight
01:49until they bring every single one of those hostages home,
01:53even as they continue the negotiations to try to stop the war.
01:57Currently, Israel is literally surrounded by enemies that are coming at them.
02:02And it's something that we lose track of in the United States.
02:05Israel now faces Hamas actively attacking them through terrorist actions
02:10and continuing to threaten as Hamas leaders, even in the past month, have said,
02:15if given the opportunity, they would come back and do it on October 7th all over again.
02:21They've never relented, and they continue to put civilians between them in harm
02:27to try to protect the lives of the militants by using civilians as shields.
02:34But many Americans forget that Hezbollah from the north in Lebanon
02:39continues to launch rockets consistently into Israel every day.
02:4480,000 Israelis currently are internally displaced inside Israel,
02:49fleeing from their own homes, and they've been away from their homes now for 10 months.
02:54Because 10 or more rockets a day are coming into northern Israel
02:59as they continue to launch at them over and over.
03:03While American media has ignored that, the people of Israel cannot
03:08because they live under that threat every single day.
03:11From the West Bank, there continues to be attacks that are happening on a weekly basis.
03:17From Syria, there continues to be attack.
03:21From Iranian-backed militants there, the same with Iraq.
03:26And just in the past two weeks, Yemen has landed one of their attack drones
03:33inside a neighborhood in Tel Aviv.
03:36Now, they've launched hundreds at Israel,
03:40but this was the first time they actually struck one of their targets,
03:44and Houthi leaders inside Yemen celebrated by saying,
03:48we have finally killed some Israelis.
03:52Israel is literally surrounded every single day.
03:55All of those militant groups are all funded by the Iranian regime, all of them.
04:00We as Americans sometimes point at Iran and say they are the problem,
04:07and we lose track of the simple fact it's not the Iranian people.
04:11The people of Iran live under the oppression of the Iranian regime
04:15that they would like to be free from as well.
04:17But the entire region is destabilized by the actions and the terrorist activities
04:23of just that Iranian leadership in that regime.
04:27They're funding Hezbollah. They're funding Hamas.
04:29They're funding the militants in Syria and in Iraq.
04:32They're funding and providing all the trajectory for the Houthis
04:36and attacking ships in the Red Sea, as well as launching at Israel on a regular basis.
04:41It's Iran that is doing that.
04:44And we as the United States should do whatever we can to apply the maximum amount of pressure
04:48on Iran and on that regime to be able to shut off the flow of money
04:53and to shut off their ability to be able to sell oil worldwide
04:56so we can continue to be able to put pressure on them
04:59so that they're not flowing money to terrorist organizations
05:02that are attacking Israel on a regular basis.
05:04Now, I understand that what I've just stated is controversial to some people in the United States.
05:12As Benjamin Netanyahu was speaking yesterday at Union Station
05:16just four blocks from where I'm standing right now,
05:20there were people that were waving Palestinian flags,
05:24climbing on the statue of Christopher Columbus with spray paint,
05:28painting on Christopher Columbus's statue four blocks from here on Union Station,
05:33Hamas is coming, while they burned American flags and burned Israeli flags.
05:40Four blocks from here.
05:43I'm keenly aware that not every American is supportive of what's happening in Israel.
05:49But we are the United States of America.
05:52Israel is our ally.
05:54And she is a functioning democracy in the chaos of the Middle East.
05:58And we should continue to stand with Israel.
06:01Because she is facing terrorism just as we have faced terrorism.
06:07And as Benjamin Netanyahu reminded all Americans yesterday,
06:10Iran really wants to destroy America.
06:14Just Israel is between Iran and America.
06:22So they go after Israel first.
06:28There is something growing in America, though.
06:32And it's this growing anti-Semitism that's occurring.
06:37This is something Senator Rosen and I have talked about for years.
06:41We've talked about what's happening on college campuses.
06:45And after October the 7th, the anti-Semitism on our university campuses nationwide
06:50has now exploded into full view.
06:53What has been trained into students by faculty that are anti-Israel
07:00is now bearing fruit in public demonstrations.
07:04Funded by we don't know who yet, but definitely organized and funded and well equipped.
07:10Today, Senator Rosen and I held an anti-Semitism hearing with college students
07:16from six different college campuses.
07:18They came and told their story of what it's like to be a Jewish student on an American college campus.
07:23And I think this body needs to be able to hear their story
07:26because not everyone was able to be in that hearing today.
07:29So let me just share the stories.
07:31Because for some people, they just set it aside and say there are a few places
07:35and there are some minor things that are happening, but it's no big deal.
07:38So let me share what Jewish students on six different college campuses
07:43are saying to us in the United States Senate today.
07:47Here's a student that is from Columbia University.
07:51I'll leave the names out to be able to protect them.
07:54She gave us testimony today saying this.
07:57In the fall semester, I endured harassment in the middle of the night,
08:00repeated vandalism of my property and resident-assisted bulletin boards,
08:04resulting in eventual removal due to their constant damage.
08:08I also experienced both traditional and cyber bullying.
08:11Within the first week after the October 7th attacks,
08:14people began to glare at me or ignore me entirely,
08:17turning away from me even if I greeted them by name.
08:20By the end of school year, friends of mine who are now, as she said, former friends,
08:24didn't even want to be seen with me.
08:27But while my experience was harsh, others endured much graver conditions.
08:31I have friends that were spat on, physically attacked.
08:34I know people who did not leave their dorm room for days
08:38because they were too afraid of what might happen to them.
08:41This, of course, not even to mention the encampment
08:44nor the demonstrations at individual Columbia School graduations
08:48that, while I hate to admit it, really did spoil the entire ceremony.
08:54And throughout it all, these students have waved Palestinian flag,
08:57but it's never been about Palestine.
09:00It's not even truly concerned about the war in the Gaza Strip.
09:03It's always been a protest against the existence of a Jewish state.
09:07At Columbia, people chant that Zionists are not welcome,
09:11calling on death to the Jewish state,
09:14one student leader saying that Zionists don't deserve to live.
09:19Another student from Rutgers University
09:22said we've tracked and endured and experienced more than 200 incidents
09:25of bias and anti-Semitism since October the 7th.
09:28This represents the supermajority of all bias incidents on campus,
09:32and it's created an environment where Jewish students feel unsafe,
09:35especially since the attack on October the 7th,
09:38which almost 300 days passing without a sense of security on campus
09:42or in their classrooms at Rutgers.
09:45Throughout the last week of the semester and during finals in the spring,
09:49there was an encampment in solidarity with Hamas,
09:52a U.S.-recognized terror organization on the mall
09:55in the heart of the campus avenue that disrupted classes,
09:59student learning, and threatened the safety of Jewish students on campus.
10:03That's at a second campus.
10:06Third campus, George Washington University.
10:09A student there said to us, on the night of April 29th,
10:13encampment participants staged a riot,
10:16ripping down the fences that were put up by the university and around the yard.
10:19They stood on the pile of fences while chanting euphemisms for mass murder
10:23and desecrating a statue of George Washington.
10:26Signs in the encampment bore the words,
10:29Final Solution in swastikas.
10:32Another read, Israelis go back to Europe, your real homes.
10:36Protesters claimed to be fighting for peace,
10:39yet they preached the opposite, chanting,
10:42We don't want no two states.
10:45Globalize the Intifada, and Hamas are freedom fighters.
10:48One student said, when we say we don't want Zionists here,
10:52we really mean it.
10:55At Ohio State University,
10:58on my campus, Jewish sorority girls were spat on
11:01while selling bracelets with the words,
11:04I stand with Israel.
11:07Two assailants vandalized our Hillel building,
11:10while screaming anti-Israel and anti-Semitic obscenities.
11:13Two Jewish students were assaulted and spent the night in the hospital
11:16after being physically stopped in the street.
11:19A group of Jewish girls had pennies thrown at them.
11:22Early one morning, several men approached the Jewish
11:25Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity,
11:28screaming, I'm not going to say,
11:31and throwing bottles at the house.
11:34Students for Justice in Palestine entered our main library
11:37with anti-Semitic slogans for over an hour
11:40without facing any consequences.
11:43Interestingly enough,
11:46in my home state, we had a student
11:49that was there that had transferred from another university
11:52to the University of Oklahoma.
11:55He said he wanted to be able to find
11:58a legal education free of fear of having to bite my tongue
12:01or hide my identity and my thoughts all the time.
12:04He thought his best chance would be to attend a law school
12:07on a campus near the University of Oklahoma.
12:10He said he came there
12:13and he openly discussed his faith to see what the climate would be like.
12:16He said the spirit of Dr. Ada
12:19remained strong.
12:22I'd have to tell you that story another time.
12:25It's a great story on Dr. Ada.
12:28He said, I've been warmly received by everyone there
12:31and I wish I could have received at Indiana University.
12:34And then I have to tell you this story.
12:37A student from Oregon University,
12:40she came and said that flyers were handed out
12:43glorifying the Palestinian resistance
12:46and celebrating the Al-Alaqsa flood,
12:49that's the October 7th attack,
12:52as an act of decolonization.
12:55Signs called for the abolition of the State of Israel
12:59One graffiti on campus asked,
13:02how many children did you eat today?
13:05When we brought these concerns directly to the university president,
13:08we were blamed for not properly reporting these incidents.
13:11Even though it was entirely unclear
13:14where hate bias incidents of this nature were to be reported,
13:17it felt degrading.
13:20It felt like it was victim blaming.
13:23And she asked this question and made this statement.
13:26It was very kind.
13:29She said, I want to thank Senators Rosen and Lankford
13:32for introducing the bipartisan Countering Anti-Semitism Act,
13:35which takes tangible action to address some of the issues I've talked about today.
13:38She said this, I hope you will work together
13:41to get this legislation to the finish line
13:44to deliver for Jewish students who are nervously anticipating
13:47entering another challenging academic year this fall.
13:50What was she asking for?
13:53She made it very specific.
13:56She wants this body to act,
13:59to speak out for Jewish students
14:02that in a few weeks are going to be headed back to their campus,
14:05wondering if their campus will be the same as it was when they left it.
14:08Because when they left at graduation,
14:11there were pro-Hamas rallies at graduations
14:14and people shouting down Jewish students on campus,
14:17belittling them and attacking them.
14:20And they're wondering, if I go back to school at all this fall,
14:23what will I face?
14:26That's not an unrealistic question.
14:29So the students that spoke to us asked for some very specific things.
14:32One is, administrators on university campuses
14:35should actually enforce the code of conduct
14:38on their university campus.
14:41What a radical idea.
14:44If you have a code of conduct, actually enforce it.
14:47Don't enforce it on some groups and not on others.
14:50Some of these students said
14:53on their campus the protesters
14:56that were shutting down the library and shutting down graduation
14:59got meetings with the administration
15:02to negotiate what to do and Jewish students did not.
15:05If you have a code of conduct
15:08on a university campus and all of them do,
15:11don't allow hateful speech and actions
15:14to occur on your campus to shut down the education.
15:17Don't tell, as some of these students faced
15:20from administration,
15:23I'd encourage you not to go to the library today
15:26when their tuition helped pay for that library
15:29the same as everyone else.
15:32But to say to one group of protesters,
15:35they've taken it over, they really have the occupation,
15:38I wouldn't go there, it's not safe for you.
15:41Why don't you make your campus safe for everyone?
15:44That's one request they had.
15:47The second request they had was
15:50Congress pass the IRA
15:53definition of anti-Semitism.
15:56The House has already passed it.
15:59The State Department right now
16:02uses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance,
16:05the IRA definition for anti-Semitism,
16:08for more than three decades.
16:11It's not controversial for our State Department,
16:14but we've never required the Department of Education
16:17to also have that same definition.
16:20Because what's happening on university campuses right now
16:23is all these statements are being made,
16:26as some of the students said today,
16:29that sound a lot like what Nazi brown shirts said
16:32in Germany years ago to Jewish students
16:35but university officials are saying
16:38we don't have a good definition of anti-Semitism
16:41so we can't really say that's anti-Semitic hatreds.
16:44We all know it is.
16:47This body
16:50should take the same definition
16:53that our State Department has used for decades
16:56and require the Department of Education
16:59to also use that same definition of anti-Semitism.
17:02That shouldn't be a radical jump for us.
17:05The House has passed it. We should pass that.
17:08That was the second request they had.
17:11And a third request they had was to pass the act
17:14that Senator Rosen and I have already passed
17:17through committee to bring it to this body.
17:20It's non-controversial.
17:23But this body in the Senate has not taken it up.
17:26I would ask the Majority Leader
17:29to bring up that legislation dealing with anti-Semitism
17:32before students return to campus this fall
17:35to give a clear message to those students
17:38that the United States stands
17:41for everyone having the opportunity
17:44to be able to speak out their point of view,
17:47live their faith, and live without fear,
17:50especially in an educational environment.
17:53If students want to be pro-Hamas on a university campus,
17:56I think it's foolish.
17:59I think it's a terrible thing to do,
18:02but you have the right to do it.
18:05But you do not have the right to be able to silence,
18:08intimidate Jewish students on campus at the same time.
18:11You do not have the same right to do that.
18:14They have the right to live their faith in safety
18:17and to be able to go to the school of their choice.
18:20It's the United States of America.
18:23Right now we have pro-Hamas demonstrators
18:26trying to frighten Jewish students away from campuses of their choice.
18:29That needs to stop.
18:32This body needs to take up the act
18:35that Senator Rosen and I have brought
18:38that should not be a controversial issue
18:41and to speak out on behalf of all those students
18:44that are just looking for someone to stand with them.
18:47So why don't we do that?
18:50With that, I yield the floor.
