Solo Leveling: Arise All Cutscenes (Including all Enemy) | Part 1 ✔

  • 3 months ago
Solo Leveling: Arise All Cutscenes of Chapter 1, 2 & Side Chapter 1, 2 including all enemy types. Enjoy :D

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#sololevelingarise #sololeveling #sungjinwoo
00:00I still can't believe this happened to me the portals that connect our world to
00:20the other dimension are called gates beyond these gates are dungeons where evil creatures
00:29lurk the awakened beings who hunt down these creatures are called hunters
00:37hey song thanks for coming of course looking forward to it as always sup song hey how are
00:56you who's that everyone's so happy to see him well his nickname is the weakest hunter of all
01:08mankind he's probably the weakest of us all I'm sunk you know E rank I'm embarrassed to
01:16call myself a hunter people call me the weakest hunter of all mankind all right then let's head
01:26in let's move you're coming to you now I'm gonna give it my all
01:34a lizard man did they miss what I need to get rid of him to get past
01:56I don't think I've ever seen before let's go in
02:16the torches little nice I've never seen anything like this
03:29mr. song take to eat and leave this place
03:32I'm sorry
04:29holidream so you've regained consciousness who are you I apologize if we startled you
04:43the Hunters Association surveillance team why do they want to talk to me I've been asleep for
04:52three whole days is everyone else all right they're both safe but mr. Song Chiu lost an arm
05:04as from his lead you he she seems to have been heavily traumatized so she is currently receiving
05:09therapy hunters are aware that their job entails danger but disasters like this rarely happen
05:17after receiving a report from the survivors we went to the scene but by the time we got
05:23there the monsters were already gone you were lying inside dungeon you were alone the statue
05:30of God and the other stone statues were nowhere to be found that's impossible that's why we think
05:39you may have undergone a second awakening this is a manometer all you have to do is place your
05:45hand on top of this essence stone here how are the results I think we've taken up too much of
05:56your time I'm sorry but uh getting me excited for no reason do you know how worried I was I
06:07told you to be careful if you get her one more time I'm gonna make you quit the hunter business
06:13got it hey Tina can you see this uh what are you talking about here comes a notification bar
06:23never mind when you have an unread message in a game what do you have to do to view the message
06:30I have no idea why you want to know but you have to open the message box first you have to open the
06:37message congratulations you have now become anyway I'll be off get some rest you know
06:48what is all this how am I supposed to do any of this in a hospital bed yeah I'll think about
07:01what this means after I get some sleep I'm in the desert
07:31some kind of joke
07:52penalty class is this a joke it's been four days since I regained consciousness there are a couple
08:04of things I've realized firstly the screen I see in front of me is not an illusion I can see it
08:12crystal clear but nobody else can this strange phenomenon has taken control of me come to think
08:18of it I wonder if I'm going to get something useful this time I get a random loot box every
08:24time I complete a quest this instance dungeon entry key is from one of those boxes it's time
08:30to figure out what this is if all this is a sign of reawakening it's worth a try the weakest hunter
08:38of all mankind reawakened people would mock me if I told them I'm great at running away so if things
08:45get dangerous I'll just get out of here no way is it is it sealed am I in a different dimension
09:06this is not a regular dungeon
09:16I have to clear it in order to get out
09:21looks like I get five stat points every time I level up I actually have a chance to become
09:34stronger what should I do next I can't leave this dungeon till I've defeated the boss if
09:44this is an e-rank dungeon shouldn't I be able to kill the boss I could die before I make it that
09:49far no there's nothing to fear I mean I've already died once that is true a wolf assassin
10:11I like it getting should I go back no I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to boost my
10:20powers like this again what will happen to this dungeon if I use the teleportation stone
10:26will it disappear so I guess to keep going would be to let some unknown being keep controlling me
10:33maybe it's the one down there I can already feel it lurking down there is a monster and I can tell
10:41it's a tough one I've gotten stronger but it might not be enough to win do I go forward or retreat
11:11I must have gone a little stronger huh master ah you must have noticed as well if only you had
11:34your other arm no that doesn't bother me at all it's just hard for me because the choice I made
11:41back then has been engraved into my heart if only I hadn't been greedy and reported it to the
11:47hunters Association at the time if I'd done that the result of indifferent but it's a thing of the
11:54past do you mind if I ask what exactly happened it won't be a pleasant story to hear but if you
12:02don't mind double dungeon so things like this really do exist hmm everyone listen up for a
12:11second the gate doesn't close unless we defeat the dungeons boss seeing as how the gates still
12:17up it looks like there must be a boss inside of that dungeon usually we have to report this to
12:23the Association first and wait for them to make a decision but other hunters might get their hands
12:30on the boss before us which means that our profits will drastically decrease so I say we
12:36go ahead and deal with the boss ourselves it could be dangerous so how about we all vote on it but
12:42once the decision has been made you won't be allowed to say otherwise I'm in I'll go in as
12:51well I'm sorry I don't want to go hmm we have eight votes to go and eight votes to stay how
13:02about you so I'm going to all right let's move deeper into the dungeon oh the torches lit up
13:13nice I've never seen anything like this dungeon now come on let's all split up and look around
13:19seems like nobody's been here for quite a long time what are these statues each one is holding
13:27something different I'd look some are holding instruments ah that one's super huge this is
13:36the only massive one I don't see any magic beasts right
13:41the divination circle so there's something written over here I think you should take a
13:53look at this hmm is this a runic inscription let's see commandments of the carton on temple
14:02one thou shalt worship God to thou shalt praise God three thou shalt prove thy faith
14:09those who fail to obey these commandments shall not be spared what's happening help me
14:22damn it the hell is going on everyone down
14:37I got out of the way by the skin of my teeth if song hadn't shouted out all of us could have died
14:42one casualty if song hadn't shouted out all of us could have died the song said I think it's best
14:51to stay put for now the problem is my arm but this is a small price to pay for my life only
14:59the people who moved were attacked those who listened to you and ducked survived I I just
15:05sense danger huh mr. song your arm it's bearable just help me stop the bleeding just staying like
15:15this won't resolve the issue I need to figure this out fast this overwhelming difference in
15:21power makes me less willing to fight I'd rather have a monster of similar level come out of mr.
15:27song this dungeon has rules if what I'm thinking is true everyone bow to the statue of God have
15:34you lost your mind song you knew what do you mean bow you figured something out haven't you that's
15:41what thou shall worship God means so if we bow like this I think it's attractive stop look it's
15:50stop attacking yeah you have no trigger the next to my back
15:57that's what
16:07play your song
16:11all right
16:17why won't it
16:20stay there you'll be safe if you stay there
16:30that's the wrong way
16:33an instrument
16:40are you okay yeah more or less oh my god
17:11hang in there just a little longer I'll heal you looks real bad well at least he's still alive
17:32that is true we started this raid with 17 members but there's only six of us left I'm fine that's
17:40good enough yeah stop anymore and you'll run out of mana there's less than half of us left
17:47and of those that are left two people have sustained serious injuries I'm sorry that you
17:53lost your arm but song you must prepare to take responsibility for all of this you're right wait
18:01what is that an altar the third and last commandment is thou shall prove thy faith I
18:15may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but even I get the gist song you're saying we have to make
18:20a sacrificial offering huh who was it that dragged all of us here it was you sunk you he's right I
18:28have to take responsibility I want to walk through the sun was actually ready to sacrifice
18:41himself taking all the blame this is more like what he was thinking during that moment
18:59he was thinking back in his mind the doors open is it really over now song what's happening you
19:08need to explain to us what's going on wait the statues are moving no I need to get out through
19:17that door now the blue flames act like a timer we just need to hold out until the blue flames go
19:23out so are you sure about this that I have a family I don't I don't want to die yet you can't
19:38leave Kim if you leave too there's three people left yeah I should take responsibility until the
19:47end you guys should leave you guys have quite a few more years to live than I do so you should
19:53be the ones to get out Dewey give song a hand okay uh-huh my legs are you low on mana
20:05sorry mr. song I have a favor to ask
20:24mr. song take to eat and beat this place
20:27I'm sorry
20:39so I managed to escape with you he but I don't know what happened to song after that
20:47back then if if I didn't listen to song and remain there until the end these thoughts won't
20:56go away but you chose the best option it would have been resolved if I had just reported it
21:05to the Hunters Association in the first place I can't avoid that responsibility and do you regret
21:11your decision to leave him behind no I don't regret it the song sake I don't think it's right
21:19to regret my decision the life that song saved I need to be of some help to this world that's
21:29why I'm training with an s-rank like you yeah I'm going to have to work hard too so that I can
21:37accept your will and contribute to this world a little bit more
21:53this is kind of like the lobby I guess hello I'm Imha Jin the new hire we're rolling out a brand
22:02new app for hunter registration have you heard about it it's news to me what is it
22:08by using this program you can easily recruit strike squad members and gear your squad's
22:15equipment you're curious right want to take a look I installed it on your cell phone as well
22:28now you can access it anytime if you find a bug or have suggestions on how it can be improved
22:36drop me a line okay in the hunter community we use official nicknames for anonymity once
22:44you decide on a nickname I'll register it for you
22:47please evacuate quickly their attacks aren't coordinated
23:17it's been a week since the incident looks like she hasn't recovered yet I can understand why
23:37no I must overcome this can I be of any help it might be more dangerous than it sounds but
23:45it's a step down from the boss I fought earlier maybe with my power alone
23:56I won't lose this time
24:45Okay, not long after Sangjin entered the Hapjeong Station Instant Dungeon.
24:52That's what I say.
24:53There's an emergency situation.
24:54We need you on site immediately.
24:56Oh, sure.
24:57It's only been a week since I escaped the Double Dungeon.
24:58The scene keeps replaying in the back of my head.
24:59I can't even sleep.
25:00And now a dungeon break?
25:01Can I do this?
25:03Okay, I understand.
25:06I can do it.
25:11No, I have to do it.
25:30Please evacuate, quickly!
25:34Hey, give me some healing, quick!
25:45Are these all the hunters they could get?
25:47This is a problem.
25:50If this continues, everyone really will die!
26:01What are you doing, Juhi?
26:03Give me some healing, quick!
26:05Don't just stand around like that!
26:08Right, right!
26:11What's wrong with her?
26:12Why is she shaking so much?
26:15Can't you see that everyone is dying?
26:18Pull yourself together!
26:21Was I too harsh?
26:23If I don't snap her out of it, that healer might die.
