• last year
Enter the enchanting virtual world of Wonderland, a captivating science fiction film on Netflix. Directed by the acclaimed Kim Tae Yong, this movie stars Park Bo Gum and Bae Suzy, whose mesmerizing chemistry lights up the screen. Wonderland masterfully blends romance and mystery, offering an unforgettable viewing experience. Dive into the magic and uncover the secrets of this extraordinary film. Stream Wonderland now on Netflix!
Wonderland Cast:

Park Bo Gum, Bae Suzy, Tang Wei, Choi Woo Sik and Jung Yu Mi

Stream Wonderland now on Netflix!


00:00Hello, Netflix.
00:30It's a movie that has a lot of warmth, affection, and affection that can't be helped from the movie world.
00:42The reason I have to watch Wonderland is that there are so many great actors, so I have to watch it.
00:49It's been a while since director Kim Tae-yong's work, so I have to watch it again.
00:54And I have to watch Bo-gum's acting as a lover, so I have to watch it.
01:01And the stories of people applying for Wonderland are very different.
01:09You'll be able to relate to those things, so you have to watch it.
01:18I remember the scene where Jung-in goes to meet Tae-joo in Wonderland.
01:22I think that scene will be a story that everyone who uses Wonderland can relate to.
01:29It contains all the emotions, so I hope many people will like it and relate to it.
01:38We're preparing for the last scene.
01:41When Gong-yoo and I meet, I'll talk to him in Chinese.
01:45Gong-yoo doesn't speak Chinese, of course.
01:48Then we started looking for the simplest words.
01:51And it's easy to make people think he understands Chinese.
01:56We looked for a few words, and I think he speaks really well.
01:59The effect is particularly interesting.
02:01Can you speak Chinese?
02:05He sounds like a person who can speak Chinese.
02:11I want to meet Bang Joon-suk, the music director of the movie Wonderland.
02:16I'd like to introduce you to our movie.
02:22There was a grandmother in our Wonderland service.
02:28She works really hard for her grandson.
02:35There's a customer who's trying to do something better for the virtual character inside.
02:45I think she's the one I can relate to the most.
02:50If I were to do this service, I'd like to do it better.
02:55Our movie Wonderland is back on Netflix.
02:59I hope you watch the movie Wonderland, which contains warm emotions, and recharge your love and happiness.
03:04I hope you like our movie.
03:06See you on Netflix!
