• last year
Step into a world where classic fairy tales meet modern-day detective work with "The Fairy Tale Detectives." Follow the thrilling adventures of siblings Sabrina and Daphne Grimm as they uncover the hidden truths behind the enchanted stories we all know and love. After their parents mysteriously disappear, the sisters are sent to live with their grandmother, who reveals their extraordinary family legacy: they are descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm, whose tales were not just stories, but real-life accounts.

Living in the magical town of Ferryport Landing, the Grimm sisters must navigate a world filled with familiar characters like Prince Charming, Snow White, and the Big Bad Wolf, who are all very much alive. With their detective skills and bravery, Sabrina and Daphne take on the responsibility of solving mysteries that threaten the delicate balance between the magical and human worlds. Each episode is packed with excitement, mystery, and a touch of magic, making "The Fairy Tale Detectives" a captivating series for kids and families alike. Join Sabrina and Daphne on Dailymotion as they embark on their quest to protect fairy tale characters and uncover the truth behind their legendary stories.

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