• 3 months ago
This is how things are made! From the process of making ice creams in a factory to pencils from start to finish. Try not to be amazed by these ingenious manufacturing processes.
00:00This is how things are made from suitcases to ice creams and everything in between prepare to be amazed
00:07Watching ice cream bars being made is almost as fun as eating them in one smooth motion
00:11The ice cream is sliced to size while a paddle stick is seamlessly inserted onto the production line
00:16These identical ice creams are then dipped into liquid chocolate to coat them in a delicious cracking shell. Finally, they're packaged and sent your way
00:25No, this isn't a wizard's luggage factory, but the process of wrapping these suitcases does look kind of magical
00:31In reality, it's being pushed from beneath and vacuum sealed to create the textured wrap
00:35Building a house used to take months
00:37Now, thanks to 3D printing, one can be built from the ground up in just 24 hours
00:42Using a downloaded design and a crane system that extrudes concrete, a full house appears in no time
00:48No, this isn't the factory where 2000's Justin Timberlake's hair is made
00:52This is a ramen cup noodle production plant, the place where the staple diet of every college student comes to fruition
00:58The whole process from baking the noodles in set portions to adding the many different condiments, it's all done in this one factory
01:08This is the mesmerizing production line of your favorite ice cream sandwich
01:12Every block of ice cream is precisely cut and dropped on a cookie before being sandwiched by another
01:17It's so simple yet so satisfying
01:23Everyone's used a pencil before, but have you ever thought about how they're made?
01:26For such a simple tool, the pencil production line is nothing short of amazing
01:30The whole process is 100% automated to the point where they even sharpen themselves
01:40You know those tiny decorative ribbons you put on top of birthday presents?
01:43Well, they're also made in a factory
01:45You can watch the whole ribbon form right in front of your very eyes
01:50At this donut factory, almost everything is done by hand
01:53From mixing and kneading the dough to cutting out portions and deep frying the result
01:57From there, it's either a trip to be glazed or dipped in one of many different toppings on offer
02:02I hope the police officers are hungry
02:05Toilet paper rolls always start out much longer before having to be cut to size
02:09For most people, it's safety first
02:11Making sure their hands are clear of the saw blade
02:13Then there's this lady, who obviously wants to knock off early on Friday
02:18Domino's Pizza, look out!
02:19There's a new robo-pizza maker on the scene and he's cooking up some pretty delicious pizza
02:24Not only does it toll the dough, it applies and spreads the tomato base before adding cheese
02:29While there are still a few human helpers adding additional toppings
02:32The rest of the ride into the oven is completely automated
02:38All Lego characters start off as a series of blank yellow heads
02:42But every head needs a face, torso, arms and legs before they can be shipped out
02:47The whole process creates tens of thousands of Lego men and women every day
03:01Creating the inner soles of your favorite flip-flop may be a manual process
03:05But using a template cutter and a hydraulic press can make thousands of foam soles every day
03:11Don't be fooled by what looks like slow blades spinning on this slicer
03:15It's actually spinning so fast that the camera can't even keep up
03:18Check out the hundreds of wafer-thin slices of fruit flying off at breakneck speed
03:24In this factory, hundreds of perfect portions of puff pastry dough are produced every minute
03:29They even use lasers to track the dough along the conveyor belt
03:35If you'd asked me to describe how fine china bowls are painted, I would have never imagined this thing
03:39It doesn't look like it should work, but it definitely does
03:48Even shoelaces go through a complex process that involves 20 individual spools of cotton being braided through a small hole
03:55Then it's up to you to tie your shoelaces properly
03:58Rather than braiding hundreds of feet of cheese by hand, this oddly satisfying machine does it all for you
04:04Three tubes constantly tumble over each other to create the perfect pattern
04:09Applying powder coat to metals is a job that looks like a lot of fun
04:13A quick dip, roll, and shake in the powder and you've got a brand new green coat of paint
04:17No paintbrush or paint required
04:20This harvesting machine takes all the back-breaking work out of collecting and sorting your crops
04:25Spinning blades slice everything from the roots up before shredding and splitting the fresh mulch into a waiting truck
04:31People used to spend hours hand-wrapping parcels of meat into pasta pouches for your favorite ravioli
04:37These days an automated production process pumps out perfect pieces every time
04:43While old school bakeries still exist, these massive production lines can churn out thousands of bread rolls every hour
04:49From mixing and rolling the dough, to shaping and scoring them before baking
04:53Everything from start to finish is automated, even putting them in a crate for delivery
05:07I hate to ruin the magic, but that beautiful wood grain you think you have on your decorative beam?
05:11It's nothing but impressive paint trickery
05:14Creating long sheets of chicken wire fencing involves a massively complex system of spinning wire spools
05:20A large roller and constant twisting to get the perfect chain link fence
05:24This pasta factory setup makes it easy to cut long strands quickly and all at the same length
05:29All you need is a pair of scissors and a good sense of timing
05:32But be careful, if you're not quick enough or you stop paying attention, there could be a spaghetti jam
05:37This super intelligent fish grading system sorts all incoming fish by weight
05:41Once a certain weight is reached, an arm swings open and collects the right fish into a basket
05:45There's a whole lot of different ways to make your own noodles
05:48From this guy who's perfected the technique of slicing thick noodles onto a pole
05:52To this guy who only needs his hands to whip up the perfect ramen
05:55Or if you're really lazy, just get the dough stripper 2000 to do it for you
05:59As hypnotic as this looks to cut multiple blocks of wood simultaneously
06:03There's way too many bare fingers near a giant spinning blade for my liking
06:09Despite how advanced our manufacturing has become, the majority of shoes are still mostly made by hand
06:15It's a meticulous process of sewing, painting and stitching on parts of this soon-to-be shoe
06:22Stonewashing your jeans is so last decade
06:25These days, high-powered lasers can create realistic stenciled designs in just seconds
06:30This hay bale wrapper can lift, spin and shrink wrap large bales way quicker than any farmer ever could
06:36I just wouldn't want to see it accidentally picking up a cow
06:41This factory takes hydro dipping to a whole new level
06:44Bringing in precision robots to dip a pair of water bottles for a perfect paint job
06:48Making bao buns by hand is all fun and games if you're only cooking for two
06:52This machine takes the hard work out of the prep
06:54Able to both mix the dough and cut perfect portions as they travel down the conveyor belt
07:01Who knew the easiest way to move a massive ship to the water was by using these things?
07:05I better hope everything's lined up because once it starts rolling, there's not a whole lot people can do to stop it
07:12Can you guess what's being made here?
07:17Did you figure it out?
07:18Eventually, what you're looking at will be a sheet of see-through glass
07:24Who needs a factory when this pastry chef can cut 300 croissants in under a minute
07:28Four layers of stacked dough and this guy cutting at full speed is a sight to behold
07:35This truck does the job of two when it comes to road repair
07:38One section drops the hot molten tar while the rear lays down fresh gravel to make a brand new asphalt street in just minutes
07:45This aloe vera processing plant turns the beloved succulent into a soothing skin cream
07:50After sorting and slicing off the leaves, the jelly from inside is filleted and collected by some quick workers with knives
07:57You might be surprised to learn that every plastic bottle starts off as a much smaller piece of hardened plastic
08:02before being stretched out and shaped into the design we all know and love
08:06These bottles are then cleaned and filled with water before lids are attached and labels stuck on
08:13This sorting process may look random, but it's a very highly tuned dance of conveyor belts
08:18that know exactly where to deliver the different packages to their respective boxes
08:23Twinkies are a national treasure, just ask Woody Harrelson
08:29The iconic treat starts as batter squirted into bake trays before vanilla cream is injected into the mix
08:34After spacing and separation along a series of conveyor belts, the Twinkies wrapped, packed and boxed for delivery