• last year
Does suffering of animals by killing them to eat meat bind negative karma? What can we do to help those eating animal meat by killing them and for the animals being killed?
00:00What can be said about all the animal suffering?
00:05What can you say about all suffering the animals have been going through because men eat them?
00:13When men feed them with meat that comes from such suffering, are they creating negative
00:20karma for her, for its next life?
00:25Are the human being aware of the suffering that that animal went through before it came
00:33in his meat?
00:38Animals they are getting suffering and people they are eating animal or meat.
00:44Now what we have to do we will decide.
00:47We should not eat meat, we should not hurt any living creature.
00:54So from our side we will keep awareness that much but people they will do whatever they
01:01are doing and it is correct they will when they eat meat they will charge negative karma,
01:07they have to suffer that negative karma in next life and animal who are suffering is
01:14also having some connection with these people.
01:18He has made some mistakes so he has to come and he has to kill, so people will kill that
01:25animal they will eat that animal but they are having connection with each other.
01:31But we should for ourselves we should not eat meat, we should not be harmful to any
01:38animal and one more thing we can pray for them to pray for animal as well as people
01:46who are eating meat, pray for that they should come out from this wrong understanding and
01:51they should not hurt any living creature, they should not take meat, they should come
01:56out from this eating meat, like that we can pray for them.
